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单词 Maneuver
(1) This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
(2) It was difficult to maneuver the bed into the room.
(3) She tried to maneuver her body into a more comfortable position.
(4) It's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.
(5) It was a well-organized plan to maneuver company president John Woolford out of office.
(6) The pilot was able to maneuver the crippled aircraft out of the hostile area.
(7) During a routine docking maneuver to resupply, we collided with a cargo ship.
(8) There was no way to maneuver, even to turn around and get out if we had to.
(9) But that maneuver would permit the Democrats to demonstrate their devotion to school children.
(10) Carter reluctantly accepted the face-saving maneuver, which was announced on April 21.
(11) If executed close enough to the Moon, this maneuver can place the spacecraft on a collision course with the Moon.
(12) This self-serving political maneuver by the administration jeopardizes millions of pension dollars and violates the Constitution and federal law.
(13) On a world of higher gravity(), the maneuver would have been far too extravagant of fuel.
(14) A single unwise maneuver would have sent Robinson and his skiff plunging over the precipice.
(15) During shuttle spacewalks, pilots can maneuver their spacecraft quickly to chase an astronaut whose security line has snapped.
(16) His speeches at maneuver conferences were always logical and enlightening, and one could not help respecting his extraordinary ability.
(17) I try to maneuver unobtrusively with my umbrella, resolutely not looking at the food vendors.
(18) I had never experienced such a maneuver in flight school.
(19) In accounting terms, this maneuver has the same effect as paying off the government securities and reducing the federal debt.
(20) There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
(21) All the fighters landed safely on the airport after the military maneuver.
(22) He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war.
(23) Some tournaments he lost because, some say, no one stepped forward and performed the Heimlich maneuver.
(24) The crown prince countered by arranging full media coverage of a big National Guard training maneuver.
(25) Bush has become embroiled in destructive skirmishing at home even as his aides maneuver adroitly to avoid pointless battles abroad.
(26) The missile would have to have been fired from a boat, a still more difficult maneuver.
(27) We see the smaller imperialist powers frantically attempting to maneuver within this new framework.
(28) The mechanism is thought to be decreased cardiac venous return associated with the Valsalva maneuver.
(29) The web site proved to be a bit bulky and tough to maneuver during a weeknight trial run....
(30) I am also happy to say that the perturbation maneuver has been successfully completed.
(1) All the fighters landed safely on the airport after the military maneuver.
(2) This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
(31) The most highly skilled soldiers advocated rapid maneuver and quick assault when contact was made.
(32) The technique and maneuver abided by the mechanics regulation.
(33) Ditching was a nasty but manageable maneuver.
(34) Roll back to the right to exit this maneuver.
(35) Trumpet maneuver has been reported in CT examination for the diagnosis of laryngocele.
(36) Lower courts have found, however, that Vermont Yankee does leave them some room for maneuver.
(37) Equation of particle motion is used and about 19 basic maneuvers are selected in the flight maneuver model.
(38) The ship misperformed the maneuver and almost collided with the pier.
(39) As the 12 - year - old on and on about CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, mom nodded proudly.
(40) This paper introduces maneuver - load control principle and function applying to large transport.
(41) The dorsad reduction maneuver has been used for treating 120 cases of posticous cervical spondylopathy and 90 cases treated with common massage has been used as control.
(42) Finally, maneuver warfare requires the ability to think above our own level and to act at our level in a way that is in consonance with the requirements of the larger situation.
(43) Of course,(sentence dictionary) there's a way to prevent many of those fatalities: Heimlich maneuver.
(44) During execution of this maneuver , the anterior ethmoidal artery and must be cauterized with forceps.
(45) However, to the best of our knowledge, the use of trumpet maneuver in the sonographic diagnosis of laryngocele has not been previously described.
(46) The mechanism of this was explained to be associated with erect postural hypotension or related to Valsalva's maneuver.
(47) I was able to maneuver myself right up next to the bandstand, just ten feet from Glenn Miller himself.
(48) Night Vision Goggles Amplifies vision and allows the Marine to maneuver better.
(49) Then the proposed system is used to the semi-physical simulation of large angle maneuver attitude control for small satellite only via flywheels.
(50) Through analysis of Stand Off Attack characteristics, Stand Off Air-to-Surface (AS) combat simulation frame is discussed. Based on a mission profile, maneuver chains for Stand Off Attack are designed.
(51) The first orbit maneuver of lunar orbit insertion (LOI) must be implemented at the first perilune of the spacecraft flight to the moon.
