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单词 Creating
1. There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
2. God finds himself by creating.
3. The build-up of forces in the region is creating a powder keg.
4. Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw 
5. The golden rule when creating your design is: keep it simple.
6. Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.
7. In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein who would threaten their influence in the region.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. The building work is creating constant noise, dust and disturbance.
9. Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.
10. The book might be published without creating offense.
11. He was accused of purposely creating difficulties.
12. Her behaviour is creating a lot of problems.
13. She enjoys creating imaginary worlds for children.
14. It's perfectly feasible to produce electricity without creating pollution.
15. High winds have been creating havoc for farmers.
16. The announcement only succeeded in creating confusion.
17. This issue is creating unrest on the backbenches.
18. The pound's rapid appreciation is creating problems for exporters.
19. We will be creating 15 new posts next year.
20. There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood.
21. He got a buzz from creating confrontations.
22. By ignoring the wishes of their employees, the managers are setting/creating a time bomb for themselves.
23. The patron of the bar was ejected for creating a disturbance.
24. His political adversaries were creating a certain amount of trouble for him.
25. Before creating this sculpture, she studied all the masterpieces of classical antiquity.
26. Love is not just about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship.
27. That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.
28. He is charged with several misdemeanour, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
29. Consumer hoarding of limited goods, such as gasoline and paper, is creating shortages in stores.
30. A great deal of time and money has been expended on creating a pleasant office atmosphere.
1. The build-up of forces in the region is creating a powder keg.
2. Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.
3. In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein who would threaten their influence in the region.
4. That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.
5. The building work is creating constant noise, dust and disturbance.
6. He is charged with several misdemeanour, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
7. The patron of the bar was ejected for creating a disturbance.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
31. If she sees you with an ice cream she'll only start creating.
32. The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy.
33. Work on the positive, creating beautiful, loving and fulfilling relationships.
34. They are proudly trumpeting the fact that they are creating more jobs.
35. There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.
36. She has gained a reputation for creating books as perfect as is humanly possible.
37. He sets about creating an environment that just doesn't permit experiment, it encourages it.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
38. Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.
39. Dr Russel is creating an elite herd by cross-breeding goats from around the globe.
40. The light reflected off the stone, creating a golden glow he found entrancing.
41. The new administration has its work cut out for it. Creating jobs in this kind of environment is not going to be easy.
42. He is charged with several misdemeanor, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
43. He said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs.
44. Reading is about creating worlds with words.
45. Error 1046 Error creating new package file.
46. What about my creating the whole damn world?
47. Most main roads were cut, creating supply problems.
48. They invest it in creating more wealth.
49. Gift of creating a pleasant environment with minimal resources.
50. And no one else has been creating ballets.
51. An exhibition may be aimed at creating new marketing ideas or providing an arena for marketing.
52. But we can be smarter about creating the conditions that enable such systems to take root.
53. Now Alvin set about creating in earnest his groundbreaking modern dance repertory company.
54. This prevents a permanently installed generator from being charged by the battery when it is not creating an output itself.
55. Women with bulimia may also be ignorant of how their behaviour perpetuates their symptoms, creating a vicious cycle which traps them.
56. People cut corners, creating new tracks and damaging the land.
57. Creating a Mission Statement Clarity of mission may be the single most important asset for a government organization.
58. These shifts are creating enormous ambiguity for those already in the workforce as well as those about to enter the business community.
59. Companies with more than 5, 000 employees nationwide could choose to insure their workers directly by creating their own corporate alliance.
60. Coffman, Virginia An expert in creating appropriate atmosphere, Coffman has written more than sixty novels.
61. The only hope of raising this money starts with creating a climate of confidence attractive to foreign investors.
62. It is this shift in perspective that is creating a wealth of new possibilities.
63. The intended goal of the process will be to produce minds, capable of creating and appreciating values.
64. These shortcomings are clearly compounded by the difficulty of creating new titles.
65. Some attacked the fact that faster growth has been environmentally unsound, creating excessive carbon emissions and destroying natural habitats.
