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单词 Unresolved
1. Unresolved or unacknowledged fears can trigger sleepwalking.
2. The question of contracts remains unresolved.
3. Legal immigrants -- Unresolved issue in the state budget.
4. Mr Ray's statement leaves an unresolved question.
5. A number of problems are still unresolved.
6. There are unresolved conflict of laws problems.
7. The number of casualties, for instance, is still unresolved.
8. A number of issues, however, remain unresolved.
9. The unresolved problem of the spinach still confronted her.
10. To my mind the issue is still unresolved.
11. They merely suffered from unresolved Oedipal complexes, and were attacking universities as a surrogate father.
12. Old unresolved conflicts may need to be exposed rather than hidden or disguised.
13. This problem stems partly from unresolved and sometimes unarticulated contradictions within the movement itself.
14. These dreams are usually evidence of some unresolved problem or dilemma.
15. The difficult, totally unresolved issue involves the situations in between.
16. The issue is still unresolved, and an August court date has been set to settle the fight.
17. The murder remains unresolved.
18. I started therapy because of a lot of unresolved conflicts in my childhood.
19. Further talks on June 17-20 in Bratislava left unresolved the differences over the fundamental principles of a new federation.
20. Two important and unresolved problems are raised by this line of thought.
21. He argues that family problems are typically a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.
22. At the end of the meeting, a number of important questions were still unresolved.
23. But Virgin executives are privately convinced that meeting this contractual obligation will be impossible because so many major issues remain unresolved.
24. In jest or earnest, such a man would not wish to leave this human and more than human mystery unresolved.
25. Thus the pendulum of public pressure swings back and forth, reflecting the unresolved tensions within public policy.
26. As they grow into adult life they find that many of the conflicts and confusions of childhood are unresolved.
27. I drew a parallel between the grinding plates and the grinding, unresolved pressures underlying this election year.
28. A stride piano pattern in the left hand then underpinned exploratory, unresolved figures, which eventually evolved into Take the A-Train.
29. The site, or sites, at which protein kinase C exerts these inhibitory effects is unresolved.
30. Thus Marx's model of historical development was in many respects only a sketch which left many problems unresolved.
1. Unresolved or unacknowledged fears can trigger sleepwalking.
2. At the end of the meeting, a number of important questions were still unresolved.
31. Carla, of course, knew the story well, and had analyzed it for unresolved childhood issues with her analyst husband.
32. Within the culture as a whole these popular activities can be said to have established a limited, unresolved but not entirely unsatisfactory position.
33. But the issue of how a fictional character can function as a contemporary monument is unresolved.
34. That still leaves the unresolved question of the nuclear inspections.
35. From B's perspective of obtaining his freedom the unresolved issues were equally fundamental to the point addressed.
36. This debate as to whether the human lifespan is indeed finite remains unresolved.
37. The mystery remains unresolved as twilight turns to total blackness.
38. Kandinsky's writings are full of unresolved tensions between physical existence and spiritual transcendence.
39. The world of muddle and incoherence, of being seventeen, of home, of unidentified feelings, of unresolved questions.
40. Her unresolved conflict resulted in a stiff, confusing memo that must have frustrated Mary.
41. In her trust and love for him, he had deposited the unresolved conflicts of his life.
42. Users can only hope the vendors will apply the same effort to other unresolved technology issues.
42. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
43. Under these circumstances there is no vibrational structure, and the electronic transition gives an unresolved band.
44. We have noted some unresolved problems for the model, however.
45. Although further peace negotiations were scheduled for the latter half of 1991, the situation remained unresolved.
46. But the Second International did debate two questions which Marx and Engels left unresolved.
47. Another problem that remains unresolved is the generality of the connection between psychosis and creativity.
48. The role of health visitors with older people remains unresolved.
49. Now that the portability of the microfilm system makes it an attractive product, the unresolved controversy may resurface.
50. In September, the committee dismissed three charges against Gingrich but at least four more are unresolved.
51. He had a lot of unresolved problems, and he was already a quarter of the way around the North Inch.
52. But the thorny issues that divided the main trading powers at Seattle appear to be largely unresolved.
53. The issue of conducting basic research at Carville remained unresolved.
54. One of the thornier unresolved issues is whether that walkway would be 60 feet wide or 80 feet wide.
55. Municipal elections in the province were postponed from November until next May, mainly because of unresolved disputes over electoral boundaries.
56. Because it is unresolved it hints at the tactics involved before a compromise is reached.
57. The design of the new shopping mall is almost complete, although there are still some unresolved difficulties.
58. Here, the answer depends upon whether those unresolved arguments could have been determined otherwise.
59. Another unresolved conflict concerns possible interference between domestic or commercial users who have installed systems in neighbouring premises.
60. Two unresolved issues fuel speculation that he might not receive a fair trial.
61. These difficulties are still unresolved, although many solutions have been suggested.
62. A succession of other legal disputes went unresolved, and appeals were made to the parlement of Paris.
63. It also explains various unresolved questions regarding the town's plan and development.
64. The issue - over working hours and job security - remains unresolved.
65. A still unresolved problem is the pending litigation over the collection.
66. It was into this unresolved but not unsatisfactorily balanced situation that film was introduced, and was immediately identified as something new.
