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单词 Cargo
1. The ship will unlade her cargo today.
2. Does that ship carry much cargo?
3. They have transshipped the cargo into a river steamer.
4. Unloading the cargo was a slow process.
5. The ship's cargo is stowed in the hold.
6. Passengers with cargo must embark first.
7. Huge cranes are swinging cargo up.
8. Divers hope to salvage some of the ship's cargo.
9. The ship is being discharged of it's cargo.
10. The ship has a cargo of about 200 ton.
11. The sailors hoisted the cargo onto the deck.
12. He stowed the cargo in the ship's hold.
13. A cargo plane/ship/vessel carries cargo.
14. The ship was loaded down with extra cargo.
15. Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.
16. The ship embarked passengers and cargo at New York port.
17. The crew lashed down the cargo on the fore deck.
18. A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. The terrorists parked the van with its deadly cargo in a dark alleyway.
20. The cargo was hoisted aboard by crane.
21. The men offloaded their cargo.
22. The transportation took off with its cargo at midnight.
23. They discharged a cargo from a ship.
24. The port handles cargo from all over Europe.
25. The dockers were loading the cargo onto the ship.
26. A fire had been reported in the cargo hold.
27. The strikers declared the cargo black.
28. The cargo includes three thousand pieces of porcelain.
29. The tanker began to spill its cargo of oil.
30. Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo?
1. Does that ship carry much cargo?
2. Passengers with cargo must embark first.
3. Divers hope to salvage some of the ship's cargo.
4. The ship has a cargo of about 200 ton.
5. Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.
6. A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship.
7. The terrorists parked the van with its deadly cargo in a dark alleyway.
8. The transportation took off with its cargo at midnight.
9. The cargo includes three thousand pieces of porcelain.
10. The freighter carries a few passengers in addition to its cargo.
11. Once the cargo has been shipped, insurance can be covered instantaneously.
12. The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.
31. You can contract with us to deliver your cargo.
32. We discharged the cargo at London.
33. The fast cruiser soon overhauled the old cargo boat.
34. We have to make three loads of the cargo.
35. The fishermen packed out a cargo of fish.
36. The tide had washed up cargo from the wrecked ship.
37. The core business of airlines is flying people and cargo from place to place.
38. Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.
39. The captain was forced to jettison the cargo and make an emergency landing.
40. What I'd give to be a fly on the wall when Davis finds out what's happened to his precious cargo.
41. This freighter can carry a 50000-ton cargo direct to any port along the coast of the Pacific.
42. The freighter carries a few passengers in addition to its cargo.
43. Ferries are very powerful and manoeuvrable compared to cargo ships.
44. The cargo was due to be offloaded in Singapore three days later.
45. The ship was carrying a cargo of wool from England to France.
46. The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas.
47. The ship embarked passengers and cargo at an Italian port.
48. The boats discharged their human cargo a little way from the shore./cargo.html
49. A ship carrying a cargo of oil has run aground.
50. A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.
51. Once the cargo has been shipped, insurance can be covered instantaneously.
52. This port handles 100 million tons of cargo each year.
53. We left two men in the bows to receive the cargo.
54. Most of the cargo was left intact after the explosion.
55. The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.
56. We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion.
57. Yesterday, a cargo ship chartered by the UN arrived in the capital carrying 1,550 tons of rice.
58. The ship stopped to take on a cargo of fruit.
59. Cargo from the wrecked ship was washed up on the shore.
60. We had to lash the cargo to the ship's deck during the storm.
61. The cargo lay in a broken heap.
62. The ship was carrying a cargo of oil-drilling equipment.
63. Tankers and cargo ships make easy targets.
64. Something close to shipwreck fever erupted over its cargo.
65. The stretcher bearers ran out to unload the cargo.
66. The captain gave the order to discharge the cargo.
67. There were dull thuds from the cargo hold.
68. The train cars carrying cargo trucks are not sealed.
69. He said it contained his own private cargo and that he wanted to unload it himself.
70. Hoffman said the end of the tether draped in the cargo bay was discolored, perhaps charred by burning.
71. The boats averaged four to six miles an hour, and had right of way over cargo boats on the canal.
72. For example a ship called the Felicia left Philadelphia in August 1986 carrying a cargo of incinerator ash containing harmful metal residues.
