单词 | Ineffective |
例句 | 1. These policies have proved ineffective. 2. The chemical was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds. 3. This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of scarce resources. 4. They made an ineffective attempt to get the rules changed. 5. The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery. 6. Various drugs have proved ineffective against the virus. 7. The Chancellor's countermeasures against inflation have been completely ineffective. 8. The contract was rendered ineffective by this careless wording. 9. Economic reform will continue to be painful and ineffective. 10. The law proved ineffective in dealing with the problem. 11. These weapons are totally ineffective against tanks. 12. The system was not only complicated but also ineffective. 13. The research will help governments to weed out ineffective aid schemes. 14. The dictionary is blemished by those long ineffective example sentences. 15. The technique is at best ineffective and at worst dangerous. 15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day! 16. The army has proved ineffective in protecting the civilian population. 17. Buller's actions have been rightly criticized as ineffective. 18. Their cannonade, although impressive, was quite ineffective. 19. They lost the game partly because of ineffective passing. 20. If renal function is severely impaired, acetazolamide is ineffective. 21. The new drug was ineffective. 22. She felt so ineffective, she could have cried. 23. Action that was demonstrably ineffective would do no good to Peres's electoral prospects. 24. Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective. 25. Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment. 26. It would be tragic if World Bank assistance is used to pursue the ineffective treatment regimen. 27. The unions had almost no influence on the factory floor and were ineffective in collective bargaining. 28. Myth-3: New disk drive technology that doesn't improve seek time can be dismissed as ineffective. 29. To present such stark choices on one's own, rather than in a formal Intervention, is commonly ineffective. 30. Table 5-1 describes briefly one of the many different ways each style might be perceived as effective or ineffective by others. 1. These policies have proved ineffective. 2. The chemical was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds. 3. This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of scarce resources. 4. They made an ineffective attempt to get the rules changed. 5. The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery. 31. However, glucocorticoids are usually ineffective in the hypercalcemia of primary hyperparathyroidism, Phosphate also inhibits bone resorption. 32. Starting quarterback Scott Mitchell was ineffective before leaving in the second quarter with a hamstring injury. 33. He scored just 10 points but had only two assists, being ineffective as a shooter and playmaker. 34. It is ineffective in hypoglycaemia induced by alcohol, in which liver glycogen is already depleted. 35. Any lesser density makes the private appropriation of lands ineffective and the potential supply of paid labour insufficient. 36. Research has demonstrated that the strong emotions experienced by participants can lead to inappropriate or ineffective responses. 37. Britain faced the prospect of a winter without food and without energy, at the mercy of powerful unions and ineffective employers. 38. Efforts to get homeless people off the streets have been largely ineffective. 39. But some doctors have a history of abusing that trust for profit, prescribing unnecessary and ineffective diet regimes to all comers. 40. These policies failed because the government was weak and ineffective. 41. The machinery of the ancient Forest courts was found at this time to be cumbrous and ineffective. 42. The authorities have responded to complaints of increasing truancy with legislation apparently strict but in practice almost ineffective. 43. But deaths and injuries still occurred, and blame continued to be attached to ineffective, unfocused or misguided practice. 44. Most of these provisions subject clauses to a test of reasonableness; however, some clauses are made wholly ineffective. 45. The review follows persistent criticism that the Press Council is an ineffective body which commands little respect. 46. It is clearly pointless and ineffective to qualify community interpreters without the professional cooperation of the services. 47. I sometimes feel that she is just totally ineffective in this job. 48. His arrival will be particularly welcomed by Boksic( ), who endured a frustrating afternoon alongside an embarrassingly ineffective Hamilton Ricard. 49. This means that, even though an exemption clause on its wording apparently provides a defence, it may nevertheless be ineffective. 50. Women who refused to speak this denigrating language were considered scandalous and uncivil; worse, they were ineffective at accomplishing anything. 51. If not, those involved will be unclear about what is expected and monitoring and control will be ineffective. 52. It was as if the lithium severed that connection, or clouded it so much as to basically make it ineffective. 53. In 1994, New Orleans hired a new police chief to rescue the corrupt, ineffective police department from itself. 54. Even if it stops short of this extreme, retroactive cost justification is largely ineffective. 55. Grappling irons were thrown out but these, too, proved ineffective. 56. Several of the female workers who have sued Mitsubishi say the department had been unresponsive and ineffective. 57. Brown instead hurt his heel in training camp, failed to supplant Albert Lewis and hobbled through an ineffective half-season. 58. There is a high level of consensus among historians of the eighteenth-century Poor Law that relief in general was neither ungenerous nor ineffective. 