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单词 Pudding
1, Too much pudding will choke a dog. 
2, The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 
3, Better some of a pudding than none of a pie. 
4, Praise is not pudding.
5, He ate every bit of the pudding.
6, This is a mold of pudding.
7, She ladled cream over her pudding.
8, Grate some nutmeg on top of the pudding.
9, The cook mixed the pudding in a basin.
10, Shall I make a jelly for pudding?
11, I haven't made a pudding today.
12, Is there any more rice pudding?
13, This is a mould of pudding.
14, There isn't a pudding today.
15, This chestnut pudding is a rich dessert with a festive flavour.
16, I must try some of that pudding.
17, Let the pudding chill for an hour.
18, Any more pudding would simply be excessive.
19, Can you taste pepper in the pudding?
20, We had strawberries and cream for pudding.
21, The pudding was delicately flavoured with vanilla.
22, The pudding was made with evaporated milk.
23, He took a mouthful of his pudding.
24, The coffee flavour complemented the richness of the pudding.
25, Grate the nutmeg into the mixture/over the pudding.
26, I thought we'd have trifle for pudding.
27, They served apple pudding for dessert.
28, Let the pudding chill for an hour until set.
29, People in England often have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for lunch on Sundays.
30, I'm still hungry — can I have some more pudding?
1, He ate every bit of the pudding.
2, This is a mold of pudding.
3, Grate some nutmeg on top of the pudding.
4, The cook mixed the pudding in a basin.
5, Shall I make a jelly for pudding?
6, I haven't made a pudding today.
7, Is there any more rice pudding?
8, This is a mould of pudding.
9, This chestnut pudding is a rich dessert with a festive flavour.
10, People in England often have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for lunch on Sundays.
11, I'm still hungry — can I have some more pudding?
12, They served apple pudding for dessert.
31, We are paying away the pudding which she made.
32, If you're telling lies, keep it simple-never over-egg the pudding.
33, We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious.
34, Spoon the mixture into a pudding basin and chill for at least two hours.
35, This pudding has two pounds of fresh fruit in it.
36, I won't have a pudding it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course.
37, All that she would have to do was warm up the pudding.
38, The fresh fruit provides a contrast to the rich chocolate pudding.
39, There's ice-cream for pudding.
40, That rice pudding was the first solid food he's eaten since his operation.
41, The new machine is supposed to be the solution to all our production problems, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
42, For pudding we could choose between strawberry ice cream and apple tart.
43, When she turned, they were eating pudding.
44, Turn the pudding into the basin.
45, For dessert, I dig into the raspberry bread pudding.
46, The pudding, a sort of syllabub, is also rich.
47, This page, top, Autumn pudding and Bumper bap.
48, Pudding Lane, that's where the Great Fire started.
49, Pudding! she felt like screaming.
50, And a rice pudding to follow.
51, McGurk: What about Christmas pudding, then?
52, She was running water to soak the pudding pan.
53, He had roast beef and sticky toffee pudding.
54, Serve with horseradish cream sauce, Yorkshire pudding and gravy.
54, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
55, Brendan's steak and kidney pudding is definitive.
56, Spoon the pudding into the basin.
57, She had a pudding most every night.
58, Ilsa had done her Yorkshire pudding duty and our party had ended too soon.
59, If Yorkshire Pudding ever catches on over there it won't be any fault of mine.
60, This cake is more like a pudding - serve it in a glass bowl so that everyone can appreciate the attractive layering.
61, It's not excess of turkey and plum pudding that has been indigestible; it's the surfeit of news.
62, Victoria's mucky bib came off her flower-sprigged Viyella dress and the chocolate pudding was sponged from her face.
63, Please help me find a recipe for Sweet Potato Pudding.
64, I use them to make a Summer Pudding or a water ice.
65, Yes, you can fill bowls and bowls with pudding, both chocolate and banana.
66, In a large mixing bowl combine cake mix and pudding.
67, Mind you, I don't suppose you would really want to stick them in the top of the Christmas pudding either.