73. The operation would use 11 military cargo planes and would eventually cost over US$200,000,000.
74. But they found no trace of the highly profitable illegal cargo that it was supposed to be carrying.
75. A military cargo plane made an emergency landing when one of the propellers broke off.
76. He slammed the butt of the weapon on my cargo deck and the thing went off.
77. Stacked on the cargo deck, they still fought, frozen inside their rubber bags, arms and legs stiffly askew.
78. For six weeks a jury has heard the callousness with which the lorry driver treated his human cargo.
79. Then Hay wrestled a nylon bag crammed with playthings from the cargo space behind the third passenger seat.
80. An expert on air accidents believes that the aircraft was de-stabilised after opening its cargo door for a low-level drop.
81. Luckily their cargo included rice which they supplemented by catching fish and collecting rainwater.
82. During a routine docking maneuver to resupply,[] we collided with a cargo ship.
83. Its cargo of supporters and media will be greeted by brass bands and fireworks at 10 ports.
84. No warships were present, but considerable damage was inflicted on cargo vessels, with which the harbor was jammed.
85. He further ordered the original bills of lading dated 29 January 1991 relating to the cargo to be deposited with the court.
86. There were cargo bays and airlocks situated at random among the folds and spirals, but all of them remained closed.
87. By the March meeting, negotiators will have assessed new cargo preparation costs and additional experiment preparation expenses.
88. The existing international airport, at Subang outside Kuala Lumpur, could be converted to a domestic, cargo or military airport.
89. Lime was originally shipped as quick-lime and was a particularly dangerous cargo.
90. And Weider Travel, of Felixstowe, has offered them a place on the cargo ship Sexton.
91. Additional modifications to the cargo door locking and pressurisation systems are being considered as part of a continued investigation effort.
92. Claims for loss of cargo should present some nice legal arguments.
93. We are expected to follow their fickle games, before launching our rich domestic cargo upon those blue, blustering flames.
94. Builders' Merchants. General cargo continued to flow through the port but there was a gradual decline in dock activity.
95. When the ship docked at Southampton its cargo was immediately inspected.
96. Then they would unload their human cargo and speed back, using a different route, to repeat the process.
97. The sperm carries just a nucleus cargo, a mitochondrial engine, and a flagellum propeller.
98. Perhaps a few panicles slipped in with mud that was caked on cargo or in piles of discarded ballast.
99. Riker threw me the box and walked back to sit on the edge of the cargo deck.
100. They suggest an advanced design of the C.141 Starlifter cargo plane.
101. A network of subsidized cargo barges and water taxis would be introduced on the city's canals to compensate.
102. She was built to carry dry cargo such as fruit and groceries in crates, aluminium or copper.
103. The airline has also developed one of the most diverse ranges of cargo products in the airline industry.
104. Q: I have heard that you can reach many places in the world as passengers on cargo ships.
105. Lying in the anchorage were two light cruisers, a number of destroyers, and about ten cargo ships.
106. Ardrossan harbour, still small and geared more to handling cargo, had to cope with large-scale passenger traffic.
107. These cargo planes are the modern equivalents of the tramp steamer.
108. One explanation that fits the circumstances perfectly involves the fact that her official cargo was listed as industrial alcohol.
108. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
109. The lower deck, below the water line, was for cargo.
110. Cargo shares were of course proportioned to rank, but for the more senior officers it could almost guarantee wealth.
111. For Sealink Ferries claimed it was too dangerous to carry as cargo.
112. Boats raced to the ship and ferried its human cargo toland.
113. We landed about a hundred feet from the headquarters ten, sinking into the grass up to the cargo deck.
114. He passed through Istanbul in two months-more quickly than most of the city's human cargo.
115. Chests of tea and bales of wool can be found in the lower cargo hold.
116. A fire started in the cargo area, and the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing.
117. Longer runway preferred How would an air cargo hub affect those developments?
118. Shortly afterwards, he secretly arranged for the building of a cargo fleet to carry the ore via the Great Lakes.
119. Whenever famine strikes, Western public and private relief agencies converge upon it with cargo planes, helicopters and land cruisers.
120. The Eksund's cargo had included surface-to-air missiles, mortar shells, rocket launchers and semtex high explosive.
121. I moved about uncomfortably, listening to the thumps on the roof as they loaded up the cargo.
122. A "Jim Wilson" is airline-industry argot for a dead body being shipped in cargo.
123. That would force airline workers to retrieve that travelers' bag from the cargo hold.
124. She was in the cargo hold, standing on the ribbed floor of the shuttle next to the loading hatch.
125. It offers 118 cubic feet of cargo space, or five times the trunk space of a Buick Regal.
126. Left: Pitch handling at Doncaster. Special clothing was worn for handling this very dusty cargo.
127. The scurrying grunts tossed a foot-filled boot on to the cargo deck.
128. And a third beam was forced into the cargo hold.
129. Today, the airport handles 460 flights, 84,000 passengers and 5,600 tonnes of air cargo each day.
130. A series of area road improvements could help Brown Field take flight as an air cargo hub.
131. A river passenger boat crashed into a cargo ship and sank on the Amazon on March 7 after leaving Iquitos.
132. Some are general cargo boats, often carrying goods in containers.
133. Meaningful debate will require well stocked electronic warehouses and historians and archivists able to search and manage their cargo of resources.