59. Kamieniecki was pressed into duty as a starter because Jimmy Key had been ineffective in Game 1. 60. While an appeal is pending the notice will be ineffective becoming effective again if the appeal is dismissed or withdrawn. 61. Galton had become convinced that Lamarckism was ineffective because the character of each individual is rigidly determined by inheritance. 62. At this stage the C- field is also ineffective in stopping gravitational contraction. 63. The idea of putting warning labels on drinks packaging is a simplistic and ineffective attempt to resolve a complex issue. 64. Any visit to the doctor always resulted in a prescribed medication that was ineffective. 65. On the crucial issue of land ownership, the many agrarian laws passed in various States have been ineffective in practice. 66. The international network of politically experienced women is ineffective, exhausted, and has all but disappeared. 67. Normal armour is ineffective against the magic of Fearfrost, so only foes wearing magic armour get a saving throw. 68. A combination of ineffective management and inadequate investment brought about this collapse. 69. She was offered psychotherapy, but this proved ineffective and it was concluded that Jenny lacked insight into her problems. 70. Overtime Overtime is a business disease and a social evil Throwing money at a problem is the most ineffective form of management. 71. It gave some backing to Wilson's much-publicized but largely ineffective policy of economic sanctions against Rhodesia. 72. Maxmian ordered the execution of every tenth man, which proved to be an ineffective deterrent. 73. Y., so eager to espouse other causes, has thus far been uncharacteristically low key and ineffective. 74. The natives welcomed his message to Christians but wondered aloud why it was so ineffective. 75. The move up to verse can be ineffective, deservedly so./ineffective.html 76. Claiming their masks were ineffective against the gas employed by the marshals, the state troopers withdrew from the campus. 77. The former is so necessary that in any period of confusion individual talents are largely ineffective. 78. Britain has been notoriously ineffective in dealing with offences like financial fraud, market manipulation and insider dealing. 79. Penalties for induced abortions are fierce in theory but ineffective in practice. 80. Although thick mist persisted so air reconnaissance was ineffective, Plumer's initial thrust was made at 05.40 on 20 September. 81. The ultimate effect is greatly weakened if an older drug is ineffective against the mutated virus. 82. In fact, the profiles that are held up as models for the United States to follow are ineffective and discriminatory. 83. These also were largely ineffective because the numbers of the unemployed, again largely casuals, far outnumbered the jobs notified. 84. Job control can be ineffective if the command structure is not properly laid down. 85. Price rises were ineffective unless they were so swingeing as to be ruinous. 86. If pot concentrates the AIDS drugs, they could be toxic; if reduced, they could be ineffective. 87. The old wives' tales that have answered the pleas of fathers for centuries are mostly ineffective. 88. The design process has been unnecessarily slow on many projects because the exchange of information between designers has been ineffective. 89. The authors also say that peer review is ineffective as a mechanism for restructuring scientific activity. 90. The single greatest limitation to effective performance is that many of the rewards organizations offer are ineffective. 91. This points to still another reason why minimizing is an ineffective means of dealing with ongoing costs. 92. This was all the more remarkable, Pruett notes, because most men are reared to be ineffective nurturers. 93. I tried parries, but they were tight, tense, and ineffective. 94. Does this mean that absolution by the patient is ineffective in relieving the doctor of his duty? 95. All of the mice in comparison groups that received an ineffective antibody developed lung tumors. 96. Sypherd was described as arrogant, incompetent and hypocritical, and Pacheco was called ineffective, invisible and weak. 97. This observation could explain why straining is often ineffective in promoting normal defecation even in low spinal patients with intact abdominal musculature. 98. Government control depends on bargaining, rather than on formal sanctions that are generally ineffective. 99. It will be ineffective against the multi-layer reactive armour, experts say. 100. Many of her leadership behaviors seen as productive in the low slack system prove ineffective in the high slack company. 101. However, although there was no damage to the crop, the herbicide was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds. 102. Eastern European pollution control has been notoriously ineffective. 103. An all-female political section would have been operationally ineffective. 104. Her opponents complain that Lady Ashton is ineffective. 105. This is an ineffective method of controlling your dog. 106. All other assets in a crisis are ineffective. 107. Baker and Christopher say it is ineffective and unconstitutional. 108. This medicine turned out ineffective. 109. An ineffective person should not be our leader. 110. Heat transfer is relatively ineffective in diffuse gases. 111. Another cause of ineffective delegating is thinking that you can do the work better yourself. 112. Conclusion It is important to understand the reasons for ineffective treatment of drug-fast pulmonary tuberculosis. 113. Eriksson also played down Wayne Rooney's reaction to being taken off during an ineffective second period. 114. Speaking to America.gov,() Brimmer said the Obama administration is seeking a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council while being aware that critics of the council believe it has been ineffective. 