68, Aunt Tossie put the long-handled gravy spoon back in the napkin-swathed pudding bowl and waited in happy expectation for the sea-kale.
69, In small quantities it adds a tangy richness to mince pies and Christmas pudding.
70, We are pudding fanatics as a family, the richer and more fattening the better.
71, The high sugar and alcohol content means that a pudding can become dangerously hot in a microwave.
72, Shearer, a tough nut not inclined to whinge, said his ankle was like a pudding.
73, To eat the pudding manifestly compromises your fitness for battle and ascent.
74, After ripening, use as a topping for pudding, pound cake or ice cream.
75, Lots of cherries and other fruit and good boozy flavour - a cross between Christmas cake and pudding.
76, It is like trying to get a firm grip on a plateful of pudding.
77, My great-grandmother preferred to begin a meal with pudding in case she ran out of steam before the last course.
78, Short grain or pudding rice is almost round and slightly sweeter than long grain rices.
79, Cherries turn up again in a buttermilk pudding tricked out with rose petals and violets.
80, One enthusiastic supporter more than a century ago offered to go without pudding for a year to raise much-needed funds.
81, I wouldn't want a pudding unless it was chocolate cake!
82, A simple one-hour massage with oil costs about a tenner but I couldn't resist the wonderfully-named rice pudding massage.
83, Perfect puds Use rhubarb for a warming winter pudding with either a crumble topping or pastry.
84, They ate steak pudding with exceptional appetite and, when everything was cleared away, Melanie ran upstairs to comb her hair.
84, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
85, In the winter we used to have it hot with Yorkshire pudding.
86, Leave the tangerines whole, or slice and pour with the syrup around the pudding.
87, But for the 4 prospective parliamentary candidates ... the proof of the pudding has to be in the eating.
88, Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until center is set. Serve sauce with warm pudding.
89, London is a necropolis, its every corner the site of a murder, its soil a pudding of blood and tears.
90, The Marlins come as close to being instant pudding as almost any professional franchise in history.
91, Some people lust after roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, but I don't.
92, And the proof of the pudding is 40% revenue growth worldwide year-on-year.
93, Volume 2 deals with general idioms e.g. keep the ball rolling, the proof of the pudding.
94, We had tomato soup for dinner, followed by roast beef and sago pudding, served airline-style on a tray.
95, Unmould for serving on to a heated plate large enough to accommodate the pudding and the sauce that will seep from it.
96, I wondered how they would take to steak and kidney pudding, oxtail soup, and plum duff.
97, Gina Smouse notes that by using low-fat evaporated milk and egg substitute, the fat content of the pudding will be lower.
98, Grandma Clegg made wait-and-see pudding, though it was always exactly the same - stewed apple with soggy meringue on top.
99, He'd left his sausage and the square of treacle tart she'd put out for his pudding.
100, I had no time to steam my Christmas pudding, so I poured boiling water over it and ate it like cake.
101, Ancient women sat in darkened eighteenth- and nineteenth-century doorways, heads covered in kerchiefs or round-brimmed hats like up-ended pudding basins.
102, My mother does not serve this pudding with a sauce to moisten it.
103, But every day we would have a pudding, rice or suet, and always different.
104, The pudding went down like a dream, in blessed silence, and Christopher and Francis disappeared to brew coffee.
105, Then the pudding was served, and dinner resumed, much to the relief of the children.
106, For both methods, loosen the pudding with a knife, turn out and serve with fruit sauce.
107, The plump body of the clown is made from partly-filled pudding basins to give the shallow domes required.
108, The sausages, black pudding, bacon, halves of tomatoes were added soon after to the sides of the pan.
109, But what sticks in my head, ridiculously, is the cabinet pudding.
110, Voice over Today they had spam or sausage casserole and mash followed by rice pudding and jam.
111, Who steamed fish for him and soft-boiled his eggs and stirred pudding rice into milk?
112, Serve dessert wines with a slice of Christmas cake, pudding, or my two desserts.
113, If you decide to serve a rich pudding, always offer a light alternative.
