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单词 Lunch
1. There's no such thing as a free lunch
2. I feel drowsy after lunch every day.
3. The students have lunch at school.
4. I'm absolutely starving -- I missed lunch.
5. We had melon for lunch at school.
6. Two bottles of wine will suffice for lunch.
7. He served a light white wine with the lunch.
8. It's almost time for lunch.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. After lunch we went for a leisurely stroll.
10. Let us adjourn the meeting for lunch.
11. Hail fell shortly after lunch.
12. She had a little doze after lunch.
13. Lunch is his main meal of the day.
14. What will you have for lunch?
15. After lunch he reposed on the couch.
16. I cooked lunch. And I made a cake.
17. Stay and have lunch. I insist!
18. I'm hungry - let's have lunch.
19. I parted from Tom after lunch.
20. Is cold meat and salad OK for lunch?
21. I usually take a nap after lunch.
22. A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
23. Grandpa usually has/takes a nap after lunch.
24. It's past 12 o'clock.It's time for lunch.
25. A light lunch will suffice .
26. Won't you stay for lunch?
27. Mr. Green usually has a nap after lunch.
28. After lunch, the class reassembled.
29. I don't normally drink at lunch.
30. I accomplished two hours' work before lunch.
1. The students have lunch at school.
2. I'm absolutely starving -- I missed lunch.
3. We had melon for lunch at school.
4. Two bottles of wine will suffice for lunch.
5. He served a light white wine with the lunch.
6. It's almost time for lunch.
7. After lunch we went for a leisurely stroll.
8. Hail fell shortly after lunch.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. She had a little doze after lunch.
10. Lunch is his main meal of the day.
11. What will you have for lunch?
12. I cooked lunch. And I made a cake.
13. Stay and have lunch. I insist!
14. I'm hungry - let's have lunch.
15. I parted from Tom after lunch.
16. Is cold meat and salad OK for lunch?
17. I usually take a nap after lunch.
18. A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
19. Grandpa usually has/takes a nap after lunch.
20. A light lunch will suffice .
21. Won't you stay for lunch?
22. He's out to lunch now.
23. After lunch, the class reassembled.
24. I don't normally drink at lunch.
25. I accomplished two hours' work before lunch.
26. She skipped lunch in order to go shopping.
27. I'm making a stew for lunch.
28. Lunch was a snack in the fields.
29. We've got sixteen coming for lunch.
30. They exchanged greetings and sat down to lunch.
31. Let's take a short break for lunch.
32. She skipped lunch in order to go shopping.
33. I'm making a stew for lunch.
34. Lunch was a snack in the fields.
35. We've got sixteen coming for lunch.
36. They exchanged greetings and sat down to lunch.
37. Tony announced it was time to see about lunch.
38. We ended up staying for lunch.
38. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
39. She served us a delicious lunch.
40. Have you got your lunch box?
41. She ate a small lunch before the meeting.
42. Mother is cooking lunch in the kitchen.
43. We should meet for lunch more often.
44. We took an hour lunch break.
45. He insisted on describing his operation in graphic detail while we were eating lunch.
46. I'm sorry, Joanna isn't here at the moment(), she's out to/gone to lunch.
47. The price includes morning coffee, buffet lunch, and afternoon tea.
48. Don't leave your bag in the office when you go for lunch.
49. I go to that restaurant for lunch if I'm feeling extravagant.
50. The boy bolted his lunch and ran to the playground.
51. We'll leave after lunch.
52. People in England often have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for lunch on Sundays.
53. The dining-hall is small, so there are two sittings for lunch.
54. Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.
55. I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a snack for dinner.
56. We can stop off half way to have our lunch.
57. We had lunch in a sheltered spot behind the dunes.
58. We went for a sandwich lunch at the local bar.
59. We used to ski before noon then take a long lunch.
60. Lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman.
31. Tony announced it was time to see about lunch.
32. We ended up staying for lunch.
33. She served us a delicious lunch.
34. Have you got your lunch box?
35. She ate a small lunch before the meeting.
36. Mother is cooking lunch in the kitchen.
37. We should meet for lunch more often.
38. He cooked lunch for me.
38. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
39. We took an hour lunch break.
40. He insisted on describing his operation in graphic detail while we were eating lunch.
41. I'm sorry, Joanna isn't here at the moment, she's out to/gone to lunch.
42. The price includes morning coffee, buffet lunch, and afternoon tea.
43. He cooked me lunch.
44. Don't leave your bag in the office when you go for lunch.
45. I go to that restaurant for lunch if I'm feeling extravagant.
46. We'll leave after lunch.
47. People in England often have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for lunch on Sundays.
48. Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.
