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单词 Economics
1. He studied politics and economics at Yale.
2. He has never read around the subject of economics.
3. They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.
4. Your views on economics are overly simplistic.
5. Political historians are often rather ignorant of economics.
6. His plan is to get a degree in economics and then work abroad for a year.
7. His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin .
8. Schmidt continued to expound his views on economics and politics.
9. Frank is taking up with economics.
10. Economics undergraduates are probably the brightest in the university.
11. I did a correspondence course in economics.
12. He took a master's degree in economics at Yale.
13. She was cramming for her Economics exam.
14. Both their children graduated with degrees in economics.
15. The economics of the project are very encouraging.
16. He gained a first class Honours de-gree in economics.
17. I'm afraid my grasp of economics is rather limited.
18. The complexities of economics are clearly and entertainingly explained.
19. Economics is not an exact science.
20. She did economics at Sheffield University.
21. Economics was a closed book to him.
22. Where economics comes unstuck is when it doesn't take account of the anticipated actions of human beings.
23. He called the government's policy 'the economics of the madhouse'.
24. Accountancy, law and economics are pivotal to a successful career in any financial services area.
25. He went to Hull University, where he studied History and Economics.
26. He was born in Zimbabwe where he completed his first degree in economics.
27. A basic grounding in math is essential for the economics course.
28. Their ideas sound fine in principle but they haven't worked out the economics behind the policies.
29. Some debt - ridden countries in the world have suitcase economics.
30. It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics.
1. He studied politics and economics at Yale.
2. They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.
3. Your views on economics are overly simplistic.
4. Political historians are often rather ignorant of economics.
5. He went to Hull University, where he studied History and Economics.
6. He was born in Zimbabwe where he completed his first degree in economics.
7. His plan is to get a degree in economics and then work abroad for a year.
8. His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin .
9. Schmidt continued to expound his views on economics and politics.
10. A basic grounding in math is essential for the economics course.
11. Some debt - ridden countries in the world have suitcase economics.
12. Mr. Stone spent his undergraduate days in Columbia University, majoring in economics.
31. The economics of maintaining a safe environment are not just the concern of the government.
32. Mr. Stone spent his undergraduate days in Columbia University, majoring in economics.
33. These were the economics not of efficiency but of attrition.
34. A graduate of law and economics from Moscow State University, he had spent his life in academia.
35. Robert Dunn is a professor of economics at George Washington University.
36. The government is not simply relying on trickle-down economics to tackle poverty.
36. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
37. She boned up on economics before applying for the job.
38. The study of sociology overlaps with the study of economics.
39. I learned a lesson in harsh economics when I was made redundant.
40. I wish she would stop evangelizing about the virtues of free market economics.
41. Sheila was awarded a scholarship in Chemistry, and now her brother has evened the score with a scholarship in Economics.
42. She was appointed to a professorship in Economics at Princeton.
43. She's in her third year of economics at York university.
44. He is now a professor of economics at Western New England College in Springfield, Massachusetts.
45. For the last decade she has acted as the president's economics guru.
46. Brian majored in Economics.
47. Economics will not stop Europe's politicians complaining when jobs are lost in their own backyard.
48. She began by supporting monetarist economics, but later underwent quite a conversion when she saw how it increased unemployment.
