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单词 Bland
1. The wine tastes as bland as water.
2. I find chicken a little bland.
3. Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.
4. It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.
5. This soup is too bland for me.
6. He eats only bland food because of his ulcer.
7. It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.
8. Pop music these days is so bland.
9. He has a bland appearance.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.
11. This cheese is rather bland.
12. Bland vegetables are often served with a piquant sauce.
13. That oatmeal is so bland that it is tasteless.
14. After the meeting, a bland statement was issued.
15. Some dishes would be very bland without the judicious use of spices and other seasonings.
16. To make the bland taste more interesting, the locals began perking it up with local produce.
17. The food was bland at best, and at worst completely inedible.
18. Straight pasta is very bland - you need some kind of sauce to make it interesting.
19. This is just another one of Hollywood's bland and boring bombs.
20. The food tasted rather bland, so he added some spices to pep it up a little.
21. The great naming curses flutter into the bland night.
22. Tofu is a bland food made from soy beans.
23. And somewhere, behind it all, a bland jazz band.
24. His first campaign ads were bland and inoffensive.
25. In places, of course, her pastorals are rather bland.
26. They are bland in flavor and almost odour free.
27. A prime bland example is the local paper.
28. The language in her speech was deliberately bland.
29. The Secretary of State has given us nothing today but bland generalities.
30. The try came in the third minute and Jon Bland added the conversion.
1. The wine tastes as bland as water.
2. I find chicken a little bland.
3. Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.
4. It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.
5. This soup is too bland for me.
6. The Secretary of State has given us nothing today but bland generalities.
7. He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.
8. That oatmeal is so bland that it is tasteless.
31. He had the same bland good looks, the same friendly if formal manner and the same knack for courteous evasion.
32. I was taking too long to say something reassuring, standing there blinking in the bland afternoon sunlight.
33. Bland statements by officials are replaced by impromptu briefings by the prime minister himself.
34. They look all right but taste bland and the filling turns to runny brown jam once warmed up.
35. New chairman, Tory councillor Keith Bland admitted that the council had made mistakes.
36. Speculation on their colourful lives and enormous bank balances have provided much needed excitement in a sea of bland, beige tailoring.
37. A Hughie Nicholson try and a conversion, penalty and drop goal from Bland earned City the points.
38. His devotees, a pale and sickly-looking lot, swore that they had gained weight and strength on the bland diet.
39. Belief in the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm and viceversa does not produce some bland reflection of a theory of stable order.
40. He was so bland,(http:///bland.html) he could have been Dan Reeves.
41. A crucial factor, after all, in a business where the bland die young.
42. But it could be like the book - bland, flat and not worth trying again.
43. Much nicer and far more refreshing than the bland oiliness of avocado and prawns, a combination which still baffles me.
44. The dance floor is dim, and colored lights give the bland cafeteria walls and the sagging crepe the snap of fiesta.
45. Steve maintains that the peppers give the bland turkey a piquant flavour.
46. They then searched the house to find out whether Bland, of Prior Dene, Darlington, was inside.
47. If your food tastes bland at first, add flavour with herbs and spices, particularly garlic.
48. On a conservative reckoning she would have to live at least another fifty years in this bland and dreary universe.
49. To that end, the carpeting in virtually all the residences is a bland beige -- making the homes easier to sell.
50. They usually taste bland because they are picked before the plant has the chance to add important sugars and aromas.
51. The wine is bland enough not to overpower the fish.
52. The woman was very like him, as bland to look at but perhaps a shade meaner.
53. Most job descriptions are bland, boring and totally lacking in colour.
54. His expression was bland, and he obviously had no intention of filling the damning silence.
55. If the sauce is bland, add a little more vinegar.
56. The Duke was offering bland reassurance about the scanty news of the day's skirmishes.
57. And to cap it all, the bland sleazy boredom of it all.
58. Reasonable texture and bland, if slightly uncooked, taste. Wholemeal flour contains wholewheat grain with nothing taken out.
59. This is a worthwhile publication, much more than just a bland follow-up to an exceptional Test series.
60. Sometimes it is salty, sometimes as bland as chard leaves.
61. Oil or vinegar may be added for a more bland or sharp sauce, according to your preference.
62. Comments ranged from tasteless, bland and bitter to very easy to drink.
63. All soya sauces provide invaluable seasoning to strict vegetarian diets that are based mainly on relatively bland grains.
64. Charles and Diana sent back the bland and unadventurous vegetarian dish, a taste of the lacklustre state of the royal marriage.
65. For the second time Daley had misjudged the voter appeal of a seemingly bland, stolid, young lawyer named Richard Ogilvie.
