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单词 Organized
1, Science is organized knowledge.
2, The conference was very well organized.
3, Some enterprising girls organized a sponsored walk.
4, We banded ourselves together and organized a committee.
5, The introduction explains how the chapters are organized.
6, A deputation of 40 strikers was organized.
7, Be highly organized and effecient.
8, The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.
9, He organized the workers into a trade union.
10, They organized a meeting between the teachers and students.
11, The course was organized by a training company.
12, He organized the team with military precision.
13, The book is well organized in terms of plot.
14, They organized the festival jointly with the French cultural service.
15, The police probe into organized crime led to several arrests.
16, Local residents have organized a protest against the planned dump site.
17, The local council has organized a two-mile fun run for charity.
18, The Tokyo police department is clamping down on organized crime.
19, The department was badly organized until she took charge of it.
20, The quiz will be a team event organized by the local school.
21, Organized groups of citizens are more successful at changing the government's mind.
22, I don't like going on organized tours.
23, The event was organized jointly by students and staff.
24, Who organized the conspiracy against the president?
25, She objects to the ritual of organized religion.
26, He's involved in some sort of organized crime caper.
27, The college only admits visitors in organized groups.
28, Villagers have organized a lobby for improved local facilities.
29, Although it doesn't look like it,[http:///organized.html] the whole thing is highly organized.
30, They are revving up for one of the biggest fund-raising events ever organized.
1, The conference was very well organized.
2, Some enterprising girls organized a sponsored walk.
3, The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.
4, They organized a meeting between the teachers and students.
5, The course was organized by a training company.
6, He organized the team with military precision.
7, The book is well organized in terms of plot.
8, They organized the festival jointly with the French cultural service.
9, The police probe into organized crime led to several arrests.
10, Local residents have organized a protest against the planned dump site.
11, The local council has organized a two-mile fun run for charity.
12, Although it doesn't look like it, the whole thing is highly organized.
13, The Tokyo police department is clamping down on organized crime.
14, The quiz will be a team event organized by the local school.
15, Organized groups of citizens are more successful at changing the government's mind.
16, They are revving up for one of the biggest fund-raising events ever organized.
31, Filmmakers have often been accused of glamorizing organized crime.
32, You need to get organized.
33, She organized an annual fun day for local children.
34, Organized crime continued to flourish alongside the mainstream economy.
35, The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.
36, Organized crime is involved in drug trafficking.
37, The rally was organized by local trade union officials.
38, They organized an expedition to Everest.
39, The event was very badly organized.
40, I want to work with a well organized team.
41, Each department is hierarchically organized.
42, Isn't it time you started to get organized?
43, I was chasing around getting everything organized.
44, We are learning about how genes are organized.
45, They organized an evening's entertainment for favoured customers.
46, The festival was very well organized.
47, The book is organized alphabetically for easy reference.
48, The team were well-drilled and organized.
49, Organized networks of thieves are stealing cattle.
50, They organized a mass picket of the governor's palace.
51, She organized the class into four groups.
52, Often there is no formally organized system of childcare.
53, They organized a picket of the power station.
54, The conference was organized very well.
55, They organized a party in his honour.
56, The socialists organized a show of strength .
57, The troops dug in and organized their defences.
58, The country has a well organized labour movement.
59, How is the system organized?
60, They organized themselves into a society.
61, The murders may have been linked to organized crime.
62, It falls to the police to ensure that demonstrations are well organized.
63, They had mixed feelings about their new boss. She seemed very pleasant but not very organized.
64, The thing has got to be organized on an international level.
65, He has a lot of good qualities but being organized isn't one of them.
66, The Democrats organized a show of strength, a mass rally in Central Park.
67, I believe in God, but I don't belong to any organized religion.
68, I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis , until our usual cleaner returns.
69, We organized a male stripper for her 50th birthday party.
70, These people are very efficient(), very organized and excellent time managers.
71, It's been badly organized, as usual—it's got the council written all over it.
72, He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war.
73, It will take me a few days to get organized .
74, The letters had been placed in organized piles, one for each letter of the alphabet.
75, When it was dark, they organized an attack a third time.
76, Today's schedule of events is organized flexibly so that people can decide for themselves what they want to do.
76, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
77, A special group was organized to dig up the particulate of the case.
78, I have a nasty suspicion he's organized a surprise party for me.
79, The auctioneers organized a secret ring to control the sales.
80, The protest movement has evolved into a well organized political party.
81, The party was organized without her knowing anything about it.
82, Miller's organized desk stood in marked contrast to the rest of the office.
