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单词 Spine
1. She injured her spine in a riding accident.
2. I've trapped a nerve in my spine.
3. The scream sent a prickle down my spine.
4. Don't arch your back, keep your spine straight.
5. An icy chill slid up my spine.
6. He broke his spine in a fall from a horse.
7. Age deforms the spine.
8. Injuries to the spine are common amongst these workers.
9. The disease had deformed his spine.
10. The spine is tooled in gold.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. A frisson of alarm ran down my spine.
12. It is articulated to the spine.
13. He suffered from curvature of the spine.
14. His appearance sent a cold shiver down her spine.
15. A shiver ran down her spine.
16. The gruesome sight sent a shiver down my spine.
17. She stroked his head, sending tingles down his spine.
18. A shiver ran down my spine.
19. The news sent a chill down her spine.
20. A ripple of excitement/unease/etc. flowed up her spine.
21. The bullet was lodged in his spine.
22. His words sent a chill down her spine.
23. The emptiness here sent shivers down my spine.
24. As you grow older, your spine shortens by about an inch.
25. The book's a bit scuffed along the spine, but it was the only copy left in the shop.
26. The pin in her spine will have to be changed as she grows.
27. The lower part of her spine was crushed in the accident.
28. The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.
29. At its most terrifying, his writing sends shivers up and down my spine.
30. The story was so terrible that It' sent tremors down my spine.
1. She injured her spine in a riding accident.
2. I've trapped a nerve in my spine.
3. The scream sent a prickle down my spine.
4. Don't arch your back, keep your spine straight.
5. An icy chill slid up my spine.
6. Age deforms the spine.
7. The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.
8. At its most terrifying, his writing sends shivers up and down my spine.
9. The story was so terrible that It' sent tremors down my spine.
10. He sustained an injury to his spine when he fell off his horse.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
31. Messages travel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain.
32. Surgeons are trying to remove a bullet lodged near his spine.
33. The sound of his voice sent shivers down her spine.
34. There was something in his tone that sent a chill down Melissa's spine .
35. The eerie howl of the siren sent chills up her spine.
36. A bone in my spine was out of alignment .
37. He sustained an injury to his spine when he fell off his horse.
38. Using small circular movements, massage the muscles on either side of the spine.
39. There's a line in that poem that makes my spine tingle every time I read it.
40. I get shooting pains up my spine whenever I try to move.
41. The story was so terrible that it sent tremors down my spine.
42. During sleep,[http:///spine.html] our spine no longer needs to support the weight of our body.
43. There was a pain then, a quick, blinding agony that jumped along Danlo's spine.
44. He felt the hardness of the iron railing press against his spine.
45. Whenever I hear that music, I feel a shiver down my spine.
46. The doctor manipulated the base of my spine and the pain disappeared completely.
47. When I think of what might have happened in the accident, it sends shudders down my spine.
48. This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves.
49. Her back ached, but her spine was undamaged.
50. Julie again felt a shiver run up her spine.
51. A cold sensation suddenly ran down my spine.
52. A shiver ran up Auguste's spine.
53. A ripple of fear passed down his spine.
54. First, Michael had an operation to stabilise his spine.
55. The thought sent an uneasy shiver down her spine.
56. Doctors had to operate on his spine.
57. Spine like the mast on a galleon.
58. I felt a small chill run down my spine.
59. A small shiver of apprehension feathered her spine.
60. Deformities of the cervical spine are seen most often in patients with rheumatoid arthritis of more than 10 years' duration.
61. Her spine twisted; in her dreams she twisted, turning toward that clearing again, again.
62. Though he moved silently, the slivers of ice sliding down her spine told her he was close behind.
63. Just being in the same room as him sent shivers of something down her spine that up to now she had never experienced.
64. Or try placing a small pillow or towel at the base of your spine.
65. A cervical spine x-ray should always be done to rule out fracture and / or subluxation.
66. The nightmare of being wrongly accused and convicted of a crime certainly sends shivers down my spine.
67. She had a difficult labour as, having no details, the curvature of her spine was not detected.
68. Starting from the middle of the back, place your hands side by side horizontally across the spine.
69. Straighten both legs and stretch right out of your hips; straighten the spine and let your chin fall to your chest.
70. A year later she had a normal dorsal spine x ray.
71. Slowly raise your head and shoulders, curving your spine, inch by inch[/spine.html], without straining.
72. The boys at school used to make fun of me because I have a crooked spine.
73. Her hair was no longer confined in plaits, but hung down her back to the base of her spine.
74. Their wild, excited calling sent shivers down my spine as they continued on their journey south.
75. She had found herself in the safe nook between Fenna's sail-like wing and the crenellated and fantastic fortress of his spine.
