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单词 Fantastic
1. The weather was absolutely fantastic.
2. I have a fantastic social life.
3. She made a fantastic clay model of her dog.
4. What a fantastic mountain scene.
5. You've got the job? Fantastic!
6. It's a fantastic place, really beautiful!
7. I felt fantastic after my swim.
8. We had a fantastic trip to Europe.
9. You look fantastic in that dress.
10. For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.
11. She's a fantastic swimmer.
12. Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.
13. We had a really fantastic holiday.
14. She knocked up a fantastic meal in ten minutes.
15. Jo put us onto this fantastic French restaurant.
16. You passed your test? Fantastic!
17. The lighting at the disco was fantastic.
18. The films have been fantastic money-spinners.
19. We had a fantastic time.
20. She's a fantastic all-round sportswoman.
21. Have you heard his new opera? It is fantastic.
22. It may sound rather fantastic, but it's the truth.
23. The car costs a fantastic amount of money.
24. It suddenly clicked that this was fantastic fun.
25. She must be earning a fantastic amount of money.
26. Their wedding cost a fantastic amount ofmoney.
27. The city is memorable for its fantastic beaches.http://
28. I thought she was fantastic.
29. Kids spend fantastic amounts of money on CDs.
30. You should have heard the audience applaud - the noise was fantastic.
1. The weather was absolutely fantastic.
2. I have a fantastic social life.
3. She made a fantastic clay model of her dog.
4. What a fantastic mountain scene.
5. You've got the job? Fantastic!
6. It's a fantastic place, really beautiful!
7. We had a fantastic trip to Europe.
8. You look fantastic in that dress.
9. For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.
10. You should have heard the audience applaud - the noise was fantastic.
11. Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.
12. Have you heard his new opera? It is fantastic.
13. What a fantastic goal!
14. The explorer spun many fantastic tales about his adventures in the primeval forests.
31. They've won a holiday? How fantastic!
32. He's been fantastic. I owe him a lot.
33. The response to our appeal was fantastic.
34. The sense of freedom was absolutely fantastic.
35. The castle looks fantastic by moonlight.
36. Both sets of supporters applauded the fantastic goal.
37. It seemed fantastic that they still remembered her 50 years later.
38. The plot gets increasingly fantastic as the film goes on.
39. We are already sold out for what should be a fantastic game.
40. The camera work in some of these animal documentaries is fantastic.
41. The move from stage to films allowed Gildit to give full play to his sense of the fantastic.
42. I'm sure it will be a fantastic wedding. Eva never does anything by halves.
43. He drew fantastic animals with two heads and large wings.
44. What a fantastic goal!
45. When I looked in the mirror I couldn't believe it. I looked fantastic!
46. It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away.
47. Win the house of your dreams in our fantastic competition!
48. What a fantastic dress. It must have cost a bomb!
49. The best part of the trip was the fantastic scenery.
50. The resort is a paradise both for sun worshippers and night owls with its fantastic weather and abundance of night life.
51. I got a fantastic new job and my salary tripled.
52. This cake tastes fantastic.
53. There would be a fantastic welcome awaiting him back here.
54. Unlikely and fantastic legends grew up around a great many figures, both real and fictitious.
55. She will design a fantastic new kitchen for you-and all within your budget.
56. What a fantastic lunch. I could eat the same again.
57. There have been a fantastic number of entries for this year's poetry competition.
57. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
58. The explorer spun many fantastic tales about his adventures in the primeval forests.
59. He scored the most fantastic century I have ever witnessed.
60. It was too fantastic, too much like science-fiction.
61. He's done a fantastic job.
62. She's a fantastic girl, as good as gold.
63. And in terms of entertainment value, Rhodes is fantastic.
64. You would see Hugh in the most fantastic rages.
65. How could you refuse such a fantastic offer?
66. Teenagers spend fantastic amounts of money on clothes.
67. She really did have the most fantastic figure.
68. It's too fantastic to be true!
69. Worse than my most fantastic nightmares?
70. April also brings fantastic glacial flowers.
71. But then everything that had happened was too fantastic.
72. One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures. George W. Bush 
73. Working on what in effect was virgin territory for customs officers our crews produced fantastic results in the earlier days.
