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单词 Coming in
1. Is the tide going out or coming in ?
2. Is the tide coming in or going out?
3. They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction.
4. The rain prevented us from coming in time.
5. I don't want him coming in here and messing around with our computers.
6. You gave me a fright suddenly coming in here like that.
7. Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies.
8. Applications for the job are coming in slowly in twos and threes.
9. The top brass are coming in from Washington to see how we do things here.
10. That sounds like he's coming in.
11. New jobs are coming in all the time.
12. We haven't got enough money coming in.
13. The plane was coming in at a steep angle.
14. Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday?
15. They seemed hesitant about coming in.
16. The mosquitoes were coming in clouds.
17. Reports are coming in via satellite.
18. The sun was coming in at the windows.
19. I won't hear of you coming in so late.
20. The tide is coming in.
21. A plumber's coming in to look at the boiler.
22. Foxes started coming in from the surrounding countryside./coming in.html
23. Are you coming in for a dip?
24. The rain's coming in through that hole.
25. Offers of help are coming in thick and fast.
26. She had no money coming in and no funds.
27. My breaths were coming in gasps.
28. I could see the bus coming in the distance.
29. I was coming in as he was going out.
30. There's a leak in the roof — the rain's coming in.
1. Is the tide going out or coming in ?
2. Is the tide coming in or going out?
3. They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction.
4. The rain prevented us from coming in time.
5. I don't want him coming in here and messing around with our computers.
6. There's a leak in the roof — the rain's coming in.
7. Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies.
8. The top brass are coming in from Washington to see how we do things here.
9. A plumber's coming in to look at the boiler.
10. It's coming in chilly; we had better go home.
11. He leant against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps.
31. The new laws coming in are utterly ridiculous.
32. Did you notice him coming in/come in?
33. The tide was coming in fast.
34. My aunt's coming in a fortnight's time.
35. The train is coming in now.
36. The bills kept coming in, one after another.
37. It's coming in chilly; we had better go home.
38. Her breath was coming in short bursts.
39. We'd be watching every plane coming in from Melbourne.
40. Entries have been coming in thick and fast.
41. We've got just enough money coming in each month to pay the bills.
42. You can depend on his coming in on Sunday. You can depend on her to be late.
43. News is coming in of a train crash in Scotland.
44. He was hauled over the coals for coming in late for work.
45. They have orders coming in at the rate of 30 an hour.
46. His car hit a van coming in the opposite direction.
47. She had two children to support and no money coming in.
48. We have orders coming in from all over the world.
49. A car suddenly mounted the pavement to avoid a vehicle coming in the opposite direction.
50. News is coming in of a large fire in central London.
51. News of a serious road accident is just coming in.
52. We don't like somebody coming in with lots of money and trying to push people around.
53. New legislation coming in next month will tackle low pay.
54. You could be the Queen of England[http://], for all I care - you're not coming in here without a ticket.
55. You scared the life out of me coming in so suddenly like that.
56. I wish he wouldn't keep coming in with his stupid suggestions.
57. The boat,coming in too close,jarred against the protective edging of the harbour wall.
58. She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments.
59. Who's coming in next?
60. With Dave unemployed, we haven't got much money coming in at the moment.
61. Reports are now coming in of trouble at yet another jail.
62. The tide was coming in as he rounded the rocks.
63. It had gone on to the wrong side of the road and hit a car coming in the other direction.
64. We've got more work coming in than we can handle.
65. News is just coming in of an air-crash over the Atlantic.
66. It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in.
67. The weather map shows a ridge of high pressure coming in from the Atlantic.
68. News is coming in of a serious plane crash in France.
69. There are new uses of words coming in and old uses dying out.
70. He was hit by a lorry coming in the opposite direction.
71. You're not coming in the house in those great clodhoppers.
72. Reports are just coming in of a major oil spillage in the North Sea.
73. They were coming in to land on the north coast of Crete.
74. He leant against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps.
75. News is coming in of a serious train crash in Scotland.
76. Reports are coming in of the forcible resettlement of villagers from the countryside into towns.
77. Reports are coming in of a massive earthquake in Mexico.
78. There's more money going out than coming in, I'm worried about the business.
79. She has a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments.
80. The dog sprang to the door and pawed at the man who was coming in.
81. Maybe I should take a leaf out of Rick's book and start coming in at ten every morning.
82. The aid coming in has made no impression on the horrific death rates.
82. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
83. You feel the ache coming in your bones.
84. No money coming in, all of that.
85. Who exactly was coming in from the cold?
86. A new group of bathers is coming in.
87. You're only just coming in yourself.
88. We have recruits coming in all the time.
89. That must be Nina coming in right now.
90. Imagine coming in and the only way you can back it up is by winning a championship.
91. Ruthin struggled to post 107-9, the biggest single contribution of 16 coming in extras.
92. One possibility is simple: New money coming in would pay for the shares of those cashing out.
93. On cop shows, for instance, there's always a new case coming in, he said.
94. Lots of them-29m by the low-ball official census, with 1.2m more coming in each year.
95. Everybody said that Floyd Johnson probably dropped anchor somewhere to wait to the next day instead of coming in in the fog.
96. This happened to me on the Seven Mile Straight at recently, a lorry coming in the opposite direction in spite of road signs.
