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单词 Activating
1. Several hormones may stimulate platelet activating factor biosynthesis invitro.
2. These results suggest the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced fibrinolytic activation and subsequently developed mucosal haemorrhagic lesion.
3. The content of platelet activating factor in pancreatic tissue was determined using bioassay technique with washed rabbit platelets as described previously.
4. Naltrexone keeps heroin from activating endorphin receptors, without activating them itself.
5. This hypothesis deserves further study as platelet activating factor metabolism in the stomach lumen is unknown.
6. These authors have shown that colonic platelet activating factor content was significantly increased irrespective of colonic inflammation.
7. Lyso platelet activating factor and alkyl acyl glycerophosphocholine were not significantly higher in Crohn's disease than in controls.
8. Biological activity of platelet activating factor was measured by platelet aggregation using a Chrono-log Corporation aggregometer.
9. Platelet activating factor also caused a marked decrease in the pancreatic blood flow comparable with that observed after caerulein infusion.
10. A monitoring system that closes the road by activating a red signal light when a slide occurs is also in place.
11. The significance of platelet activating factor in the gastric juice of healthy humans is still difficult to analyse.
12. The role of platelet activating factor blocker in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease deserves investigation.
13. What this study showed was the importance of activating the appropriate schemata.
14. Still, executives say, the company has been activating 90 percent of addresses on the day it gets the registration forms.
15. Platelet activating factor was extracted from biopsies using ethanolic extraction as previously reported by us and others.
16. As a result, different outputs could result from activating the same node at different points in time.
17. We found a relation between platelet activating factor precursors and acid, and between platelet activating factor precursors and pepsin.
18. Therefore we suggest that platelet activating factor should be considered as a global mucosal activity marker.
19. Imagination is activating the Sim card of your super conscious. RVM 
20. Both cell types generated platelet activating factor activity and this was generally comparable for epithelial and lamina propria cells.
21. Plainly in any less desperate case the risk of activating oncogenes would absolutely forbid the use of such a drug.
22. Confusion is avoided by using the term luminescence, and specifying the activating energy as a descriptive prefix.
23. There are, however, some differences in the action of caerulein and platelet activating factor on the pancreas.
24. According to our finding caerulein infused at supramaximal dose increased the production of platelet activating factor in the pancreatic tissue by about nine-fold.
25. The possibility that intestinal epithelial cells may produce platelet activating factor has been suggested by Kald etal.
26. About 24 hours before assay the sample was placed in 80% ethanol to extract platelet activating factor from the tissue.
27. In addition we have also investigated the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced fibrinolytic activation.
28. The driver swung wide around my car and paused, apparently activating an automatic garage door.
29. We can not exclude the possibility, however, of abnormal metabolism of platelet activating factor in four of them.
30. This correlation argues for the possibility of synthesis of platelet activating factor precursors in cells sensitive to gastrin stimulation.
31. In this study, we found platelet activating factor in four of 13 normal subjects.
32. The level of platelet activating factor in the rat gastric mucosa was determined after the administration of endothelin-1 using a radioimmunoassay method.
33. The movement between nodes is made possible by activating links, which connect related concepts or nodes.
34. Your Reticular Activating System is firing on all cylinders, your cortex is turning somersaults.
35. Platelet activating factor may be involved in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis as well as in experimental colitis.
36. Platelet activating factor causes gastrointestinal mucosal injury and ischemic bowel necrosis.
37. Our results confirm that alcoholic ascites contains plasminogen activating activity.
38. These results indicate that platelet activating factor may be an important factor in the progression of acute pancreatitis provoked by caerulein.
39. So you can effect cell fusion without activating the oocytes if you do this in a calcium-free medium.
40. Aggregating activity of the samples was measured over the linear portion of the calibration curve obtained with synthetic platelet activating factor.
41. PACAP stands for pituitary adenylate cyclase - activating polypeptide.
42. You'll have triggered your reticular activating system.
43. Turn on oximeter by activating power.
44. PACAP, Rat pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide.
45. PACAP, Mouse pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide.
46. She is good at activating students to learn English.
47. Haywire: I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system.
48. The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactor is practicable.
49. Conclusion:Naoxuebao had thrombolytic effect, but the effect had no relation with plasmin activating.
50. Ingredients: Liquorice , cat's-foot, hamamelis, hyaluronic acid, astringent, foremilk nutrient activating factors.
51. CONCLUSION:Activating the spinal D2 receptor or blocking the supraspinal D2 receptor produces antinociception.
52. The results show that the fixed carbon in coal-tar pitch modified with activating agent has been increased.
53. The scanner emits a low frequency radio signal, activating the microchip.
54. Decay accelerating factor(DAF)is one of the important membrane regulating protein in the complement activating ways. The transgenic pigs for human DAF gene can used for xenotransplatations donors.