74. They looked fantastic, all appealing muscle tone and clean, well-conditioned hair.
75. Newly enrolled members of the Fantastic Flyer program also receive special discounts(), coupons and other benefits during the year.
76. Regardless of how fantastic our political visions are, it is important to understand the processes of political communication that support them.
77. They must have a fantastic traffic in the transmigration of souls.
78. He brings a joy and an ebullience to his work which is a fantastic morale booster for the cast.
79. There was a fantastic atmosphere of pulling together, an almost overwhelming strength which bowled me over.
80. But the Schuberts are a skilful bunch - real grown-up musicians with a fantastic sense of performance.
81. Like some fantastic prison, where you could drink so deeply and so long that you forgot your bondage.
82. And the care these young folk give us is fantastic.
83. The kitchen is light and airy, with a fantastic view.
84. Child reductions Lakes and Mountain holidays are great holidays for families; and with fantastic child reductions, great value too!
85. We had a fantastic trip - the flight was fine and the hotel was perfect.
86. Multicolored volcanic ash flows, long since hardened to jagged rock, reach into the sea like fantastic taffy mountains.
87. She had found herself in the safe nook between Fenna's sail-like wing and the crenellated and fantastic fortress of his spine.
88. We gazed in wonderment at the fantastic shape of the small island of Tindholmur as we passed.
89. Their fantastic onslaughts undoubtedly delayed the development of the great civilizations that were their neighbours.
90. It's a fantastic life,() in which the message is clear: Don't be a saddo.
91. Stretching exercises are especially important to enable students to perform the fantastic kicks that are the hallmark of taekwondo.
92. Fantastic electron microscope images of objects looking very suggestively like fossilized living forms again captured the imagination of the world.
93. It has all been a fantastic myth exploded by grim reality.
94. It has gone on reducing the fantastic levels of public sector borrowing requirement that were reached under the last Government.
95. It was fantastic, my lip would curl up and my knee would go wobbly and I'd sing Blue Suede Shoes.
96. It was horrible, but it gave me a fantastic feeling of self-confidence.
97. Towering mountains surround the village and the area around St Anton is fantastic for walking.
98. Cheap merchandise was overpriced to start with, then sold on time with fantastic interest.
99. Near the waterline, the rushing waters have polished the schist to gunmetal, and carved it into fantastic flutes and chambers.
100. Why are we offering you the chance of such a fantastic windfall?
101. She's a fantastic dancer.
102. It started off fantastic, with the warmest welcome anyone could imagine from Yuri and Yuri.
103. The team sampled just about all of the fantastic rides on offer.
104. They've got a great selection of gear from ace patterned snowboards to fantastic girls' clothing.
105. Another City bank conversion, with fantastic high ceilings, a glass dome, chandeliers and a central oval bar.
106. They hear most usually from the share salesmen, the most amazing stories of quick and fantastic profits.
107. Whilst the ride itself was uneventful, the reception we received as we visited each of the sites in turn was fantastic.
108. Galileo had written a pious preface in which he ridiculed the Copernican theory as wild and fantastic and contrary to Holy Scripture.
109. Fantastic painted foliage is appearing in streets and adorning gable walls, bringing the country into the city.
110. When she was with Lowell she was on a pedestal - she couldn't even swear - but his love-making was fantastic.
111. It was a fantastic microcosm, full of humour and savagery.
112. It was high time, he said, that the artist acquaint himself with the fantastic images of the microscope.
113. The book doesn't have much of a plot, but it's characters are fantastic.
114. Based primarily on the sometimes fantastic testimony of children involved, he was sentenced to 12 consecutive life terms.
