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单词 Communicate with
1. Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.
2. I communicate with him regularly by letter.
3. Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.
4. I find I just can't communicate with her.
5. I used to communicate with her telepathically.
6. Parents sometimes find it difficult to communicate with their teenage children.
7. People use more than words when they communicate with each other.
8. The novel is about a family who can't communicate with each other.
9. Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.
10. We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.
11. They communicate with each other using sign language.
12. But they often communicate with him over the phone.
13. And that's no reason not to communicate with them.
14. Baker knows people and how to communicate with them.
15. The various standard protocols allow all clients to communicate with all servers.
16. Does Raymond communicate with Della Guardia first, or does he go downstairs to address the faithful?
17. Bacteria communicate with each other by way of chemical messages.
18. She has a unique ability of communicate with animals of all kinds.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. It is perfectly possible to communicate with little or no such similarity or else children would never learn their native tongue.
20. When Barbieux started his blog, his aspirations were small; he simply hoped to communicate with a few people.
21. She went to see a clairvoyant who said he could communicate with her dead husband.
22. A neurotransmitter is a chemical that nerve cells use to communicate with each other and with muscles.
23. He has made a special study of the way that birds communicate with one another.
24. Officials of the CIA depend heavily on electronic mail to communicate with each other.
25. She is said to have supernatural powers and to be able to communicate with the dead.
26. There were more goods to buy, more people with enough money to buy them and easier ways to communicate with them.
27. This opened the issue of how nerve cells might communicate with each other and eventually led to our now-sophisticated understanding of neurotransmitters.
28. The simplest idea is that the ad contains intelligent agents that communicate with your agents to determine your likes and dislikes.
29. Level crossings along the route will be converted to radio control, and will communicate with both control centre and trains.
30. That women could see outside their own cultures, and even communicate with other women outside, was yet another reason.
1. Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.
2. I communicate with him regularly by letter.
3. Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.
4. When Barbieux started his blog, his aspirations were small; he simply hoped to communicate with a few people.
31. But we do not only communicate with people with whom we share our personal lives.
32. I've been trying to communicate with - with whatever it is that's up there.
33. Satellite communications have recently expanded the capacity of governments to use the media to communicate with other governments.
34. The most important thing is to communicate with your partner at the back.
35. We always communicate with each other and talk to each other.
36. These are multi-user domains, and may use any kind of media for people to communicate with each other.
37. Brains evolved the capacity to communicate with other brains by means of language and cultural traditions.
38. The cuddly robot may be a major route through which we communicate with the world of information.
39. Many composers now crave the chance to write operas, but will they acknowledge the duty to communicate with the audience?
40. Horses do try to communicate with us, and they expect us to understand.
41. That the environment is not animate enough to want to communicate with us is irrelevant.
42. For the Tuvans, traditionally, music has served as a means to communicate with the spirits.
43. Many parents find it difficult to communicate with their teenage sons or daughters.
44. The therapeutic encounter is one in which two people communicate with one another, using a language.
45. Outside the light cone are events at space-like separations from P 1, and these can not ever communicate with P 1.
46. Starbuck and Ahab almost communicate with each other as the first mate pleads with Ahab to repudiate this vengeful mission.
47. The whole world will communicate with you, and your computer persona will track your presence.
48. Before phones, people had to be literate in order to communicate with the outside world through letters.
48. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
49. First, there have been attempts by social scientists to communicate with biologists.
50. Cindy seemed in some ways proud of the way she had learned to communicate with Robbie but was also anxious about it.
51. She was gifted at embroidery, and could communicate with her younger sister, Princess Eleanor, by signs.
52. You will be able to tap into information anywhere in the world, as well as communicate with other computers and people.
53. They seem able to communicate with each other without words and are extremely sensitive to atmosphere.
54. Luckily we all had a common language, English, which meant we could communicate with each other.
55. The cell sites have transmitters and receivers connected to antennas that communicate with the local phone system.
56. She felt a momentary triumph and something approaching relief, as if Amy had at last consented to communicate with the world.
