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单词 Come under
1. This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
2. Swimming pools usually come under 'leisure centres' in the telephone directory.
3. The company has come under intense scrutiny because of its environmental record.
4. The proposals come under three main headings.
5. What heading does this come under?
6. Television newsreaders come under enormous strain.
7. Their activities have come under police scrutiny.
8. Foreign policy has come under close scrutiny recently.
9. All politicians come under attack for their views.
10. Our armies have come under heavy bombardment.
11. His directorship has come under fierce attack.
12. What word does this idiom come under?
13. Analysts expect the pound to come under pressure .
14. The army has come under attack by separatists.
15. Refugees had come under attack from federal troops.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. These drugs come under the heading of non-medical substances.
17. She's come under intense pressure to change her mind.
18. The prisons now come under central government control.
19. The school's controversial methods have come under examination by the local authority.
20. His entire collection will come under the hammer at next week's sale.
21. The company has come under fierce attack for its decision to close the factory.
22. The health minister has come under fire from all sides.
23. The government has come under attack over the new bill.
24. The government has come under attack from all sides for cutting education spending.
25. The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils.
26. Playground guidelines come under the Department of Health and Safety.
27. The Government's record will be subjected to/come under scrutiny in the weeks before the election.
28. The government has come under mounting criticism in the press.
29. The government has come under fire for its decision to close the mines.
30. What heading does the subject on the common share of information resources come under?
1. This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
2. Swimming pools usually come under 'leisure centres' in the telephone directory.
3. What heading does the subject on the common share of information resources come under?
4. The company has come under intense scrutiny because of its environmental record.
5. His entire collection will come under the hammer at next week's sale.
31. They had come under the influence of a strange religious sect.
32. Some of the bank's lending operations come under/within the purview of the deputy manager, and some are handled directly by the manager.
33. The situation is bound to come under the scrutiny of the public health authorities.
34. This issue will come under the spotlight at tomorrow's meeting.
35. She was the second minister to come under investigation for corruption.
36. They were neglected before because they did not come under the Ministry of Defence.
37. The government has come under attack from opposition leaders over proposals to cut health spending.
38. The police's forcible entry into the building has come under a lot of criticism.
39. Several different types of schools come under the heading of 'private schools'.
40. The issue will come under the spotlight when parliament reassembles.
41. District nurses, health visitors, and school nurses will come under the umbrella term 'community nursing'.
42. Foreign policy will come under close scrutiny.
43. These processes come under the jurisdiction of H.M.
44. By no means all leases come under these provisions.
45. At a deeper level, however, the concept of the mentally abnormal female offender has come under scrutiny.
45. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
46. When crop-dusters come under fire, it is up to DynCorp helicopter pilots to provide support.
47. Open space has come under immense pressures from developments such as housing and road building, or neglected due to lack of resources.
48. Law, love and trust all come under scrutiny by protagonist Frank August.
49. Property should come under the Trades Description Act and contracts should allow buyers to back out if they discover undeclared defects.
50. So long as selection policies did not come under scrutiny this was acceptable.
51. Eleanor was in her last term by then and had come under the spell of the enchanting MIle.
52. It has also come under severe attack from the orthodox medical establishment.
53. If they die the whole campaign to save the condor by captive breeding could come under renewed attack.
54. When legislators look where cuts can be made, arts budgets are often the first to come under scrutiny.
55. Demand for shares should grow in part because the government will come under huge pressure to cut yields on its short-term debt.
56. Without Sir Martin, the men and policies he stood for will undoubtedly come under fresh scrutiny.
57. Blood pressure, cholesterol levels, height and weight, exercise and lifestyle all come under close scrutiny.
58. As government expenditures have grown, the objectives and results of such programmes have come under increased public scrutiny.
59. Modern methods of livestock farming have come under severe attack since the 1989 outbreak of salmonella.
60. In addition to the bungled handling of intelligence reports, Washington officials come under criticism in the Dorn report in other areas.
61. Conceptually at least, this is reasonably straight forward. Vertical restraints come under a number of guises.
62. Television and media have come under increasing pressure from the government not to publicise controversies about military and security matters.
63. Explain why the Keynesian model has come under increasing attack in recent years. 6.
64. He had never been too sure as, technically, she was too old to come under the heading of pretty.
65. A host of other defence deals have now come under the spotlight.
66. While the characters flirt with each other in improbable configurations, love, marriage and money come under the microscope.
