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单词 Managing
1. Are you managing all right in your new job?
2. Within two years he was managing the store.
3. She is accountable only to the managing director.
4. He rose through the ranks to become managing director.
5. She works as PA to the managing director.
6. He is managing a club for teenagers.
7. The matter is scarcely worthy of the managing director's time.
8. The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.
9. She is managing to keep down her spending.
10. She rose through the ranks to become managing director.
11. I'm getting used to managing without a car.
12. He was hauled before the managing director and fired.
13. The managing director wrote personally to thank me.
14. She's the Managing Director's PA.
15. An agency is managing the let.
16. Jane is secretary to the managing director.
17. She reluctantly agreed to step down as managing director.
18. He had no previous experience of managing a farm.
19. The managing director's resignation rocked the whole company.
20. She'd be a great managing director,[http://] don't you think?
21. Jim Paton will assume the role of managing director.
22. Has she had any experience of managing large projects?
23. Chris works as a PA to the managing director.
24. She's hopeless at managing people.
25. There's a board of five directors, but she is the Managing Director.
26. We'll only get our proposal considered if we can gain the ear of the managing director.
27. All such posts are in the gift of the managing director .
28. She was not unduly concerned by the prospect of managing on her own.
29. They claim that military spending is used as a device for managing the economy.
30. They deemed that he was no longer capable of managing the business.
1. Are you managing all right in your new job?
2. Within two years he was managing the store.
3. She is accountable only to the managing director.
4. He rose through the ranks to become managing director.
5. He is managing a club for teenagers.
6. There's a board of five directors, but she is the Managing Director.
7. The matter is scarcely worthy of the managing director's time.
8. The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.
9. All such posts are in the gift of the managing director .
10. She was not unduly concerned by the prospect of managing on her own.
11. They claim that military spending is used as a device for managing the economy.
12. They deemed that he was no longer capable of managing the business.
13. She is managing to keep down her spending.
14. He rose from office boy to managing director in ten years.
15. He gained the ear of the managing director and voiced his opinion.
16. The managing director denied that the merger was a done deal, and said they were still in negotiations.
17. The managing director has the nominal power but he is a paper tiger, and it is his assistant who actually runs the company.
18. The Foreign Minister refuted the assertion that the developing countries are incapable of managing their industries.
31. She replaced Jane Stott as Managing Director.
32. He's not very good at managing people.
33. We need people who are good at managing.
34. His job involved managing large investment funds.
35. Managing a football team is harder than you think.
36. I am managing, but I could not possibly give up work.
37. He rose from office boy to managing director in ten years.
38. He started as a technician and worked his way up through the company to become managing director.
39. He has been asked to take on the mantle of managing director in the New York office.
40. He looked dazed as he spoke to reporters, managing only a weak smile.
41. My father never aspired to the job of managing director, and was very surprised when it was offered to him.
42. Everyone uses the cafeteria, from the managing director down to the office boy.
43. You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances.
44. What's your job title now - are you managing director?
45. After managing the shop for thirty years she decided it was time to put up the shutters.
46. He's decided to stand down after fifteen years as managing director.
47. She was persevering enough to reach the height of her ambition and become the managing director of the company.
48. She's been the managing director of the company for 10 years, so she must be rolling in it by now.
49. The offer of more money clinched it for her. She agree to undertake the job as the assistant to the managing director.
50. The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget.
51. She was quick to fill the power vacuum that was left by the sudden death of the managing director.
52. Now that she was managing director she could put the initials MD after her name.
53. He has a lot of pull with the managing director.
54. Facing each other, the giraffes were managing to entwine their necks in the most astonishing manner.
55. The training is designed to give staff confidence in managing problems.
56. Rightly or wrongly, she has been given the post of managing director.
57. The managing director's only concern was how to improve the quality of their products.
58. I'll take my complaint all the way to the managing director if I have to.
59. Business isn't good but we're managing to hold our own.
60. There have been persistent rumours that the managing director might take early retirement.
61. The managing director's presence inhibited them from airing their problems.
62. To cut a long story short, I ended up as managing director.
63. Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires.
