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单词 Comply with
1. All the citizens must comply with the law.
2. The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire.
3. The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
4. Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
5. All companies must comply with the new directive.
6. They refused to comply with the UN resolution.
7. All companies must comply with the regulations .
8. They have failed to comply with the resolution.
9. You must comply with the library rules.
10. Visitors to the mine must comply with the rules.
11. New vehicles must comply with set safety standards.
12. She must be made to comply with the rules.
13. It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law.
14. To comply with government hygiene regulations, there must be a separate sink for hand washing.
15. Companies have until December 31 to comply with the new legislation.
16. There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.
17. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in termination of the contract.
18. Many embassies refuse to comply with the order.
19. Companies must comply with European employment laws.
20. Gorbachev refused to comply with a summons to testify.
21. Mrs Kempton failed to comply with the notice.
22. Parents must comply with the stringent rules for vehicular access, which are explained in a Headmaster's letter.
23. The defendant did not appeal and failed to comply with the notices.
24. Museum Director Jim Ballinger said the museum will comply with both requests.
25. The gas stations that fail to comply with the law will be fined.
26. The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. Their role is not to review the work on the files, but to assess whether the files comply with quality standards.
28. A repayment period, as mentioned in your advert, does not comply with the intermediate advert requirements.
29. And there is no guarantee the Tasmanian Government will comply with Canberra's wishes.
30. The space agency and its contractor switched supplies to comply with environmental regulations.
1. All the citizens must comply with the law.
2. The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire.
3. The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
4. Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
31. Students failing to comply with the rules will be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 1985/7, Students Discipline.
32. The county council committee refused to comply with the request to remove Outram, pronouncing themselves well-pleased with their head-teacher.
33. Your agreement to the terms of engagement contained in this letter will be confirmation of our authority to comply with this requirement.
34. On 21 September 1982 Mr. Dennis committed an act of bankruptcy by failing to comply with the requirements of a bankruptcy notice.
35. It is vital to comply with legal requirements before embalming.
36. The area now contains more than enough people to comply with the statutory minimum population of 1, 500.
37. I do all that the law requires of me if my actions comply with it.
38. Legislation would not, of course, be just a requirement to comply with the code.
39. Businesses operate within such a framework; they must observe planning regulations and comply with employment legislation.
40. Unlike SSAPs, SORPs are not mandatory but companies are encouraged to comply with the recommendations that they make.
41. If the trader fails to comply with these requirements, he is not allowed to enforce the agreement against the customer.
42. She swallowed deeply, wondering just how far he would go in order to try to force her to comply with his will.
43. This is normally done by imposing upon the tenant a covenant to comply with regulations made from time by the landlord.
44. Failure to comply with the regulations can result in a £2,000 fine or six month prison sentence.
45. Failure to comply with that instruction might give rise to a charge of obstructing the police in addition to that of obstructing the highway.
46. Rather than being openly confrontational with his parents, he just quietly-and perhaps unconsciously-refused to comply with their demands.
47. In order to comply with Community law, it was now necessary to agree the same date of retirement for both sexes.
48. It can also impose smaller fines on parties who fail to comply with certain procedural requirements.
49. Teachers respond most positively to those students who comply with their requests.
50. Laws and regulations can lay down safety standards but individuals have to comply with those standards.
51. And the onus will be on employers to ensure their offices comply with the Display Screen Regulations.
52. However, for various reasons, many researchers often use other protocols that do not comply with the model.
53. She grew up fearful of authority and anxious to comply with it.
54. There was no suggestion that this order would be impossible for the husband to comply with or would cripple his business.
55. Unfortunately, not many of our rivers now comply with the basic requirements of the otter.
56. The standard is voluntary, but approved detectors are the only ones recommended by safety experts or comply with the Chicago law.
56. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
57. Failure to comply with these conditions could result in prosecution.
58. All computer personnel should read, understand and comply with the policy as a condition of employment.
59. Essays may be edited for spelling or grammar, and must comply with Herald standards for appropriateness and good taste.
60. Consequently, the committee was not required to comply with federal campaign disclosure laws.
61. Existing Trees To comply with strict building regulations, a discreet garden shed was required.
62. In particular, the transaction seemed to comply with strict rules dictating the type of assets that banks could hold.
63. We have a certificate to run the race and we do comply with all the rules and regulations.
64. Although most school districts comply with Loudermill, there are cases where courts still find due process violations.
65. The instinct of Eva's husband, Bee, is to tone down the services and comply with the law.
66. Low-fat cottage cheese is prepared in the same manner as cottage cheese and must comply with all labelling requirements for cottage cheese.