57. Frequently some one knows about a hazard, but fails to communicate with those who need to know.
58. Next time you communicate with your friend, express deep remorse and offer a groveling apology.
59. Candidates, not networks, should decide how to communicate with citizens, the Kentucky Republican said.
60. This theory helps to explain how animals communicate with each other.
61. The answers will not only reveal her competence but give you an idea of how easy she is to communicate with.
62. They just would not communicate with the outside world for several days at a time.
63. A single neuron can communicate with as many as 50, 000 other nerve cells in this way.
64. She uses twitching and flicking movements of her sooty-black pelvic fins to communicate with the fry.
65. We had this feeling that we were not allowed to communicate with people.
66. The ability to communicate with the outside world proved to be the key to other, vital sponsorship.
67. In this modern environment, there is no need to communicate with anybody.
68. Ali was never allowed out, but managed to communicate with his brothers by shouting.
69. The host protocol lets the terminal server communicate with the computer systems on the network.
70. There are economies of scale to be made and you may want to communicate with others.
71. What now of the claims that other primates can communicate with systems in all important respects as complicated as ours?
72. Employees who work off-site are evaluated on their ability to work independently yet communicate with their team to meet goals.
73. NASA continues its efforts to communicate with intelligent beings in outer space.
74. In this way, the infant is not only learning to communicate with another person, but also to communicate about something.
75. They had eaten lunch together and told jokes together and slowly learned how to communicate with one another.
76. I also believed that these experiences enabled me to communicate with many different kinds of people, from many different backgrounds.
77. SPEs communicate with the outside world by using channels.
78. Responsible for communicate with tax bureau.
78. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
79. Communicate with customers about technical details and project implementation.
80. After the cathedra , lots of students crowded around Microsoft staffs and made best use of time to communicate with them face to face .
81. At these difficult times the most important thing is to try to communicate with a loving, vali dating, and approving attitude.
82. JMS is used, and message - oriented middleware to communicate with each other's application programming interface.
83. Honeybee is polyandry and eusocial-insect that they produce by colony fission and swarming who communicate with dancing and pheromone.
84. Tunneling (RFC 2893):It allows you to encapsulate one packet head into the other and one protocol will communicate with others through the encapsulation in the other protocol.
85. APPN also allows remote workstations to communicate with each other, without intervention by a central computer.
86. The network center equipment can communicate with the gateway byway of the network of ATM and MAN , and transfer the voice packets, and bill every call record.
87. The product collocate with webcams, so that, user can record their action, and communicate with friends and teacher by the real-time image.
88. An algorithm is proposed in order to guarantee that each processor maintains a set of loop-free paths through which it can communicate with the center.
89. This can help themselves from a closed state slowly back to a normal social status, but also increase their confidence to communicate with others.
90. Like Andrew Mellon on the eve of the Great Depression, Mr Paulson has struggled to communicate with, or understand the needs of, the common man.
91. In this way, T-group participants can learn how their words and actions trigger emotional responses in the people they communicate with.
92. The lymphatic capillary networks and lymphatics of the ileum and the vermiform appendix may directly communicate with those of the cecum.
93. The electronic let-off and electronic take-up system uses RS485 and CAN BUS to communicate with the main control system of a loom.
94. Both ends of the three-tiered water collecting branch pipe respectively communicate with the corresponding three-tiered horizontal water collecting pipe on both sides.
95. Web services and applications communicate with each other using messages in a specific, standardized format.
96. Here, the life between you and your townee, your comrade in arms, your fellow sufferer or your funs teamer is becoming rich and colorful. It is such an easy way to communicate with each other.
97. With the evolvement of internet and popularity of embedded computer system, the device which can communicate with other ones will be dominant.
98. JOSE MILLAN: "The brain-machine interface is a system that allows disabled people, people suffering from physical disabilities to communicate with external world and also to control devices."
99. System made PLC communicate with automatic control system equipment and decentralized I/O by PROFIBUS fieldbus, While System made PLC communicate with the monitor communications by MPI.
100. The Trivial File Transfer Protocol(TFTP) is used in the airborne network, all nodes in the network can communicate with one another.
101. However, as one's telepathic abilities open, one may communicate with us non-verbally.
102. One particular type of AAL service user is the signalling entity wishing to communicate with a peer entity .
103. If a background process must communicate with the user, it should start or bring forward the foreground application.
