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单词 Dock
1 A car pulled up at the dock.
2 The liner is in dock for a refit.
3 We watched the ferry dock.
4 The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.
5 We took the children to the dock to see the ships.
6 A crowd was waiting at the dock to greet them.
7 Tanned workmen were sitting around the dock.
8 Passengers were standing on the dock,[] waiting to board.
9 The corrupt official stood in the dock.
10 It used to be fashionable to dock horses' tails.
11 The dockers disburdened the merchandise at the dock.
12 The company has threatened to dock the officers' pay.
13 He threatens to dock her fee.
14 The former dock area is ripe for development.
15 The ship was in dock .
16 They easied on approaching the dock.
17 The ship is in dock for repairs.
18 Three defendants stood in the dock.
19 The ship disgorged its passengers at the dock.
20 The defendant stood in the dock.
21 Users can dock a laptop to their desktop setup.
22 We'll lead with the dock strike.
23 The two modules will dock in outer space.
24 The ship is in dry dock.
25 He's been in the dock several times already.
26 The new dock was 230 m long and 92 m broad.
27 The judge looked over to the prisoner in the dock.
28 After a night of drunken revelry they ended up in the dock.
29 This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.
30 The political crisis is being used as an excuse to dock people's pay.
1 A car pulled up at the dock.
2 We watched the ferry dock.
3 The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.
4 We took the children to the dock to see the ships.
5 A crowd was waiting at the dock to greet them.
6 The corrupt official stood in the dock.
7 The ship was in dock .
8 We'll lead with the dock strike.
9 After a night of drunken revelry they ended up in the dock.
10 The crew was on the beach while the ship was in dry dock.
11 They spent all their time sitting around the dock and shooting the breeze.
31 The ship will be in dock for eight months to be fitted out for its new duties.
32 Hundreds of people turned up to see the ship dock at Southampton.
33 What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?
34 The defendant seemed nervous as he left the dock and stepped up to the witness box.
35 She was in the dock on charges of attempted fraud.
36 The crew was on the beach while the ship was in dry dock.
37 The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock.
38 The ship sailed into the dock to refit/to be refitted.
39 The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.
40 They dropped the sails and threw a line to a man on the dock.
41 The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him.
42 The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.
43 Rubbing dock leaves on nettle stings helps to relieve the pain.
44 We stood on the dock and watched the ocean churn.
45 These chemicals remain in the dock until we have more scientific evidence.
46 They spent all their time sitting around the dock and shooting the breeze.
47 The ship was moored to the dock fore and aft.
48 Hence the curse on the magistrate from the dock.
49 Many ships dock at Kure Naval Base for repairs.
50 The ship is now in dock for repairs.
51 He said that the dry dock was the bellwether.
52 The town already has one cruise ship dock.
53 Later on[/dock.html], he sat trembling on the dock.
54 The ship is unloading at the dock right now.
55 The £10,000 scheme has lifted spirits at the school which is close to imported coal mountains at Gladstone Dock.
56 The launch reached the shore and tied up to a floating pontoon connected by a gangway to the dock.
57 He sat in the dock dressed in a white shirt, dark blue tie and grey cardigan.
58 Next to the levee where no steamboat will probably ever dock again, the Missouri still slides by.
59 The Hunter minesweeper is due to dock in Hartlepool on March 6 prior to a five-day programme of activities in Hurworth.
60 However, a dock leaf is useless against wasp stings, which contain an alkali.
61 Each took the oath and then gave almost identical evidence, one after the other condemning the prisoners in the dock.
62 It owes its second chance of life to an alert dock worker.
63 Toward evening, the weather turned and, as they approached the dock, the sky was gray and misty.
64 Eventually we came to an ancient tree-lined canal with a long-tailed water taxi parked at a dock.
65 Powergen got the go-ahead for the £40m Gladstone Dock facility earlier this year.
66 The Bidston Dock cranes have been a Birkenhead landmark for many years.
67 But more alarmingly, a planned fraud trial was scrapped because Burke was deemed mentally unfit to appear in the dock.
68 It was low tide at St Catherine's Dock, and the Thames was about to meet its match.
68 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
69 Streets which once throbbed with dock and factory workers and their families were now deserted.
70 Trent sprinted up the dock and spotted the President's granddaughter.
71 I was a member of the thousand-voice choir that sang at the opening of the Gladstone Dock in April, 1913.
72 After entering the basin she had to negotiate the lock, a narrow channel which connected the basin to the dock proper.
73 So many defendants have been squeezed into court that extra benches were needed to make one large dock.
74 Mr Risbridger said they planned to invest and upgrade dock facilities by developing riverside berths capable of handling 8,000 tonnes.