49. Their desire for independence has to do with brute economics.
50. When they start talking about economics, I'm out of my depth.
51. The language of finance and economics is quite foreign to me.
52. The teacher who took us for economics was Miss Humphrey.
53. The economics ministry has increasingly played a subsidiary role to the finance ministry.
54. The economics of the scheme will have to be looked at very carefully.
55. The'Guardian'is running a series of articles on Third World Economics.
56. Our economics correspondent, James Morgan, is just back from Germany.
57. A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.
58. Economics is an inexact science.
59. They had their civics and home economics.
60. Economics must not come before democratic politics.
61. Science policy and science studies; Industrial economics.
62. Yet real life is about economics.
63. Business and labour history; Business economics.
64. Business and labour history; Labour economics.
65. Not so in new classical economics.
66. Science policy and science studies; Business economics.http:///economics.html
67. Frank Reich, the brilliant professor of economics at Harvard.
68. He knows little about economics or the wider world.
69. Marketing, sales and distribution; Industrial economics.
70. Communism, while it lasted, claimed to be about economics.
71. I've a master's in economics.
72. And they all hold supply-side economics in contempt.
73. Economics is pushing nations to disintegrate and regions to integrate simultaneously.
74. In economics, its use is a blend of two ideas, abstraction and pure problem-solving.
75. To be fair, even economists did not know much about environmental economics until recently.
76. It would be quite wrong in thinking about the economics of socialist countries to focus exclusively on inefficiency.
77. To a certain degree, the rush to get on line boils down to simple economics.
78. Eric Lindsay, head of economics at Methodist College, has been central in organising the fair.
79. Smith never taught a course in economics; in fact, Smith never even took a course in economics.
80. But all this provides much of the interest of economics as well as a good deal of its employment.
81. But the disdain of these accomplished economists for supply-side economics can easily be deduced from their writings and congressional testimony.
82. It is largely a matter of economics and much hinges on the current price of energy.
83. One reason: a sharp drop in the number of undergraduate students choosing economics as a major.
84. He has a degree in economics and international relations, works for the government, and has travelled abroad.
85. The new economics of major league baseball also work against inner-city talent, Towers says.
86. Industrial economics Local enterprise agencies offer free advice and counselling to people who own or are considering setting up a small business.
87. The literature throws into sharp relief the essential dichotomy in the approach to this issue between economics and economic history.
88. Many students who were denied admission, said Mr Salemi, turned to economics as an alternative.
89. And many blacks argue that the difference is not a matter of economics, particularly with computer prices dropping.
90. Marxism, my friend, has studied economics and the social classes.
91. I am wearing a full circle-cut cotton skirt, my first, which I have made in home economics class.
92. As far back as the Middle Ages, price promotion was used as a way to develop market economics.
93. Corresponding to this economics of adaptability components there is an economics of stability and instability in biological systems.
94. Before joining the Fed, she was a professor of economics at UC-Berkeley.
95. Evaluation of the cost effectiveness of drug treatment is in its infancy, and health economics can inform the debate.
96. His economics minister is talking of currency union between the two Germanies by July.
96. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
97. The result was a triumph for Keynesian economics: a vigorous and expanding universe, filled with material objects.
98. It can not be boxed into some neatly defined category as economics or sociology or politics or history.
99. He had a theory about how economics and psychology work together in the marketplace.
100. Second, Marxism is a challenge to the liberal view of economics.
101. History and economics only became separate academic disciplines in the 20th century.
102. Payton wants to debunk the myth that economics is a science.
103. Systems theory borrows ideas from the physical sciences and economics and applies them to organisations.
104. This marked a break with liberal economics and its traditional competitive model.
105. In network economics the major expense of new product development stems from designing the manufacturing process and not designing the product.
106. Recession has concentrated the minds of car buyers both private and corporate on the economics of running costs.
107. Economics satisfied the two most basic needs of investment bankers.
108. However critics of Keynesian economics consider that labour markets would clear if government and institutional impediments to greater flexibility were removed.
109. I can promise you that. Simple economics - I can't afford to leave it lying idle.
110. At points this chapter steps outside the traditional boundaries of economics,[] and discusses some psychological problems in making monetary policy.
111. Their partners, the Free Democrats, have lost their economics minister.
112. It is the same economics that ought to influence the carp angler.
113. These unfolding events are best explained by a close look at factory economics.
114. I was teaching economics and watching people die on the streets when I began doubting what I had learned from the textbooks.
115. Because of their quantitative and analytical skills, the demand for economics graduates is buoyant.
116. Phil Gramm ended his presidential bid Wednesday in much the same way he campaigned: short on emotion and long on economics.
117. Empiricism and positivism have been put to flight in anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, economics.
118. Bush was elected on the coat-tails of Ronald Reagan, who in turn worshipped Margaret Thatcher's brand of politics and economics.
119. He received a master's degree in agricultural economics and a doctorate in economics and marketing from Cornell University.
120. Flows of materials and energy have been primarily determined by market structures and economics and only secondarily by ecological factors.
121. Until recently, Dole was openly contemptuous of the supply side economics espoused by Kemp and other conservatives.
122. The need now was for urban policies that matched the new challenges posed by the economics of urban growth and decline.