115. The receipts from his shows have long since moved from the realms of the fantastic into those of the ludicrous.
116. We are proud to present the second instalment of our fantastic six-part competition to win a Renault Clio.
117. But what I heard at the same time was the most fantastic application of expression.
117. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
118. Woods, sensing blood, hit a fantastic second from 149 yards that almost went in, leaving him a gimme birdie.
119. Oh, they had a fantastic apartment in New York as well, and two beautiful children.
120. Val Pinder who has been away for some months due to illness achieves a fantastic level of sales and came in fourth.
121. And you're still dreaming this impossible dream about you and some fantastic job in publishing.
122. Pelevin has chosen the fantastic as a suitable analogue, and become a cult literary bad-boy.
123. The kids' bikes are a fantastic £89.95 - and both prices include delivery.
124. The public will even be able to enjoy the fantastic views across the Thames from the tower itself.
125. He looked fantastic and had actually acquired quite a suntan - or was it just a glow of happiness?
126. Men, women and babies are detached in small groups or bunched together in fantastic clusters, gesticulating madly.
127. If you allot your time, you can accomplish fantastic things.
128. I'd say it will be a fantastic album full of taste and subtlety and wonderful musicianship and songs.
129. My mom's sixty this year, but she still looks fantastic.
130. He was particularly pleased because of Dave being his friend and the playoff was absolutely fantastic.
131. They place at least one of their characters in a string of predicaments to which there are fantastic solutions.
132. The attraction of options and futures, our specialty item, was that they offered both liquidity and fantastic leverage.
133. The helicopter trip over the mountains was a thrilling end to a fantastic holiday.
134. The high that resulted produced sensations of flying, often accompanied by fantastic visions of strange lands.
135. Fantastic rock formations, beautiful mesquite forests and deep grass all hide in the heart of the range.
136. There is a fantastic array of outdoor recreation destinations available right now.
137. Never has fear gripped me so tightly, yet it was exhilarating, fantastic even.
138. Among their routines as they trip the light fantastic at the Dolphin Centre in Darlington are the old time and modern dances.
139. And here we are in one of the most notoriously capricious seas in the world(), aboard a fantastic yacht called 2041.
140. Using the 15 double-sided plates and crayons, they can mix and match different body parts to make a thousand fantastic characters.
141. Turn to page 31 to find out how you could win a fantastic Phoenix tent, waterproof jacket, or fleece jacket.
142. The smoke-filled room was invaded by sexy, sensual snarls of guitars and harmonicas and a fantastic drumming beat throughout.
143. But this fantastic procedure may soon come to a halt.
144. It may look unsophisticated compared to modern high-tech cameras, but it produces fantastic pictures.
145. Just the chance to transcribe the manuscripts was the most fantastic luck, the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
146. It's fantastic, John, there she is, a new person, lying on her face, sound asleep.
147. The firm had just paid him a fantastic sum of money.
148. It opens up into a fantastic cavern,(http:///fantastic.html) which glistens and sparkles as though lit by an invisible Light.
149. There is no clear-cut distinction between the plausible and the fantastic.
150. It seemed so unreal and remote and fantastic and so totally away from this earth.
151. Against them, the geranium cast a fantastic shadow, umbrellas for leaves, cabbages for flower heads.
152. Getting to a cup final is like a wedding, it s a fantastic day out.
153. If you are lucky enough to get a true wild turkey, the flavor match with the mole sauce is fantastic.
154. That will have a fantastic effect on local housing and the lack of facilities in my constituency.
155. We expected a big postbag but nothing could have prepared us for the fantastic response we received!
156. We took some fantastic photos, but unfortunately the film got damaged.
157. The elves: Tiny beings with implied magical powers and fantastic shoemaking skills.
158. Tina looked fantastic in whatever she wore, particularly jeans or a tennis skirt.
159. It was fantastic and, I must confess, infinitely preferable to staying on my feet for two hours.
160. I was with the team every night, and it was a wild, fantastic ride.
161. Few workshop participants anticipated the fantastic growth of commercial users and providers.
162. Life's so fantastic that my number one wish is for it to stay that way.
163. All her images of a tiny waif locked in the attic seemed suddenly foolish and fantastic.
164. The monastic cloisters enclose a medieval-style secret garden and an ancient stone fountain carved with fantastic beasts!
165. He also reckons the economic opportunities aren't fantastic for Internet companies any more.
166. Understandably, presidents have looked for alternatives; including Ronald Reagan through the then fantastic means of Star Wars.
167. The desire to talk was like some fantastic hunger; they were my torturers, keeping the food just beyond reach.
168. The novice promised the old master a fantastic tale about a severed head that talks.
169. He had been surprised at how big she was, but she was absolutely fantastic.
170. Airlines that rush to become launch customers get fantastic discounts from manufacturers.
171. Written on the boxes is all manner of strange titles, fantastic claims and arcane technical terms.
172. Why can't people understand what a fantastic achievement two-and-a-half years of ceasefire has been, given the ceaseless provocation?