66. Confrontationalists advocate challenging Roman authority, experimenting with new liturgical forms and creating smaller new communities to replace or supplement traditional parishes.
67. The method of creating a bill is for the customer to arrange an acceptance credit facility with his bankers.
68. Creating a clear boundary between work and home,(http:///creating.html) they visibly tangibly signal status and authority.
69. Buyers brought forward purchases in August to beat the deadline on stamp duty, creating a vacuum in the following month.
70. The Earth spins on an axis, creating north and south poles.
71. There is a sense, then, in which the analyst is creating the text which others will read.
72. In creating the Windows 95 version, Quarterdeck opted to overhaul the guts and provide more capabilities.
73. The state government was willing to bend the rules where necessary to stop penalizing employers for creating jobs.
74. Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator.
75. Some students may be creating a videotaped drama, in which case numbers and technicians must be calculated and provided.
76. Public-service broadcasting is creating programmes totally free of any commercial consideration.
77. Therefore, both over-confidence and under-confidence may play a part in creating an environment in which accidents happen more readily.
78. They are used in plain and patterned carpets creating a rich textured quality of living colour.
79. Such explanations fail to acknowledge the possibility that schools may a responsible for creating and sustaining disruptiveness.
80. On the basis of their experiences, the Hamiltons have a number of suggestions for creating high-quality apprenticeship programs.
81. Indeed, the playing is quite riveting, creating a feeling of spontaneous combustion.
82. But it can also strike on the potential for tension between bringing out individuality and creating conformity.
83. Such vouchers would indeed be a step toward changing the system by creating market-type controls on the demand side of the market.
84. Pupils are creating a nature trail, a boardwalk alongside a pond and writing an information leaflet.
85. Mark Pauline and Rod Brooks have advanced further than most in creating personas for machines, because the creatures are fully embodied.
86. First, the manager himself may feel somewhat shy about creating formal coaching sessions.
87. The Governor Eyre controversy dragged on for a number of years, creating deep divisions within respectable society.
88. Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more. George Bernard Shaw 
89. I think that God in creating Man somewhat overestimated his ability. Oscar Wilde 
90. Merck is not just creating demand for the equipment, it can actually produce business.
91. She jumped backwards and forwards in her narrative, creating considerable confusion in Dougal's mind.
92. Suppose that the union lifts the level of wages above the perfectly competitive market clearing wage, thus creating some unemployment.
93. Answer: a. Why: When creating an unusual adjective from other types of words, use a hyphen.
94. The result has been the first bold experiment in creating a global political culture.
95. The narrative line wavers, its constant ebb and flow in political affairs and love story creating a sense of drift.
96. I am pretending that I am creating a beautiful garden.
97. These papers were not so much creating a new market as servicing an established public interest.
98. Music have the magic of bringing people together, and creating unity and consolidation. Dr T.P.Chia 
99. The intelligentsia has an enhanced role in creating and transmitting the new national culture through a national educational system.
100. The aim is to build Labour's credibility by creating an economy which will sustain higher spending on its social programme.
101. Farther west is the Hudson River, creating the illusion that ocean liners occasionally sail down the street.
102. The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth.
103. Each stood out in different settings, creating a sense of inevitability about their eventual accession to the White House.
104. Creating a game from a film costs hundreds of thousands of pounds and can take as long as making the movie.
105. On the big boring mills of the Midvale shop, Taylor was creating a new world of work.
106. The scheme will nearly double the seating capacity of the stadium, creating an additional 7,650 seats.
107. On houses with warm roofs, the melting occurs from the bottom up, creating the ice dam.
108. The process of creating a database can be divided into two basic stages - design and development.
109. A: Fertilizers can contain salts that build up, creating white marks on containers.
110. Creating an economic asset in the form of a parental dividend would obviously up the ante in these kinds of contentious issues.
111. Part of the art is to avoid creating a permanent conflict with a section of the community.
112. He said Euro policies should now be aimed at creating economic growth and more jobs.
113. There are already early signs that this media flexible approach to our markets is creating opportunities to grow new revenue streams:?
