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单词 Crops
1 Fodder crops are used to feed livestock.
2 An abnormal climate stunted the crops.
3 The unusually hot sun has fried up the crops.
4 The flies leave a sticky residue on crops.
5 Is the coastal plain good for growing crops?
6 The summer storm laid the crops.
7 They get three crops of rice a year.
8 The timely rain will certainly bring on the crops.
9 Cold weather retards the growth of the crops.
10 The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.
11 Crops were laid flat by heavy rainstorms.
12 They dusted an insecticide on the crops.
13 Crops are often in rural areas.
14 The birds also attack crops when the opportunity arises.
15 Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.
16 The lack of rain has shrivelled the crops.
17 Better cultivation of soil will bring about better crops.
18 The crops were ruined by the late frost.
19 The recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops.
20 The main crops were oats and barley.
21 Bad weather doomed the crops.
22 Most farmers alternate their crops.
23 Which crops does he grow?
24 The crops withered up because there was no rain.
25 The farmers are getting the crops in now that they are ripe.
26 The weather influences crops.
27 One of the first crops that I grew when we came here was rye.
28 He employed a scorched-earth policy,[] destroying villages and burning crops.
29 The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.
30 The drought did a lot of harm to the crops.
1 Fodder crops are used to feed livestock.
2 The unusually hot sun has fried up the crops.
3 The flies leave a sticky residue on crops.
4 Is the coastal plain good for growing crops?
5 They get three crops of rice a year.
6 The timely rain will certainly bring on the crops.
7 The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.
8 Crops are often in rural areas.
9 The birds also attack crops when the opportunity arises.
10 The lack of rain has shrivelled the crops.
11 Better cultivation of soil will bring about better crops.
12 The crops were ruined by the late frost.
13 The recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops.
14 The main crops were oats and barley.
15 Which crops does he grow?
16 He employed a scorched-earth policy, destroying villages and burning crops.
17 One of the first crops that I grew when we came here was rye.
18 The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.
19 In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.
20 It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture.
21 If disease is allowed to spread among the crops, it will cause wide spread devastation.
22 The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice.
23 The fields are irrigated so that the crops can grow.
24 The pioneers went west across North America, cutting down forests and planting new crops.
25 The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night.
26 The cold weather has made it necessary to protect the crops.
27 A vast expanse of golden crops lay before us.
28 Crops flourish in rich soil.
29 The frost has blighted my crops.
30 The frost did much damage to the crops.
31 The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.
32 In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.
33 It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture.
34 If disease is allowed to spread among the crops, it will cause wide spread devastation.
35 The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice.
36 The fields are irrigated so that the crops can grow.
37 The pioneers went west across North America, cutting down forests and planting new crops.
38 The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night.
39 The cold weather has made it necessary to protect the crops.
40 The crops failed because of drought.
41 The crops will not grow on exposed hillsides.
42 Failure of crops often results in famine.
43 The summer crops were forward this year.
44 The land is useless for growing crops.
45 A vast expanse of golden crops lay before us.
46 Which are the most important crops?
47 The severe storm did for most of the crops.
48 The heavy rain lodged the crops.
49 Crops flourish in rich soil.
50 Rivers burst their banks and flooded standing crops.
51 They rotated crops in the field every year.
52 Insects which eat crops are pests.
53 The crops desperately need rain.
54 Most of the farmers grow arable crops.
55 He can't get a good price for his crops.
56 The crops lodged in the storm.
57 Cold weather affected the crops.
58 These insects can wreak havoc on crops.
59 An efficient irrigation system channels water to the crops.
60 Last year the crops failed.
31 Farmers usually alternate their crops.
32 The earth brings forth large crops every year for the sustenance of man and beast.
33 When the fruit trees are in bud or blossom, frosts may damage the crops.
34 The villagers were expected to render part of their crops for the lord's protection.
35 The hot sun is drying the ground up, and the crops can't grow.
36 The soil proved too infertile to sustain real pasture or arable crops.
61 Too much rain is bad for the crops.
62 Prices will even off when the crops are gathered.
63 The storm laid the crops flat.
64 The heavy rain perished all the crops.
65 Failing some rain soon,the crops will wither.
66 The land here isn't any good for agricultural crops.
67 The crops failed again last summer.
68 Salt will rust the crops.
69 Irrigation channels supply the crops with water.
70 The crops are doing well down this way.
71 The ceaseless rain was bad for the crops.
72 Land must be well drained for some crops.
73 A farmer must plow the land before planting crops.
74 Hailstones damaged crops and even killed farm animals.
75 The wind has beaten the crops down.
76 The soil produces good crops.
77 The sun is bringing the crops on nicely.
78 The frost has blighted my crops.
79 Large acreages have been planted to oil crops.
80 The crops revived after the rain.
81 Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.