(52) The results of simulation under strong side wind disturbance and double lane change maneuver show that the designed controller greatly improve handling and stability of vehicle.
(53) This paper investigates the large angle attitude post stall maneuver control for the agile turn phase of an air-to-air missile that has high off-boresight capability and head reverse maneuverability.
(54) Integrated br and promotion maneuver with campus events, sports events and joint sales promotions to spur the market.
(55) We cut across a cul-de-sac that says "Do Not Enter," make a sharp left turn and maneuver down lanes of brick row houses.
(56) Airplane maneuver to keep the airplane from progressing along the intended route of flight.
(57) Objective : To compare endoscopy maneuver with Caldwell - luc operation for the treatment of chronic. sinusitis.
(58) However, looking at that be flown to pare off the factory of horizon, she still reserves giving up this maneuver.
(59) Historically, immovable objects are easy to out maneuver and real long-term stubbornness is the Maginot Line of negotiating styles.
(60) The United States therefore had a margin for maneuver unavailable to China.
(61) Objective : To observe the clinical curative effect of arteria vertebralis cervical spondylopathy treated by Rotating - restitutional maneuver.
(62) As a tactical maneuver, financial negotiators can browbeat the opposition much in the same way that technical negotiators can.
(63) Based on the target′s phasing time analysis of orbit determination error, orbit control error and orbit prediction error, the strategy of the target′s phasing orbit maneuver was developed.
(64) Optimal control of tactical maneuver for a high-performance aircraft is investigated in flight trajectory.
(65) Fellow crew member Doug Wheelock will guide arm operators as they maneuver Parazynski.
(66) The prime minister thwarted the opposition's maneuver to gain control of the government.
(67) Purpose:To discuss the clinical application and maneuver of CT-guided percutaneous centesis .
(68) As the 12 - year - old went on and on about CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, mom nodded proudly.
(69) McRoberts maneuver: The legs are removed from the lithotomy position and flexed at the hips, with flexion of the knees against the abdomen.
(70) Conclusion Appropriate treatment aimed at different frontal sinusitis in degree and in period when it occurred after transfrontal craniotomy is a reasonable maneuver.
(71) But till now, the deflective force of single-screw ship for stopping maneuver haven't been discussed fully, people can't explain the intricate deflective phenomenon.
(72) "Navigating the birth canal is probably the most gymnastic maneuver most of us will ever make in life, " says Rosenberg, chair of the university's department of anthropology.
(73) In the case of finite thrust apogee maneuver for the geostationary satellite(sentence dictionary), the fuel consumption increases due to the long burn arc.
(74) As the first raiser of strategic air force, the Chinese army won't be careless a maneuver.
(75) It might be a maneuver to split the Alliance by playing up fears a US - Soviet condominium.
(76) The matching problem of terminal maneuver and terminal guidance trajectory of anti - ship missile is analyzed.
(77) Also in rocket essential spot installment telemetering image metering equipment, but real-time surveillance and record rocket main flight maneuver.
(78) During execution of this maneuver, the anterior ethmoidal artery is torn and must be cauterized with forceps.
(79) But, unfortunately, more people have heard of Heimlich maneuver than actually know how to administer it.
(80) The experience and shortcoming in this maneuver are analyzed and summed up.
(81) Gliding descent in autorotation is a maneuver used by helicopter pilots in case of engine failure.
(82) An action calculated to frustrate an opponent or gain an advantage indirectly or deviously; a maneuver.
(83) Objective To enhance the operation safety of hemihepatectomy with improvements by retrohepatic tunnel of the IVC of liver hanging maneuver.
(84) Nowadays " lasting tower " when can collecting maneuver, collect fees mode, this pair collects fees at present the domestic game market with single mode is undoubtedly a kind drive benignantly .
(85) Objective : To discuss the nursing maneuver of hemodialysis without heparin.
(86) Make sure you are not too fast going into the maneuver, otherwise you may exceed redline speed.
(87) The simulation result shows that the new particle filter algorithm can solve non-Gaussian maneuver targeting tracking problem primely.
(88) At first I couldn't control the skateboard as well as a maneuver.
(89) But if the bed-making is particularly pathetic, it may be a sabotage maneuver.
(90) Freezing enemy maneuver gave the proxy ground troops the ability to mass.
(91) After a bombing run, maneuver your Vindicators away from any anti-aircraft fire then use the Return to Base secondary ability.
(92) Joe launched, executing a midair combat maneuver that would have had Nambu nodding appreciatively.
(93) This maneuver must be done circling both clockwise and counterclockwise.
(94) It will give a reference to technicians and flight crew engaging in flight test research of post tall and tactical maneuver.