114. He could not do this with-out creating controversy, without startling the press from time to time.
115. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning. Mitch Albom 
116. In the eighteenth century it seemed impossible to build a barn without creating a work of art.
117. Factors which correlate strongly with autonomy are: Strong goal orientation, even to the point of creating unnecessary hurdles.
118. Awareness of such differences is critically important in creating Great Groups.
119. One solution is to reach beyond the boundaries of the school by creating a new relationship between schools and employers.
120. By polluting, that is, by creating spillover costs, the firm enjoys lower production costs and the supply curve 5.
121. We were in danger of creating a system which would involve testing over far too long a period of time.
122. The Marshalls erected dams on their estate and were responsible for creating Tarn Hows.
123. Stopping rivers and creating lakes, it was reported, had caused irreversible changes to thousands of acres of land.
124. Each had an individual story that complemented the other, creating ecological beauty and providing spiritual as well as physical sustenance.
125. Moreover, overcapacity reduced margins during the 1980s when the real costs of construction rose, thus creating higher barriers to entry.
126. The discount houses attempt to make profits by creating a market in short-term financial instruments.
127. Now, seven years after the wall collapsed, Berlin is creating an urban showcase for the 21st century.
127. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
128. Not all of us are painters but we are all artists. Each time we fit things together we are creating - whether it is to make a loaf of bread, a child, a day. Corita Kent 
129. And Richard Hollins Murray set about creating cloisters to commemorate the links with the past.
130. The headlong rush by the brewers to switch tenants to long leases is creating misery and hardship.
131. Keeping the consensus among nations is as important as creating it in the first place.
132. The glamour of limed oak - creating an atmosphere that seems to belong entirely in the country.
133. After sundown the Confederates made an attack on the right creating considerable confusion.
134. There are many businesses out there that could be creating jobs-good jobs-but the government effectively discourages them from doing so.
135. That study is expected to document the role of cultural institutions in creating employment and attracting businesses to New York City.
136. Why not accept that, and play a leading role in creating it in as beneficial an environment as possible?
137. In consequence, enclosure of arable was now creating more social problems than it could solve.
138. Zimmermann was the target of a federal investigation for his role in creating a publicly available cryptography program called Pretty Good Privacy.
139. Surveys of long-stay hospitals exposed such anomalies in the 1960s and 1970s, creating much public concern.
140. Being large, multi-national companies helps-they can allocate huge budgets to creating just the right online presence.
141. In 2 we examined the role of cohesive devices in creating coherence, but we also looked at their limitations.
142. Because the technology is based on readily available material it can be produced anywhere, creating jobs outside industrial areas.
143. You will remember that consonant sounds are made by creating a brief barrier to the flow of breath.
144. Then there are character sketches to provide the raw material for creating the individuals who inhabit these tales.
145. Enjoying the terror he was creating, Michael drank his brandy in one gulp.
146. Our prime minister is a failed bus conductor from Brixton set on creating a classless society.
147. Their failure also appeared to reduce the chance of creating an effective opposition coalition.
148. Brown led the opposition campaign, and later criticized the media for creating a negative image of the Legislature.
149. After Stonewall this process sharply accelerated, creating a radical new medical situation in the gay world.
150. Last fall, Winfrey decided to give fiction a boost by creating her on-air book club.
151. Creating graphs is a piece of cake on the computer.
152. To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. Henri Bergson 
153. But in addition, the bold step was taken of creating specialist modules in areas like communication and personal and social development.
154. These estimates were based on a four-stage assessment of the effects of creating free movement.
155. The demands of the sport are creating a new breed of mutant.
156. A grand jury was convened; the jury condemned the newspapers for creating the atmosphere which instigated the Saturday night riots.
157. Rapid social change sweeps away centuries-old ways of doing things, creating stress and insecurity.
157. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
158. He had begun this career with exceptional promise, creating a splendid army.
159. Gorbachev had stressed the urgency of creating the new presidential system in order to safeguard democratization and perestroika.