67. His release from time-out required that he quieten down and comply with the original request on his return.
68. It is then up to you to gauge their importance to you and to decide whether or not to comply with their demands.
69. Not only is secrecy important in order to comply with the Code, but it is commercially desirable.
70. And at the so-called Pantex plant in Amarillo, Texas, technicians are dismantling nuclear weapons to comply with arms-control treaties.
71. Groups that fail to comply with such regulations can be disciplined and barred from campus.
72. They also asked francophone countries to suspend all forms of aid if the government refused to comply with their demand.
73. To provide advice and guidance to businesses to enable them to comply with the requirements of the legislation enforced.
74. Failure by a trader to comply with a prohibition notice or notice to warn is a criminal offence.
75. The technique of guidance is often used by parents when a child refuses to comply with a request or instruction.
76. It was not ideal but it was a faitaccompli and one was fated to comply with it.
77. Several other major oil companies have already taken large write-downs to comply with the new rule.
78. The Home Office says it's for illegal entrants to this country who've been judged unlikely to comply with voluntary restrictions.
79. The Environmental Department also trains management on specific environmental issues in order to implement procedures to comply with other policy objectives.
80. Closure of a pub does not help them to comply with the orders in any way.
81. The court may intervene where there has been a failure to comply with express procedural requirements.
82. To comply with a city ordinance that barred the sale of the books, the tomes were buried in a city landfill.
83. It's your moral and legal responsibility to find out what the law says and to comply with the law.
84. It may have failed in the course of the inquiry to comply with the requirements of natural justice.
85. Note: Failure without reasonable excuse to comply with these requirements is a criminal offence.
86. These boards attempt to ensure that both school officials and teachers' organizations comply with the law.
87. It aims to comply with all relevant legislation and be among the industry leaders in its sphere of operation.
88. And they refrained from attacking for thirty-six hours in the expectation that Diem would comply with their demands.
89. Now,[http:///comply with.html] he could comply with her request for as long as nature allowed.
90. Equally, you may have a right of redress if you are dismissed for failure to comply with an unjust order.
91. Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
92. Organising a procession, and knowingly failing to comply with the conditions imposed. 3.
93. For $ 35, 000, this little town plans to build an elevator to comply with legislation championed by Sen.
94. The threat of personal liability provides directors with an incentive to comply with applicable standards of conduct.
95. These will include: Does the scheme comply with the policies contained in its local plan?
96. Children can start to earn stickers for the chart every time they comply with the first request.
97. And all installations had to comply with the legislation by 1996.
98. Along the way, it effectively preempted the problem of needing to take on token individuals to comply with government mandates.
99. Miss Thomas is not relying upon a contractual obligation other than an obligation by the university to comply with its own domestic laws.
100. Participating in a procession and knowingly failing to comply with a condition imposed, or inciting another to do so. 4.
101. A failure to comply with the Order is an offence under the above Act.
102. In addition, parties that comply with the Convention ultimately may find it easier to enforce their judgments abroad.
103. They appeared in court accused of failing to comply with a notice to quit their mobile home.
104. Such a wide discretion must be exercised fairly if it is to comply with the requirements of natural justice.
105. We regret that we are unable to answer multiple queries that do not comply with these instructions.
106. New vehicles will be required to comply with set standards from 1995, while unleaded fuel will become available in 2000.
107. The Group Occupational Hygienist has responsibility for monitoring the environment and policing systems to comply with the policy objectives.
108. Companies must comply with the Companies Act 1985 and display the following information on their stationery: The company's name.
109. Yet the report looks to the institutional investors to exercise the leverage necessary to persuade companies to comply with the code.
110. You must comply with any smoking policy in force in the office where you are working.
111. It is clear that firms are taking the regulatory regime seriously; nearly all have taken steps to comply with audit regulations.
112. To comply with the intermediate advert requirements the advert must include a full postal address or phone number. 8.
113. The scheme document must therefore comply with the content requirements of those regulations.
114. Passive-aggressive children are not likely to say no or to refuse to comply with the directions of teachers and parents.
115. But even more is needed to comply with Taylor and some creative and entrepreneurial business measures needed to throw up the cash.
116. The sellers delivered goods which did not comply with the conditions of the contract.
117. Failure to comply with this requirement is also a criminal offence.
118. Finally, two apartments had to be remodeled to comply with federal laws assuring equal access for handicapped persons.
119. This is more than a mere breach of the implied condition that goods should comply with the contract description.
120. Students are therefore required to comply with all verbal or written instructions on safety given to them by staff.
121. To determine whether he had, in fact, managed to comply with the many letters of various laws.
122. Analysis indicated that only 50 percent of the women could comply with the mobility requirement compared with 65 percent of the men.
123. All investing parties should use their influence to ensure that companies in which they have invested comply with the code. 5.