83, Unknown to me, she'd organized a party for my birthday.
84, Police officers from the organized crime branch have raided solicitors' offices in central London.
85, The department was badly organized until she took charge .
86, Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.
87, The books were organized on the shelves according to their size.
88, They organized a street demonstration in defiance of the government ban.
89, The occasion was organized as a salute to a century of change.
90, Taking a career history along with you will be a clear indication that you are well organized.
91, I have organized the cleaning on a ,day-to-'day basis, until the usual cleaner returns.
92, The painting is organized about a young reaper enjoying his noonday rest.
93, Thousands of American citizens have informed on these organized crime syndicates.
94, As neither management nor labour would give in, the union organized a strike.
95, Organized crime has an insidious influence on all who come into contact with it.
96, The concert was very badly organized. In fact, the whole thing was a real botch-up.
97, Computers offer a much greater degree of flexibility in the way work is organized.
98, She's not a very organized person and she always arrives late at meetings.
99, The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap.
100, His immaculate garden was a reproach to all his less organized neighbours.
101, He has so organized his life that his wife suspects nothing.
102, They organized a dinner in celebration of the year's successes.
103, Make sure the files are organized in numerical order .
104, The conference was organized by a group of sixth-formers at the local school.
105, The last word must go to Nick, who has organized the whole project.
106, This evidence meshes with earlier reports of an organized riot.
107, Unbeknown to her they had organized a surprise birthday party.
108, We do not fully understand how the brain is organized.
109, I've organized what I have to say about unemployment under three main headings.
110, Businesses manoeuvred to have their industry organized to their own advantage.
111, The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people.
112, Your working day will need to be organized with military precision.
113, The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.
114, The Germans, as a nation,[] are often thought to be well organized.
115, Jim organized a few party games to break the ice when people first arrived.
116, The law bans organized protests and, by implication, any form of opposition.
117, No other country at that time had an organized public opinion remotely comparable to Britain's.
118, She has a certain amount of influence in the way things are organized.
119, Jane organized the party. She asked people to come and bought the food and drinks.
120, This event was organized in association with the Sports Council.
121, Dorena Knepper was born to be organized.
122, In Mozart's absence, Constanze organized and concluded the deal.
123, The troops were organized into brigades and divisions.
124, I have organized a very special celebration for him.
125, And war must be waged on organized crime.
126, Thompson's management style is casual but organized.
127, First House of Representatives organized April 6.
128, Dave organized a cleaning rota.
129, And I was thinking it was organized crime.
130, His order organized the first military ambulance task force.
131, Each community organized employers by industry clusters.
132, Townspeople organized themselves and elected committees.
133, Men have always drawn on their experience in organized athletics to meet the challenges of a competitive workplace.
134, Materials in the center are organized into three distinct categories: reference, child-use, and staff development.
135, These were organized into four divisions of foot soldiers and about 500 light cavalry.
136, Within a file, information is organized in a number of records, rather like the cards in a card index.
137, A girl's basketball camp is being organized by the City Recreation Department.
138, This superbly organized 224-page publication is available or can be ordered at bookstores.
139, In fact, the technocrats of land drainage are heirs to one of the oldest forms of organized local government.
140, Some issues are organized into political controversy and debate, while others are organized out.
141, In advanced capitalism neo-Marxists argue that the factors responsible for recruiting people into organized expressions of discontent broaden.
142, At her request, an interagency team was organized to draft a strategy paper laying out the reasons for ousting Boutros-Ghali.
143, Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia 
144, It was Moua who organized housing for Hmong newcomers, Moua who beat the bushes for jobs.
145, They are immigrants who travel across the world breaking down the moral order, bringing chaos to organized society.
146, No, the smugglers were mostly from organized crime cartels based in Bombay.
147, The cantankerous aide organized support for health care reform, coordinated the Whitewater defense and helped chart the course to renomination.
148, Military resistance was organized by Sidonius's brother-in-law, Ecdicius, son of the emperor Avitus.
149, Organized religion is a product of a mix of superstition, delusion, divination and humanity to calm and control the human mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
150, Now that the partisans were well organized in the Province of Parma they committed many acts of sabotage.
151, His plan to convene a summer political convention drawing together individuals and groups who organized the Million Man March.
152, Politically, the leaders of organized labour were the most determined campaigners on the pensioners' behalf.
153, I organized political protests, but also got two appointments from federal criminal courts.
154, As cities and their monetary systems organized further into city-states and then into nations, an economic system called mercantilism developed.