123. The discipline that journalists have been most diffident about is economics.
124. The reader will soon discover that I think very little of certain of the central ideas of economics.
125. Economics allowed investment banking recruiters to compare directly the academic records of recruits.
126. In welfare economics we are taught that to internalize externalities by appropriate contracts is socially desirable.
126. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
127. She's doing a double major in political science and economics.
128. Against this powerful combination of socialism and nationalism, liberal economics stood little chance.
129. Embassy officials have said that Makharadze, an economics minister, had diplomatic immunity.
130. His father was an engineer and his mother taught economics at Carnegie Mellon University.
131. But as Marshall knew, economics is not just an academic study, but also a craft for practitioners.
132. Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
133. The principal directed her to stop discussing school politics, to teach economics, and to use more conventional teaching methods.
134. My second reason for opposing the amendment spans economics and politics.
135. As any Economics 101 student could have warned beforehand, none of these schemes has had more than a marginal impact.
136. Such efforts reveal one big barrier for the technology, however: it is not yet clear how the economics will work.
137. In 1924 Malinowski joined the London School of Economics as reader in social anthropology.
138. Mr Delors was at the London School of Economics, less than a mile away, delivering a lecture.
139. Other co-operation agreements were signed, covering economics, trade, transport, technical affairs, culture and drug policing.
140. Politics and economics have heeded the advice of biologists and conservationists but little.
141. This is in sharp contrast to the approach of traditional neo-classical economics.
142. The Labour Ministers were educated in the language and concepts of Keynesian economics by the academic economists in the government.
143. Work experience is regarded as beneficial for students of Agriculture and beneficial for those following the Agricultural Science/Economics degree.
144. The economists Clower and Leijonhufvud have argued that a distinction needs to be drawn between Keynesian economics and the economics of Keynes.
145. Reason says the same laws of economics that brought the market down should keep it from spiraling into the abyss.
146. They're polluting, wasteful and an incredibly expensive drain on national and personal economics.
147. The basic neoclassical approach to demand has received substantial criticism even within the economics profession.
148. The precious place of the nude was bolstered by the economics of the art market in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
149. However, further studies are required to be able to reach significant conclusions on the economics of such an attempt.
150. There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership.
151. The utility for example, performed only marginally better at differentiating among customer needs while optimizing its own economics.
152. In the eyes of many, especially Washington, he succeeded, with a free press, elections and liberal economics.
153. Formalizing Adam Smith's remarkable insight of the Invisible Hand, this result is the foundation of modern welfare economics.
154. If they switch off and the closed-circuit figures drop, the present heady economics of it all begin to crumble.
155. In a comprehensive study, the Institute for International Economics answered yes to these questions.
156. With less and less agricultural land to divide among heirs,[http:///economics.html] the economics of having large families has been altered.
157. His views on the kind of action which would be needed changed as he was educated in Keynesian economics after 1942.
158. The economics department at Ripon Grammar School have set up a small business producing items connected with the history of the city.
159. Some local areas will be amalgamated to improve their economics and management.
160. The Economics and Industry Group has a watching brief on the state of the brewing industry.
161. Applicants should have a good Honours degree in Management, Economics or related discipline and/or have professional qualifications.
162. He wanted to go to college at night and take courses in politics and economics.
163. Plans exist to extend the list of short courses to business studies, geography, history, media studies and home economics.
164. It is the structural nature of centre-periphery relations that explains the nature of international politics and economics.
165. For all positions, qualification to degree level in Mathematics, Economics, Business Studies or a related discipline is essential.
166. Perhaps it is time we had a choice between parties which agree that liberal free-market economics are here to stay.
167. Thinking he would like to work in business, he studied industrial economics at Nottingham University, where he gained a 2.1.
168. The effect of these changes in world geopolitics and economics are of critical importance.
169. We want to see such wastes dealt with to the highest possible standards in ways that are consistent with industrial economics.
170. Reagan was ahead of the curve in his sensible discussion of the economics of Social Security.
171. You would have expected a convert to free market economics to have been equally scathing of both public service corporations.
172. Alongside the other strategic arguments in its favour, the economics of the uranium fuel cycle had been taken for granted.