134. Quite simply, the use of fast, reliable air cargo services adds value to any product.
135. The paratroops, known as Task Force Red, dropped in two waves from C-141 cargo planes.
136. This is human cargo land-people nobody wants, trying to get somewhere.
137. You can't fault Ayckbourn's production but, for once, his comic vessel has problems carrying such emotionally heavy cargo.
138. More people are looking for a versatile vehicle, one that would have towing capacity and larger cargo capacity.
138. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
139. General cargo continued to flow through the port but there was a gradual decline in dock activity.
140. Steamers could carry larger volumes of cargo than sailing vessels and do it more frequently and regularly.
141. Commercial and cargo flights would be allowed as long as they were inspected at their departure points.
142. A: Air couriers act as delivery persons for packages too urgent or sensitive to fly as general cargo.
143. The only retail travel agency in Britain specialising in passenger journeys on board cargo ships.
144. These so-called cargo cults became bizarre, microcosmic societies that survived almost entirely on hopes and dreams that might never be realized.
145. Demyonov had gone home last week in an elaborate casket dark inside the cargo hold of a Tupolev airliner.
146. Once, we carried what we felt was the war's most valuable cargo - we had about 1,600 young airmen on board.
147. There they found two boats tied up alongside the wharf, waiting to unload their cargo of dolphin corpses.
148. Other services include general cargo handling, marine fuel product storage and wholesale electrical supplies.
149. If the wiring were overheating, it could have caused oxygen-generating canisters in the cargo hold to explode, he said.
150. Patients could watch trains load and unload cargo from the ships docked at the waterfront.
151. Since the sacrifice of a single one of these cargo vessels caused terrible losses, merchants yearned to avoid the inevitable.
152. Underneath some shabby canvas tarps on the cargo deck were stacked a dozen bulky mattresses and twenty thick pine boards.
153. That cargo plane of yours has a range of three thousand, six hundred sea miles.
154. This concept was soon invoked, when the Gaz Fountain was hit near Halul with a cargo of propane and butane.
155. Here the air-lock doors of a cargo bay; there a communications nacelle, a launch pad, a service hatch.
156. Steel was stronger so boats could be built with thinner plates, making them lighter and so able to carry more cargo.
157. On the other hand, he could find he had been selected to unload a valuable cargo such as palm kernels.
158. The firm represents a large number of cargo shipping lines.
159. The Department of Transportation classifies the oxygen generators as hazardous materials when carried as company material in cargo compartments.
160. They hoist cargo with a locomobile crane.
161. We load and unload cargo ships at harbours.
162. Cargo insurance is a major item of our business.
163. An oil tanker spewed its cargo into the sea.
164. This paper elaborates the views of scholars, at home and abroad, on the marine cargo insurance interests of the concept and its manifestations.
165. Product of transhipment of through cargo 2: Sheet At present the trendiest sheet cloth is peaceful silk.
166. The procedure and contents of cargo handling design off port for Changdao Port is introduced.
167. This paper, by analyzing the meaning, scope of application and the insurer's right of subrogation under seller's contingency insurance, tries to expound this special kind of marine cargo insurance.
168. Cargo manifest is required except for aircraft applying radio pratique.
169. Dust control system is large specialization the main component of bulk cargo dock.
170. Nearly 400 people and 19 ships are being held along the coast, including a Saudi supertanker with 2m barrels of oil and a Ukrainian cargo ship carrying 33 military battle tanks.
171. The United States and ASEAN will work together to launch the "ASEAN Single Window" pilot program, a trade facilitation project to expedite cargo clearance.
172. Competitive import rate for cargo from HongKong to Pearl River Delta, including import tax, customs clearance fee and import licence.
173. That's why government and port enterprises keep an eye on the security management and risk control of dangerous cargo operation.
174. Its primary engines are located on outrigger pylons and struts to maximize cargo space within the hull.
175. The chemical composition of the cargo shall be determined by an independent international Agency at Load Port, Seller cost.