155, But when she went public, it was at a news conference organized by conservative Clinton critics.
156, He organized a sales ledger which offered a credit account to naval customers, and even encouraged payment by instalment.
157, It urges organized international action for disarmament, collective security and world peace. 3.
158, All these chores, if efficiently organized, can tilt the balance in a close-run contest.
159, The world has been secularizing at the expense of organized religion. The increase of secular people, including atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, represents a great challenge to the God-based religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
160, Karimov issued a general amnesty, but a rally organized by democratic movements on Aug. 26 was broken up by militia.
161, Collective provision of services can be organized privately as in the case of golf clubs and motoring associations.
162, Internally the school is organized into separate departments, primary and secondary, which between them cover the entire school age range.
163, Its main weapon was criticism, organized daily through compulsory debates in every workplace.
164, His biggest partisan reception came during a dinner organized by Sen.
165, Meanwhile, organized labor and the thousands of new patronage jobs in the federal bureaucracy gave the president powerful political leverage.
166, Of necessity, some become involved in organized crime to survive.
167, No, Steen had organized it all very meticulously to avoid death duties.
168, Superbly organized and, with the backing of Marlboro, have the funds to match their ambition.
169, At the next level, objects in different domains may be organized according to a comparable underlying logic.
170, During the 1930s, as anti-Semitism became an organized mass-movement, the league diversified.
171, Lawyers, politicians and environmentalists have called for such action at an international conference in London organized by Greenpeace.
172, Even while the system remains capitalist it may at different phases be dominated by differently organized social and economic structures.
173, Grammar is organized along two main dimensions: morphology and syntax.
174, But the republican counter-espionage was highly organized, and early in 1814 he was arrested, tried and condemned to death.
175, They can also be related to many other points about the way the services are organized and administered.
176, He then organized a successful effort to channel the energies of civil rights activists into the politically preferable voting rights arena.
177, The way the programme of events is organized seems completely arbitrary to me.
178, So did another friendly institution called the Cooking Class, organized to enhance the wives' culinary skill.
179, It covered predominantly skilled and organized workers while the casual labour problem and that of juvenile labour was untouched.
180, Other examples abound in the worlds of commerce, government, education, and organized sport.
181, When files are randomly organized using an algorithm, the device must first be initialized to remove all prior data.
182, I haven't been to an organized campsite for perhaps fifteen years, so all this is new to me.
183, The speech proved shorter than predicted and far more organized and disciplined than some of his previous appearances before Congress.
184, They were organized into regional groupings to call on individual doctors.
185, It was too late to reprint the ballots, so the Machine organized a write-in campaign for Daley.
186, The means of power and decision-making in the decentralized authority are made freely available to non-state agencies and other organized interest groups.
187, This group also organized musicians to play benefit concerts for the campaign.
188, Organized labor provided major support for Clinton and Democratic congressional candidates in 1996.
189, Until relatively recently, organized religion has left environmental protection to environmental activists, concerned scientists and political figures.
190, The cities were brash, corrupt, and the centres of organized crime.
191, The structure that comes with limit setting helps such a child stay organized and focused.
192, Sightings of space aliens persist, with several organized groups claiming to have seen them, or even to have been abducted.
193, Nevertheless, there was widespread criticism that the relief operation was slow and badly organized.
194, Among the refugee communities, new forms of collective living arrangements have been organized.
195, The Agency organized two international agreements, prepared since 1982 but signed in September 1986 as a result of the Chernobyl accident.
196, In 1918 he chaired a war memorials committee and organized nationwide pyrotechnic displays in celebration of the armistice.
196, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
197, Services organized across large District Health Authorities covering 200-300,000 people can not possibly provide a local, friendly, easily accessible service.
198, Organized psychiatry must publicly articulate our vision, positions and commitment to the amelioration of human misery.
199, But they said the organized process of the advisory council w ill create political pressure for the supervisors to heed the recommendations.
200, Once again the citizens, now politically organized as a commune, were in dispute with the archbishop and the canons.
201, Maurice had organized a well-integrated programme of lectures, practical demonstrations and excavations, as the details show.
202, They had a leadership, and members who paid dues and were organized in local groups.
203, School boycotts were organized, and tens of thousands of black kids were kept home.
204, In sixty-seven different towns the Left Book Club organized public meetings to discuss the crisis.
205, The decline of organized religion is irreversible, but religion-as a tranquilizing pill to many souls - will never die in human society. Dr T.P.Chia 
206, The societies that organized research and publication could also become arenas for political debate.
