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单词 Stereotype
1. He's my stereotype of a schoolteacher.
2. He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
3. He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.
4. He fitted perfectly the stereotype of the absent-minded professor.
5. He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.
6. It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city.
7. That this is a positive stereotype makes it no less a stereotype, and therefore unacceptable.
8. Joseph does not conform to the stereotype of a policeman.
9. Looked at more closely, the stereotype dissolves.
10. This reinforces the stereotype that blondes have no brains.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. And each, to varying degrees, is a stereotype.
12. Real skins are much less coherent than the stereotype.
13. Ideally it should not unfairly discriminate or stereotype.
14. Gone is the stereotype of a pothead hippie.
15. Advocates also said that the stereotype of the deadbeat dad as in jail or unemployed was a myth.
16. I have avoided attempting to stereotype you and the life you lead.
17. And it is the race factor, the stereotype that most poor people are black, that holds the entire image together.
18. The stereotype is of stories exclusively concerned with drugs and unwanted pregnancies.
19. Is it a harmful geographic stereotype to suggest that southerners are a little bit poky?
20. They rejected the sexual stereotype of blue for a boy and pink for a girl, and dressed their baby in other colors instead.
21. The stereotype of toughness also flourishes at the grass roots in party circles.
22. Teachers often stereotype kids who speak with strong regional accents.
23. The cultural stereotype of cattle stealing as an exciting, adventurous activity may also have contributed to its acceptance.
24. The stereotype that foreign women are submissive is completely false.
25. And the stereotype of him as a technocrat without feeling is just not true, Juppe has protested.
26. The non-computer-based local surveys established this stereotype as one that is widely endorsed.
27. Many men feel their body shape doesn't live up to the stereotype of the ideal man.
28. I am well aware that we all conform to one stereotype or another.
29. But because work is not a component of the feminine stereotype housework lacks any conceptualization in sociology as work.
30. Second, what are the cognitive and affective processes involved in stereotype change?
1. He's my stereotype of a schoolteacher.
2. Many men feel their body shape doesn't live up to the stereotype of the ideal man.
3. He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
4. He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.
31. The Elton Committee urged schools not to stereotype pupils from certain racial groups as troublemakers.
32. In welcoming him, the party thus welcomed him as a stereotype.
33. As one of the few females sitting in the audience that day, I confess that I lived up to the stereotype.
34. My daughter isn't some notional stereotype invented to scare elderly cardinals.
35. Such optimism about the human condition is very different from the dominant social stereotype of old age.
36. One stereotype that will never die is the dishonest and mean-spirited politician.
37. I don't need to conform to a prevailing stereotype in the search for distinguished and illustrious positions.
38. The movie reinforces the stereotype of Indians as heathens and savages.
39. There is a tendency to stereotype childless women as being hard and career-orientated.
40. Finally, then,[http:///stereotype.html] let us consider the stereotype of women as co-operative and men as competitive.
41. That stereotype speaks less for women's liberation than a society which treats children as a disruptive influence, a social nuisance.
42. At 41, Craig Benson would seem to be the stereotype of a Steve Forbes supporter, which he decidedly is not.
43. Forget the stereotype of the naive female student who answers an ad and ends up on the streets.
44. Out goes the stereotype of the egghead with staring eyes trying to see through bottle-end glasses.
45. In this era of lawyer-bashing, he hardly fits the stereotype of the senior partner in a big, big firm.
46. Charles quite plainly did not fit the stereotype of a successful, high powered businessman.
47. Is it a consciously ironic reversal of the negative stereotype of blacks?
48. There may be tendencies to stereotype a scholar and thus ignore his highly creative experience.
49. Although the group still stressed positivity, there was nothing here of the dopey, grinning hippie stereotype of a year before.
50. Contrary to the popular stereotype, they take care to dress smartly, according to current youth fashions.
51. Here the universe of the stereotype is starkly revealed in all its mechanical and mercantile glory.
52. It is a stereotype which, like all stereotypes, is rooted in a little truth.
53. There's a Pretty Young Thing stereotype?
54. There's always been a stereotype about successful businessmen.
55. That was the old stereotype and the old dogma.
56. Stereotype and individualization are two different arts of characterization.
57. He's the stereotype of an army officer.
58. He doesn't fit the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
59. These are the new stereotype and the new dogma.
60. Using the Implicit Association Test(IAT) and Stereotypic Explanatory Bias(SEB), the present study investigated college students' occupation-sex stereotype.
61. Many in the military, more bluntly, have a stereotype of gays as mincing, epicene "others" —a cartoon image which, the Pentagon survey shows, overwhelmingly evaporates on personal acquaintance.
62. If there is one stereotype Americans have of vacations, it is of finding a beach paradise to lounge around in all day long.
63. Another new development is eroding the age - old stereotype of the male warrior.
64. With her iridescent fuchsia toenails and caramel-tinted hair, Liang Yali does not exactly fit the stereotype of the "made in China" worker bee.
65. Happy to break with the stereotype of the demure wife, sharp-tongued Nobuko relishes the role of Kan's toughest critic and famously spars with him over everything from household chores to tax reform.
