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单词 Plaice
1. Plaice, cod, huss and skate are all caught locally.
2. Only plaice was familiar to him, so he supposed it had better be that.
3. Joe began to prepare the plaice, using a thin and very sharp knife to fillet them.Sentencedict
4. Plaice, sole, halibut and their relatives have become flat in a different way.
5. Prepare the plaice to the end of stage 2, cover and refrigerate.
6. The odd plaice show throughout May along with bass and a few early silver eel.
7. Plaice catches were to be reduced from 182,700 tonnes to 176,900, but sole catches were increased from 16,000 to 25,000 tonnes.
8. The hostess suggested plaice, a less common fish for these areas, and not a particular favourite with my palate.
9. A pleasant place to place a plaice is a placea plaice is to be placed.
10. A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place ato be placed.
11. No, impossible to leave this dear bustling plaice, impossible to leave Tianqiao, leave Beiping.
12. This has benefitted species such as American plaice, pollock, haddock and Atlantic cod.
13. A few late cod from deep water at Lepe while flounder and odd plaice taken from the Stone Point section.
14. The fish hawkers on the beach stalls opposite sell plaice still flapping, straight out of the sea.
15. Southwold to Brightlingsea poor with flounder and dabs plus occasional sole and plaice from estuaries.
16. But Lowestoft still has a trawler fleet, mainly fishing on the shallow bed of the North Sea for plaice and haddock.
17. Form a quenelle of the white crab meat and set on top of the plaice.
18. The main species caught were cod, sprat, Baltic sprat, plaice , turbot, salmon, and smelt.
19. Good or bad, without them his heart had no resting plaice.
20. Any of various flatfishes, such as Hippoglossoides platessoides of North American Atlantic waters, related to the plaice.
21. GROUNDFISH: Fish prices are low in the Netherlands, especially for plaice .
22. In the high seas and oceans 150 thousand tonnes of fish were caught, mainly redfish, mackerel, cod, red plaice , and black halibut.




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