49. I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a snack for dinner.
50. We had lunch in a sheltered spot behind the dunes.
51. We went for a sandwich lunch at the local bar.
52. We used to ski before noon then take a long lunch.
53. Lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman.
54. Rob had latched onto me. He followed me around, sat beside me at lunch, and usually ended up working with me.
55. We found a seat in a little nook, and had some lunch.
56. Use your lunch hour to have a nap in your chair.
57. It was a Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunch time.
58. After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.
59. He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.
60. 'Where do you want to go for lunch?' 'I'm not fussy .'
61. Rob had latched onto me. He followed me around, sat beside me at lunch, and usually ended up working with me.
62. We found a seat in a little nook, and had some lunch.
63. Use your lunch hour to have a nap in your chair.
64. It was a Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunch time.
65. The territory was too expensive for any one, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
66. After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.
67. He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.
68. They halted for lunch.
68. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
69. 'Where do you want to go for lunch?' 'I'm not fussy .'
70. At the place we stopped for lunch,we fell in with two or three university students.
71. I made a quick foray into town before lunch to get my sister a present.
72. I'm afraid my concentration began to waver as lunch approached.
73. It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch.
74. Yeah, it's lunch time.
75. She promenaded the children along the sea front after lunch.
76. I'll try and fit you in after lunch.
77. I had a light lunch in town.
78. We're going for lunch at the golf club.
79. The sun broke through at around lunch time.
80. What did you have for lunch?
81. We opened a can of sardines for lunch.
82. Let's take a dip in the lake before lunch.
83. Lunch is served on the terrace facing the sea.
84. We waited an hour for our lunch to arrive.
85. Why don't you come round for lunch?
86. Lorraine and I meet for lunch once a month.
87. What do you usually eat for lunch?
88. Mum and Dad are coming for lunch.
89. The two women went out for lunch together.
90. I had light fish this lunch.
61. I made a quick foray into town before lunch to get my sister a present.
62. I'm afraid my concentration began to waver as lunch approached.
63. It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch.
64. Yeah, it's lunch time.
65. The charge of the box lunch was nominal.
66. I only have a snack at lunch time.
67. They had roast lamb for lunch.
68. Lunch was a leisurely affair.
68. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
69. Eat up your lunch.
70. I took my friend to lunch and paid the tab.
71. She accidentally splashed oil over her apron while cooking lunch.
72. We can fry up some of these cold meat for our lunch.
73. I think I'll try the snails for lunch — I'm feeling adventurous today.
74. I'm sorry, I'll have to cancel lunch today because I'm up to my ears in paper work.
75. The territory was too expensive for any purchaser, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
91. I had two spoonfuls after lunch, as per instructions.
92. The atmosphere at lunch was relaxed.
93. I'm sorry, Pam's at lunch just now.
94. We ate lunch together a few times.
95. Won't you partake of our lunch?
96. We ate our picnic lunch by the river.
97. Shall we stop for a spot of lunch?
98. A few sandwiches will do me for lunch.
99. We treated Mom to lunch at the Savoy.
100. We had lunch at the golf club.
101. I saw you sloping off just after lunch yesterday!
102. We serve lunch and afternoon tea .
103. Lunch is at two. Try to be prompt.
104. Finish your lunch, there's a good boy.
105. I had prawns and rice for lunch.
106. Come on, eat up your lunch.
107. We must meet for lunch soon.
108. When do you usually knock off for lunch?
109. Why don't we meet for lunch on Friday?
110. I managed to get forty winks after lunch.
111. That was quite a decent lunch.
112. I'd like to buy him lunch.
113. I nearly always go home for lunch.
114. Ask him to join us for lunch.
115. We enjoyed a leisurely picnic lunch on the lawn.
116. She broke the good news to him at lunch.
117. Do you want to come round for lunch?
118. It's getting late - I'd better see about lunch.
119. Shall we break for lunch now?
120. We went snorkelling, and then returned for lunch.
121. We discussed the idea over a business lunch.
122. We will discuss that matter after lunch.
123. Are you ready for a spot of lunch?
124. Let's get things straight. I didn't lunch with her.
125. I met a girlfriend for lunch.
126. I usually have a sandwich for lunch.
127. I only have a snack at lunch time.
128. I'm going to have a snooze after lunch.
129. I did the shopping during my lunch hour.
130. Reichel took me out to lunch.
131. We usually have a pot roast for Sunday lunch.
132. She completely monopolized the conversation at lunch.
133. They went for a bathe before lunch.
134. The journalists were all given a freebie lunch.
135. She went out to stretch her legs after lunch.
136. I shut my office up and went for lunch.
137. We'll have a lunch after the show.
138. Botham came on to bowl after lunch.
139. They had chicken breasts for lunch.
140. I can put this lunch on my expense account.