124. Failure to comply with the terms of a Default Notice will normally result in the default being disclosed to credit reference agencies.
125. In order to comply with the court ruling the authority was faced with a number of equally problematic options.
126. Forum obliged to comply with netiquette.
127. Strictly comply with the safety technical operation process.
128. It is also important to implement the proper mail journaling and archiving features to comply with legal requirements beyond the simple implementation of quotas.
129. F. basis for delivery in Hong Kong?Our associated company there will have the labels printed to comply with the FDA regulations.
130. She grew up in a democracy and freedom of the family, there are many strange ideas, not bound to comply with the feudal ethical code.
131. Inspectors nominated by the Contractor shall absolutely comply with the Contract provisions.
132. LED light sources complying with these specifications are utilized as the source of illumination in lighting products that comply with the appropriate end-product standard as listed below.
133. Article 3 A notarial office shall comply with the law and shall stick to the principle of objectiveness and impartiality when performing notarial acts.
134. Raw Material Medicine: Methyltestosterone, Atenolol, Nimodipine, Timolol Maleate, Methadone HCL, Verapamil HCL, Pergolide Mesylate, are all comply with USP/BP/EP standards.
135. Worse, the Administration has required that all projects funded by the $787 (now $862) billion stimulus enacted in February 2009 comply with the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires payment of union wages.
136. If an exemption certificate been issued? Does the ship comply with special requirements imposed by the exemption?
137. Certified public accountants failure to comply with professional norms, audit lack independence is China at present registered accountants audit management fraud actual practice defect main reasons.
138. Able to protect the civil rights case, highlighting the civic responsibility, to comply with the absolute imperative of moral rules, citizens "for their own legislation."
139. The commercial insurance institutions and the mutual-aid insurance institutions undertaking civil liability insurance for vessel-induced oil pollution damage shall comply with these Measures.
140. For concrete, its compressive strength, mark of resistance to impermeability and strength prior to settlement shall comply with the requirements of design and terms of construction specification.
141. Strictly comply with ISO 9000 quality supervisory system, we supply high - class quality and service for our customers.
142. Items to be reviewed include: mould block specification, substance, requirements for processing, special parts and big tessera data, ensure they all comply with Mould Specification.
143. Union Electric does not mean that claims of infeasibility are never relevant, or that all sources unable to comply with generally applicable emission limitations must be shut down.
144. The capital contributions to a foreign-invested company limited by shares shall comply with the Company Law.
145. However, in my projects we use the term "Lo-fi" to simply mean any picture that does not comply with UML, Wireframe standards or any other formal rules.
146. Comply with labor discipline and relevant regulations of labor management, educate the workers who break the regulations and put in record.
147. All the architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and building services works shall comply with the latest edition of Government's General Specifications for public works.
148. A lot of people in the financial community are annoyed by them because these regulations are costly to comply with and they take a lot of resources.
149. To comply with labor discipline and professional ethics, is to ensure normal production and improve productivity.
150. When the master slave multipoint synchronous communication mode is chasen, the operation and frame format comply with HDLC/SDLC protocol.
151. The Registrar and any other public officer shall comply with any instructions issued to him.
152. Make sure that the units you use are consistent and clear, and that you comply with the SI system.
153. The multimodal transport operator shall comply with the applicable law of the country in which he operates and with the provisions of this Convention.
154. This is because most countries require companies to comply with the accruals basis of accounting.
155. In addition, many Prolab products comply with new environmental regulations and reduce waste oil and lubricant disposal costs.
156. If that happens, the infringer must comply with the order immediately even if he thinks it should not have been granted.
157. The macromolecules self-healing fuse-wire is a new excess current protection component of plus temperature coefficient. Its application and choice should comply with a certain rule.
158. The license to be provided through the AVS Patent Pool should comply with the Competitive License Fee Principle.
159. Though most of the inmates comply with the lockdown, some stay out of their cells.
160. "Shenwei Dusing, fine building Zhiyuan" throughout the construction process of attention to every detail of construction, to comply with construction norms and standards of service.
161. Provides coverage for the directors and officers for their wrongful acts - errors, breach of duty as well as protection for failure to comply with the business or listing regulations.
162. Obviously, the Second Vatican Council led the Catholicism world to comply with the historical development rules, and positively responded to the religious mission endowed with the times.
163. Targeting a sophisticated and classy national costumer, the communication style had to utilize refined Chinese design codes and comply with international graphic standards.