160. Sometimes, to exercise this quality consistently an unconscious hand may have to be taken in creating a crisis!
161. The opposition coalition criticized the tax-free zones as exploiting women textile workers and as creating dependence on foreign countries.
162. Kane, in creating the world, did not, like Yahweh, make light: he made himself into light.
163. The challenge of creating a living system of any size is daunting.
164. If the barracuda charges, the herring flee away on every side, creating a clear tunnel through the shoal.
165. The problem confronting software developers remains the high cost of creating and competitively marketing these products.
166. Milosevic, however, knows that the reality on the ground is the most convincing argument and he s busy creating it.
167. The governor has a strong commitment to creating jobs in the state.
168. The farmer may castrate the excess bulls, creating steers, or slaughter them.
169. Demonstration projects promote awareness of new technology to consumers, with a view towards creating a demand for the product.
170. Moreover, creating large bodies of worthwhile intellectual property is a specialised and costly business.
171. Both remained important, creating the worst conditions at their intersection, in the conurbations of the North.
172. A quite different way of creating a chimaera is to fuse two early mouse embryos.
173. As the population grew, business services increased, creating more job openings and luring more people.
174. Currently, such creatures are not able to converse, creating instead relationships closer to the family pet.
175. Murmuring to me softly, his confiding smile and the concerned wrinkles on his brow creating gentle reassurance, Vora explained.
176. On Sept. 9, 1957, the president signed legislation creating a six-member commission on civil rights.
177. What director Michael Winterbottom excels at, instead, is creating an atmosphere of vague religious resonance.
178. It was a matter first of embarking on practical ways of increasing harmony and creating a single market.
179. Thus, the two procedures are alternative methods of creating settlements of land.
180. First, a derisory vote, after a contest creating a lot of thoroughly unhelpful aggravation.
181. Creating a false market in shares carries a penalty of seven years imprisonment under Section 47 of the Financial Services Act.
182. Thus creating a succulently flavoured ham that goes perfectly with a watercress and avocado salad and a few slices of brown bread.
183. Creating new technologies to clean up the air could actually spur economic growth rather than burden it.
184. It is less satisfactory if there is a danger of creating a psychological barrier to doing something positive about getting another job.
185. Cant about the free market creating opportunities for poor people is meaningless when wealth calls all the shots.
186. All together we begin to unload the very cream of our assets, creating a massive bear market.
187. In fact, it is creating white space,(http:///creating.html) giving shape and definition to your message.
188. Internet-based travel services are also creating a niche for themselves by offering last-minute travel bargains.
189. These two actions would provide a separation of industrial and residential areas to a degree, creating a better environment.
190. Often, the first and most critical step in creating a Great Group is recruiting.
191. He is concerned with the existence of invisible power within the state, creating a barrier between it and the people.
192. More specifically, Weber envisaged state bureaucrats as of key importance in creating this autonomy.
193. They spent their long winters under a deep blanket of snow, singing and creating ghost stories.
194. This must be rectified because a higher phosphorus level will interfere with calcium absorption in the horse's gut creating further problems.
195. Creating the climate in which such tough talking can occur is a highly skilled task and takes careful preparation.
196. Borland has succeeded in making Quattro Pro for Windows easy to use when creating multiple worksheets and 3D data structures.
197. When creating a biosphere remember that: Microorganisms do most of the work.
198. Cica is designed to broaden its business base by creating a franchise within the 13-30 year old bracket.
199. A junior who is tired of sitting on the bench is creating morale problems.
200. It represents an experimental revolutionary hotel sleep environment we are creating in cooperation with the National Sleep Foundation.
201. They work by creating a powerful alkaline solution which dislodges fats.
202. Coercion and domination subvert the integrity of love by creating power relationships that are its antithesis.
203. Both the actual process of creating such notes and the appropriateness and variety of the finished product will aid understanding and memorisation.