176. The Seattle-based architecture and general contracting firm recently created the first cargo container buildings for Seattle in the design district of the Georgetown area.
177. Free re-delivery is available within 7 days after the arrival of the cargo in case there is undesigned damage.
178. The Cargo Oil Handling Simulator for Oil Tankers is a large simulant system developed by us for training the crews on board oil tankers .
179. The one and only governing body who set rules for the game in this industry. In the air cargo area IATA is currently promoting the E-Freight project.
180. The both parties agreed to negotiate about the cross-strait cargo flights and come into agreement and action rapidly after the weekend cross-strait charter flights were realized.
181. In its current structure, the 12 chapters cover all aspects of shipping from construction and fire protection to nuclear propulsion, dangerous cargo, safety management and maritime security.
182. Cargo agency: warehouse service , prepare packing list , cargo inspection, cargo insurance.
183. Previous studies have focused on the cargo collection service network; the enterprise internal line-haul operations network is rarely explored.
184. It furnishes sealift and ocean transportation and also operates tankers for fuel transport cargo ships that transport equipment, vehicles and supplies.
185. If the vehicle is running with the tailboard open, cargo dropping and traffic accident could occur. Please raise the tailboard after working.
186. As stated therein, you are requested to issue a General Average Guarantee on our behalf in order that we, as consignee, need not pay the deposit amounting to 13% of the CIF value of the cargo.
187. Entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation spaces, service spaces, machinery spaces and control stations should not face the cargo area.
188. Beyond the gardens, Varna is still a working port and in addition to a sea of cranes I spot cargo ships.
189. As the complexity and specially requiring of cargo oil handling system of the large oil tanker, and there are almost no similar studies on this field, we have no successful experience to refer to.
190. The case is overcarried cargo. The division'segment portion where the port mark is posted is scraped.
191. The agency said in a statement that it "is investigating the grounding and subsequent complete hull failure" of the bulk carrier cargo ship.
192. Immediate notice should be given to the Company when the Cargo Owner's actual responsibility under the contract of affreightment "Both to Blame Collision" clause becomes known.
193. The vessel is an unmanned dump barge suitably equipped for carrying deck cargo for Unrestricted services.
194. The marsh gas service car organically integrates a biogas dregs and liquid clearing car, a small excavator, a cargo carriage, a special carriage, a computer(), a network system and the like.
195. Maritime liens on cargo is an important part of maritime liens aiming at protecting the interests of special claimants including the salvors.
196. The frame style knife fits snugly into a slim Kydex sheath so it is readily accessible, whether tucked into a cargo pocket or attached to a MOLLE vest.
197. I have understood the Company's explanation on the clauses(including exclusions) of Cargo Transportation Insurance and its additional clauses, and I agree to conclude formal insurance contract.
198. A flat-bottomed vessel developed during World War II to land troops and cargo on open beaches and sometimes used as a weapons platform and hospital ship.
198. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
199. Is the implementation of escort mission off Somalia 2 of the EU confirmed the Navy, Somali pirates in Gulf of Oman near the 1st Marine hijacked a cargo ship flying the flag of Algeria.
200. As the aircraft was carrying ordinary cargo, so when the accident occurred apart from the airport lighting and other facilities damaged accident did not cause further losses.
201. FCL cargo must be tendered to Maersk Origins between 2 and 5 days prior to actual vessel sail which is on or prior to the master contract date field labeled "Must be on a vessel on or prior date".
202. Have more than 4 years related working experience, be well up in all the process of import affairs such as cargo import documentation preparation, customs declaration, customs locale Check, etc.
203. It is common for workers to trip over or fall on top of their hand truck within the rear cargo area, causing serious injury.
204. Having started its homeward-bound voyage in South Korea and having picked up most of its cargo in Shanghai, the Eleonora is due to dock in Rotterdam in a couple weeks' time.
205. Arriving cargo should be reconciled against information on the cargo manifest.
206. Others say that his cargo business thrived during anarchic wars of plunder that have, thankfully, subsided.
207. The local police stated, crashes the Boeing airplane is the Boeing -757 cargo plane , another is comes from Belorussia's chart -154, estimated possibly has 150 dead.
208. The paper carries out a quantitative analysis on the passanger—cargo capacity of the ro—ro transportation.
209. The tightener is the use when the cargo transportation, the migration, shipping or the warehousing fixed function.
210. But total meeting has a few harum-scarum people forget transhipment of through cargo, the cold looked for them easily.




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