67. This quirk was to come under scrutiny in the Liverpool post-mortems a few months later.
68. Even the firemen and ambulance personnel, when they are called in to help, come under attack.
69. Grain-based cereal prices already have come under fire from Capitol Hill, with a report in mid-March by Reps.
70. And while Super Bowl champions hardly elicit much commiseration, the process has come under question.
71. But in recent weeks Gen McCaffrey has come under increasing pressure.
72. Many of the people who come under the first proposal would be paying back loans for educational purposes.
73. As for open systems, Bonfield said that 85% of all the group's products now come under this category.
74. As we shall see later, the economic performance of the Magnox reactors has also come under increasing scrutiny.
75. Hiding under a seat in a movie theater that has come under attack by a crazed gunman.
75. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
76. I had watched her successor, David Ennals, come under withering union fire for cutting back on the hospital building programme.
77. Since the mid-1960s Walcott's views have come under fierce attack.
78. Once again the oil companies have come under attack from environmentalists.
79. Furthermore, there has been a vast increase in the range of behaviour that has come under the control of the law.
80. Conduct disorder has always come under a lot of attack.
81. All forms of regulation have come under intense scrutiny in recent years.
82. A year from now, those gleaming views will come under Communist gaze.
83. But the overall event has already come under criticism from the Methodist church's main regular newspaper the Methodist Newsletter.
84. Mr Delors is now likely to come under pressure to quit his Pounds 120,000-a-year job as commission president.
85. In recent years, the field has come under criticism for moving ahead too quickly, jeopardizing patients.
86. The question of his family would come under closer scrutiny.
87. Three Renoir paintings will come under the hammer at Sotheby's in New York.
88. Air pollution and energy conservation aside, private vehicles also come under attack when we consider rural and urban environments.
89. Its stance has come under fire from the president of the private sector's wood alliance, Corma.
90. Three widely-prescribed drugs have come under question following the discovery that they led to serious undesirable side effects.
91. State-owned industries, already shaken by lay-offs and closures, will come under even greater stress from international competition.
92. In addition to facing the ire of frustrated riders, Muni has also come under fire recently from federal safety officials.
93. Railinfrabeheer which handles maintenance would also come under the department's umbrella, but both companies could be privately owned.
94. Clinton has come under fire from Republicans in Congress who accuse him of doing too little to fight drugs.
95. Read in studio A collection of battered old toys has come under the hammer at an auction today.
96. President Bush has come under congressional pressure to step up the sanctions.
97. Embarrassing yourself in public does not come under the category of self-victimisation. 12.
98. It also has come under criticism for the complicated method in which emergency calls are handled.
99. Does this item come under your line of business?
100. What do bats come under?
101. Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal?
102. His witness will come under verify check.
103. A collection of antiques have come under the hammer.
104. The old house come under the hammer next week.
105. Spiders, mites, etc. come under the head of Arachnida.
106. This committee will come under the new Education Department.
107. Share options and pensions may also come under fire.
108. In rare cases, cruise ships have come under attack.
109. All this accentuates the Russian sense of having come under a kind of colonial tutelage.
110. Micro Electro-Machinery System (MEMS) is the hotspot of study in recent years, among them the study of micro clamp holder has been come under more and more attention.
111. The wild strike wildcat strikes have come under the bad drop backdrop of rapidly rising unemployment.
112. In the years since 9/11, these "out of the box" responses have come under increasing scrutiny.
113. When people come under a building when the rescue team leader suddenly ran back, while running variable crying "over fast."
114. The tribunal has recently come under heavy criticism by Hezbollah, amid news reports that members of the Shi'ite militia group and political party might be implicated in the killing.
115. The media has come under some fire during the global financial crisis for fuelling class warfare.
116. The dollar has come under pressure as investors cautiously returned to risker assets after Europe laid out a basic framework to tackle its debt crisis last week.
117. The appearance of serine proteases such as thrombin, tissue plasminogen activator and plasmin in the CNS have come under increasing scrutiny.
118. The wildcat strikes have come under the backdrop of rapidly rising unemployment.
119. These three clubs could come under close scrutiny when their licenses come up for renewal.
120. Altogether calculated that 41 kind of server application procedure will come under the influence.
121. Polyesters and polyanhydrides come under an increasingly recognition in medical application.
122. If after the Japanese government reconsiders China "the most-favored-nation" the treatment, China will come under the influence in these domain's export.
123. In his youth he come under the influence of Beethoven.
124. AZT's value in fighting AIDS has come under new doubt.
125. BlackBerry's nearly air-tight encryption has come under scrutiny in several overseas markets recently.
126. There are important ways in which we have come under the influence of rationalism and subjectivism .
127. Fearing that foreign capital indraft would come under severe control, Qing government was forced to approach the path mainly relying on national accumulation.