207, Bain and McCaskill have complementary skills - she is creative while he is highly organized.
208, However, I also attended the village evening school, which was organized by an ancient relation of Mr Wopsle's.
209, Friday morning they organized a covert operation, modeled on many others over the years, to take control of Artis Hill.
210, The property claim signals prosecutors' intention to dismantle what they consider an organized crime syndicate.
211, After he organized a dozen files, Manion dug in his heels and started his workday.
212, Also organized to accompany the exhibition were story-telling sessions for both children and adults.
213, At the Games: Poorly organized and poorly attended, the Paris Games turn into a disaster.
214, The poll was organized by an electoral commission under a Kurdish judge, Amir Hawsizi and international monitors.
215, Several members of the congregation organized a bake sale to raise money for a new piano.
216, The old joke went: Q.. What do they call organized crime in Oklahoma?
217, Alameda County Supervisor Mary King hastily organized a briefing for local officials next week.
218, How is the force organized and how extensive is its discretionary power?
219, Simultaneously, they chose block committees, established communal kitchens, organized working parties, and formed a camp welfare committee.
220, The charity event was well organized and ran like clockwork.
221, In January 1912 he organized a conference of like-minded Social Democrats in Prague.
222, The night it was tabled he organized a massive demonstration.
223, Results were cancelled by the electoral commission in both places, where new elections were expected to be organized during December.
224, Another organized a Chore Service that paid neighborhood kids to do chores for the elderly.
225, Worse awaited the Vietminh leader two evenings later, at a farewell dinner organized by Zhou.
226, The forums are organized by the Business Youth Exchange, an intermediary group associated with the local chamber of commerce.
226, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
227, In addition, the organized networks could to a certain extent rely on intimidation and social pressure.
228, In hospital environments basic services such as cooking and laundry were organized centrally and cleaning was undertaken by domestics.
229, He merely flew into the airport, where the military rescue operation was being organized.
230, The rally had been organized to mourn the guerrillas killed on the border on May 5.
231, Our ability to combat organized crime has been aided by our partnership with local police.
232, But he was 175 disappointed with the exposition and wrote to Holtz that it was poorly organized, boring and provincial.
233, Ken had been at the auditions that Michael Codron organized, when he was looking for a feed for Williams.
234, The project is organized in cooperation with several construction unions under the guidance of the Oakland Private Industry Council.
235, What has then happened is a class division, of a stable and organized kind, within cultural production.
236, Perhaps you are more organized and more disciplined than most of the entrepreneurs we have talked to.
237, She organized an all-night telephone counselling service for students in despair about their grades or love-lives.
238, In nature, it is those species that live in highly organized groups that require the most complicated communication systems.
239, Priests and laymen of all three religions organized educational institutions and missionary propaganda.
240, But he insisted that organized religion needed to meet the challenge of social unrest and moral decay.
241, Dole has been highly critical of organized labor this year, especially an expensive union ad campaign waged against Republicans.
242, I never organized kids to sell apples, or won awards for selling the most band candy.
243, Some biological systems are so organized that they remain in the game of life.
244, In addition to the main distinction based on participant roles, the person system may be organized along a variety of other dimensions.
245, Be that as it may, the North East had organized capital, organized labour and until 1920 was growing apace.
246, But to get the rest of the details put together and get it organized, it could be an invaluable service.
247, After they published their final goals, they organized 12 committees to push the relevant public and private agencies to fulfill them.
248, Organized cooperation among various levels of producers and consumers is the essence of what economic systems are supposed to contribute to civilization.
248, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
249, Here it is the State that employs a flag as a symbol of adherence to government as presently organized.
250, The six kids who have organized this trip spring into action.
251, It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era.
252, For example, trying to get organized or to clarify your situation when you are at your wits' end may not work.
253, However, we are as yet unable to provide the complete simulation of electronic publishing that we have successfully organized for print publishing.
254, I must have delivered hundreds of lectures, pep-talks, addresses, speeches, and organized many others.
255, The result has been that the system of social insurance does not dominate the system of welfare benefits organized by the state.
256, It was at one of their conferences that I first came across organized lesbians and gays.
257, In mid-May blacks in the neighbouring township of Thabong organized a boycott of white-owned shops in Welkom.
258, An organized raid could clean up in that room, right down to the rubies and diamonds in their noses.
259, But despite all this evidence, most organizations have yet to address the problem in any comprehensive or organized way.
260, In the final analysis, it is the better organized party that will probably win.
261, The Cabinet has recommended new measures to combat organized crime.




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