204. Inside, the decor is elegant and traditional, the gentle colour scheme creating a relaxing ambience.
205. Much has been written on opening up a dialogue and creating collaboration on reading between home and school.
206. But I'd like to be involved in creating beautiful things.
207. They would be involved in planning the database, collecting the data, organizing the data and creating the database.
208. Maybe I made a mistake in creating a rigid opposition between marriage and autonomy.
209. In July a Pravda editorial had attacked perestroika for creating a new bureaucracy without solving the old problems.
210. Timman advanced, creating problems for Speelman with a pawn thrust deep into his opponent's position, splitting Black's forces.
211. This has had damaging environmental consequences, such as creating new pressures for house building and increasing reliance on car-based transport.
212. Already, the mayor is creating a cadre of business advisors to start brainstorming more ideas.
213. Besides, he always began creating a character from the voice.
214. What a sense of destiny he had, locked in the miniature room, creating a design, a network of connections.
215. Unfortunately, the media is creating a huge burden for this poor child.
216. In a landscape of such transience and amnesia, the burden of creating a world shifts to the watcher.
217. The government, through its regional policy, also provides assistance to companies creating jobs in depressed areas.http://
218. We will halt the commercial market which is creating a two-tier health service.
219. The agents transform isolated software applications into modular building blocks for creating a coherent networked system.
220. Nineteenth-century choreographers creating either a character or a national ballet used both occupational and natural emotional gesture in their dance designs.
221. Rosenbluth Travel redefined its business by creating new information services that were attractive to its corporate customers.
222. This allows less dangerous toxins like lactic acid to accumulate, creating overly acidic conditions in your muscles.
223. The grouping formalised the situation by creating four essentially geographically based companies, even though they did stray into one another's territories.
224. In it, Adams broke free of the minimalist school of composing and began creating his rich collages of Americana.
225. So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning. Mitch Albom 
226. The evening raised over £125 for the Save the Elephant appeal and succeeded in creating awareness about many conservation problems.
227. What is discipline? Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos. Osho 
228. We have found that creating this climate involves a number of factors.
229. Brown believes the Greys are attempting to speed human evolution and enhance our spirituality by creating humans with some Grey genes.
230. By creating favourable conditions at every level, healing will take place quite naturally.
231. In creating one she has inadvertently made a move towards alternative methods of selling that could have great significance for organic farming.
232. As well as creating ordinary compressed files, you can even create self extracting versions.
233. Wesley Smith Opponents say it's a policy doomed to fail - creating massive environmental damage.
234. It'simulates creating a process's address space.
235. Let's fix that by creating a new container object called a Group that can hold a bunch of GraphicsObjects.
236. Especially important for creating effective interaction idioms is attention to mouse cursor feedback.
237. Production Specification: Obtaining from natural biologic gene, bringing 100 % flash and color, creating glittering lips.
238. Human beings have been creating many things according directly or indirectly to corporeity experience.
239. Fulfill the flood prediction solution of Luanhe reservoir group, creating the condition for realizing the joint control of there reservoirs.
240. This can save time for the users then they are creating new tasks from scratch (if they need to manually add projects or related request, and such).
241. So RCC is also re-entrant and this recursive aspect is a great advantage for creating components that re-use and build atop other components.
242. The Logging column mentions the logging mode that has been set while creating the database (buffered, unbuffered, ANSI compliant, and not logged).
243. Until now, we'd focused on requirements-related artifacts, and had spent a relatively small amount of time on evaluating technologies and creating prototypes to support tool selection.
244. In contrary to the current trend of modern art, she presents a joyful hue in her paintings. Marta keeps to her own style, creating beautiful art works with purity and tension of color.
245. Recalling the world of Renaissance, it focuses on refinement, richness in detail, variegation and creating value.
246. This script creates an even more granular priority structure by creating 64 different priorities subdivided by 8 master priorities.
247. You are creating a composite control for capturing user address information in a Web application.
247. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
248. Then you must tick on different cases to indicate if its a reading operation, writing, creating and suppression must be recorded.