67. Several efforts to reach finality have failed and the situation remains unresolved.
68. The extent to which Burn, or before him Salvin, was responsible for these remains an unresolved mystery.
69. While this case is somewhat extreme, the risk that it demonstrates of unresolved feelings surrounding prematurity is worth keeping in mind.
70. Numerous are the unresolved hurts which lurk in many of us, years after their first appearance in our inner world.
71. The major unresolved issue for the General now was the pace of the liberation and the transition to Gaullist administration.
72. Discussion: including any inferences resulting from statistical tests together with tentative explanations and unresolved questions. 6.
73. Whether there would continue to be a single currency was, however,[http:///unresolved.html] unresolved.
74. But even if the proposals prove sufficiently acceptable, important questions of principle will remain unresolved.
75. Battle continues: A lengthy battle between a scrap car dealer and Sedgefield District Council remains unresolved.
76. In the current situation many issues as yet remain unresolved and we do not have all the answers.
77. Hate, murder, violence, sorrow, negative thinking, deaths and unresolved problems.
78. Both the first lady and the speaker have serious and unresolved legal and ethical problems that fuel the fury of their opponents.
79. Maybe that was why he had left things unresolved, their talk at an impasse.
80. The doubt was still unresolved after his repeated explanation.
81. The staggering problems of poverty remain unresolved.
82. The issue is unresolved and certain to remain controversial.
83. There have been many technical problems unresolved as yet.
84. And there are still several unresolved issues, the trade union.
85. The war, which left millions dead and the peninsula divided along the 38th parallel, was never formally ended by a peace treaty and remains unresolved to this day.
86. How working memory (WM) constrains syntactic ambiguity resolution is one of the core and unresolved questions within the studies of language comprehension.
87. If the maximum identifier length is too small, certain predefined identifiers will be unresolved as well as certain library function calls.
88. In addition, some unresolved problems on the subject are also outlined.
89. What is meant by the terms resolved and unresolved harmonics?
90. Her past unresolved feelings of anger and powerlessness were projected onto Harris's watching TV.
91. The protection of folklore is an unresolved issue in copyright law.
92. Delegates resumed work on one of the principal unresolved issues.
93. I was mesmerised by L'Avventura and by Antonioni's subsequent films, and it was the fact that they were unresolved in any conventional sense that kept drawing me back.
94. The issues raised by quantum entanglement and nonlocality in general are deep, unresolved, and not yet well understood.
95. Meanwhile, the anti-dumping case against China's import of steel is still unresolved.
96. Where one has an unresolved contradiction, there one has a problem.
97. SATIATION - Numbs them out, they feel nurtured by the numbing experience. Underlying emotional issue: unresolved pain.
98. The problem unresolved are discussed and the further development trends are pointed.
99. A major rift between the group's principal songwriters, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, remained unresolved.
100. More than a century has passed, but the murder mystery is still unresolved for many.
101. Until the first execution, the reference is unresolved, which means there's no address to load that static field from.
102. The gunas pass through four stages - gross, subtle,[/unresolved.html] primal and unresolved.
103. Yet he has been slow to push ahead on unresolved free - trade talks.
104. The protection of folklore an unresolved issue in copyright law.
105. If the linker reports an unresolved external name, and the routine does exist in your code, check its argument list.
106. NEW DELHI, Nov. 20 — A 40 - year border dispute remains unresolved.
107. If Kosovo remains unresolved and restive, the EU will not admIt'serbia as a member.
108. Despite the two sides'progress on economic ties, more thorny political and military issues remain unresolved.
109. Establish and use a set of keywords to flag unresolved issues.
110. Equities faced pressure from a stronger U.S. dollar after Dubai's unresolved debt problems and Fitch Ratings' downgrade of Greece's bond rating dented risk appetite.
111. The delay resulted from the unresolved issue of the North's frozen assets in Banco Delta Asia.
112. Human's depth sensation from two eye's figure is the most complex, unresolved problem in visual computing theory.
113. However, Mr. Jackson's biggest financial obligation remains unresolved. A $300 million loan from Barclays PLC, backed by his 50% stake in Sony/ATV, matures at the end of the year.
114. Although measure of fractal dimension of relational network is an unresolved question, we still attempt to suggest a way of measure.
115. Problem narratives that trail off into unresolved nothingness are frustrating things; hackers itch to see them resolved.
116. We have unresolved unworthiness from the past; as a result, we have formed some kind of self-judgment.
117. Since Descartes dualistic proposal, body - mind relationship has been an unresolved hard problem.
118. "Unresolved issues, unspoken anger, unhealed hurt, unless we get rid of them, they all hinder our happiness" says the outspoken and always combative, Dr. Phil.
119. If either remain unresolved, the customer receives confirmation of order cancellation.
120. The apparent refutation of the biological hypothesis for the ALH 84001 meteorite leaves the question of Martian life unresolved.
121. It presented some unresolved problems of digital library portal system in the end.




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