66. This stereotype has properties under it that enable you to set the access specifier for the inheritance drawn, as shown in Figure 6.
67. Therefore, if you need to apply Fault Contract multiple times on a UML method, apply the first one on the UML method and put the rest in the attribute section of the CSharp Method stereotype.
68. The instance of the major UI element representing "UI32 Seminar Selection Screen" is an anonymous object with the name ":SeminarSelector" and the stereotype .
69. On Sunday, that stereotype, our commitment to it and Rembrandt's daring revision will be the topic of an interfaith panel hosted by the Philadelphia museum.
70. That's the conclusion of two recent studies that confirm a long-standing stereotype of flirting: that women like joky men,[] while men like women who laugh at their jokes.
71. You immediately address the stereotype that guys have one-track, sex-crazed minds. Biologically speaking, is it true?
72. He was targeted by one particularly attractive 16-year-old, who in dress and demeanour fitted exactly the teenage seductress stereotype.
73. A group architecture students worked with elderly locals in Togo, Tainan County to break this stereotype.
74. To create a single dimensional array of the type a[m] (where m is an integer variable already defined and initialized), apply the cpp_type stereotype on the array variable a in the UML model.
75. When a stereotype property is set to default value, the transformation does not generate the corresponding named parameter for corresponding WCF attribute.
76. You may have a preconceived notion about Self-Help, but if you look closely I think you'll find it is an inaccurate stereotype.
77. The art of characterization went through a process from stereotype to individualization.
78. The two aspects show that The Collectanea has already ridden itself of the stereotype of ci collections of the Ming Dynasty, thus opening up the way for the rebirth of ci studies of early Qing.
79. But if you had to stereotype, girls more often use social power to have influence over their peers, and boys more often use physical intimidation to have power over their peers.
80. Finally, people like to stereotype. This is an inferential process based on limited data.
81. However, CELs show more unity and stereotype, whereas AESs more diversity and individuality in the choice of query preparatory patterns.
82. Sexual perversion is rather a stereotype of sexual psychological deviation than sexual psychological block, which is a distorted derivative of infantile sexuality, and is attributed to two causes.
83. TV critics said the program exploited the stereotype of the overbearing mamma.
84. What gives you the right to stereotype blondes that way?
85. Can I disclaim the stereotype of Americans as living without the resonance of history, inhabiting the present with a childlike complacency, an unwitting, unreflecting arrogance?
86. The authors introduces two main mechanisms accountable for the behavioral effect, i. e. , the stereotype threat theory and the ideomotor theory, analyzes and compares the two mechanisms.
87. While that evaluation isn't generally true, our story from 2 Kings supports the negative stereotype. A poor widow is at the mercy of a loan shark who takes advantage of her vulnerability.
88. You need to apply the stereotype only if you want to set the modifiers, such as new, override, extern, virtual, protected internal, and unsafe.
89. Some revelers wore straw sombreros and stick-on mustaches, poking fun at a national stereotype, while the government sought to promote a more serious side with an open-air philharmonic orchestra.
90. A stearic type stereotype is a simplified and generalised generalized idea about a group of people.
91. Indexer modifiers like new, virtual, extern etc. are available as stereotype properties.
92. East Asians tend to see whites are rather less intelligent than themselves, and emitters of strong, sour body odor. Asians stereotype blacks as unintelligent, oversexed, and given to crime.
93. Based on the system and the expansion of overseas training of staff education, the introduction of a positive stereotype Drying equipment and CAD systems, automatic typesetting of-the-art equipment.
94. Small wonder, then, that the shifty car salesman has became such a stereotype.
95. An object node with the stereotype "datastore" can be linked to a test action in order to specify that a data pool is required for this test action.
96. It's wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike.
97. For example, abstract, virtual, extern, override, and other modifiers are available in the stereotype properties.
98. But this small, self-assured spokesman for the Kogi soon subverts that stereotype.
99. Stereotype ( Stereo ) : A duplicate relief plate for letterpress printing.
100. The stereotype of a lonely, spoiled, bossy and maladjusted only child dates back to 1896, when an American psychologist named Granville Stanley Hall did a research paper on the subject.
101. Therefore, we should change the stereotype, emancipate Orient from the disadvantageous ideology of Orientalism.
102. Rational Rose has a collection of built-in stereotypes that are defined in stereotype configuration files (.ini files).
103. The utility model is a daily living appliance relating to a stereotype quick-drying clothes hanger. The utility model comprises a frame (1) with cavity (5) and an air supply system (4).
103. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
104. I don't think you can stereotype this issue as being Black - and - white.
105. For example, abstract, virtual, extern, and override are available in the stereotype properties.
106. The obedient Japanese woman is one example of an offensive cultural stereotype.
107. And it's great fun to see Dafoe so gleefully send up a deserving Hollywood stereotype.
108. They unfortunately become the target of the stereotype and discrimination.
109. You immediately address the stereotype that guys have one-track, sex-crazed minds.
110. Table 4 lists the properties of a service channel stereotype.
111. The service model element provides the end-point for service interaction (in web service terminology), whereas the definition of these interactions is a part of the service specification stereotype.




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