64. Take it from me he'll be managing director of this company by the time he's 30.
65. The new managing director plans to completely reorganize this department.
66. Farmers are increasingly losing touch with their instinct for managing the land.
67. When her boss refused to listen to her she went over his head to the managing director.
68. In a busy world, managing your time is increasingly important.
69. The managing director's calm words dispelled the clerks' fears of being cut down.
70. He gained the ear of the managing director and voiced his opinion.
71. Higgins had started at the bottom and worked his way up to become managing director.
72. Peter is confident of winning the post as the assistant to the managing director.
73. I'm managing to keep my head above water, though I'm not earning much.
74. To his mortification, he was criticized by the managing director in front of all his junior colleagues.
75. The managing director denied that the merger was a done deal, and said they were still in negotiations.
76. With high interest rates and a wages freeze,[] many householders are only just managing to keep their heads above water.
77. The finance men had grown fat on managing other people's money.
78. If we cannot pin down exactly what we are supposed to be managing, how can we manage it?
79. Rumour has it you're going to be the next managing director. Is it true?
80. Shareholders are blaming the company's problems on the lassitude of the managing director.
81. The managing director has the nominal power but he is a paper tiger, and it is his assistant who actually runs the company.
82. The managing director has called a meeting to discuss pay levels.
83. We could do a far better job of managing it than they have.
84. She is the founder and managing director of the company.
85. Kim Bailey is next in line to replace Chris Finlay as managing director.
86. Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.
87. He has worked his way up from junior clerk to managing director.
88. The future of the company now rides on the new managing director.
89. Managing effective teams is a matter of achieving synergy between the individual members.
90. The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign.
91. She still controls the company indirectly through her son, who is the managing director.
92. The company began to make profits again with the new managing director at the helm.
93. The doctor advised the managing director to lay off for a couple of days.
94. We'll have to make an approach to the managing director.
95. She has been removed from her post/position as managing director.
96. It was courageous of her to challenge the managing director's decision.
97. It's amazing to think that the managing director is only 23.
98. They kicked upstairs their manager by putting him on the managing committee.
99. Managing the economy is a complex equation of controlling inflation and reducing unemployment.
100. The Foreign Minister refuted the assertion that the developing countries are incapable of managing their industries.
101. B was the managing director of the plaintiffs.
102. Martin Scott, managing director Central Region, presented the awards.
103. Managing well means communicating well.
104. The Arabs did not just excel at managing debt.
105. Royden Axe, managing director, Design Research Associates.
106. Managing creativity has always been a complex issue.
106. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
107. We are all fully capable of managing that responsibility.
108. Managing those is the subject of the present chapter.
109. Empathy was crucial for managing diversity among subordinates.
110. PricewaterhouseCoopers is accused of negligence in managing his affairs.
111. He wanted to train as a chartered accountant with the ultimate aim of becoming a managing director.
112. Managing director of Aberdeen Airport at 33, she had not met any barrier to career progression.
113. When you became a Minister you appointed me Managing Director.
114. The board appointed him chairman and managing director, a fulltime post.
115. Joined the Guardian in 1963, and served successively as deputy editor, managing editor and City editor until 1974.
116. Mayne Nickless' new managing director, Bob Dalziel, will join the company on Monday.
117. Price signed an employment contract, promising to continue managing the Mutual Series funds for at least five years.
118. Instead of managing by the book, this is strictly managing by the storybook.
119. Hence, subject and support teachers will need to develop expertise in modifying curriculum materials and managing behaviour problems.
120. Managing directors and union officers are powerful within their own organizations, but far less powerful in a court of law.
121. But now many of them can stand up in front of the gate and talk back to the managing director.
122. A public corporation managing a monopoly might do so in a sectional interest.
123. Both companies are private client stockbrokers, which specialize in managing money for wealthy investors, trusts and charities.
