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单词 sensibility
释义 Word family  noun sense ≠ nonsense sensibility ≠ insensibility sensitivity ≠ insensitivity senselessness sensitization sensor adjective sensible insensible senseless sensitive ≠ insensitive sensory nonsensical insensate verb sense sensitize adverb sensibly senselessly sensitively ≠ insensitively  sen·si·bil·i·ty /ˌsensəˈbɪləti/ noun (plural sensibilities)  1  [countable, uncountable] the way that someone reacts to particular subjects or types of behaviour 感情〔人对某些话题或行为作出的反应〕 her religious sensibilities 她的宗教感情offend/wound somebody’s sensibilities Avoid using words that might offend someone’s racial or moral sensibilities. 要避免使用可能会伤害种族或道德感情的词语。2  [uncountable]UNDERSTAND the ability to understand feelings, especially those expressed in literature or art 〔尤指对文学、艺术的〕感受力,鉴赏力,敏感性 the sensibility of the artist 那位艺术家的感悟力Examples from the Corpussensibility• The important question is not how popular cultural sensibilities shift but why they do.• There is the fallible narrator, escaping his past, indulging his dandified sensibilities, inevitably sucked into danger beyond his understanding.• From the first moment we spoke I knew you were a girl with great sensibility, and I admire you very much.• Correspondence is, for me, a luxury which stirs my sensibilities, especially if it be with an old friend.• Trust your own palate and your own sensibility.• His secular, rationalist sensibilities created an ideal of liberalism based on the individual pursuit of self-interest.• Very few people have the refined sensibility needed to appreciate these paintings.• But the anti-army writers also showed a need to appeal to the sensibilities of their Tory allies in Parliament.sen·si·bil·i·ty nounChineseSyllable   to reacts way particular that someone subjects the Corpus




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