82 The crops were blasted by frost.
83 The crops are growing well.
84 This warm weather should bring on the crops.
85 Prices should even off when the crops are gathered.
86 The farmers dusted crops with an insecticide.
87 Don't tread on the crops.
88 The frost did much damage to the crops.
89 This year severe drought has ruined the crops.
90 Generous spacing gives healthier trees and better crops.
91 Crops are grown in rural areas.
92 You cannot grow crops on exhausted land.
93 Have you harvested your crops?
94 The sun ripens the crops.
95 The heavy rain beat all the crops down.
96 The crops were drowned by the heavy rainfall.
97 We need a good rainfall to save the crops.
98 Isolated communities were extremely vulnerable if crops failed.
99 Summer flash floods destroyed the crops.
100 Prices should even out when the crops are gathered.
101 This warm weather should bring the crops along.
102 Farmers use a lot of chemical sprays on crops.
103 Farmers don't usually grow crops and flowers together.
104 The crops will turn out well.
105 The crops were just about ripe.
106 The storm ruined the crops.
107 Farmers usually alternate their crops.
108 The crops failed because of the drought.
109 The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide.
110 The seedlings of cereal crops began to upspring after the rain.
111 This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops.
112 The fine spell we've been having will bring the crops along very nicely.
113 In the summer,[Sentencedict] large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.
114 Since the failure in the crops, the farmers have been out of heart.
115 The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.
116 He raises crops mainly for the use of his family.
117 Some of the food crops failed. However, the cotton did quite well.
118 Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand.
119 They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops.
120 The pesticides that farmers spray on their crops kill pests but they can also damage people's health.
121 It's not a subject that often crops up in casual conversation.
122 The earth brings forth large crops every year for the sustenance of man and beast.
123 This technique is applicable to a wide variety of crops, but some modifications may be necessary to accommodate the peculiarities of each type.
124 It rained so much this summer that half the vegetable crops damped off.
125 A tornado destroyed grain crops across much of the Midwest.
126 The land is so poor here that it cannot support any crops.
127 Because of the cold weather the crops are late this year.
128 Peasants were encouraged to grow basic food crops such as beans and corn.
129 He worked hard to produce good crops from poor soil.
130 No crops can grow here in the frozen North,[http:///crops.html] so all the vegetables have to be flown out.
131 A lot of our land is used to grow crops for export.
132 Crops are sprayed with chemicals to prevent damage from insects.
133 The painting shows a typically bucolic scene with peasants harvesting crops in a field.
134 Several key crops failed when they were attacked by pests.
135 When all the crops are safely gathered in, the farmers can rest.
136 All the villagers should be rallied to rescue the crops.
137 In times gone by, all crops were harvested by hand.
138 In fact many food crops failed because of the drought.
139 American rice farmers complained that their crops were being frozen out of the market.
140 The government's programme to grow cash crops for export is a double-edged sword because it has created a local food shortage.
141 When the fruit trees are in bud or blossom, frosts may damage the crops.
142 An unknown disease suddenly attacked the crops in this area.
143 Some fields are planted with crops for several years, and then returned to pasture for the cattle.
144 There has been no rain — thus, the crops are drying.
145 Green manure crops such as alfalfa and mustard are widely used in organic gardening.
146 The villagers were expected to render part of their crops for the lord's protection.
147 Many areas have been devastated by blights which destroyed cereal crops and vines.
148 The new hybrid crops are much better at resisting disease.
149 The failure of their crops spelt disaster for the peasant farmers.
150 These people have now become almost self-sufficient in grain crops.
151 The hot sun is drying the ground up, and the crops can't grow.
152 Her name crops up frequently in writings about the Renaissance.
153 Extensive flooding in the country has delayed planting and many crops are still under water.
154 The use of natural fertilizer can bring the crops on nicer than the use of chemical fertilizer.
155 Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year.
156 The soil proved too infertile to sustain real pasture or arable crops.
157 It would be a calamity for the farmers if the crops failed again.
158 Mustard is grown in the field when weeds are there[http://], rather than when the growing crops are there.
159 Lack of rain coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail.
160 Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops.
161 The dry weather had an adverse effect on the potato crops.
162 Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.