173. It made the rough and ready assumption that the underlying cure of unemployment would be provided by Keynesian economics.
174. He knew what Greenpeace was, and the geodesic dome, and sado-masochism, and even supply-side economics.
175. Now Fuchs is a particularly good advertisement for health economics, precisely because he is no genius.
176. The project seeks to combine attention to economics and the human advantages of the redesigning of work.
177. Building community Gross inequality is not just about economics, it is about moral choice.
178. And increasingly, the relatively brief preoccupation with methodology was seen to have run its course in economics.
179. Economic systems and the concepts used in economics can seem as complicated as political systems and the concepts used in political science.
180. Industrial economics Technological innovation is recognised to be an important determinant of industrial competitiveness.
181. I tutored in economics.
182. The Labour government was elected at a time when Keynesian economics was moving towards being accepted as economic orthodoxy.
183. The interesting issues in economics arise when, as with national defence, exclusion of certain individuals from consumption is effectively impossible.
184. He spent his vacation last year studying economics at Harvard, according to his sister Tamara, who visited him in Washington.
185. They understood statistical process control, total quality customer service, reengineering, and the economics and finance of film manufacturing.
186. These are the economics, not of efficiency, but of attrition.
187. Economics is easy after you learn the lingo.
188. Students can choose home economics, computer science, etc.
189. For example, college home economics, cooking, and so on.
190. But economics is even harder than meteorology or seismology.
191. Economics and Business Administration, Engineering, Medical School, Psychology, Education.
192. Mainstream Keynesian economics is facing its last hurrah.
193. My favourite subject is Home Economics.
194. NARRATOR: Margaret Thatcher had a instinct for market economics.
195. His favourite subject is Home Economics.
196. In forest economics, that is the Holy Grail.
197. Organization of a few rural economics is on fund management(), the tendency occurance of jobbery.
198. For economics of relative main trend, psychological economics is a heretical economics.
199. Therefore, China does not need to Keynesian economics, China needs Deng Xiaoping Theory.
200. All this is reminiscent of the history of Keynesian economics.
201. Currency: " Materialization of Social Relationships " and Contemporary Meaning Understanding to " 1857 - 1858 Economics Manuscripts "
202. At Chinese Culture University, classes will be offered in home economics and cooking.
203. The paper ran a lead story from their Economics Correspondent.
204. Junior college degree or above, major in Accounting or Auditing, Economics or other relative subjects.
205. This passage introduces of population pressure - the greatest feature of modern malthusian theory, of economics of population.
206. Modern other people sheds the category that management is a microcosmic economics.
207. Contemporary system economics basically is along two academic masterstroke development.
208. And inside this, is a small doll, which I made in home economics class.
209. Economics correspondent Kathleen Hays joins us from New York for a closer look.
210. You can look at many places, giving a few more phone calls home economics consulting firm.
211. Alan Greenspan has argued that the rule of law is the linchpin of market economics.
212. And the world of economics just kept on arguing about Keynes.
213. Inhabitant's health need and demand will grow up with the development of society and economics.
214. Since world war two, economic policy in most western democracies has been based on Keynesian economics.
215. The reform of economics and development, want those who cast off doctrinairism book worship to manacle.
215. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
216. Some of them are music, home economics and computer science.
217. Economics is human action, a reality which no one can escape.
218. Forest Home Economics is an independent legal personality of the large - scale cleaning and domestic services.
219. Darren : Oh , I need graph paper for my economics class.
220. Tim learned how to sew a shirt in home economics.
221. Jay is a graduate of McMaster University and has an honours degree in economics.
222. The home economics is ordinary, meets the British visa requirement.
223. Taught at Queen's University , Canada . Research and teaching: macroeconomics and monetary economics.
224. My favorite subjects are Computer Science and Economics, especially Management of Computer Information Science.
225. In future are going to organized more activities for student who are keen on Home Economics.
226. Neo - Cambridge school is one of the two branches of modern Keynes economics.
227. The zero lower bound is one of the great myths of monetary economics.
228. Appropriately, the prize for economics went to the executives of four Icelandic banks.
229. This is a company specialized in home economics community service enterprises.




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