(95) Then S-style high maneuver trajectory with high angles of attack is simulated by given control commands of angle of pitch.
(96) In this photo, a skier performs an aerial maneuver called a spread eagle .
(97) The maneuver consists of rotation of the head to occiput anterior. The head is then flexed and pushed back into the vagina, followed abdominal delivery.
(98) Load matching ( aerodynamic and maneuver loads ) is investigated for turbojets and turbofans.
(99) Clinical subluxation as incomplete instability events that did not require a manual reduction maneuver.
(100) He executed the same maneuver, easily swinging his boots over the wire.
(101) Objective:To assess the effects of particle repositioning maneuver(PRM) and postural restriction therapy on posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV).
(102) According to the requirements of our Earth observation satellite's orbital maneuver mission, this paper designs and implements the software module and primary program for orbital maneuver.
(103) I'm not even in MIL power when I'm doing this maneuver.
(104) Conciseness: do we want to make point - blank requests or give room for maneuver?
(105) If you want to maneuver foreign exchange fund from other places because of job relocation or inhabitance registration transition, Bank can offer you the inter-city collection of deposit .
(106) To meet the new requirements for maneuver routing selection under the new situation, the maneuvering time limitation and maneuvering decentralization both are simultaneously requested to come up.
(107) Furthermore, the Chinese advantages in tactical maneuver, infiltration, and stealth lost their value.
(108) Democratic officials stressed that the OMB statement was a mundane if not uneventful maneuver.
(109) In one particularly bold maneuver, she dragged her Mediterranean fleet 40 miles overland in order to relaunch it, via the Gulf of Suez, into the Red Sea.
(110) Advanced orbit maneuver technique is one of the most important guarantees to complete space competition missions and keep space superiority.
(111) Gingerly, they maneuver over slippery rocks and prickly pine needles down 49 dew-covered log steps to the lake shore.
(112) Perfected the 3D animation simulation of super-maneuver wrestling in modern air combat using OpenGL[], simulated multiplicate maneuver actions in air combat.
(113) The maneuvering target tracking is a challenging task. Even if in single target tracking, it is likely to miss the target because of the escape maneuver of the target.
(114) In this paper, the method of reentry maneuver guidance applying to attack the ground fixed target is described by using flight dynamics principle and modern control theory.
(115) Objective : To compare endoscopy maneuver with Caldwell - luc operation for the treatment of chronic.
(116) Miriya pulled off an amazing maneuver, flipping her Alpha like a flapjack while the pursuing Pincer shot past her, its annihilation disks missing.
(117) The spy , a past master of machination and maneuver, was caught at last.
(118) The control problem of a flexible spacecraft during a large-angle maneuver is studied and a direct output feedback control method is proposed.
(119) We recommend that this simple and safe maneuver be introduced routinely after administering a caudal epidural injection, to aid in the eventual outcome of a potentially difficult clinical problem.
(120) Still, critics are ready to pounce on any potential maneuver around the federal limits.
(121) Study the learning maneuver, its aim is employ the piano students "institute learning", develop their ability and enjoy the succeed. This is my discourse's jumping-off place.
(122) Evasive maneuver is one of key problems a surface ship faces while releasing suspended depth charge to intercept a torpedo.
(123) When coupled with the devastating deep interdiction of UN air forces and the lack of maneuver space, these deficiencies imposed a tactical ceiling on CCF operations.
(124) Something, such as an advantageous circumstance or tactical maneuver, that can be used to help gain an objective.
(125) The dog's owner believes the dog was trying to perform Heimlich maneuver and saved her life.
(126) He survived this hazardous maneuver only to be shot down by friendly fire on his return voyage.
(127) Reasonable igniting time selection and slow pulling - up maneuver are also important to flight parameters of preliminary phase.
(128) Clinical laboratory shelter is a mobile unit used for maneuver forces to carry out medical service task.
(129) To complete this maneuver , fly backward a hover above the landing area.
(130) To research the applied anatomy of retrohepatic tunnel of the liver hanging maneuver during liver transplantation.
(131) The system can manage thousands of Wi-Fi clients and can be used to set up a network in a theater of operations for an activity such as a field maneuver or conference.
(132) Strategically deployable joint forces must be able to conduct operational and tactical maneuver.
(133) This report presents the sonographic findings of an external laryngocele while performing the trumpet maneuver.
(134) This two-fold maneuver had mixed results: The new name was successful and its friendly logo became instantly pronounceable and familiar all around the world, but Zenith never regained its past glory.




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