114, Products cover all basic lines including tea and coffee, biscuits[http://], rice pudding and custard.
115, Mrs Abigail took a soup-plate from a cupboard and emptied the rice pudding on to it.
116, O'Lone had memories of meat pies and new potatoes, followed by sponge pudding.
117, Don't be tempted by uncooked cake or pudding mixture - it contains raw eggs.
118, The purple-skinned eggplant is baked to almost a soft pudding.
119, The main criticism was lack of richness: a Christmas pudding is only as good as its ingredients and any skimping is clearly apparent.
120, Over the generations, it has been transformed into a kind of set pudding with a rather tart flavour and honeycomb-like texture.
121, Ensuite bedrooms, superb restaurants serving homemade soups, bread, pudding, etc.
122, Puds with flair include almond blancmange and bread-and-butter pudding; the long, shrewd wine list starts at £6.90.
123, Light a match, they say, and flames flicker over it like brandy on a Christmas pudding.
124, Traditional Christmas pudding Place all the ingredients together in a large bowl and mix thoroughly.
125, The proof of the pudding was in the eating: the modusvivendi turned out to be a great disappointment.
126, We finished with some very good summer pudding and an okay cheese board.
127, Bad or indifferent starters and main courses often turn out to be partly redeemed at the pudding stage.
128, Prepare the Yorkshire pudding by sifting the flour into a large bowl.
129, At the end, any dribbles of rice pudding are wiped away with towels.
130, Chris Gilbertson Hungry for new products I would like to congratulate you on your excellent article on the Kwikmas pudding.
131, Why not allow yourself to be seduced by the voluptuous charms of a luscious pudding every now and again?
132, The idea of a passenger going without pudding and then leaving the aircraft feeling hard done by troubles them.
133, She spent an hour chatting to patients before tucking into melon, fish in white sauce and summer pudding.
134, This pudding also includes a little cocoa powder for good measure.
135, In this one you got Yorkshire pudding first and Uncle Fred ate his gravy with a knife and no one frowned upon it.
136, We nearly always had milk pudding, rice pudding, semolina or some other stodge.
137, What a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen - roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.
138, Whisk the double cream with the honey and whisky to form soft peaks and serve with the pudding.
139, It was like eating very soft, uncooked marshmallow or egg pudding.
140, There was quite a good helping of pudding but only a tiny piece of meat.
141, Loosen the pudding and turn it out to serve straight away.
142, We know a city can go up in flames because of a burnt cake in Pudding Lane.
143, Those who were fortunate enough to be in the sick wards were given sago, or rice pudding instead.
144, It seems he's able to lay on steak and kidney pudding.
145, Maybe Grandma will make some hazelnut pudding.
146, Season the pudding with grated fresh nutmeg.
147, For desert there's coffee, gingerbread cookies and plum pudding.
148, The chef especially recommends the custard pudding for dessert.
149, I hope it's nothing like blood pudding.
150, Hooray for the fun! Is the pudding done?
151, Morcilla, Argentina. Argentine version of Black Pudding.
152, Does anybody want to split the chocolate pudding?
153, Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts.
154, In the United Kingdom, breakfast black pudding is common.
155, Ugh. Do you know what's in blood pudding?
156, Why not a site dedicated to gumbo pudding pops?
157, Bacon, sausages, eggs, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding...
158, We jelly the pudding by putting it into refrigerate.
159, For most of the people more praise than pudding.
160, Here he is choosing them over chocolate pudding!
161, The pudding will thicken as it cools.
162, This was the best Christmas Pudding I've ever had.
163, And in cheesecake and all kinds of desserts, like chocolate mousse, tiramisu, vanilla pudding, everything that's cooled in the supermarket, there's gelatin to make it look good.
164, Pour the drained cherries on the bread crumbs, then spread the vanilla pudding all over.
165, Our Christmas dinner consisted of corned beef hash and wartime Christmas pudding, but we listened to the wireless, sang, played cards and generally had a good time.