76. Plain radiographs of the cervical spine in flexion and extension will allow recognition of atlantoaxial subluxation and subaxial subluxation.
77. Jody stands as if her spine were fused, as if she were for ever balancing a large porcelain vase on her head.
78. See if your teeth are clenched or if your spine is rigid.
79. It is important to realize that the head should go forward in relation to the spine - as though nodding the head in affirmation.
80. I, on the other hand, had backache and climbed it as though a cattle prod were taped to my spine.
81. These results suggest that there is an increased risk of osteoporotic fractures at the spine and hip.
82. He slid so far down into the leather that he was sitting on his spine.
83. An icy chill slid up his spine, causing the hair at his nape to rise.
84. These high rates reflect the anatomy of the cervical spine and the dynamic forces that act on it.
85. Although the old Victorian building with its spine of hutted wards was a vaguely familiar place, it was by no means home.
86. Even today, the name Chiing chun bao sends a shiver up my spine.
87. Two shots were fired by an officer, and a bullet damaged Mrs Groce's spine causing permanent paralysis.
88. Sometimes there was a new seriousness, the supple posture of childhood exchanged for squared shoulders and a stiff spine.
89. The ring will then move outwards, away from the spine.
90. He wanted to feel warmed through to his spine, to have the comfort steal into him like strong ale.
91. Her little-girl voice sent a shiver down the detective's spine.
92. I feel a little curl of strange sensation working its way down from the bottom of my spine.
93. It has lost nearly all its muscles and become thin and whip-like, sometimes with a poisonous spine at the end.
94. Accidents in sport, whether to the ribs, legs, feet, head or shoulders, nearly always jar the spine.
95. The cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis Needs careful assessment Rheumatoid arthritis commonly affects the cervical spine, causing several well defined deformities.
96. The first bullet hit him in the back, severing his spine.
97. As she passed, her bare arm brushed against his arm, sending a shiver down his spine.
98. The caudal fin is yellow-brown, and the dorsal spine and long snout are orange.
99. Helen now had a curious pricking sensation up and down her spine.
100. From her navel to the base of her spine she had been ripped apart.
100. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
101. A prickling sensation running the length of her spine told her that Rourke had made an appearance.
102. The spine grows rapidly during puberty and most of that growth is completed by the time a girl begins to menstruate.
103. He kicked her sending shivers up her spine; again she yelped, and everything turned black.
104. Standing on tiptoe, she arched her lower body to his scarcely needing the encouragement of his hand pressing against her spine.
105. This spine has a serrated edge and can inflict painful wounds.
106. It was the oriental gentleman who sat with them that sent the shudders down Doyle's spine.
107. He pressed his thumb against the wall and removed a dry particle of reptile spine from its cool surface.
108. And with her body positioned at a slight incline, her spine benefits from the normal force of gravity.
109. The first tentacle pore lacks are accompanying spine, the second to fourth have only one spine subsequent pores have two.
110. She ran a finger along the spine of the book.
111. She was a polio victim and only four feet nine inches tall, with curvature of the spine.
112. The Octopus Back Massager will send shivers down his spine.
113. A shell tore through his back, shattering his shoulder and collarbone and biting into his spine.
114. Particular attention should be paid to the lower spine and leg muscles - they remember every step of the way.
115. He is an engineer who came to study the spine because of his own back pains.
116. He sustained appalling injuries, including a fracture of the spine.
117. As they straighten, curve the spine and pull in the tummy, as if you have just received a blow.
118. Terrified, she threw herself from the first floor apartment window, breaking her spine in two places.
119. Rather, his low laugh held a note that sent unexpected shivers down her spine.
120. So it pays to arrange the squares at right angles to the leading edges or at right angles to the spine.
121. The forward-tilting chair allows the spine and the postural muscles to support and balance the body naturally.
122. He chuckled, a wickedly delicious little chuckle that sent a shiver down her spine.
123. Some describe it as a red-eyed E. look-alike with porcupine quills running down his spine.
124. The cold of the riverside steps was rising up her spine like mercury in a glass.
125. She wore a sunbleached purple turban and presented fingernails long enough to make the spine shiver in sympathetic sensitivity.
126. Such stories are enough to send cold shivers down the spine.
127. Her knees touched his and the tiny contact sent a quiver of anticipation up her spine.
128. These mighty creatures made their lairs beneath the blazing peaks of the Dragon Spine Mountains.
129. She felt a shiver run up her spine as she closed the door behind her.
130. Hold that stretch, pulling and elongating the spine from the very base out of the hips, chin to chest.
130. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
131. This can throw the spine out of alignment and press on sensitive nerves in your back and legs.
132. Because of its superior contrast capabilities magnetic resonance imaging is the current first choice technique for assessing instability of the cervical spine.