75 Rubbing a dock leaf on a nettle sting is said to get rid of the pain.
76 The project includes a railway line, a new town and a 12,000 tonnes per year coal dock at Prince Rupert.
77 They bustled to and fro across the dock and swarmed on and off the ships.
78 It is now ready to be moved to a dry dock.
79 Over 2,000 dock workers immediately walked out despite the judgment and despite the advice given by their leaders not to do so.
80 Builders' Merchants. General cargo continued to flow through the port but there was a gradual decline in dock activity.
81 On our walk back to the ferry dock that afternoon we make one last detour to the beach.
82 In my view the dock company is not entitled to any statutory immunities which may attach to the port authority.
83 Moving to the windows overlooking the dock, he watched his men work, a look of dismay on his face.
84 The charge proved to be a hoax, but growers lost a fortune as their produce rotted on the dock.
85 About a dozen mallard ducks were sleeping on the sand or quacking in a subdued manner under the dock.
86 The firm told the dock company to deal with the timber according to the instructions of a clerk of the firm.
87 Trent spied the President and his granddaughter on the end of the dock below the President's beach house.
88 Chaucer worked in the first Customs House, and Pepys saw the building of the first wet dock at Blackwall.
89 The company plans to dock the officers' pay and is threatening disciplinary action.
90 Although occasionally an older vessel may substitute for one in dry dock, many venerable craft have been pensioned off.
91 Near the draw dock some longshoremen had heaped it up and set light to it, to clear the area.
92 He was wearing a flat cap, a suit and a choker, and there were dock gates in the background.
93 There were only a few weeks now before she went into dry dock.
94 Water came in overland through large below-surface loading dock doors on the northwest corner of the building.
95 I am satisfied that this reference did not emanate from anyone representing the ports authority or the dock company.
96 The dock company went into occupation on 1 January 1984 and thereafter commenced operations.
97 A revolutionary outburst from the dock may have contributed to his three-year sentence.
98 It decided to do this through the dock company, a wholly owned subsidiary which was incorporated on 24 March 1982.
98 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
99 Cyril sat on the dock and stared out over the water.
100 Paul Menzies left the dock and walked slowly over to the witness box.
101 The first forcibly draws the reader's attention to the changing costing scene that has placed traditional costing systems in the dock.
102 They passed into the fitful darkness of the dock cavern.
103 By 1875, 55 percent of all coal shipped to London was unloaded at the Victoria Dock.
104 Kolymba is believed to be a Minoan dock basin, and it may be that Minoan ships were built and repaired here.
105 Smith sat sobbing and shaking in the dock with a prison officer between her and her father as the case was heard.
106 Like they got rid of that dry dock down there.
107 There is also a marina yacht club and a licensed restaurant barge at South Dock.
108 Benny ran through the tunnels, making for the dock, but soon she passed a familiar doorway.
109 Wearing open-neck, light blue-striped shirts, the pair stood alongside each other in the dock.
110 Chris arranged for a lorry to load 12 tons of hickory wood billets in bundles at Gladstone Dock, starting at 8am.
111 She will dock in Cherbourg later on June 5 and veterans will be taken to commemorative services on June 6.
112 Robin Smith goes into the dock - and so does Kevan James, less so.
113 Hugh Fraser predictably had been most anxious to join his friend and colleague in the dock.
114 He stopped the seamen and dock workers joining the strike, but he did not take too hard a line.
115 A nearly full complement of 673 passengers cast off from the city dock this day, dark with continuous rain.
116 When dusk had come, Wade put his shovel aside and moved down the slope to the dock.
117 But when magistrates told her she'd be jailed for three months, she collapsed in the dock.
118 The dock company could not operate a commercial port at the dockyard without disturbing nearby residents.
119 It stands on the open quay, right on the Bremerhaven dock front.
120 Now we were hard put to find a grubby corner of the upper dock in which to berth Venturous.
121 The floorboards hadn't snapped, as I'd originally thought: they'd gone down into the dock with Harry.
122 The underground complex had been built in summer, the construction teams working in three shifts round the dock.
123 Al Tingley is one fisherman who puts up his boat for the winter and works the fuel dock in the cold months.
124 Steers's dock laid the foundation of Liverpool's prosperity as a seaport.
125 The team hired a massive floating platform which was craned in separate segments into the dock.
126 She used the oars to pull out into the deep water beyond the dock.
127 The dock of a criminal court was a long way from the line ups Guppy is used to.
128 At dock, the operation would be supported with a Westernthemed entertainment complex and a 300-room hotel.
128 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
129 I do not find the dock company has operated or operates the port other than as a normal commercial undertaking.
130 Gerry's ship had been in the Albert Dock and they had just finished papering the front bedroom.
131 There was a reason why they had foregone the privilege of having a singing canary in the dock.
132 His dock was strewn with beer cans, oil drums, fishing nets.
133 It was even possible to scent resin oozing from the hot wood of a dock, the air of warmth and freedom.
134 The complex also boasted a dock on the Hudson River.
135 The vehicle can then rendezvous and dock with the space station with little further expenditure of fuel.
136 The submersible rose higher in the dock, the overflowing sea rushing like a tide over their boots.
137 Opposition by burghers, who feared for the fishing, ensured that Plymouth Dock, later Devonport, was later chosen instead.