163 Crops are sprayed with highly toxic chemicals to prevent insect damage.
164 We must try every means to ripen the late crops more rapidly.
165 The timely rain after a long time of drought will certainly bring on the crops.
166 This whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now.
167 Staple food crops are maize, sorghum and wheat.
168 This trait can be engineered into food crops.
169 Farmland, especially among growing crops, open grassland, steppes, semi-deserts.
170 Hot winds parched the crops.
171 The main crops are still potatoes and oats.
172 Protect crops from pigeons and other birds with netting.
173 Specific cash crops were profitable only in certain districts.
174 Altogether they lost five staple crops.
175 There was a more carefully calculated rotation of crops.
176 Be ready to harvest crops from April.
177 Farmers grow only a few crops, while gatherers pick from a vast range of wild plants.
178 Growing alternative crops such as short rotation coppice as energy crops and fibre crops such as flax and hemp showed promise.
179 The projections build in the ability of farmers to adapt to climate change by changing crops and farming methods.
180 No one has figured out how to beat the problem of rodents eating the crops.
181 The introduction of cash crops in the 1930s further reduced the amount of land available for food production.
182 However, this technique was better accepted on poorer lands where food crops were less attractive relative to fuelwood.
183 Some villagers, those with capital, established rubber smallholdings, or grew other crops for the market.
184 In addition, water-intensive crops such as rice should be abandoned in favour of wheat and cotton.
185 Once some one has established themselves as being the right sort of chap, then their name crops up time and again.
186 The study suggested diversification and rotation to boost production of other crops.
187 Fire can damage crops and harm animals as well as people. 3 Fasten all gates.
188 In this buffer zone around the park, people survive through subsistence farming and cash crops such as cotton.
189 Environmental groups launched a campaign against the widespread production of genetically modified crops.
190 So far as current commercial crops are concerned, the major GMOs are these: Pesticide-producing maize from Monsanto.
191 There has been a drought all winter, and the townsfolk have been out into the countryside to help water the crops.
192 Sussex geology has imposed an extensive regional pattern on the agricultural crops.
193 By contrast, there was a general shift from subsistence agriculture to the production of cash crops and the provision of services.
194 Early drilled crops have a greater and earlier nutrient demand and their root systems can cope better, he said.
195 The farmers who have undoubtedly profited from producing heavier crops of higher-yielding varieties that rely on nitrates also share the blame.
196 It shows that a third of average incomes is generated by migrant labour and only a fifth by selling crops.
197 This' black rain' left a sticky oily coating on people, livestock, crops, water supplies and buildings.
198 Occasionally we'd harvest the lighter crops, like sweet potatoes or chillis.
199 A little further south, early winter-drilled wheats looks good, but later-drilled crops extremely patchy and winter barley showing signs of disease.
200 They expect the growing season for crops to be short.
201 Each family is provided with 3.5 ha of land of which 1 ha is used for rain-fed arable crops.
202 Spray drift can seriously damage neighbouring crops, livestock, wildlife and humans.
203 We turn to wild nature for new crops and new drugs, as well as for the beauty that enriches our lives.
204 A serious drought in early 1989 affected agricultural crops, in particular paddy rice and jute.
205 The general appearance of the holding, its grass, crops, and animals, give a valuable first impression.
206 Recent photo opportunities have shown both candidates replicating famous Benito Mussolini images of harvesting crops and embracing children.
207 The combine has been through the Crops Challenge field and the final costs have been totted up.
208 Derived from satellite imagery at comparatively low resolution, predicted yields for different crops in different nation states become of commercial value.
209 Further away in commercialisation terms, work on lentils at Reading University suggests that following wheat crops would have lower N requirements.
210 In the arable fields the same crops were grown throughout a field and the task of harvesting was undertaken communally.
211 The local people naturally defend their crops, usually with totally inadequate weapons such as ancient shotguns loaded with buckshot.
212 Evidently the Munchkins were good farmers and able to raise large crops.
213 The population increased: so did rice production: so did the growing of new crops.
214 Vast territories were turned over to growing cash crops and extracting minerals for Western interests.
215 The loss of fertilizer proved to be a blessing in disguise. It forced us to use compost, which is better for the soil and crops.
