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单词 National Health Service
1) Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers.
2) The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
3) More spending on the National Health Service was promised.
4) Bevan fathered the concept of the National Health Service.
5) Bevan was the architect of the British National Health Service.
6) The centrepiece of Bevan's policy was the National Health Service.
7) Unions accuse the government of dismantling the National Health Service.
8) The general population was in favour of the National Health Service.
9) A large number of dentists have left the National Health Service to go into private practice.
10) She had her operation done on the National Health Service.
11) This treatment is difficult to obtain under the national health service.
12) The National Health Service was put on red alert.
13) The National Health Service is now better than ever.
14) Many people express exasperation with the National Health Service,(http:///National Health Service.html) but most seem to prefer it to a private system.
15) The National Health Service is there for the benefit of all the people who live in this country.
16) It has a National Health Service with 2 referral hospitals, and extensive primary health coverage.
17) But, like the National Health Service, education could be seen in a different light.
18) She believed private medicine was a threat to the existence of the National Health Service.
19) An increasing number of these treatments are now available on the National Health Service.
20) This study has clearly identified a major problem area for the National Health Service.
21) Are you going to have your operation done on the national health service?
22) On 31 March 1987 there were 942 practices in the national health service which used a computer.
23) The Commission was set up to look at the management of the manpower resources of the National Health Service.
24) This is a crucial element when debating the merits of improvements in the National Health Service or education.
25) No one I canvassed had any personal complaint against the National Health Service.
26) From January 1990, the entire cost of a negligence action will be borne by the National Health Service.
27) Does she agree that haemophiliacs and others who are given contaminated blood transfusions receive them from the national health service?
28) Over the next 22 months, additional resources of at least £1 billion will be available for investment in the National Health Service.
29) This project aims to examine changes in alcohol treatment policy from the inception of the National Health Service to the 1980's.
30) They can and do, of course, also make use of the National Health Service, and some also use private practitioners.
1) The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
31) Those schemes do not represent opting out, as hospitals will remain within the National Health Service.
32) Internal markets form the basis of government thinking about the reform of the National Health Service.
33) The election result is a clear mandate for the Government to proceed with the reforms of the National Health Service and education.
34) It is now a relatively routine operation available in the national health service.
35) We have a National Health Service; but it does not deal adequately with the illnesses of old age.
36) Beveridge is usually thought of as the architect of the British National Health Service.
37) He was struck off in 1998, but still receives a National Health Service pension.
38) New directions in National Health Service budgeting have emerged during the 1980s.
39) The accounts of the National Health Service as a whole offer a good example.
39) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
40) We now have the largest investment programme of capital investment in the national health service that we have ever had.
41) The laboratories carried out all work for general practitioners, National Health Service, and private hospitals in the area.
42) How does that square with the repeated claim that the national health service is safe in Tory hands?
43) It also excludes various administrative agencies connected with the National Health Service and the nationalized industries.
44) Conversely, state hospitals in the National Health Service involve public sector production of private goods.
45) Nor was there any notice explaining how to get dental treatment on the National Health Service.
46) Our congratulations should go out from the House to the national health service for what it is achieving.
47) Recent reforms could bring about significant changes in the organisation of the National Health Service and in the delivery of care.
48) The figures that she gave referred to comparisons with the private sector, not the national health service.
49) Additionally, they feared the full development of a national health service, viewed by them as unacceptable socialism.
50) Has not the experiment proved a disaster for vast numbers of national health service patients?
51) The Government claims National Health Service dentists overspent their budget last year by treating more patients than it'd estimated.
52) If that is true, those figures bring little consolation to the national health service as a whole.
53) The place of geriatric medicine within the new arrangements for the National Health Service also remains unclear.
54) The position, as the Government have repeatedly made clear, is that trusts will remain part of the national health service.
55) Peter Sands will be one less dentist in the National Health Service by then.
56) Can he compare these facts about the national health service with the fictions put out by the Labour Front Bench?
57) Thus the growth of secondary education was a development parallel to that of the National Health Service.
58) As National Health Service hospitals are forced to compete with each other for business they may begin to see other hospitals as competitors.
59) Following the restructuring of the National Health Service in 1982, the County area was served by three district health authorities.
60) We need to keep them within the national health service work force and to make better use of their additional skills.
61) Labour seemed happiest when proclaiming its undying support for the National Health Service and the state education system of the post-Beveridge era.
62) In the National Health Service the control over funding also facilitates policy change from the centre.
63) Much of this reflects the entrenched acute-service bias of the National Health Service, and major change would have far-reaching implications.
64) This was an important step towards a national health service, though in practice few authorities did much to modernize their facilities.
65) Being in charge of the National Health Service reforms did not endear him to one and all.
66) Fidesz also backed a referendum to block private investment in the failing national health service.
67) Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.
68) The National Health Service ( NHS ) is on a primary health care model.
69) The National Health Service provides care to the vast majority of Britain's people, often for free.
69) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
70) The National Health Service provides for every resident, regardless of income, a range of medical services.
71) Named after William Beveridge, the daring social reformer who designed Britain's National Health Service.
72) Granted, the Tories pledged before the election to maintain spending on the popular National Health Service.
73) Is the National Health Service safe with the Conservative party?
74) The government has committed itself to improving the National Health Service.
75) The study was funded by Britain's Medical Research Council, a government agency. The U. K. 's National Health Service favors the use of cognitive behavior therapy and graded exercise for CFS.
76) The National Health Service is the largest single employer of labour in the U . K.
77) Data and methods: The data of the 4th National Health Service Investigation and a survey on function and human resources of primary health care facilities were used to descriptively analyze the study.




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