138 Crossly, he came out of the bushes and searched around for a dock leaf.
139 Security was tight as the two teenage boys, two men and two women stepped into the dock.
140 Steers was granted the freedom of the borough of Liverpool in 1713 and established a flourishing anchor smithy near the dock.
141 The three older defendants stood in the dock flanked by police officers.
142 Stultz headed back to their mooring, a few hundred yards east of the Trepassey town dock.
143 She looked tiny, sitting between two female staff from Rampton maximum security hospital in the middle of the large dock.
144 When they appeared in the dock they constituted the largest number of people ever to appear stark naked in a court room.
145 The dock company's estimate of heavy goods vehicle traffic has proved remarkably accurate.
146 We got a call to a pub - near the Dock Road.
147 It is Pop Judgement Day, with every group in history dragged into the dock to justify their past existence.
148 Cyril sat on the dock and took a long puff.
149 Harley would have them jump ship just as it's pulling into the dock.
150 In the dock at Craigavon Crown Court was Richard Ellis who denies the murder.
151 General cargo continued to flow through the port but there was a gradual decline in dock activity.
152 The dock, a ledge of snow, pushes out into the lake.
153 I waited out at the end of the seaplane dock and swung aboard his sailboat as it drifted into the dock.
154 That is enough to dock 6p off the basic rate of income tax and still keep the public-debt ratio stable.
155 He does not need to interrogate the old salts on the dock to find out why haddock is high-priced.
156 One pier intended for shuttles to dock at was studded with statues of dwarfs, another was embellished with runes.
157 There was a stack of timber being unloaded from the Dock and the wind threw that all over the place.
158 Dana secured the boat to the dock with a strong rope.
158 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
159 Gilfoyle sat in the dock dressed in a white shirt, dark blue tie, and grey cardigan.
160 Dock strikes were occurring and a general strike was clearly impending.
161 The Masai, Tepilit, is standing handcuffed between two policemen in the dock as the circuit judge enters.
162 The boat crossed the bay and let them off at the dock, directly below the hotel.
163 It was the man who engaged the attention of Blind Hugh, one of the beggars on early duty at Pearl Dock.
164 We embark, the ferryman hands us an oar, and the craft moves out from the dock.
165 She smelled the salt, and imagined the dock rocking gently to and fro.
166 Weeds are rampant everywhere, dandelions, nettles, dock leaves, rose-bay willow-herb, wild roses, brambles.
167 As he left the dock he waved to friends and relatives who were in the public gallery.
168 The cramped dock area began to expand eastwards across the newly exposed terrain.
169 Over in the dock the accused, a gangling boy of about nineteen, was smirking.
170 The orange conning tower sits abandoned on the dock amid odds and ends of superstructure.
171 I imagined I could feel my feet getting wet as the dock sank with shame into the bay.
172 The dock was built during 1841-5 with five-storey fireproof warehouses of granite, brick and cast iron on all sides.
173 A man once fell off the dock, with only one hand reaching above the surface.
174 The passenger boat is nearing the dock.
175 The passenger boat is nearmg the dock.
176 Sittin' on the dock of the bay in Longshore.
177 Ships are and unloaded at the dock.
178 Captain Kidd, as infamous as his bloodthirsty contemporary Blackbeard, was hanged for piracy and the murder of a crew member at "Execution Dock" on the Thames in 1701.
179 Are closed circuit television cameras ( CCTV ) used to monitor the shipping dock and container loading areas?
180 In the central city of Cebu, where Princess of Stars was meant to dock, dozens of relatives maintained a vigil at a small passenger terminal, waiting for news.
181 In addition to its function as an iPod speaker dock, the XS-SR3 can also be used as computer speaker system.
182 The first episode of filming began with me falling off a floating dock and smashing my right humerus.
183 It was adequate though and the Explorer could also boast massive cargo capacity, extensive research facilities and most importantly the ability to serve as a mobile dock for semi-independent ships.
184 Without the internet, it is by no means certain that Li Qiming , of "Li Gang is my father" infamy, would be in the dock for his alleged crime.