115. Agricultural rejectamenta is the main source of biomass resource. But it is not evaluated in agricultural statistics due to its ineffective use in a long period. 116. In this discussion with Micah the wiry old captain tended to ignore his ineffective Son, Bromley. 117. The main reason of this phenomenon is due to the ineffective management of design phase and the lack of study on the cost control mechanism and methods during the design stage. 118. In such an environment, direct instruments have become increasingly ineffective, leading to inefficiencies and disintermediation. 119. "When tumor cells gain access to the cerebral spinal fluid and the subarachnoid space, current therapy is largely ineffective, " said Dr. Raffel. 120. Methods 11 patients with supinator syndrome definitely diagnosed were treated with conservation treatment, 4 ineffective cases with conservation treatment were treated with operation. 121. Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was "feckless, vain, and ineffective as a modern European leader", according to Elizabeth Dibble, US charge d'affaires in Rome. 122. Conclusion Azithromycin has good effect for non-gonococcal urethritis and ineffective for multi-form merger syphilis, cutaneous deficiency regression after use Benzathine Benzylpenicillin. 123. If they prove ineffective they should be demoted or asked to retire. 124. After the formation of cysts because of the protection of mucosa drugs will become ineffective deworming must be done beforehand. 125. Major social sector institutions are often viewed as inefficient, ineffective, and unresponsive. 126. The challenge now, they said, is to test the hypothesis that "dieting is ineffective because it is a stressor. 127. Extensively used in commercial landscape applications, their diffused light makes them ineffective for spotlighting and fixtures require internal electronics. 128. These verbs mean to make something ineffective by if by applying an opposite or counterbalancing force. 129. When we're caught off-guard, we're more likely to fall back into old, ineffective habits like the combat mentality. 130. The monoclonal against HER2 receptor is ineffective in prostate cancer which may be explained by the presence and the potential effect of HER2 C-terminal fragment. 131. These engineers viewed many web sites in the WWW as ineffective, confusing, and disarrayed. 132. Over the long period of time, microeconomic theory holds that competition is effective with ineffective monopoly. 133. It is forgery even if the document is incomplete or ineffective in law. 134. In die design, the pressure center of stamping die is calculated generally using analytic method or schematic method. But these methods are cockamamie, ineffective and fallible. 135. The Bligh Reef's remote location (accessible only by boat or helicopter), a lack of oil skimming equipment and ineffective chemical dispersants made a speedy response difficult. 135. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 136. The machine has encryption functions. By pressing the locking key, it enters the machine into a protection status. Any key you press is ineffective. 137. Regulation remains largely ineffective (in fact, the industry has managed to demonize the word), the big banks are too important to fail, and interest rates are low across the yield curve. 138. The enemy bombers were ineffective because they were fighting at close quarters. 139. The experiment of anti tumor on animals indicates triterpenes have the best effect, while sterol is ineffective. 140. Existing drugs, such as pyrimethamine, are becoming increasingly ineffective as the parasite develops resistance to them. 141. The experiment shows that if the current amplifier factor is big, Junction J_3 is hard and the ineffective trigger branch current is low, the turn-on time can be shorten effectively. 142. It is ineffective to take any single way for rice every - year promoting precocity. 143. Paraphrasing his last paragraph yields, It will be an ineffective token gesture, but we should tax the super rich anyway. 144. Because requirements gathering is the foundation of the development cycle, an ineffective or ill-chosen requirements gathering process greatly increases the probability that your project will fail. 145. These verbs mean to make something ineffective by or as if by applying an opposite or counterbalancing force. 146. On the one hand, it imprudently categorizes laws as just and unjust. On the other hand, what it advises people to do is ineffective and will breed a horrible consequence. 147. According to the improvement results, then some feasible ways for ineffective DMUs are put forth, which provides a reference base of making decision and scientific management. 148. The program was active in fits and starts, and it was essentially killed in 2004 because it was deemed ineffective, former and current intelligence officials said. 149. It is difficult to believe that recourse to moral suasion by a Fed chairman would be ineffective. 150. Leaded gasoline produces emissions containing lead, which coats the metals in the converter, rendering them ineffective. 151. Both are ineffective because of their inappropriateness, high unit cost, transport problems, and inflexibility. 152. In recent years clinical common penicillamine, glucocorticoid and other drugs to treat the disease, not only long course of treatment, the treatment ineffective, and have more adverse reactions. 153. Objective : To explore the cause and therapeutical measures of ineffective internal fixation of plate. 154. In a word , the actual operation of local self - government lawmaking is ineffective. 155. Prescribed medication is the next step if dietary modifications and vitamin B6 therapy with doxylamine are ineffective. 