133. She fell heavily, landing in a sitting position, bruising the base of her spine.
134. The usual type of chair puts an enormous strain on the spine, back muscles and many of the internal organs.
135. Eugene felt a shiver travel up his back, along his spine.
136. Probably he thinks the blood vessels of my brain are as hardened as my cervical spine.
137. Two points on the spine were used as bridle attachments and a third at the cross-spar connection to the leading edge.
138. The affected fish had previously been swimming on its head and it spine had become deformed due to its awkward position.
139. As the backswing progresses, the shoulders turn around the spine angle which is pre-set at the address position.
140. It compacts my spine, and yellow spots dance before my eyes.
141. The following year the surgeon arranged an x ray of her lumbar spine and a barium meal, which were normal.
142. In 1935 a Valentina evening gown in pale gray silk bared the shoulders and dropped to mid-back, exposing the spine.
143. It infected his spine and forced him to spend months in bed.
144. His most recent observation has sent a chill down his spine; the comet, Swift Tuttle.
145. The covers were marbled paper and the spine was of red leather, tooled in gold.
146. Now he was scheduled to undergo a second surgery the next day to repair nerve and disc damage in his spine.
147. The flies buzz and the sun is hot on my spine.
148. He slid down on his spine so he could rest his head on the back of the seat.
149. Make sure the curve of your spine is pressed into the floor.
150. Little chills ran up and down her spine, as she waited in the queue for her lunch.
151. The ventralmost arm spine may be curved or sabre shaped.
152. You should never apply pressure to the spine itself, but the strong muscles either side can take firm pressure.
153. You generally need to remove the thick spine before finely shredding the leaf.
154. Lying on your tummy, raise your head and shoulders, curving the spine, inch by inch.
155. He lay with the buttons of his spine along the edge of the mattress, folded his hands behind his head.
156. But my spine seemed to turn to cold stone when I saw two other groups converging on the scene of combat.
157. Toe touches and sit-ups should be avoided; they are particularly harmful to anyone who has osteoporosis in the spine.
158. The lanes twisted across the spine of land in a series of blind corners and Miranda took each one without changing down.
159. Even the digression up to Cajamarca now seemed in retrospect more like an adventure than something to send shivers down the spine.
160. Against the most potent forward line in the country, what had been a shambles became a solid spine.
160. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
161. Ventral arm spins may be slightly flattened and in some the arm spine may be curved.
162. Do not press on the spine or the shoulder blade itself.
163. The main key points are the patient's head, shoulder girdle, spine and pelvis.
164. Father Gannon added, his sudden pronged laughter jolting up her spine.
165. Inset: The erector spine muscles lift the torso and the rhomboid draw the scapulae towards the midline.
166. Objective To evaluate the stability mechanical functions of the anterior spine instrumentation system combing prosthetic disc nucleus with flexible stabilization devices.
167. Summary of Background Data. To our knowledge, few reports have described the kinematic relationships of the upper cervical spine in patients with general age-related cervical spondylosis.
168. This scene, this one moment of oh-my-god acting, sent a shiver down my spine, and it is, hands-down, the best moment of Season 3.
169. Widely used in load-bearing bone substitute, prosthesis spine, chest, frontal bone defect repair and restoration.
170. If your spine is merely out of alignment, manipulation by a chiropractor may help ease your pain. This may also ease your muscle strain.
171. Extension of the ankylosed kyphotic cervical spine during conventional immobilization or for radiologic procedures resulted in neurologic deficits.
172. In accordance with a page processing mode, there are no back - spine of slots and slot type.
173. Bring your front ribs down (toward your pelvis) and in (toward your spine), and lengthen your tail bone toward the floor.
174. Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine.
175. To evaluate the CT findings of the isthmic defect in the lumbar spine and to discuss the diagnosis as well as differential diagnosis of this abnormality.
176. Method:ALD was performed in 12 patients through the space between erector spine muscles and quadratus lumborum muscles according to the anatomic relation of the thoracolumbar spine.
177. The authors evaluated radiotherapy for the treatment of giant cell tumor ( GCT ) of the spine.
178. Figure 5: Sagittal T1W image of the cervicodorsal spine shows multiple hyperintense foci in the subarachnoid space suggestive of fat deposition from dermoid rupture (arrows).
179. Objective To study the diagnosis and therapy of primary hemangiopericytoma of spine.
180. Objective:To observe the clinical results of the use of new type halo- cast fixation apparatus in the treatment of tuberculosis of cervical spine.
181. Objective:To establish the animal model of spine cord shortening by the 4th lumber body vertebrectomy, and study the acute effects of spine shortening on the spinal function and blood flow.