55. Chewing stimulates nerves that promote the release of hormones responsible for activating the gastrointestinal system, wrote study author Rob Schuster of Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in California.
56. Presumably both the very small size and activating influence of fluorine atoms contribute to this exception.
57. The other 5m crowns went to Ralph Steinman, from Canada, who discovered the role of dendritic cells in activating some of the immune system's main cellular troops, known at T-lymphocytes.
58. In this paper, research work on mesopore activated carbon fiber at home and abroad is reviewed. Methods of pore size control such as activating process, metal catalyst and nonmetal add...
59. Participating of students, interacting between teacher and student, enhancing particular scenario impressibility, activating knowledge, and stirring up student interest in study.
60. We studied the mechanism of plasma and tissue kallikrein in activating plasminogen.
61. Objective To explore the therapeutic mechanism of blood- activating and blood- stasis- removing (BABAR) therapy for polycythemia vera (PV).
62. CRF could evoke a slowly activating depolarizing response that associated with enhanced excitability in myenteric neurons in colon. The cells excited by CRF were all expressed with CRF1 receptor.
63. And activating it at the same time every morning synchronizes your body's biological clock.
64. Both the oxidation resistance and the electrical conductivity of the pitch coke can be improved when a suitable amount of activating agent is added in the coal tar pitch.
65. In females the activating areas included bilateral IFG, left middle frontal gyrus, bilateral STG and bilateral cerebellum.
66. CBN ( cubic boron nitride ) grits surface were processed with sensitizing solution and activating solutions.
67. Scientists will tell you that this method works because of the RAS (Reticular Activating System) in our brain, which is our antenna or radar that attract things that we focus to us.
68. Once you do, however, you'll have triggered your Reticular Activating System.
69. If the genome is the parts list of the human cell, certain proteins are the production managers, activating and deactivating genes as needed.
70. Objective: To explore the regulatory effect of clearing Heat secreting bile regulating Qi flow and activating blood circulation (CSRA) principle on cholecystokinin receptor (CCK R) and its mechanism.
71. The key function is removing stasis, stopping blood and pain, activating blood, detoxication, relieving swelling.
72. The treatment group(56 cases) received the pulvis of activating blood detumescence pain-relieving external application. The control group(56 cases) were treated with detachable oil.
73. Conclusion The procedure which chemical agonist activating platelets is related to Ca 2 + concentration.
74. Activating mutations in the RET proto-oncogene cause hereditary MTC, which provides a strong therapeutic rationale for targeting RET kinase activity.
75. I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system.
76. AIM: To study the effect of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) on the increase in microvessel permeability induced by platelet activating factor (PAF).
77. The activated carbon with high specific surface area for electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) was prepared with blind coal and KOH as raw material and activating reagent respectively.
78. In this study, we aim to investigate whether pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide(PACAP) attenuated the neurotoxicity induced by glutamate through blocking the nitric oxide (NO) pathway.
79. Rapidly submerged into deep skin layers and activating the cells and genes.
80. The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction the intact reactor is practicable.
81. "I have a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system,(/activating.html) " Haywire replies.
82. Now demodulator is facing the change which enable analog - to - digital converter activating from in baseband to frequency ( IF ).
83. Objective: To discuss change and significance of platelet activating factor (PAF) in myocardial ischaemia and relationship between the protective effects of taurine in cardiac muscle and PAF.
84. The transactor thellonks activating the atomic interaction in the reactor is practicable.
85. Activating the ninjutsu ability before combat damage goes on the stack allows the Ninja to deal combat damage.
86. A pretreatment process before the surface of the glass fiber is plated with tin and nickel mainly comprises the following steps of: deoiling, coarsening, sensibilizing, activating, and the like.
87. CONCLUTION:Andrographolide evidently inhibits the development of transplanted tumor in mice, which may be related with inhibiting the growth of S180 cells and activating the mouse macrophages.
88. The thesis puts forward eight reference methods on activating students'background knowledge.
89. The results showed that the alkali activating bentonite technology had advantages of high resource utilizing rate and no waste solution discharging.
90. Dendritic cells - antigen presenting cell, which has special function in activating T cells and inducing immune reaction.
91. The invention belongs to an electric energy recta and anus health preserving instrument for regulating channels and activating collaterals.
92. Viscose rayon based ACF was prepared by CO2 activation. Furthermore, the effect of addition of CO in activating gas on pore structure was investigated.
93. His team found that exposing mice to the bacteria, and hence activating their immune system, activated clusters of neurons in their brainstem called the dorsal Raphe nuclei.
94. Both the filtrate and the dialyzate of agave pollen can activate the enzyme, thus proving that there was activating substance of the thiol group in agave pollen.