173. He reveres Cage for his rigorous search for simplicity, his fantastic openness to experiences and ideas.
174. The geomantic omen here is just fantastic.
175. Fantastic. How long are you staying in Ottawa?
176. Fantastic tinct of the dry flowers.
177. It looks rather like a fantastic white cake.
177. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
178. LiuXuan: I feel oneself labial color fantastic!
179. I think Vivien Leigh is a fantastic actress.
180. 'knock-out' element of each top competition is fantastic.
181. He could dream up the most fantastic rumors.
182. The view of the green valleys in Inner Mongolia is really fantastic.
183. It is a truly fantastic rappel, it takes almost 8 seconds for arock to hit the bottom.
184. And we have a fantastic Polynesian show on eleventh floor from six o'clock.
185. A 19-year-old UK student has recently legally changed his birth name George Garratt to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined.
186. Won't I make a fool of myself and instead of looking fantastic, I'd end up looking like a tramp with gawky looking eyes.
187. I now only do exercise which gets me into this "zen" state, juggling I would recommend, in fact running while juggling (joggling) is fantastic!
188. "It's fantastic for the poor if you're a farmer with land," Rozelle said.
189. But this could actually yield some fantastic results, especially if it was an area where rubbish was thrown or the cesspit was located.
190. This add-on for Knoll Light Factory (2.5) in After Effects includes fantastic features like Edge flare-ups, color linking, Z-depth intensity, and full 3D obscuration.
191. Sleek and super advanced the Ocean Scooter FX inflatable battery powered Water Ski is a fantastic product that will bring joy and excitement to your family.
192. God has eyes, ah, let me be the year of eugenic concept so fantastic post!
193. This fantastic Terminator T600 model Wacky Wobbler is just what you need to strike fear deep into the hearts of your friends and co-workers!
194. It's a fantastic and selective track which has difficult curves.
195. Sometimes I imagine going back in time to croon my ancestors how fantastic the future will be.
196. Fantastic. What is the occasion? Is it a work party?
197. " Our Pearl is a fitful and fantastic little elf sometimes.
198. She has been on hormone replacement therapy for four years and looks fantastic.
199. Because the craft is excluded from the planetary gravity, the crafts are capable of fantastic acceleration and sharp turns in high speed without the crew inside the craft feeling any G-force effects.
200. Rafael Benitez's side head into the clash on the back of a fantastic performance in the Merseyside derby, and Lee claims the team are in great spirits.
201. Children both from the American adoptive families and the Consulate General presented fantastic talent shows at the reception such as Chinese dance,calligraphy, painting, violin and harp playing.
202. The powerful but arrogant warrior Thor is cast out of the fantastic realm of Asgard and sent to live amongst humans on Earth, where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.
203. Your friends and family will love such an original and unique gift and you will love their reaction! All our stemware make fantastic gifts for moms, sisters, co-workers, girlfriends, and more!
204. "Heikki, as a team player, is doing a fantastic job, " explained Whitmarsh during a Vodafone McLaren Mercedes 'Phone-In' session.
205. IN THE KNOW - As the tumbleweed blows across the floor of those inner-city bars, take our hot tips and head out of the centre for fantastic fusion food and dance 'til dawn clubs.
206. The dreamlike fantastic narration shows the authors doubt for life, cognition for absurd existence of individuals, and deep thinking for humans irremovable anxiety.
207. Surrounding it,(http:///fantastic.html) obscuring clouds of dust and cold molecular gas are also present and can suggest other convoluted and fantastic shapes.
208. It is a zesty wine with zing and zip, good acidity and a fantastic array of aromas, predominately passionfruit, asparagus, cut grass and gooseberry.
209. Robert Fulton's proposal to build a steamboat was at first regarded as fantastic.
210. The Enforcement Lawsuit isn't a fantastic talk in China, on the contrary it survives speciously.
211. The East Midlands Development Agency (EMDA) said attracting a firm which makes about 2.5 million cars a year was "fantastic news" for the region.
212. It is fantastic because human beings know to apply human psychology to subhuman animals.
213. "What is fantastic about this new skull, not only is it absolutely enormous, but it is pretty much in 3D and not much distorted, " he said.
214. This over - organized universe is violently transformed by the cataclysm, becoming fantastic and absurd.
215. You have been doing fantastic schools, when will you be ready to move it forward and enable more Chinese children to avail of your great education?