182. It corrects abnormal curvature of our spine which in turn clears blockages in the nerve impulse transmission, regulates the nervous system and enhances effective functionality of internal organs.
183. Objective To explore diagnosis and treatment of thoracolumbar spine and spinal cord trauma complicated by thoracoabdominal viscera injury.
184. The authors conclude that spondylolysis is mainly the fatigue fracture due to locally increased stress and is contributing most by backward extension of lumbar spine.
185. The main causes of FBSS are spinal canal stenosis and lumbar spine instability.
186. Flumorph and SYP-48 all can restrain later development phase of Daphnia magma's embryo, such as larval curved or unextended shell spine, undeveloped antennae.
187. One is the iliacus muscle, which connects the front of the pelvic bowl to the upper thigh; the other is the psoas, which connects the lower spine to the upper thigh.
188. These images of voluptuousness made him clench his fists, and a shiver run along his spine.
189. Results. Seven spine surgeon groups and 25 general orthopedist groups responded to the questionnaire, with a response rate of 89%.
190. The use of intraosseous screw fixation is a useful addition to the armamentarium of the spine surgeon when fixation of anterior cervical graft after discectomy is required.
191. Method. Iso-C 3-dimensional intraoperative navigation was used to localize osteoid osteomas of the spine in 4 patients.
192. Objective : To provide anatomic data for lower lumbar spine interbody fusion extreme lateral approach ( XLIF ).
193. Conclusion:For cervical fractures and dislocations,[http:///spine.html] a good effect of restoring and maintaining the lordosis of cervical spine can be obtained by using anterior locking plate systems.
194. Aside from the new wing, it differed from its predecessor Su-7 in having a new canopy and a dorsal fuselage spine for additional fuel and avionics.
195. BMD was measured at the posteroanterior lumbar spine 1-4, left femoral neck, femoral shaft, trochanter and total hip by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
196. Previous experiments carried out by Geron in rats with damaged motor nerves suggested that oligodendrocyte progenitor cells injected into the spine can redress this, helping to restore movement.
197. Conclusion Stress concentration of the spine may be implicated in the biomechanical mechanism underlying thoracolumbar burst fractures.
198. There are also letters on the spine of each book; these letters do not indicate or prefigure what the pages will say.
199. To take the buttocks and legs off the wall, stretch the legs straight up as before and move the mid-thoracic spine into the body toward the front chest.
200. As you exhale, bend the knees and lower them toward your chest, but keep lifting your shoulders and mid-thoracic spine.
201. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate medinal safety of oil of spine date seed .
202. A 32-y. o. male drove his vehicle into the back of a tractor-trailer truck. When would you stabilize his cervical spine?
203. Objective: to evaluate the applied value of comb ining skin ink with vi t. AD in MRI localization of spine vertebrae and myeleterosis.
204. Conclusion. In the pediatric patient presenting with neurologic deficits and pneumorachis, ligamentous injury of the spine, even in the absence of bony injury, should be suspected.
205. Methods. One hundred ten patients who underwent radiography of the spine by a stereo technique, at a scoliosis clinic in the period between 1982 and 1990, were studied.
206. He picks up his pills and swallows the first one, his spine as stiff as a crochet hook.
207. Or spine dash forward clip with towel clamp jolty , the last kinetic clearance is a waist? 5, Di? 1Clearance.
208. The authors present a case of patient with a complex metameric vascular lesion of the thoracic spine and describe a management strategy for this entity.
209. Continue to press your forearms and wrists into the floor, lift your shoulders, and draw your mid-thoracic spine in and up.
210. Effect of loading frequency on response of the spine to lumbar posteroanterior forces.
211. There is one catch: Bayard writes in French. Of course, that hardly matters as, by definition, you're not going to crack the spine.
212. General common, stubborn disease of the cervical spine, omarthritis, uterine fibroids, Waist-Leg disease caused by the disease can be carried out Meridian Scrapping cure.
213. Objective. Cervical hyperextension is a rare spine deformity that is associated with myopathies.
214. Conclusion:Magnetized low intensity semiconductor laser could promote the function of the spine motor nerve cells and accelerate the axonal regeneration.
215. Histologic examination revealed deposition of eosinophilic crystal-like material, and a diagnosis of tophaceous gout of the spine was established.
216. Total lumbar lordosis (L1-S1), thoracic kyphosis (T5-T12), sacral slope, thoracolumbar angle (T11-L1), and sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were measured on the lateral view of the whole spine.
217. Incision begins from the subgluteal plica, along the root of the thigh to the femoral triangle, and then goes laterally to anterior superior iliac spine and the waist.




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