124. It's all very mysterious - why, for instance, does Cape still need a managing director but not Chatto?
125. Dan Dorfman, the influential financial columnist, was fired by Money magazine, the magazine's managing editor said Wednesday.
126. She said it was Humphreys' responsibility as managing director to follow the correct procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.
127. Each was as anxious as the families and the Managing Director about the opening of their markets.
128. Equitable's managing director quit and the group closed its doors to new business.
129. Would she herself end up like that, if she achieved her ambition of becoming the managing editor of a magazine?
130. A VAT-registered landlord may have a managing agent to collect standard-rated rents.
131. The work of managing a natural environment is inescapably a work of local knowledge.
132. He became managing director of Esso in 1968 and was chairman from 1972 to 1980.
133. The managing director is a man but my immediate boss is a woman.
134. And after 43 years in the industry the managing director of Regional Railways speaks with authority.
135. In managing the acute wound one needs to pay meticulous attention to detail.
136. As if all this were not enough, schools have started managing their own financial affairs.
137. Where job ladders are created, further managerial work is involved in managing the operation of the internal labour market.
138. There is also the possibility that you might become incapable of managing your affairs.
139. Sets out an action plan, with practical advice on managing changing demand at the neighbourhood level.
140. The governing body is charged with managing the school within its delegated budget.
141. Limbo, the direct marketing agency, has appointed Linda Rost deputy managing director.
142. While not explicit, many implied that they would indeed fight to the death for their managing director.
143. Up to now, Vyner has been joint managing director of the whole business, along with David Quarmby.
144. Disillusioned with managing the national team, Andy Beattie chose the most inappropriate moment to tender his resignation.
145. Green, a managing director of the Washington office of Lehman Brothers Inc., could not be reached for comment.
146. In managing your finances, you should look at your assets the way a football coach looks at his team.
147. Pitt, managing a consistent and credible Belfast accent, brings tremendous sympathy to a character dedicated to killing.
148. Mr Duddy spent a day stuck on the sheer sides of the cone before managing to crawl out on his own.
149. In less distinguished groups, the leader would have a fair amount of managing to do.
150. He stuttered nervously before managing to answer herand when he did, he used the masculine form of address.
151. Stanley Druckenmiller, managing director of Soros' funds, also was to have spoken during the panel discussion.
152. They could be responsible for managing services covering 4,000 households, a large inner city estate or several former pit villages.
153. All strikers had to resort to some extent to borrowing, credit, casual work and other ways and means of managing.
154. Part of the trick of managing such diversity, as many businesses have learnt, is global specialisation.
155. The inescapable conclusion was that people were continually managing to think it up for themselves.
156. There is ample evidence that the centralized way of organizing and managing frustrates the elementary quest for freedom Tolstoy describes so eloquently.
157. They formulate detailed plans for managing both the quantitative and the qualitative costs they are bound to incur.
158. As Managing Director, I am responsible for the day-to-day management of the company.
159. In managing very strong desires and impulses the child has his relationship with his parents as a resource.
160. If managing diversity comes to be viewed as a business issue rather than an ethical one, minorities might actually fare better.
161. Matty arrived the next morning to find Michael Mortara, a Salomon Brothers managing director, waiting for him.
162. The resignation of the managing director is certain to arouse new fears about the future of the company.
163. He was also from 1978 managing director of the television news agency, Visnews.
164. He was much admired for managing to employ more labour for less cash than anyone else since the Pharaohs built the pyramids.
165. It's easy to criticize, but managing a football team can be an extremely difficult job.
166. We have written the book for managers who are concerned about managing the consequences of this epidemic in the workplace.
167. Many practices have applied to run health promotion clinics for managing stress, which are thinly disguised counselling sessions.
168. By managing the directory, VeriSign has data it can use to market wireless communications and other services.
169. Two young athletes winning on the big stage and managing to enjoy every minute of the experience.
170. Warrington Council has been given a detailed presentation on Liverpool's proposals by airport managing director Rod Hill.