66. The real tragedy of Tony Bland is that he is in the public eye.
67. Bland reassurances came from the officials in charge of the spraying, who said there was nothing to worry about.
68. The backplate of H-5 looks barren and bland compared to the exuberant frippery scrolled over the same part of H-4.
69. Blanche scrutinised his round, bland face for any sign of insubordination but all she saw was a mask of ill-shaven skin.
69. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
70. Although a recovering alcoholic and noted for temper tantrums, she could never be accused of being bland.
71. Bernie takes his bland government sedan to the local grocery store and trundles his way down the fresh produce aisle.
72. His dark suit and bland manner did not clash with the decor.
73. Dean Rusk, deputy under secretary of state at the time, heralded the change in his characteristically bland style.
74. It was very cool and quiet in the woods after the bland sunshine of the meadows.
75. At best she had expected bland sympathy from him, but the sparks shooting in his eyes were genuine.
76. His bland face showed no expression as she filled out the registration form and he handed her a key.
77. Much of the time we do not want great intelligence in our friends, just empathy some bland advice and listening skills.
78. Mr Bland, whose funeral was held a week ago, had been in an irreversible coma since the disaster in 1989.
79. His response to questions is bland enough, but Sullivan reckoned he was reacting guiltily, not telling the whole truth.
80. Opera Chorus, under William Vendice's stalwart hand, brought a bit of needed oomph to an otherwise bland evening.
81. It stretched over several hectares of land, its one-storied buildings lying bland and soulless under the surrounding hills.
82. Bland little symbols were only mirrors of colour and shape that she had to push around into the order her teachers wanted.
83. Just going out to resupply some patrols on a secure road was so bland that we played games to make it interesting.
84. So why, oh why, does local journalism have to be so bland?
85. Her mouth, a nullity, a bland smear of beige on cream enamel.
86. Most job descriptions are bland, boring, totally devoid of colour and - worse still - frequently devoid of real meaning.
87. Static electricity - that was the only explanation - although from his bland expression he had felt no similar spark on contact.
88. At first, give the baby tiny portions of any bland food that has been sieved or pureed.
89. Processed Caerphilly can be rather bland, but a traditional farmhouse variety has a delicious, if subtle flavour.
90. It added interest to a face that otherwise would have appeared too white, smooth and bland.
91. After a hasty consultation, Patrick Ollier, who was down to ask the next question, gave a bland reply.
92. As a frequent business traveler, I have spent many nights in bland hotel rooms.
93. The college's bland appearance made it seem a little unfriendly.
94. It is a finely ground mixture of pork and beef with a comparatively bland seasoning.
95. Funny old motels like the No-Tel are making way for the bland beige monoliths of world-wide corporate culture.
96. The man had a bland, vacuous face, protruding green eyes and lank, brown, greasy hair.
97. According to company secretary Lawrence Bland, the aim was to get rid of excess capacity.
98. Hector gave that up and went to my facial expression, which was bland in the extreme.
99. Bland has been under par in 20 of 22 tournaments since May....
100. The fifteen girls across the bar turned their eyes on him with identical expressions of bland,(http:///bland.html) fathomless contempt.
101. As a general rule, mild mustards should be served with spicy foods and hot, fiery varieties to enliven bland food.
102. The truth is bland: Mr Major will call an election if the opinion polls suggest he can not lose.
103. Janice was in Martha's creative writing class and wrote short, bland poetry that resembled vapid Anglican hymns.
104. Bland converted and although Horden ran with great enterprise they could not close the gap.
105. Nobody is altogether pleased by bland foodstuff.
106. He ate a bland diet because of his colitis.
107. Not TV dinner again. They all taste bland.
108. Mrs. Moss was bland and motherly as always.
109. As a result, Icelandic dishes tend to be bland.
110. He denied with bland effrontery.
111. He came forward with such a bland, engaging smile.
112. a rather bland diet of soup, fish and bread.
113. Ted could be maddeningly bland.
114. Molly's voice had gone bland, empty even of condemnation.
115. In faith, I have gain many girls love in KFC, imaging the following scene:with slow and bland music, at slap-up KFC.
116. That was when he created the bland, all-American mouse that Mickey has been ever since.
117. Everything seemed to wash together in a kind of bland, sickening grayness , and my knees buckled.
118. "So, when it comes time for dinner, " he says, "pasta sauce without added sugar tastes bland.
119. Treatment involves a short fast and then a Bland diet , sedatives and antispasmodics.
120. A colourless liquid with a Bland , sweetish odour, it is toxic and caustic.
121. For a day or two Mr. Sympson continued as bland as oil.
122. Slaves arriving in the South took the bland, unseasoned fried chicken being used in old Scottish recipes and added West African spices to it.
123. Typically, these are opposed by bland, bromide-mouthing mobs who evoke nothing so much as Hannah Arendt's phrase "the banality of evil."
