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单词 Derrida
1 Derrida reverses this priority by making all apparently logocentric forms of discourse secondary and indeed illusory.
2 Derrida himself is interested in the tension created between discursive play and history.
3 Anyone who can say so clearly just what Derrida is saying, or doing, immediately puts the reader in his debt.
4 Unlike Searle he admires Derrida,[] and believes that he is genuinely concerned with major philosophical questions.
5 The dispute between Derrida and Foucault was less a question of text versus history than an argument about history itself.
6 And it is their Derrida, the nihilist or joker, who has been so influential in literature departments.
7 Derrida as joker undermines all practices and ideas, including his own.
8 Derrida Deconstruct the privileging of shit over crap.
9 Jacques Derrida is famous for deconstructionism.
10 Now you have now read some Derrida.
11 Rilke and Derrida, who draw the outline of development of Zheng Min's writing, are to aspects of Zheng Min's poetic resources.
12 Jacques Derrida, Paul Ricoeur, And The Marginalization Of Christianity: Can The God Of Presence Be Saved?
13 Derrida famously, notoriously, said "there is nothing outside the text," right? What he meant by that, of course, is that there's nothing but text.
14 As last week's obituaries have already recorded, Derrida was the founding father of deconstruction.
15 And remember, you’ll get more out of reading Derrida on Plato if you read Plato first.
16 Derrida is aware of it in advance. He says in effect, "Look, I know we're running this risk in saying everything is language," or, if you will here, everything is discourse.
17 This is a metaphor that Derrida frequently uses, as a kind of writing on the ear.
18 Jacques Derrida, the world famous thinker, philosopher, and the founder of Deconstructionism, has been exerting an enormous influence on almost all the branches in the humanities.
19 What does emerge from it is that Norris's way of reading Derrida is likely to make considerable demands on the reader.
20 Arguing for what he believes to be the right way of reading Derrida, Norris makes what is essentially a forensic case.
21 At this point we can cast a glance back at Derrida.
22 This is the position of Christopher Norris, who modestly but firmly maintains that all anglophone readers except himself have misunderstood Derrida.
23 Palimpsest is a metaphor commonly used by deconstructionists, particularly Jacques Derrida.
24 This sensitivity to the style, subtle tendencies and holistic vision requires an insight similar to that needed to overcome what Jacques Derrida identified as the problem of Western logocentrism.
25 Now I do want to go back to the relationship between Derrida and Levi-Strauss.
26 The very idea of institution---hence of the arbitrariness of the sign---is unthinkable before the possibility of writing and outside of its horizon. (Of Grammatology by Jacques Derrida.
27 What he quotes from Levi-Strauss would seem, on the face of it, to have exactly the same kinds of reservation and hesitation about the emergence or birth of language that Derrida himself has.
28 The thesis employs a theory of macroscopical language theory from deconstructive translation proposed by Derrida.
29 Second, they look to post-structuralist thinkers, like Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, who argue that social relations are determined by discourse and language.
30 Here, the concept of "institution" is not only in the sense of "the institution of literature" that Jacques Derrida pointed out, but also in the means of what he calls the "text".
31 Using intertextual reading, this article discusses Jacques Derrida s logical thread in his deconstruction of Husserl s sign theory from the aspects of voice, expression, time and intuitive subject.
32 Derrida never really claims that you can do without it.
33 In many people's mind, Derrida is a extreme subjectivist , nihilist and text idealist, but some people hold that he is a prophet whose insight is very incisive and brilliant.
34 It’s the only way you’ll be able to read anything seriously,[] whether it’s Plato or Derrida on Plato.
35 However, meanwhile we are well familiar with the critique of the presence formulated especially by Jacques Derrida.
36 Contract : In Voices and Phoneomena, Derrida bring forward the concept of difference for the first time.
37 All glories to radha's divine father and mother, Vrsabhanu and the beautiful derrida.
38 Finally, this paper explains what is the spirit of Marxism which Derrida always asks us to inherit, and what is the relationship between his deconstructionism and Marxism.
39 This paper discusses a famous debate between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida.
40 The theory of "textual subjectivity" advocated by Jacques Derrida and others shows clearly the spirit of the aesthetic of postmodernism.
41 There is a self-consciousness in the thinking about structure that we find in many places in Levi-Strauss that Derrida freely acknowledges in his essay.
42 Now this is the point at which we need to say something about a number of key terms that Derrida uses to sustain this sort of criticism of traditional ideas of language.
43 In the academic circles, both Derrida and the Yale School are considered as deconstructionism with the differences between them almost totally neglected.
44 Derrida, as I said, believes in a kind of seamless web of discourse or discursivity. We are awash in discourse.
45 Life lessons, exes, or your philosophical stance on the late Jacques Derrida (Overblown fraud or grand deconstructionist?
46 It is just on this point that Jacques Derrida has had fundamental conflicts with Husserl.
47 Derrida pointed out that both the effective speech and the imaginary speech are all a primordially repetitive structure.
48 Needless to say, it's the central word in Derrida, which is nevertheless not classifiable or categorizable, and so for that reason we can't really say Derrida is specifically a literary theorist.
49 He follows Jakobson much more consistently in this regard than Derrida does.
50 The Archaeology of Memory can be seen as a manifestation of the deconstructionism of Jacques Derrida.
51 It's a kind of a downright, no-nonsense, let's-get-on-with-it kind of tone that, after reading Derrida and other writers of that kind, you're perhaps not quite ready for. In a way it's bracing.
52 It deploys and manipulates those gross constituent units of thought in the ways that we saw, but notice what Levi-Strauss is saying in that essay as opposed to the passage Derrida has just quoted.
53 Betti and Hirsch argued that Gadamer's thought is a kind of relativism by the objectivism. Derrida, the representative for deconstructivism, criticize Gadamer too.
54 So those are some remarks then on the differences and the similarities between de Man and Derrida.
55 So here's what, a little more than halfway down, the left-hand column, page 917, Derrida has to say about that.
56 Now this is what Derrida is deliberately struggling with in this first paragraph: an "event" , if this loaded word did not entail a meaning thought to reduce or to suspect.




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