156. She is totally ineffective as a teacher, ie She cannot teach satisfactorily. 157. The Minister of Finance was dismissed from his position on account of the ineffective economic policy. 158. They did so in order to distinguish themselves from charlatans and quacks who purvey anti-aging products and treatments that are ineffective and sometimes harmful. 159. This is not only ineffective, but may also interfere with coitus and cause discomfort. 160. After over a century of ineffective, constantly changing logos, Pepsi has finally resorted to the corporate swoosh – the bland, meaningless decorative flourish that says "I give up". 161. At that moment resistance elements, particularly in Africa, were inarticulate and ineffective. 162. A new study from Mayo Clinic finds the use of the drug therapy etanercept ineffective in treating alcoholic hepatitis, an acute inflammation of the liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. 163. Myleran, which had been ineffective in L1210 leukemia, was also found to have definite effect in L615. 164. His words had no bite , ie were harmless or ineffective. 165. The brake is ineffective. 165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 166. But a new study of zebrafish larvae concludes it's their poorly developed side fins and ineffective swim bladder that holds them back. 167. They accuse the World Bank of wasting money on ineffective medicines. 168. Prior to 1990, the Act had proved completely ineffective in dealing with acid rain. 169. Conclusion In this group, the higher the LCT titer, the more likely the ineffective platelet transfusion. 170. Although the ass makes a great spiker, he is ineffective as pressure. 171. Conclusion It is suggested that LCT positive is mainly immune factor for ineffective platelet transfusion. 172. But Wright-Phillips, criticised by Mancini for his ineffective display in the 0-0 Europa League draw against Aris Salonika, knows deep down that he is likely to be on his way once the season is over. 173. Ineffective product liability lies between the field of contract and tort. 174. The result indicated that the olive extract showed better inhibition to the selected bacteria, but proved weak antimicrobial effect to microzyme and ineffective against mildew. 175. In these saline environments, non- halophilic microorganisms have ineffective bioremediation, even lose the function of bioremediation. 176. Before reinfusion , patients receive chemotherapy to deplete their own immune cells which are ineffective against the melanoma. 177. On a practical level, the direct application of the GATS nondiscrimination clause appears unlikely because it would render ineffective the main advantages CEPA accords Hong Kong. 178. At the same time, the ineffective management measures and inadequate capacity in marine and coastal biodiversity conservation have exacerbated by the deterioration of the resources. 179. To make provision loan loss provision is a measure taken by commercial banks to fight against credit risk. Ineffective loan loss provision will affect banking capital and profit. 180. As a new capital market, the poor quality of our country's quoted company administration and the ineffective company operation performance check the national economic development to a certain extent. 181. Besides, Ponkan, and Wentan Pummelo showed economic efficient in organic fertilizers application, but Tankan and Liucheng appeared ineffective. 182. One such medication, intravenous terbutaline, "is fairly ineffective, and, frankly, it can be toxic," Shannon said. 183. After Tiglath-Pileser I, the Assyrians were in decline for nearly two centuries, a time of weak and ineffective rulers, wars with neighboring Urartu, and encroachments by Aramaean nomads. 184. Yo-yo diets such as this one are not only ineffective, they're dangerous to your heart and overall health. 185. Esophagectomy was the standard treatment in patients with achalasia and a markedly dilated or sigmoid-shaped esophagus, with Heller myotomy considered to be ineffective in such cases. 186. Methods Analysis of reasons for ineffective treatment of 11 cases of drug-fast pulmonary tuberculosis. 187. That's why he bought so many futures such as index-linked notes, which are expensive and ineffective and have caused great loss to SCB (China). 188. Conclusion It is important to understand the reasons for ineffective treatment of drug-fast tuberculosis. 189. The model of citizens' subjective measurement on government performance: is it effective or ineffective? 190. He felt strongly that free French would be ineffective and likely to aggravate the situation. 191. Early selection for number of lambs born alive based on ewe birth type was ineffective. 192. Don't take my word about idling being ineffective, but do listen to my mechanic, Rob Maier, who runs Maier's Garage in Bridgeport, Connecticut. 193. Their unions, once ineffective and docile , are now powerful tools in the collective bargaining process. 194. Corporal punishment is frequently ineffective, for it results in children's more aggressive and defiant behaviours. 195. She would not waste precious time with ineffective drugs or trial-and-error treatment. 196. Owing to the error guideline on pricing and inept pricing process,(http:///ineffective.html) price is ineffective. 197. Already two anti-viral drugs Amantadine and Rimantadine have been found to be ineffective against bird flu. 198. In The Moonstone, the social machinery for the detection of crime unbelievably ineffective. 199. The essence of factual work relation is ineffective work relation and only has phraseological meaning. 200. Objective To probe the reasons for ineffective treatment of drug-fast pulmonary tuberculosis. 201. Thrusting higher than this point may be ineffective and waste precious time. 202. The air - conditioner was ineffective in such a crowded room. |
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