124. Treatment involves a short FAST and then a bland diet, sedatives, and antispasmodics.
125. Never matures as a dimensional character; he is pasty , bland, faceless.
126. His exquisite compression and vividly cinematic imagery are instantly attractive, but the elemental sparseness of his language can often be rendered as colourless and bland.
127. They also add character to an otherwise bland environment while expressing personal tastes and interests.
128. Mike Ash, who ate a grilled chicken lunch at the Louisville KFC, remembered the rotisserie chicken as "mushy and bland. " He liked the new grilled offering, having picked it to the bone.
129. Gastritis diet should be light in principle, based on the gastric mucosa to stimulate small, but not bland diet can ease the patient's symptoms.
130. Within a mere half - hour, rooms go from bland and forgettable to bright and perfectly accessorized.
131. The food was good, but I found it bland, lacking the heartiness of my home fare served from Flame blackened pots.
132. As sushi and sashimi, it was fatty and chewy with a bland, blubbery taste — like salmon that's been kept out too long.
133. Plain , bland pages with few competing hyperlinks result in higher click - through rates on the AdSense ads.
134. Connie gave him a bland look. " What show? ".
135. His life is as reassuringly bland as his daily turkey - wrap lunch.
136. I picture Morgan leaning back in a cubicle in some bland L. A. warehouse, high-top tennis shoes kicked up on his desk, covered in piercings and tattoos, cheerful as a puppy.
137. In part 1 of this article series, our intrepid (if somewhat obscure) secret agent pal Jim Bland helped us through the basics of single sign-on and multi-directory, multi-identity environments.
138. Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet.
139. Uniform ads across territories are often criticised for bland and soulless.
140. Some players just gravitate towards certain mechanics and find others bland or frustrating.
141. Unlike those sugary and calorie-heavy sports drinks, this super-concentrated drink mix helps you turn at least 16 fl . oz. of boring, bland water into a raspberry taste sensation.
142. Mrs Obama did not campaign as a traditional first lady, staring at her husband with dewy-eyed admiration and limiting her comments to bland pleasantries.
143. Canola oil contains more monounsaturated fat than any other oil except olive. It is best for stir-frying because the flavor is bland and it can withstand high heat.
144. After over a century of ineffective, constantly changing logos, Pepsi has finally resorted to the corporate swoosh – the bland, meaningless decorative flourish that says "I give up".
145. Plain , bland pages with few ordering hyperlinks result in higIT click - through rates on the AdSenSE ads.
146. For the occasional bout of diarrhea, adding some canned pumpkin and probiotics to the food and feeding a bland diet for several meals may be all that is required.
147. Received wardrobe wisdom suggests that viewers love a bland suit on men and a knee-length, high-street version of a DVF wrap dress for women.
148. Bland The land can also release nitric nitrous oxide are heat trapping , a heat - trapping gas.
149. You find him quite bland and urbane toward the people who would not listen to him.
150. The bland sameness of space is at the root of both momentum conservation and angular - momentum conservation.
151. But the text itself, although grammatically correct, was disappointingly bland, flat, characterless .
152. Everything seemed together in a kind of bland, sickening grayness, and my knees buckled.
153. The music sounds like an advert—easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.
154. It sounds like an advert: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.
155. Older children can start with such foods as saltine crackers, white bread, bland soups like "chicken with stars, " rice, and mashed potatoes.
156. He prescribed a bland and boring diet; the Graham cracker, in fact, is a sweetened version of his invention.
157. A blind blonde blunted a brand - new bronze blade for bland Bond.
158. Beds were made in a hurry and the whole room experience quite cramped and characterless, bland.
159. Carbolic acid( or phenol ):Organic compound, simplest member of the class of phenols. A colourless liquid with a Bland, sweetish odour, it is toxic and caustic.
160. Insects fed on a bland ( nontoxic ) diet would show their real biotic potential.
161. If your image of a watch is a bland, boring tool which only functions as a timekeeping device, then you haven't seen a Swatch watch.
162. In fact, most vegetables in the U.S. are rather bland in taste.
163. Chain transmission is adopted for the feeding and discharging mechanisms, causing no damage to the plate bland, and thus it is recommended for the production line of decorative veneer boards.
164. Aluminum steel products over 4 millimeters thin is still bland in the national market.
165. Tofu: Soft, Bland , custardlike food product made from soybeans.
165. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
166. Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre.
167. The bill was put through in the House with bland haste.
168. Under a bland, equinoctial sky, the morning light lay evenly over the white concrete outside the entrance to the planetarium.
169. E. Forwarder's cargo receipt, third and charter party, short form, stale and bland backed bill of lading not acceptable.




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