171. However, Hanson was also famous for two other things: buying cheaply and managing its assets extremely well.
172. Mr Baldry, 49, a qualified football coach, was until recently managing director of a travel and sports company.
173. She demonstrated her dexterity by managing to pinch my cheek while wearing elbow-length white gloves.
174. Fox has managing control of Fox / Liberty Sports and typically runs the ventures owned jointly.
175. It gave Brian McMaster, the company's managing director, the worst night he has ever had.
176. But then the managing director of the advertising agency responsible for the advertisement owned up.
177. The batsman failed to survive the over though, Gooch managing to hold on to a slip catch.
178. SmartStream provides data access, distribution, presentation and development functions for managing purchasing, asset management and manufacturing systems.
179. The easiest way to grow, is to let go. Knowing, that someone else is managing the show! RVM 
180. In the argot of the day, it's all about managing the bounce.
181. A ceremony was held to mark the occasion and's widow is pictured planting the tree with managing director.
182. If the prophecy worried her, she was managing to conceal the fact.
183. Involving professional services, these two sectors represent particular challenges in managing change.
184. Its managing director, Enzo Papi, is awaiting trial on corruption charges.
185. They made several unsuccessful attempts before managing to enter Paperweight and take the items, most of which were later recovered.
186. I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about. Henry Ford 
187. Mike Widmer, Caldaire's managing director, believes a Government promise to waive the clause could be a significant breakthrough.
188. Quarmby will now be responsible for business development and managing director of group services, coordinating services to all group companies.
189. Weisenburger also is managing director of Wasserstein Perella, which stands to make close to $ 200 million on its 1990 investment.
190. She felt numb and tired and surprised herself by managing to sleep deeply and well.
191. Hal Riney managing director David Verklin said the split was amicable, since it was never intended to be an ongoing relationship.
192. Nor have they any legal commitment to managing the monstrous forests they created for their absentee landlords.
193. Asking parents to be directly involved in managing schools is like saying consumers should collectively manage an automobile factory.
194. Tivoli's aim is to reduce the cost and complexity of managing heterogeneous distributed environments which include Unix systems and personal computers.
195. Henry Fan, managing director of Citic, said the company is changing its focus as it shifts assets.
196. The company admitted responsibility,[/managing.html] but managing director Peter Barrell said the gauge had been damaged by trespassers.
197. Through our national and local newsletter we can update on current research, advice on managing the illness and give medical information.
198. Access to Management Normally these cover basic skills in managing people, resources and finance and are for aspiring or new managers.
199. Hereford lived dangerously but by half time were still managing to keep afloat.
200. The job will involve budgeting and decision-making, as well as managing the project.
201. Doing so, however meant managing their way through a period of fundamental change.
202. Electronic marking is particularly appropriate on large courses, since it helps avoid the problems of managing the handing-in of work.
203. These volunteers advise and guide the Director and staff on all aspects of managing Trust properties.
204. Suddenly I was spending more time managing my payroll than I was helping my clients.
205. Barrie Catchpole, a director of Quilter Goodison, will become deputy managing director.
206. Instead of addressing your letter to the personnel manager send it straight to the to-to the managing director.
207. Devising and working on projects is one of the most creative ways of managing people for profit.
208. In-house lawyers increasingly regard the efficient and cost effective outsourcing and managing of external resources as a key discipline.
209. In view of the increasing incidence of neonate omphalitis, the PDCA circulation was used for managing this disease to improve the protective measures during bathing the neonate.
210. To improve sensitivity and linearity, feedback loop was adopted with electrostatic in detection and managing circuit, which is fabricated with high precision bipolar linear circuit technology.
211. Managing access includes risk mitigation of identity theft or spoofing.
212. Managing the priorities for several UMF files from a number of data sources can be a complicated and error-prone task if performed manually.




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