97. There was this pink wash coming in on the scrim.
98. He saw the dories coming in and the men heading for the coffee shop underneath the fish house.
99. With my hands I could still feel cool air coming in along almost all the cracks.
100. People have been coming in and milling around to see if we actually have it.
101. Reports are coming in of an explosion in the centre of Paris.
102. The way to manage money is firstly to assess what you have coming in and what you have to pay out.
103. Our central sensors would detect any ship coming in from five thousand li out.
104. There were guys coming in almost every night[], groping and pawing me just because I served them a beer or two.
105. Nobody would dream of coming in uninvited, and telling me to put my cigarette out.
106. A car coming in the opposite direction struck Sandi's car.
107. We were both pretty excited about visiting Saigon, country boys coming in to see the big time.
108. And most of the money coming in was offset by spending on imports into the bloc.
109. But he made a birdie and two pars coming in, and made the cut by two shots.
110. Neighbors say that the staff decreased from about 25 to 5 in recent months and started coming in only in the mornings.
111. Coming in the midst of a presidential campaign, the air attack has generated the inevitable political rhetoric, bombast and pressure.
112. Raytheon executives raised the prospect that more aerospace layoffs may be coming in the aftermath of the Hughes purchase.
113. The CIA man called out,[] but the tide was coming in and the noisy surf drowned his words.
114. We hadn't heard the front door opening and Cal's father coming in.
115. That last night, when the returns started coming in, he had this blank expression on his face.
116. Coming in the opposite direction ahead are three cars, then four.
117. The computer disk keeping record of vehicles coming in and out was later found to have been erased.
118. She was late coming in to dinner, or she fell asleep at the table.
119. There was enough starlight coming in the window to make out the dim shapes of bunkbeds and rucksacks.
120. A girl classified the information coming in and entered it up on file cards.
121. For no apparent reason he had collided with a car coming in the opposite direction, killing the other driver instantly.
122. But he was caught in a difficult situation, coming in at midseason with a losing record.
123. I was really depressed at the thought of coming in to the office this morning.
124. We were the big rock band coming in to crush the little elite alternative festival.
125. There are many more good illustrations coming in to the Library than there are analytical entries or other index terms.
126. For coming in the opposite direction was an endless flood of motor cyclists zooming home from the North West 200.
127. It was coming in from all sides, along the baseboards, rising faster than he would have thought possible.
128. It was like coming in to land on the wrinkled hide of some sleeping behemoth.
129. She said she was coming in here to eat some breakfast.
130. Which is the Henry's law coming in. Yes.
131. Results are now coming in thick and fast.
132. The reduction of the air friction in the valve is similar to expanding of the valve, which increases the air coming in and out.
133. I triangulate an objective assessment of the new technologies coming in, a subjective assessment of the public's reaction to new propositions, and then I take a punt.
134. Listing 3 shows parts of the source for the class, which handles all JMS text messages coming in and going out.
135. Although a somewhat short par 5 coming in at 510 yards, this exotic golf hole will be sure to challenge the average golfer while enticing the big hitter to 'attempt the green in two'.
136. The Coast Guard choppers are coming in low over the water, the downdraft streaking a trough across the surface, the rescue guys swinging from cables like anyone could do what they do.
137. Take a look at what you're spending, and if there's more cash going out than coming in, trim back.
138. The work had been coming in by dribs and drabs for several years.
139. As long as the amount of money coming in the front end of the pipe maintains a rough balance with the money paid out, the system can continue forever.
140. 'Clint's getting a little sensitive about the discussions concerning him coming in under budget and on schedule.' says producer Robert Lorenz.
141. With the digital and network of speech signal, VoIP is coming in our world.
142. RINT coming in 2009, this will be a feast for a field will also be a feast for a field information.
142. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
143. Then major Ozeryansky from Intelligence department coming in to pick up Schmidt for interrogation.
144. I can only imagine what they thought at the time, seeing a twentysomething girl in a denim mini-skirt coming in regularly for intimate dinners with a grey-haired suited man carrying a briefcase.
145. They say that wigs will be coming in again this year.
146. A favorable balance of payments exists when more payments are coming in than going out.
147. Klitschko tried to control the action with his rangy jab and had success hitting Solis coming in.
148. Coming in at a little over twice the size of Branson's Caribbean cove, Copperfield's Musha Cay only has half the servants, but don't let that put you off.
149. This is the diagram taken right from your text, there are the two electrodes coming in and this is atomic hydrogen in the gas tube.
150. As its name indicates, FixedDelayInt passes data coming in through its input channel onto its output channel after a fixed delay -- one second in the example code.
151. Man B: Yeah, we're going to pay a guy to be on the door to stop people coming in.
152. The reason all this seems so sinister to you is that you are one of the few survivors from the old regime, which means you naturally distrust the team coming in and resent their clannishness.
153. That's really essential information for people like us coming in to do the genetics, " says molecular biologist David Julius at the University of California, San Francisco, who led the study.
154. But Martin turned away, leaving him to tell it to the barkeeper, until that worthy was called away to furnish drinks to two farmers who, coming in, accepted Martin's invitation.
155. ANN: (lying against the headboard, smiling as she hears distant music coming in through the window) Listen.
156. The deeper the C state, the more power saving steps are taken—steps like stopping the processor clock or stopping interrupts from coming in.
157. The slow methodic sound was someone walking, and coming in their direction.
158. "We get high school kids coming in and asking and they want to know if it's the Seton Hotel, " said Leslee Heskiaoff, the owner of the hotel by that name on East 40th Street.
159. Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they're always coming in for criticism.
160. Compaq made it last year by coming in second with $ 31.2 billion in sales.
161. There just aren't enough educated and talented new people coming in to meet demand.
162. As King Canute showed to his courtiers, we cannot stop the tide from coming in; we can try,(http:///coming in.html) but it will only carry us away.
163. The shark was about thirty yards from the boy, coming in with the same sliding motion.
164. If today's quotes show key and small-cap stocks, coming in at low afternoon is worth of concern.
165. Reduce the volume of paper coming in by sorting mail over the recycling bin or trash, keeping only those papers that require an action or filing.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 7:18:33