216 For example, the pollen of modified crops had already been shown to be poisonous to monarch butterfly larvae.
217 From 200 years on, risks are mainly from contaminated water infecting crops.
218 Everything is growing apace,[] especially the weeds; there are plants to be watered and crops to be gathered.
219 However, these small signs of infection would have arrived far too late for many early harvested commercial crops.
220 The main cash crops were coffee, sugar cane and cotton, with cassava the domestic staple.
221 What is the scale of threat from this stem canker disease to the rape crops now drilled?
222 The lives of peasants are dictated by the arduous and endless cycle of their crops.
223 The farmers can make more money by not planting crops - it's crazy, isn't it?
224 Nor are the blight years which affected potato crops in about one year in three, in the not so distant past.
225 The farmers said pollutants from nearby Pemex plants had damaged their crops.
226 Other crops can not sustain the increased population, but you can build empires on maize.
227 Squash and green beans sustained the worst damage, with 50 percent 70 percent, respectively, of these crops lost.
228 In time, the house might decay, the town disappear, and the whole site become a field growing crops.
229 The biggest losers will be cotton, cattle and cereal crops.
230 Watercress: make use of homegrown crops with a free recipe booklet.
231 An even later flight to assess late senescence of the cereal crops might be undertaken this year.
232 There is enough rain in this region to provide grazing for cattle and good land to grow crops.
233 We will see people farming unlikely crops, like elder whose flowers make an appetizing cordial(), and whose berries make wine.
234 Other hopes have centred on ethanol taking the place of petroleum - but fuel crops must not displace food.
235 Humans would develop skin cancers; plants would be genetically damaged and crops devastated; animals would be blinded.
236 It is part of a research programme aimed at understanding the basic processes causing damage to trees and crops due to atmospheric pollution.
237 The economic consequences for food crops and other plants of the resulting increase in ultraviolet radiation have received less attention.
238 One-third of the water irrigates thirsty crops of low value - alfalfa, cotton, rice - and pasture.
239 The call-up is drastic, with farmers leaving their crops, and businesses crippled as their men go.
240 She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
241 The Lincolns destroyed vital food crops and staging areas thus slowly sapping the bandits' will and strength.
242 In Breckland there is coarse sand which is very porous and poor for crops.
243 The original Norfolk rotation was used to grow cash crops on strong land, yet never were two successive cash crops taken.
244 Failure of crops and transportation delays must be foreseen and alternative arrangements made quickly and efficiently.
245 For example, in temperate areas there should be an annual rotation of pasture with other livestock or crops.
246 In the United States apples and other perennial food crops constituted 16 % of the total value of food crops in 1998.
247 Once on the system, it saves time and allows me to concentrate on walking the crops, not filling in forms.
248 Time allowed 07:08 Read in studio An inventor has developed a high-flying way of scaring birds away from growing crops.
249 Laid crops and unsettled weather put the brakes on harvest for many growers this week.
250 The land, climate[http://], and markets will also play their part in dictating which crops are worth growing.
251 It is still widely used on citrus fruit, soybeans, coffee beans, tobacco, cotton and other crops.
252 Cereal and root crops are equally vulnerable to rabbit damage.
253 Crawley will compare the ecology of engineered and conventional varieties of three crops: potatoes, oilseed rape and sugar beet.
254 Over the years, mechanisation has replaced hand labour for the larger acreage crops.
255 Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?
256 As a result, to breed from animals or crops desirable for one reason often leads to failure in another part.
257 The Army has destroyed crops, helicopters have bombed the surrounding areas and people have been tortured while under arrest.
258 Although some winter barley growers jumped he gun last week, little was cut as crops were not fit.
259 They will grow good cereal crops so long as soil structure is maintained by the return of sufficient organic matter.
260 Many farmers stopped producing cocoa altogether or switched to food crops, like maize or cassava, that fetched more reliable prices.
261 Production of other crops also rose substantially - the important oil-bearing crops saw a rise of 13.8 percent during this period.
262 There were torrential rains, rivers burst their banks and flooded standing crops, churches were struck by lightning in heavy thunderstorms.
263 Enormous discipline would be necessary to run the irrigation systems necessary to grow crops.
264 In the long term, the loss of genetic diversity will reduce the gene pool available for agricultural crops.
265 Despite their differences, the two oceans support basically similar food webs, with high seasonal productivity from small overwintering standing crops.
266 Unemployment soared, and many small producers of cash crops went bankrupt.
267 In response peasants cultivate bulkier but less nutritious crops, such as cassava.
268 It makes a fertile soil for crops since here it is a mixture of clay and small particles of chalk.
269 Modified viruses could cause famine by destroying crops or cause human and animal diseases of tremendous power.
270 The farmers get more money from the government if they don't plant crops, and I think that's just crazy.
271 Thus many farmers have young store cattle which they either sell at market or fatten on fodder crops on their own farms.
272 Bordering the acre of whiteness and shade, blue fields burst with crops.
273 It was during the floods in 1984 when lots of people lost their crops and there was no work for them.




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