95. First, remote-controlled robot submarines have been deployed to try to seal off the oil well altogether by activating a massive device called a blowout preventer.
96. Foot care massage cream: It contains bio-oil, milk protein and moisturizing factor. It has functions of promoting blood circulation, activating cytoactive and nourishing skin.
97. The effect of albite on activating fly ash is better than microcline's.
98. Papers are written about "activating stunned fish", his epigrammatic summation of the post-merger integration of the succulent but ill-managed morsels that Haier has taken over.
99. The reticular activating system means much to the level of awareness awakening in scientific creation and to the phenomena of intuition and inspiration.
100. Some scholars state that self-questioning strategy use can enhance reading comprehension via generating higher order questions, increasing metacognition, and activating prior knowledge.
101. The effects of Total Paeony Glycoside(TPG)on activating blood and eliminating stasis were studied.
102. MICB is a stress-induced ligand of the natural killer cell activating receptor NKG2D and is critical for the NK cell killing of virus-infected cells and tumor cells.
103. Plasma Nitriding Plasma can accelerate the reactions by increasing the energy of nitrogen ions and additionally activating them as a result of cathode sputtering.
104. CONCLUSION: AP50 may be a sign of IETM. IETM may be disbenefit to hepatitis B through activating complement, which leads to histaminemia and poor cellular immune function.
105. Objective: to study the activating blood and hypolipidemic effects of black mulberry on aged rats.
106. Conclusion: ZXHJ has good activities of anti - inflammation , abirritation and activating blood.
107. Besides, activating bentonite by acid leaching and microwave has also been investigated.
108. Commissioning is hurried to avoid activating penalty clauses in the contract.
109. Conditions of various transition metal salts activating inorganic carriers and immobilization of Rhus laccase influence the properties of immobilized Rhus laccase.
110. Activating process not always improve the anti - coking ability of coal char.
111. The warming and activating effect of moxibustion therapy may involve the inhibition of the formation of ICAM-1 and pannus.
111. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
112. TIG(tungsten inert-gas) welding processes and A-TIG(A activating) processes of TC4 titanium alloy with FT-01 activating flux made in BAMTRI were investigated.
113. From raw material, ACF was prepared with H2O and CO2 as the activating agent through old and useless organic cellosilk.
114. The modulatory effect of Ach on the IATP may be achieved by activating muscarinic receptor (M receptor).
115. Activating a selection (by double-clicking with the mouse, or pressing the spacebar) causes the corresponding item to be opened in the editor.
116. The study showed that forms of avenanthramides possess potential anti-inflammatory properties through inhibiting factors that are linked with activating proinflammatory cytokines.
117. Activating sport mode makes the BMW Z 4 Roadster feel even more dynamic.
118. The key to activating your parasympathetic nervous system is to place your full attention onto your breath.
119. The order of the pretreatmemt effectiveness is lignin - activating agent, chelating agent, xylanase and sulphuric acid.
120. Lara, is its simplicity to use, its infallible auto-analysis and biofeedback that automatically compensate for imbalances in the body while activating the body's own healing process.
121. Ingredients: Liquorices extract , Dragosantol, aloe extract, cell activating element, botanic essence, VC etc.
122. The transactor considers activating the atomic interbehave in the intact reactor is practiccapable.
123. Conclusion:The inebriant dose ethanol could enhance the amplitude of corticostriatal LTP through the way of activating immediate early gene.
124. The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactori is practicable.
125. Objective to observe relationship among TCM syndrome differentiation, hemorrheological and platelet activating factor in the podagra arthritis of acute of episode.
126. The invention discloses a high-activity catalyst which catalyzing and activating carbon dioxide to perform the copolymerization reaction with alkylene oxide to synthesize polycarbonate.
127. The present invention is process of activating and roasting zinc oxide powder and zinc scum to densify and eliminate harmful impurity, and belongs to the field of zinc and lead smelting technology.
128. But many studies show that if we do some effective measures to protect endothelial cells instead of activating neurotization only, maybe, we could get better clinical effect .
129. Effects of the activating reagent amount, activation temperature and activation time on the capacitance characteristic of activated carbon were studied.
130. When your skin is exposed to UV rays, histamine is released, activating melanocytes to produce melanin.
131. Conclusions:TCM herbs with activating the spleen can regulate nitric oxide standard in infant anorectic rat's gastric antrum and colon.
132. Cytochalasin B and ionomycin along with 6 - dimethylaminop urine ( 6 - DMAP ) were used as activating agent.
133. Then, shut off electrical power and gases source to finish activating operations (activation time usually needs 6-8 hours), and the instrument was sealed for use.