249. It appears Doris Duke outdid herself in creating a boudoir.
250. Congressman Ron Paul says, "M3 is the bestdescription of how quickly the Fed is creating new money and credit.
251. Creating new Settings is a very easy process as we will see.
252. The processes of creating hard links and copying large files also takes place simultaneously.
253. While you use RSA to model your data model and applications, you have to look at the tooling that EMF provides for creating an EMF model for generating code.
254. In the surgery, the spinal nerves are rerouted and if successful, the nerves regenerate (over a period of 6-24 months), creating a new nerve pathway that can control bladder emptying.
255. This includes an exercise of progressively decomposing requirements prior to the meeting, thereby creating a smooth flow of work.
256. It works by creating a hash from the preprocessed sources and the compiler options used to compile the sources.
257. The ultra-Left viewpoint is creating trouble and is still the main danger in the Party.
258. We seek dynamic, forward looking individual, who is confident of creating success, to join us in this starting point of our full fledge involvement in the China market.
259. By creating a customized conversion file, you can tune the conversion process in more fine-grained details.
260. And the shape of the vertebrae in women tapers off toward the back, creating a wedge shape that further facilitates arching, Whitcome said.
261. With persistence and care, your colony will develop a hive mind and tend to its moss "garden, " creating a self-regulating ecosystem with you as its god.
262. The Libyan government troops easily overran lightly defended rebel checkpoints and began roaring down the two-lane highway toward the main rebel stronghold of Zintan, creating a few hours of anxiety.
263. Of course, loneliness might make us down by creating an innominate sadness, and this kind of melancholy will produce some kind of beauty.
264. Creating a continuous delivery pipeline (customized Jenkins) further reduced the time required to develop and deliver reliable software to testers.
265. Halston initiates celebrity-led design, creating the pillbox hat for Jackie Kennedy.
266. But where disbursed and present in barely perceptible quantities, it is more akin to a slow swoosh, creating a spiral of heat that starts a tornado effect in the atmosphere.
267. It's been a hundred years since President Taft signed the legislation creating Glacier National Park in Montana.
268. Rob Gordon, a criminologist at Simon Fraser University, says attempts at creating an agency to curb the gangs have repeatedly failed.
269. It is planning to support crop and livestock insurance for small-holders in developing countries by creating a company to underwrite index-based weather and other catastrophe risks.
270. Two students at Germany's University of Konstanz bolted a Kinect to a helmet, creating a bare-bones navigational system for the blind.
271. This article described a general method for creating composed patterns from pre-existing patterns and explained how to design and implement one, using a detailed example.
272. If they really wanted a 'stealth' helicopter they should have looked into creating something similar to the Comanche which has a covered fan that provides more torque while reducing noise.
273. Much of this diversification has occurred recently, creating spectacular examples of adaptive radiation and of speciation in action (table S1).
274. This means that we will need to change our strategies regarding mobile library website design and reorient ourselves towards creating a mobile-friendly research experience.
275. In this scenario, the business flow is to create an employee record that involves creating a record in the HR system as well as in a Payroll system.
276. As a shortcut for creating a bar chart, click the Bar Chart AutoFormat button.
277. If that doesn't work, and you really feel this system can boot again except for some silly error, try creating an Ultimate Recovery CD, as detailed at the How-To Geek's home away from Lifehacker.
278. The 40-unit resort owes its design inspired by a sun drenched island, a beautiful view of the sunset, creating an amazing display of amber hues exemplifying the passion of fire.
279. Creating the terminal used for audio playback ( usually speakers or a handset ).
280. Using pliers or a pipe wrench to tighten a bolt or nut. This may scar the bolt head or nut creating a sharp edge.
281. Chinese lending surge has made it worse by creating excessive speculative demand.
282. So building a process language on the PVM is as easy as creating a set of activity implementations.
283. The cost of money is inappropriately cheap,[] driving mal-investment and creating overcapacity.
284. When creating a new document, the backing database entry or file for it is created immediately.
285. A documentation of life and feeling, thus creating a balance point between freedom and order.




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