104. The application loads the JDBC driver, and the driver uses the shared library to communicate with the DB2 server.
105. In the Himalayas Mountains of Nepal for example, the group set up a sun powered computer to communicate with the school in Katmandu.
106. It's how they suss out how to behave, care for themselves, cultivate new skills, and communicate with others.
107. If the Web service provider changes the message formats used to communicate with its Web service requester, changes must be incorporated in the client code.
108. Among these is the MAPI component that enables Evolution to communicate with an Exchange mail server to send/receive e-mail, and to handle the address book and other functions.sentence dictionary
109. The discovery, Woodruff said, will enable researchers to understand how nurse cells (granulosa cells), the cells that support and surround the maturing egg, communicate with the egg.
110. The brain and its long spidery neurons are essentially made of fat, but they communicate with each other via proteins.
111. In 2010, IRL is obsolete, because we all realize by now that when we communicate with each other online it's just as real as when we do it in print or even face-to-face.
112. USB driver stack architecture and the method of how to communicate with a USB device in application are also analyzed in this paper.
113. And the virtual corporation is completely dependent on IT to communicate with others.
114. Either two mobile station can communicate with each other by base station and mobile service switching center.
115. Here we find not any longer just writing intended to communicate with supernatural beings.
116. Trans fats diminish the brain cells' ability to communicate with eachother, and HFCS can actually shrink the brain by damaging cells.
117. As a sales administrator and conveyancer, I am very lucky to have chance to communicate with clients, who are willing to buy or sell properties.
118. What methods of signaling other troops will there be implemented in the game. eg. do you need a radio operator alive in your squad to communicate with other squads?
119. If you have any futher questions and unclear problems, please prepare for the office line and precontract the time ahead so as to communicate with you in Russian directly.
120. It enables independent and potentially non-concurrent applications on a heterogeneous system to communicate with one other.
121. Master Boh lies to the people that he can communicate with spirits and randomly predicts the numbers for everyone who wants to win the lottery.
122. One can better communicate with deaf - mutes with good sign language.
123. The novice teacher think that the most important way to improve his PCK is listening to the old teacher's class, communicate with colleagues, because doing so in his daily teaching help is greatest.
124. As Gaines tries to communicate with his men via the walkie-talkie Jack listens in and figures out how to avoid them.
125. Program exchanging : communicate with customer for the initiatory design and optimize it.
126. After leaving the course, please communicate with the golf caddie in time for better service.
127. Once the Red Man could use telepathy to communicate with any other member of the Race regardless of how far away .
128. "Motherese" -- the special voice mother's use to communicate with their babies -- is scientifically recognized.
129. The oral communication expresses ability strong, kind communicate with person.
130. Packet processing is mainly straight with the outside world to communicate with the neighbor switch, and compare the information with the local.
131. This is beneficial, especially when you need to communicate with an existing Web service or client that needs to communicate using a predefined message format.
132. This kind of sensor can measure several parameters simultaneously, improve the use factor of channel, communicate with other devices and also can ask to the center control computer.
133. There was a meeting yesterday, my superior was changed to original director who is my first teacher. The majordomo communicate with me two times because he thought I had complaint.
134. For example, the Helios networking stack expresses a positive affinity for the channels used to communicate with a network device driver.
135. The user can then set up TCP/IP configuration to communicate with other partitions.
136. It uses a serialized message channel in order to communicate with the inspected page.
137. Satellite - A radio relay station that orbits earth. A satellite communications system also includes earth stations which communicate with each other via the satellite.
138. After going through a lot of hardship, she finally learned lip-reading and talking to communicate with others. She met with unkind isolation by her primary school classmates.
139. Every time you need to communicate with interviewer in English, you freeze up. Fear not!
140. The hijacker said he wanted to communicate with the Pope.
141. Perhaps the most common examples of proprietary technology are the so called "t3" services, the most popular of which is the t3 protocol used in place of RMI to communicate with EJB components.
142. But most people still find it difficult to communicate with others in Sinicism English.
143. Using a network bndge designed by ourselves the SCADA which is based on NOVELL can communicate with MIS which is supported by DECNET.