134. In healthy cells, EGFR triggers growth in response to an activating signal that comes from outside the cell.
135. I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system. - What does that mean?- It means I don't sleep.
136. Thoracic vertebra; Lumbar vertebra; Fracture; Herbs; Activating blood stagnation and expelling blood stasis.
137. Its solid was 25 % and the activating agent was 18 %.
138. The activating ventilation controller, the main body of the inflammable gas detector and the axial fan are installed inside pump house and the multi-core is connected with them.
139. A: Oral polio vaccine (OPV) contains a weakened version of poliovirus, activating an immune response in the body.
140. The activating and sintering characteristics of hydroxyapatite agglomerate treated by shock wave were studied.
141. A weighted role for activating task and periodic time authorization is an unsolved major problem for the access control of a workflow management system (WfMS).
141. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
142. Objective To observe the effects of Huangqi Sanxian Decoction, an invigorating kidney and activating blood Chinese medicine, on ultramicrostructure of brain immunocyte of ovariectomized rats.
143. Motorcyclists often slow by downshifting or merely rolling off the throttle, thus not activating the brake light.
144. Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating poly-peptide(PACAP); Focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury; Neuroprotection.
145. Conclusion: Therapy of supplementing qi and activating blood circulation is ideal for treating early diabetic nephrosis.
146. " I didn't say we'd got to stop activating the masses!
147. This paper narrates the activating techniques of TSR program, and gives some examples with assembler programs.
148. Neurologists of the future might be able to expand their capabilities by strategically activating the brain's own toolkit for self-repair and enhancement.
149. It manage the orders in the order book , such as canceling, changing, activating, and inactivating orders.
150. Objective To investigate the serum levels and clinical significance of B cell activating factor (BAFF) in some frequent rheumatic disease.
151. The teaching confidence of the university has driving function, regulating function, activating function and pleasing function.
152. B cell activating factor (BAFF) is one of the TNF family member, regulates the survival and maturation of B lymphocyte.
153. However, his new cell mate told him that he got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting his reticular activating system.
154. Fe ~ ( 3 + ) and Ca ~ ( 2 + ) ions show a high activating reaction on the flotation of spodumene and beryl.
155. To screen single-strand DNA aptamers specifically binding B cell activating factor belonging to the TNF family(BAFF) and identify its affinity.
156. Objective:To investigate the correlation between the progression of HCV infection and serum B-lymphocyte activating factor(BAFF) by detecting serum BAFF levels in HCV patients.
157. Introduce Na 2 CO 3 as the activating agent and sulphuric acid as the lixiviant.
158. The paper introduced the mechanism of bleaching clothes, reviewed the mechanism of activators activating sodium perborate and the research progress of bleach activators .
159. A type powdery activated charcoal was preduced from xylitol residue with phosphoric acid as activating agent.
160. Conclusion PL has anti-tumor activity and immunomodulational effect and probably inhibit tumor by means of activating the immunocompetence of the body.
161. The colouration of Aluminum film with mirror face was introduced with the addiction of proper amount of activating agent in metallographic mirror bright coating dye bath.
162. Objective To investigate the effects of DLXNP on hemorrheology and bulbar conjunctiva microcirculation (BCM) in rabbit and to explore its effects of activating the blood and eliminating the stagnant.
163. Simply activating the Peak-Hold feature from the front panel and adding a serial printer results in a formatted RF leakage report each time the ZERO key is pressed.
164. That generosity was helping, yes, but not necessarily activating spiritual law.
165. Aim To investigate the effects of gene expression through activating endothelial target for acetylcholine ( ETA ).
166. Conclusion:Black mulberry fruits and juice have effects on activating blood, hypolipidemic and anti-atherosolerosis effects.
167. Corticotropin releasing hormone(CRH) and its associated peptides exert roles in several systems of human body by activating G protein-linked receptor-corticotropin releasing hormone receptors(CRHR).
168. Old age, activating function of the spleen and stomach declines.
169. General window events, such as activating or closing a window.
169. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
170. So the researchers dosed lupus-mimicking mice with clopidogrel (Plavix) , a drug that stymies clotting by preventing platelets from activating.
171. Results : Aloe has the effect of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis detumescence and odynolysis.
172. In this paper, the influence on the car performances of the power, fuel economy and exhaust emission by far-infrared ray activating petrolic molecules is studied.
173. Professor Zhang Weirong treated palpitation mainly by mind-tranquilizing therapy, in combination with methods of activating blood, tonifying spleen, unblocking collaterals, etc.
174. Objective To investigate the effect of tryptophan metabolite in the salivary glands of anopheles stephensi on malaria gametocyte activating factor.
175. Activating the travel tab puts you in a full - service reservation system.
176. A: We have to get into the building without activating the alarm.




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