166, You'll need a plastic mold. You can either use a novelty ice cube tray or small ice cream molds, or you can also use used plastic jello or pudding cups.
167, Attached files is original package nature egg chocolate bean pudding.
168, The chocolate-laced pudding, styled like a Faberge egg, is believed to have broken all previous records with its list of ingredients including gold, champagne caviar and a diamond.
169, Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it.
170, There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash.
171, Dislikes: Tapioca pudding, hotels, wearing a tie, weddings, Florida, mean people.
172, Traditional food is prepared : sweet mince pies, a rich Christmas cake and the Christmas pudding.
173, Therefore, suggest to the agency that they could send you either a 200-word test or a small job for which they would have to pay you a minimum fee ("the proof of the pudding is in the eating").
174, The eggs began welding themselves to the pan; the garbage bag I was tying split open at the bottom, covering my slippers in three-day-old linguine and rice pudding.
175, Special Recommendation: pudding with caramel, special tofu, chicken in three cups.
176, All I know is that the traditional breakfast in rural Ireland began with black pudding.
177, She cooked pease - pudding, and baked the bread and made cowslip wine and cherry - brandy.
178, Black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pig's or cow's blood.
179, There are a variety of palatable food in England, Stilton Cheese, Black Pudding, Lincolnshire Sausages, just to name a few.
180, Yorkshire pudding is an English savory dish similar to the American popover, and made from batter.
181, Tomato bruschetta, oysters with horseradish, burgers and brioche bread pudding.
182, A gentleman without an estate is like a pudding without suet.
183, Deep-fried shrimp pancakes, tofu pudding, candied fruit, fish ball soup, and oyster omelets are a few local dishes that will make your mouth water.
184, Rich chocolate pudding, crunchy shortbread crust, topped with fresh whip cream.
185, Ingredients: 2 Mangoes , 1 pack Mango flavor jelly powder, 2 tsp Gelatin powder, 200ml Hot water, 250ml Mango juice, 225ml Evaporated milk, some Condensed milk (to serve with pudding).
186, Yorkshire pudding is originally from Yorkshire, an area in the north of England, and is a savoury cake made with eggs and flour.
187, We're all ready, so you can dish up the pudding.
188, The friar preached against stealing and had a pudding in his sleeve.
189, Whisk together the all - purpose flour, cornstarch, pudding powder and vanilla powder.
190, Many others will be disgusted at foods like French escargots, American Rocky Mountain ‘oysters' (cattle testicles) and English black pudding.
191, We ate very nice Turkey, Ham, seafood and chocolate pudding.
192, The meal will finish off with Christmas pudding, a steamed fruit pudding.
193, This may seem strange, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating: When Janice hauled out her yarn and started clicking needles, her whiskey-thirst actually did diminish.
194, We sat down to dinner, a very English one—roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, and cabbage grown in their own garden.
195, The proof of the pudding is in the eating ... is that not what you say?
196, The very best of course come from Bury and the very best I have tasted come from The Real Lancashire Black Pudding Company.
197, Prepare the pudding . Mix the cold milk and pudding powder in a mixing bowl.
198, There's traditional plum pudding or apple pie for tonight's dessert.
199, Beat the Quark, eggs and two kinds of sugar until creamy and smooth. Add in heavy cream and vanilla pudding powder and mix well.
200, Now, Christmas pudding is often bought ready - made at the supermarket and heated up the microwave.
201, Volunteers prepared the meals – chapattis, curried mince and rice pudding.
202, Like the pork pie, black pudding is a great divider with the anti camp’s regular squeals of “you know it’s made with blood don’t you?”
203, Yorkshire pudding is cooked by pouring batter into a greased baking tin, and baking at a very high heat until it has risen.
204, Black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pig's or cow's blood. It is usually served as part of a traditional full breakfast in England.
205, Anyone who couldn't afford to buy those basics—including a helping of pease pudding with bacon on Sunday—was below the poverty line.
206, Have some of this roast beef and some Yorkshire pudding to go with it. Help yourself to vegetables.