185 We'll have to pay dock dues on the cargo while it's waiting to be cleared.
186 The ship arrived at the dock more than a day late.
187 Application: Lighting of road, square, aer - port , dock, station and beach, park.
188 There should be only one dock manager for an application, there should be only one work bench for an application.
189 At the dock I'm shocked to see the pocket rocket made of a block of rock.
190 There's a guard on patrol at the dock in the evenings.
191 Combining with the example, the paper presents a means to obtain the force of suspension chain of mooring floating dock with the computer program.
192 Now we have a Dock! Let us build Transports, then set sail for Thessaly. We will know our destination by the goats grazing there.
193 A freighter turned turtle off the city's main dock and bullet-strewn buildings on the foreshore are reminders that this was recently a city at war.
194 Whizzing past the floating dock, the X-treme Daredevils and the Backyard Blasters almost knock the World Racers official off into the hungry crocodile in their race to get the trophy!
195 Any discrepancies, including re - taping of cartons,() will be remarked on the dock receipt.
196 Game 7 - Regicide Fortress (all civs are allowed and civs can be different). Making dock is NOT allowed .
197 And there were stairs nearby, leading down to a small floating dock, where Kari, or someone she'd hired, could easily take the body out to sea to dispose of it.
198 Hydraulic pile hammer is one of the pile driving machines that drive prefabricated piles into the ground in the construction of pile foundation such as construction, bridge, dock, etc.
199 A float autobus (speedboat) berthing at the dock , it takes only ten minutes sail from White Swan Hotel Guangzhou to the Baietan Bar Street by the float autobus.
200 Additionally, a logistically configured loading area with four dock high positions, two ground level doors and a secured and private yard.
201 Merchant shipping firms have generally avoided arming crew or security guards for reasons of safety, liability and conformity with the laws of the countries where they dock.
202 Prepacked aggregate concrete which is a new technique has been used in the bed plate of Zhongyuan 60000 dwt Dock.
203 When the ship was in dock, the dock gates shut to keep the water in.
204 At the dock I'm shocked to see the pocket rocket made of block of rock.
205 The dry dock gate is the key equipment of the large-size shipyard, which influences the total function of the entire shipyard if it is designed improperly.
206 Charleston is full of buildings with a checkered past, and one of the most well known is surely the Dock Street Theater.
207 The model and optimization algorithm in real time adjustment of floating dock′s floatation are studied.
208 Icon Dock and Newism both use a semi-transparent white line on the page element's top edge to give it a highlight.
209 First in the dock was Kaing Guek Eav, also known as Comrade Duch, a former mathematics teacher turned born-again Christian who is accused of overseeing S-21.
210 This you do with much the same air that you would walk into the 16)dock at 17)Bow Street, and then, feeling unutterably miserable, you stand solemnly staring at the child.
211 This paper presents the temporary and water sealing techniques and the result analysis for dock project.
212 Mullet, crabs, ray and other minnow are get together in the dock outside the Alabamian.
213 For example, Xolair, injected monthly, soaks up IgE like a sponge, ensuring that it cannot dock on mast-cell receptors and trigger an allergic reaction.
214 The present business covers transportation of chemical products (including hazardous goods), storage, dock, railway, freight anent , package processing, automobile maintenance and gas stations etc.
215 Computer is exploited paired with the dock- station vehicle mounting dock (VMD), which is supplied with the ports of input-output.
216 According to the rules of CCS, it is necessary to calculate the overall bending and torsion strength when the floating dock is in the course of towage.
217 It will connect the O2 arena in North Greenwich to the Excel exhibition centre at the Royal Victoria Dock.
218 Therefore, we appreciate your kind attention and cooperation to submit Dock Receipt before deadline so as to avoid unnecessary inconvenience or extra cost.
219 Last year the Forbes family motor yacht, The Highlander, was put into dry dock, its crew laid off.
220 Our taxi driver initially took us to a dock for such tours that was not much more than a car park and a ticket booth.
221 As a new type of drainage and irrigation of the dock, siphon has the advantages of simple structure, protection against sand and water and rapid set-off.
222 At the moment the dock charges in Australia are about $4,500, whereas a cargo of equal weight but less than a cubic metre would be less than $700.
223 They unload coal from trains, pile it on the dock and then it onto ships.
224 The first in the dock is Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, who ran the former regime's notorious S-21 torture prison and who is charged with crimes against humanity, torture and murder.
225 For the floating dock, it's necessary to consider if the overall longitudinal and torsion strength accord with the rules in the course of design and inspection.
226 Notes: The FOB Ningbo quotation includes the commodity inspection fee, dock fee, Book fee.
227 The speed with which products move from receiving dock to shipping dock.
228 A received bill of lading is usually unacceptable to the bank or the importer as the goods may be left on the dock or in the godown for weeks or even months before actual shipment takes place.
229 It could be while sitting quietly at the end of a dock on Schroon Lake in the Adirondacks. Or it could come in the middle of a particularly lively dinner with old friends.




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