164. He said Syria has decided to comply with the long-standing Taif Accord and U. N.
165. A cross-linguistic analysis reveals that the shifts in tags comply with the general law in the language evolution.
166. These values may be accessed as alternative types that comply with CLR types.
167. To strictly comply with the related financial regulations, especially for cash management.
168. Imported vehicles must meet U.S. safety and environmental standards and comply with customs regulations.
169. Under ordinary circumstances, it is not wrongful for a manager to instruct his employees to comply with a valid document retention policy.
170. The result is a line item in the Analysis Results view that shows that the resource does not comply with the rules that you applied.
171. The effluent water could comply with the third grade in "Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Meat Packing Industry"(GB13457-92).
172. Caps shall comply with the requirements of Cap Size, Ventilated Caps Vent Area or Ventilated Caps Air Flow.
173. The system contains a return spring to fully comply with DOT 571.124 specifications.
174. If any worker stayed longer in her job, she would be entitled to sick leave, maternity leave, the works, to comply with the Factory Law.
175. The Subscriber understands and agrees to comply with these Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions of HKBN (including the terms and conditions to be effective from time to time).
176. III. When duty-free commodities are priced and settled in any foreign currency or renminbi for sale,[http:///comply with.html] they shall comply with the relevant provisions on the management of renminbi exchange rate.
177. We look at the draft Employment Practices Data Protection Code: we look at how the Code will help employers comply with the Data Protection Act.
178. The numeric solution! of hyperbolic equation by FEA indicates that the deductions should comply with the acoustic parameters such as sound velocity, vibration range, wave shape etc.
179. Vasari's art historical approach does not comply with more recent documentary methods.
180. Regarding the labeling requirement, the packaging must comply with the GB/T 9750 standard. In additionally, when the product is passed this standard can also mark a label on the package.
181. Under its revised Nuclear Posture Review, the Obama administration committed April 6 not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states that comply with the NPT.
182. Investors should fully understand and comply with the securities market "caveat emptor " principle.
183. BM microorganism composite is a sort of high efficiency, innocuity and no pollution microorganism composite. It can remove the effluvium and flies, and comply with the standards in practice.
184. The Contractor shall, in performing the Contract, comply with applicable Laws. Unless otherwise sated in the Particular conditions.
185. Check Electromagnetic relay operation, return value and return coefficient shall comply with product technology requirement.
186. The leader with legitimate power has the right, or the authority, to tell others what to do; employees are obligated to comply with legitimate orders.
187. The design of the RA108 ensures that all key areas comply with the FIA safety regulations and crash test requirements for the impact structures, such as the nose, monocoque and rear impact structure.
188. I understand and undertake to comply with the Membership Regulations, the Code of Conduct and any other regulations made under the Articles of Association of CIB.
189. This is to certify that the above designated material has been tested and did comply with the listed specifications(with listed exceptions) when supplied in original container.
190. Article 30 Imported foods, food additives and containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must comply with the national hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations.
191. The transfer of State-owned assets and equity of enterprises without consideration as security interests shall comply with the relevant provisions of the PRC, Security Law.
192. The Terma ATIS Plus generates high quality voice broadcasts from METAR data, and generates an error alert if values fall outside user-defined limits or if data do not comply with WMO standards.
193. An owner or demise charter who fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
194. The above weighing products comply with international recommendations for the International Organization of Legal Metrology "R76 (1992) Non-automatic weighing instrument" requirement.
195. The ITB contains a return spring to fully comply with US DOT 571.124 specifications.
196. Chattel mortgage is the result of the expansion of the traditional immovables[/comply with.html], and chattel mortgage rights should comply with the principle of going into effect after registration.
197. Comply with all systems and procedures as laid down by the Central Reservations Manager.
198. To kick-start the process of scaling up this vaccine in developing countries around the globe, the vaccine was reformulated to comply with WHO standards.
199. The benefits associated with bioclimatic design are economic, environmental and aesthetic; which all comply with the objectives of sustainability.
200. Attitude of good, cooperative good at communication, to comply with professional ethics.
201. All countries should strictly comply with non-proliferation obligations, refrain from double standards, and tighten and improve export control to prevent proliferation.
202. In order to comply with the development of rural constitutionalist democracy, an appropriate procedure and a right-relief system based on peasants' interest need to be set up.
203. Choosing financial policies must comply with the principles of time consistent and contingence to keep it accord with financial position and opportunity.
204. Outward remittance should comply with the relevant state regulations on foreign exchange management.
205. During today's legalized modernization process, China should also comply with the right of social relations, and construct the Chinese-style family court system.
206. Ensure mechanical installation to comply with relevant codes and standards whilst maintaining safety and reliability.
207. All employees are required to comply with this Code of Business Conduct and failure to do so will result in disciplinary measures.
208. As one of management exercise, administration management should comply with the major tendency of management theory and emphasize the humanist thought in the practice of administration.




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