207, The success of the campaign will be determined by whether Pudding Face stays out of the grumpy zone.
208, Costard pudding for the lady and coffee for you. All right.
209, PETER : Then for dessert there's traditional plum pudding or apple pie[http://], plus coffee.
210, Dessert, such as the standard baklava or galactobourico (custard pudding with cinnamon pastry) or butter cookies, rounds out a meal.
211, Other thongs like shepherd's pie and yorkshire pudding are also well-known as a part of English food culture.
212, Blood Sausage, England. Also called Black Pudding. It's pig or cattle blood cooked with a filler that congeals when cooled.
213, Which one do you 1 ike best: Lemon pie, chocolate sundae or custard pudding?
214, She has recipes for roasted pumpkin penne with autumn pesto and pumpkin pudding on her website, after all.
215, Aromas of red currant and summer pudding fruits with a lift of varietal cabernet, and appealing spicy shiraz.
216, Local legend has it that the Bakewell tart (or pudding, as it is known in Bakewell) was created when a cook misunderstood her mistress' instructions and layered frangipane on a simple jam tart.
217, And when I am in England I eat roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.
218, The Yorkshire pudding is a staple of the British Sunday dinner, and in some cases is eaten as a separate course prior to the main meat dish.
219, Jason: Your hair, your house, your humiliation, well pardon me miss pudding head !
220, Yorkshire pudding may also be made in the same pan as the meat, after the meat has been cooked and moved to a serving platter, which also takes advantage of the meat's juices that are left behind.
221, There was pudding and Jell-O and cookies, pie filling and flour.
222, Crabbe has a flat noe, pudding - bowl haircut, and gorilla - ish arms.
223, By the way , I miss Mom's eight - treasure rice pudding and spring roll very much!
224, Bacon, sausages, eggs, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding... if that's what you had for breakfast, scientists say you've chosen the healthiest way to start your day.
225, Martin loves his peas! Here he is choosing them over chocolate pudding!
226, Deutsch essen oft dem Essen einen Nachitsch zum Beispiel Eis oder Pudding.
227, Such as flour dispersant, additive of milk powder, candy, pudding, spice and meat, refined addition agent of animal oil , yeast food and so on.
228, To introduce the way to produce kiwi pudding fruits by using jelling agent compounded of konjac glucomannan, carrageenan and xanthan gum.
229, This pale ale is excellent with a champagne-like fizz and light citrus finish – more sorbet than pudding.
230, Beef tenderloin, Rangers valley, slow roasted, paprika and onions sauce, semolina pudding.
231, I'd call her from the United States and tell her all the things I'd been up to and send care packages with instant vanilla pudding, for which she'd developed a great fondness.
232, The women in our community at home, long ago, all considered themselves experts on the black pudding .
233, Waiter: Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding.
234, Ca:Fried shrimps and rolls, coffee and custard pie, sir. I'm very sorry, but custard pie is just sold out now,[http:///pudding.html] sir. Why don't you take our custard pudding?
235, Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding: This is a traditional meal eaten for Sunday lunch across Britain.
236, Dobby uses the Hover Charm to float a pudding above Aunt Petunia's kitchen ( CS 2 ).
237, Still, a perfectly risen pudding is likely to impress a bunch of thirty-something women--which I guess makes me at least the James Blunt of the kitchen.
238, People usually exchange presents, and eat turkey and Christmas pudding on this day.
239, Age gives us a crust, like the film on refrigerated pudding.
240, Presumably at next year's Grammy Awards Lady Gaga will be encased in black pudding, with an entourage of 100 tiny baked beans.
241, Iced fruit jelly, watermelon with fruit, caramelized apple and eight - treasure rice pudding.
242, A frozen, PL Yorkshire pudding is even produced in the UK for a Canadian retailer.
243, Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast—consisting of bacon, grilled tomatoes, fried bread, black pudding, baked beans, fried mushrooms, sausages and eggs.
244, The storekeeper promised her to lay aside two dollops of pudding.
245, On the dinner table, we will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, and so on.




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