128. The economy will come under the spotlight today at the conference of the Trades Union Congress.
129. THE aviation industry has come under fire for refusing to cut extra travel costs.
130. There are also several denominations in the East that come under Eastern Orthodox Christians.
131. The euro zone's eastern neighbours may be hit particularly hard: the Turkish lira, for instance, has come under pressure in the past week, a hint that money is flowing out.
132. Energy system all come under one point of control so energy efficiencies are immediately seen.
133. Yet, government bond yields of the peripherals may come under further selling pressure.
134. It also warned in May that if the United States failed to reduce current debt levels once economic growth returned, the top rating could come under pressure.
135. Not surprisingly,() hypertext has come under attack from traditional critics.
136. John Large, a leading nuclear consultant, said: "The HSE as an independent agency will come under tremendous pressure to push through these designs.
137. These are visualised images such as the learner's sign and mirror image of tranquillity meditation. Many hallucinations and imageries also come under this category.
138. The above theory has come under fire from a variety of directions.
139. Now , It'seems, it is the turn of football to come under the state's aegis.
140. It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an Army base on American soil, he said.
141. Various labor service activities related to transportation business all come under the levying scope of this tax category.
142. The vetting board has already come under fire from some quarters.
143. Rank and file lawmakers have come under increasing pressure at home to address the shaky economy(), said several Democratic leadership aides.
144. Google has come under heavy scrutiny lately in both the U.S. and Europe from regulators concerned about its growing industry dominance, especially in the search field.
145. But it is this laid-back lifestyle that has attracted international attention. At least, a quiet village within Gaochun county has come under the spotlight.
146. And China will come under increasing pressure to revalue the yuan.
147. It was sad to see all her lovely things come under the hammer.
148. In addition rest energy drops, the sleep to come under the influence, the mood also incites along with it junction mattress moves or despondent, depressed.
149. All authorized administrative fees whether collected nationally or by central government departments and institutions will come under budgetary control.
150. US and Afghan troops in Marjah come under sporadic rocket fire and heavy machine-gun fire.
151. Some economists fear that the funds available for the IMF to dole out, which in September stood at $255 billion, may not be enough if several emerging markets come under stress at the same time.
152. China has come under heavy criticism for the number of criminals it puts on death row every year, the number of crimes punished by death penalty and the opaqueness of its legal system.
153. He added: "It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an army base on American soil.
153. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
154. He has a long list of currencies that could come under severe pressure, which includes the Indian rupee, the South Korean won and the Brazilian real, as well as "most" east European currencies.
155. Remember that business partnerships come under the rulership of this house, as well as those momentary one-on-one situations you encounter in your daily activities.
156. Both load and performance tests come under black box testing.
157. Cosmological and teleological arguments have come under sustained criticism, notably by Scottish philosopher David Hume, noted empiricist and skeptic.
158. Such an atmosphere could hardly come under the category of home life.
159. United States' credit-worthiness, while far better than Greece's, has also come under scrutiny due to its burgeoning deficit and tepid climb out of recession.
160. China usually refuses to mix human rights issues with diplomacy, but Hu has come under international pressure to use his clout with Sudan to push it to accept U. N. peacekeepers in Darfur.
161. When the property bubble bursts, Shanghai's income level could come under serious pressure.
162. The Lusitania's passengers may have been more prone to stampede than those aboard the Titanic because they were traveling in wartime and were aware that they could come under attack at any moment.
163. NATO spokesman told the BBC that Kandahar airfield had come under rocket and mortar fire. He said several NATO personnel have been wounded, but that the attack was never over.
164. The regulator has come under fire for not bringing more cases over the 2008 financial crisis.
165. Snail fever, Kaschin - Beck disease , the Keshan disease and other endemic diseases have come under control.
166. To come under the hammer means to go on sale at an auction.
167. Actions claiming salvage money come under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of the salvage or at the port where the salvaged ship first arrived.
168. Merchants report that your primary shipping route has come under attack from a dire whale!
169. Some 53% person acknowledged , own individual life snafu, therefore own pet dog has also come under the certain influence.
170. Rightful use of such remote login sessions come under the auditing umbrella for various compliances.
171. The wildcat strikes come under the backdrop of rapidly rising unemployment.
172. Snail fever, Kaschin disease , the Keshan disease and other endemic diseases have come under control.
173. Recently , the argument has come under serious scrutiny , with many influential philosophers unconvinced of its cogency .
174. Google has come under heavy scrutiny lately in both the U.S. and Europe from regulators concerned about its growing industry dominence, especially in the search field.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 1:52:32