216. Beyond The Beat Generation is a fantastic Internet radio station that plays obscure 60s rock, from mod to acid rock to merseybeat to psychedelia.
217. Read Tricia Sullivan's fantastic, profane and mind-bending Maul mainly because it's very important to start loving brilliant genre fiction before older readers can tell you to be a snob about it.
218. Dark, obscuring clouds of dust and cold molecular gas are present on the left of the image, and lead the eye to see other convoluted and fantastic shapes.
219. The Chinese people have been deeply impressed by the unique National Pavilion of Lesotho and the fantastic performance given by Basotho artists.
220. Bryan Grieg Fry from the University of Melbourne, Australia, is convinced this is the case, and says the fossil series is "fantastic".
221. So I think the world's most fantastic people are doctor or wireman . With this idea in mind, I was regarded as a very aspiring man in my small partners.
222. Gilgamesh was apparently a historical character, an actual king of Uruk but the story of course has fantastic and legendary qualities to it.
223. Touer , which is an early dramatic work by fantastic school drama Master Lnoesco, has prominently shown the basic artistic characteristic of the fantastic school drama.
224. Reminiscing nostalgically on a recent TV interview about riding his bike through Beijing's alleys 30 years ago, Bush described his experience as "fantastic."
225. Their early films tried to convey revolutionary propaganda through grotesque and fantastic imagery.
226. Here, many years to come and go Altay rare Rana , viviparous lizards, albino bear ...There's fantastic and horrible Kanas Lake strange, my God!
227. What better way to describe a URL shortener than "the incredible shrinking URL?" It's a fantastic way to represent a fairly mundane service.
228. The trip: From Palermo to Bari via Messina. Don't miss out on the historical streets of Barivecchia and the fantastic Norman architecture at the Royal Palace of Palermo or the Cathedral at Monreale.
229. Fantastic Mr Fox star George Clooney hosted the Hope For Haiti Now telethon, which was broadcast all over the world.
230. Applied this algorithm, it got the matching curve of weld pool successfully. Compared with original image, the booboo is very small, and the quality is fantastic.
231. Now, octagon is an amazing shape that has eight fantastic sides, and eight awesome angles.
232. There is the majorette hat that Liam calls the Lennon and the fantastic heavy melton coat that he calls The Fool on The Hill.
233. There's something extraordinarily unique and genuine in those ethereal brownies that really appeals to me. Fantastic songs, big heart, great attitude, Never-Never-Land meeting personal diary.
234. now I'm really fantastic at drawing this mechanical device, but you can imagine that dropping a weight can cause a paddle wheel to turn.
235. The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.
236. From the "fantastic bestiary" I realized a big chameleon, like the dragon in legend in China .
237. Hamlet's assumed antic disposition; fantastic Halloween costumes; a grotesque reflection in the mirror.
237. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
238. Then I will imitate the fantastic ways of whimsical ladies to their lovers.
239. The fantastic video above shows the plane on a bombing run and there's also a video demonstrating the release...
240. At nightfall on the marshes, the thing was eerie and fantastic to behold(Robert Louis Stevenson.
241. Not only does the male Bird of Paradise have fantastic colorful plumage, he dances, poses and completely changes his shape to woo the less exotic-looking females.
242. He has fantastic enthusiasm and he is a real credit to Liverpool Football Club.
243. Will: I think Vivien Leigh is a fantastic actress. And Tom Hanks, the Oscar for Best Actor was my favorite actor.
244. So I think the world's most fantastic people are doctor or wireman .
245. Bolo is a fantastic professional and a very good player. I will be really pleased to see him again and talk with him.
246. I showed you last day what happens when they form and we were able to electrolyze and make fantastic metals like magnesium.
247. These larger parrotfish are fantastic grazers , making the algae cover fourfold less inside the park than outside the reserve.
248. A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.
249. You are the island of the wonderland, peaceful and fantastic, providing hope, dream, resoluteness and spirit.
250. One day he reported finding a fantastic traditional village house for rent, with three small bedrooms and a lush garden, atop a quiet bay on the other side of the island.
251. Print Ads deduces legend, the combination of the advertisement appeal and syncretize will show the fantastic idea in the two-dimension world.
252. I can assure you, there was really something fantastic. We can also visiting the local western church and maori house to feel the culture difference.