141. They had a late lunch in a cafe.
142. I thought perhaps we'd have lunch in the garden.
143. I sometimes skip lunch if we're very busy.
144. After lunch I shall bend my steps homewards.
145. Are you free for lunch tomorrow?
146. I usually just have a sandwich for lunch.
147. After lunch he retired to his study.
148. I arranged to meet her for lunch.
149. Lunch was a grand if rather noisy affair.
150. We had travelled a fair way by lunch time.
151. We've come fifty miles since lunch.
152. At midday the meeting was adjourned for lunch.
153. You've only nibbled at your lunch.
154. We had a lunch stop at Timperley.
155. Two smiley babies are waiting for their lunch.
156. We have some asparagus for lunch.
157. The remains of lunch were still on the table.
158. Next time you're here let's have lunch together.
158. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
159. We must make a date to have lunch.
160. It's a little early for lunch.
161. Would you like an aperitif before lunch?
162. Come to our place for lunch after church.
163. Lunch was a leisurely affair.
164. By lunch time it was raining worse than ever.
165. He dispatched his lunch and took a nap.
166. I had a quick kip after lunch.
167. I'll dig some potatoes for lunch.
168. After lunch there was a little more clearing up to do than usual.
169. Can I buy you lunch in return for your help?
170. If anyone wants me, I'm at lunch with a client.
171. He was eager to talk to Shildon and impatient for him to return from lunch.
172. The little ones can play in the garden while we get lunch ready.
173. If we don't leave till after lunch we'll be cutting it very fine.
174. I use the Internet at work, during my lunch hour.
175. I often have lunch on the hoof between two appointments.
176. We have this understanding that nobody talks about work over lunch.
177. I could knock together a quick lunch if you like.
178. He instigated the ending of a free working lunch in the company.
179. We've given all the club members tea, coffee and a spot of lunch.
180. I met Jane and we had a good jaw over lunch.
181. The teachers on duty are policing the school buildings during the lunch hour.
182. We meet up for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to.
183. He was standing in front of her in the lunch queue, and they just got talking.
184. Look, here's 30 dollars, and I'll buy you lunch on top.
185. For lunch we had bread and cheese, washed down with beer.
186. 'I'm sure you will be an asset,' she finally added. 'Well, I see it's just about time for lunch.'.
187. We should be able to slot the meeting in before lunch.
188. I've got a meeting downtown in 20 minutes so I'll have lunch on the hoof.
188. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
189. 'Will you be staying for lunch?' she enquired of Charles.
190. He seemed a bit subdued at lunch - is he all right?
191. After lunch we explored the city, mindless of the rain.
192. So do I take this guy seriously or is he out to lunch?
193. Everything on the lunch table was finished up soon by the hungry children.
194. Are you pressed for time, Mr Bayliss? If not, I suggest we have lunch.
195. I'm going out to catch a few rays before lunch.
196. Lunch in an expensive restaurant was the high spot of the day.
197. Why don't we meet for lunch one day next week?
198. We would have a lazy lunch and then lie on the beach in the sun.
199. I often nod off for a little while after lunch.
200. I usually go to the gym during my lunch hour.
201. As the crew gets back from lunch, we can put your narration on it right away.
202. Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the table.
203. 'You must stay for lunch.' 'Well, thanks, but I don't want to impose ...'
204. After lunch she sallied forth in the snow for a short walk.
205. He made a habit of taking a nap after lunch.
206. She returned from lunch in a happier frame of mind.
207. We made a leisurely circuit of the city walls before lunch.
208. She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog.
209. The kids filled themselves with snacks and now they don't want any lunch.
210. It's an awful bore having to meet my aunt for lunch.
211. After lunch shall we pick up where we left off yesterday?
212. Lunch is a buffet meal, while dinner is waiter service.
213. Lunch at Harry's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance.
214. The finger of suspicion was pointed at the chicken served for lunch.
215. I don't eat much for lunch - just a light snack.
216. No one was prepared to forgo their lunch hour to attend the meeting.
217. The territory was too expensive for any purchaser, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
218. Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual.
218. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
219. I know a wonderful restaurant where we can have lunch next week.
220. 'What time were you planning lunch?'--'Half past twelve, if that's convenient.'.
221. If you're only eating a chocolate bar for lunch, you need a good square meal in the evening.
222. Finding her in low spirits, they had persuaded her to join them for lunch.
223. You eat a massive plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.
224. Come round for lunch and then we can discuss it at leisure.
225. What a fantastic lunch. I could eat the same again.
226. The scientist lighted on a solution when he was having lunch.
227. Every Sunday, week in, week out, she goes to her parents for lunch.
228. We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.




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