144. A hood mounted bazooka to communicate with the numerous SUV-borne dils talking on cell phones as they careen obliviously around the parking lot crushing daisy beds and old people.
145. A priestess, called the Pithiness, usually a respected older woman, went into a trance to communicate with the gods.
146. Porencephalic cysts are usually intraparenchymal and communicate with the ventricle. The surrounding brain parenchyma will be atrophic with accompanying gliosis.
147. Modules with microcontrollers in the system process their signals parallelly, and communicate with host processor by dual port memory.
148. As we discussed in Part 2 of this series, agents use connectors and protocol adapters to communicate with NMS applications or distributed services.
149. This allows a system using one type of message to communicate with a system using another type.
150. The monitor system displayed real-time data of device context in motion picture, at the same time, the system could communicate with expert database system by DDE in real time.
151. People who are now "locked in" often communicate with any movement they can make – blinking an eye or moving a hand slightly – to arduously pick letters or words from a list.
152. A fox uses its tail (or "brush") as a warm cover in cold weather and as a signal flag to communicate with other foxes.
153. Rahim Al Haj says having the forum of the Olympic Games allows him to communicate with people from all over the world, and he feels a special responsibility to reach those in Vancouver.
154. And edition of eradicative network pilfer cannot rely on law only, best can strengthen an industry between communicate with self-discipline.
155. You can see what kind of Web server the remote site is using to communicate with your Ajax application and even see the cookies sent by a remote site.
156. Today many people have become used to using mobile phones to communicate with each other.
157. Finally, Through on-line debugging, it will be a smooth inquiry to a remote equipment, and communicate with other remote Bluetooth equipment in same network.
158. In addition, the thor via satellite, also can communicate with ground control center, and automatic operation, precise and remote target hit the target.
159. A local strategy will work when the slave computer can not communicate with the host computer.
160. In their Parieto-Frontal Integration Theory (P-FIT), they suggest that intelligence levels are based on how efficiently these brain areas communicate with one another.
161. Communicate with parts administrator at factory, UPS SCS, SE administrator and COL.
162. Gateway is the key equipment for LAN telephone communicate with the Public Switched Telephone Network, it affect the performance of the system directly.
163. At HV terminal, the optical coupling technique is used for connecting the CPU and the ion source, and at the ground the CPU can communicate with a control microcomputer.
164. In an entry statement to the organizing committee, she said that "music is a direct way to communicate with all the people without any race or ideological differences.
165. Long-term insomnia, have phonism, photism, behavior is dissocial , do not wish to communicate with anybody. Is this the early days symptom that spirit breaks up?
166. What I expect most of NSEC is the chance to further develop my ability and to communicate with and learn from more outstanding participants.
167. Also, Network capable application processor (NCAP) can communicate with different transducers with a common set of commands and provide a standard interface to the user via any arbitrary network.
168. Colleague:no. "It's important for you to rub elbows with everyone"simply means that it's important for you to communicate with others.
169. Communicate with US headquarter for market information sharing , product improvement, customization projects,[] etc.
170. If the export declaration and has declared the export tax rebate, but bad debts, as long as they can communicate with the SAFE, is able to write off on the tax rebate.
171. We believe that because share a common goal, we will never communicate with your presence unbridgeable divide, as some have a collision point of view, do not affect our friendship ignited the spark.
172. After a number of years trying to communicate with her through spiritualists, he gave up - deciding the whole thing was bunkum.
173. Once you have Russian you can probably communicate with other Slav speakers.
174. Well , can the mobile phone users communicate with any fixed network user?
175. APPC/IMS support took advantage of the new Cross Coupling facility (XCF) to communicate with APPC/MVS.
176. PC application software has the function of testing command transferring which based on SCPI protocol and test result display, USB port communicate with test card.
177. Packet Size 8192 Size in bytes of the network packets used to communicate with an instance of SQL Server.
178. If you're the spouse who's unsatisfied, it's important to communicate with your partner, compassionately.
179. Communicate with customer and supplier design team, improve products design.
180. Responsible for employee IIT calculation and declaration, and communicate with Tax Bureau timely.




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