253. Ipoh Road Yong Tao Foo?I hardly go Ampang coz it's actually quite a distance frm my place, have tried a few times and it's not that fantastic as mentioned.
254. Hold out your arms, smile and breathe your new fantastic life with HOUSEMATE.
255. The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into the stock market-triggering a fantastic speculative boom.
256. It's a fantastic home base for a laid - back vacation of enjoying France s rural culture.
257. Against Burnley, he was brilliant, absolutely fantastic. But if you are going to be a big player you need to do that week in week out at a consistent level.
258. That's fantastic . He's vanished in the twinkling of an eye.
259. The ball match this afternoon must be fantastic for diamond cut diamond.
260. I want to thank my outstanding Vice President, Joe Biden, and my wonderful Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, for their fantastic work on this issue.
261. Apparently Koena Mitra is a fantastic dancer after she practiced dancingfor about 12 years.
262. The chinese put on a fantastic show and we have basically a red bus and a sparkler.
263. Can you recreate the enchanting designs?Let your imagination run free with this fantastic puzzler.
264. Funny, irreverent, and flexible, How to Ace Calculus shows why learning calculus can be not only a mind-expanding experience but also fantastic fun.
265. On this DVD David Taylor shares with you the inner workings of this fantastic piece of mentalism .
266. Fantastic Pit is located in Ellisons Cave, just east of La Fayette, GA.
267. If you're moving by car to Cedar Grove, the sun over Kings Canyon there is fantastic,(http:///fantastic.html) and in between Grant Grove and Lodgepole you'll see the sun's orange draped over the majestic Sierras.
268. For example I find myself caught in a fantastic kitchen moment every Friday while preparing a delicious goulash soup to bring to the slopes the following day.
269. Anxi maria, Cyrillic, Robert and Jane think this is fantastic.
270. The dancers say they find their work empowering, and post-feminists think that's just fantastic.
271. That sounds fantastic. Where do I go to sign up for that tour?
272. I have trekked to Everest base camp and have done the Annapurna circuit, both are fantastic treks and offer some of the best scenery in the world.
273. "2009 has been a fantastic year for Meccano and we are really look forward to unveiling our very colourful new collection at Toy Fair 2010, " said Meccano's Sue Barratt.
274. This fantastic function adds the assimilatory interest of utility to dead objectivity, and adds to utility the satisfaction of what is pleasing.
275. Sleepless, I carved on the walls fantastic figures in mazy bewildering lines-winged horses, flowers with human faces, women with limbs like serpents.
276. In addition, a tube-buffered effects loop and direct recording output are built into the fantastic Duende 30W Head.
277. The Black Book might be the most complicated and fantastic novel of Orhan Pamuk s works, much of which concerns Sufism, an Islamic philosophy of mysticism.
278. When currents travel through these wire arrangements, they produce a complex magnetic landscape for the atoms to explore, opening fantastic possibilities for atom manipulation.
279. It was also fantastic — a bubbling cauldron of tofu and kimchi and a side of galbi (Korean short ribs) that tasted almost like candy.
280. A special answer was given by Albert Camus from his thought of fantastic philosophy.
281. Fantastic Wildness is a form of artistic beauty in calligraphy practice.
282. At present, for most places, the marginal benefits of these fantastic feats of engineering, in terms of reduced journey times, are outweighed by the high costs.
283. The city of Cebu is also undergoing a fantastic birth of one, mainly through the efforts of Caresharing co-founder, Marc Buenconsejo, and his wife Rose, who is also the editor of
283. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
284. Murray's movie did a lot to raise general awareness of this fantastic holiday, but I bet there are a lot of things about Groundhog Day that you probably don't know.
285. His ideas were quaint and fantastic . She brought him judiciously to earth.
286. These blocky shapes are fantastic for creating flat areas of color that group content together.
287. Without a sensible sex education all kinds of strange and fantastic ideas will take root.
288. I don't rate myself as a fantastic, talented athlete. I just have perseverance. I'm a cart horse. I work hard.
289. Centaurus A is apparently the result of a collision of two otherwise normal galaxies resulting in a fantastic jumble of star clusters and imposing dark dust lanes.
290. Excellent Portugal beaches and fantastic nightlife are both within reach in Faro Portugal.




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