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单词 Neurological
1 Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder.
2 The neurological symptoms then disappear by midmorning.
3 Neurological, according to a Western diplomat.
4 Neurological examination showed reduced pinprick sensation in both feet.
5 Three neurological disorders are considered: tremor, dyskinesias and epilepsy.
6 I think religion is a neurological disorder. Bill Maher 
7 Neurological weaknesses do not cause work inhibition.
8 Clinical topics on psychiatric and neurological disorders will also be covered.
9 Profound and complex neurological deficits may be found in patients with the combined deformity of atlantoaxial subluxation-subaxial subluxation-atlantoaxial impaction.
10 Survivors not treated with acyclovir often report significant neurological deterioration over the years after the acute onset of infection.
11 The link was adjacent to the neurological ward and special care baby unit.
12 Already, they have noticed that poor neurological control causes many children to inhale bits of food into their windpipes.
13 Because neurological syphilis is so rare these days, the call for lumbar puncture is limited.
14 Here we present neurological evidence for the former view from studies of a brain-injured patient with visual neglect.
15 The family doctor advised them to try a well-known rehabilitation unit, not realizing that it specialized in orthopaedic rather than neurological cases.
16 The current emphasis in the psy sector is heavily weighted toward presumption of neurological or genetic deficit.
17 Over a period of years of this pattern, patients may gradually have more and more persistent neurological changes.
18 It warns that pollutants in the water may be causing insidious neurological damage in children, and infertility in adults.
19 Records of patients with multiple sclerosis were selected as a neurological comparison group.
20 He came into this world pretty beaten up, with what they considered to be soft neurological brain damage.
21 While causes of dyslexia remain obscure, there is growing evidence that it is neurological in nature.
22 Does he have a subtle learning disability, an attention deficit, or some type of physical or neurological problem?
23 The possible role of dynamical transitions in the aetiology of three neurological disorders will now be considered.
24 Since then, Kleine has undergone a series of tests, including cardiovascular and neurological exams.
25 The proposed psychology was, however, to be based on neurological findings.
26 He sounds and feels more like a research scientist, and indeed, often refers to golf as a neurological exercise.
27 Not only does anxiety feel different, but at a purely neurological level, it is different.
28 He has a broken jaw and other facial injuries and is in the neurological ward of Middlesbrough General Hospital.
29 Many patients with substantial deformities remain asymptomatic, but they are at increased risk of neurological damage with the passage of time.
30 Questions of loyalty had to be weighed against the likelihood of my neurological meltdown.
31 It was then that he was transferred from the neurological floor to the rehabilitation hospital across town.
32 The neurological examination disclosed absent knee jerk.
33 Proprioception is a kind of neurological test.
34 There are also serious neurological complications.
35 Neuropsychological Neurology: The Neurocognitive Impairments of Neurological Disorders.
36 The neurologist is wrong about a neurological problem.
37 Patients in Group 2 showed no neural spinal dysraphism and were asymptomatic until they developed subtle neurological symptoms in adulthood.
38 The authors performed spinal osteotomy combined with enlargement of spinal canal and radicular canal in 13 ankylosing spondylitis cases with satisfactory result and with no neurological complication.
39 Clinical neurological function was assessed with combined behavioral score ( CBS ).
40 Medical researchers say Parkinson's Disease is the second most common degenerative neurological disorder after Alzheimer's with some 10 million people suffering from the disease around the world.
41 Fei peptide can make inside neurological the influence that come down undisturbedly and weakens adrenalin, otherwise heart blame skips come out cannot.
42 V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: Well, you can have anosognosia for Wernicke's aphasia [a neurological disorder that prevents comprehension or production of speech] or you can have it for amnesia.
43 Post - operative temporarily neurological deficits including aphasia , motorial and sensory disturbance presented in 8 patients, permanent deficit in 2.
44 Autism typically appears around age three and is a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others.
45 The rate of neurological complications increased by Spetzler - Martin grade.
46 Plantar grasp reflex, plantar response and Moro reflex are three primitive reflexes that used frequently in infantile neurological examination.
47 The neurological deficit sign score under no reperfusion was increased progressively, while the score under reperfusion was decreased to some extent.
48 He'd been rescued by a Blackfoot Indian, had lain unconscious for six days in a Montana hospital's intensive care unit, and ended up with neurological damage and a blind right eye.
49 Hendra virus (HeV) is a rare, emerging zoonotic virus (a virus transmitted to humans from animals), that can cause respiratory and neurological disease and death in people.
50 Twenty per cent suffers from a mental disturbance and the number of people suffering from the effects of neurological diseases is estimated at 1 billion.
51 Dysgraphia is a neurological(newer logical)disorder that generally appears when children are first learning to write.
52 These symptoms may last several weeks, and neurological 1 effects may be permanent.
53 Human infections with Hendra virus range from mild influenza-like illness to fatal respiratory or neurological disease.
54 Injury of the cervical spine may cause serious complications and neurological sequelae.
55 Millions of individuals with coronary artery or valvular heart disease have been given a new chance at life by heart surgery, but the potential for neurological injury is an Achilles heel.
56 Other beta - amyloids are implicated in neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
57 Symptoms of HeV infection in humans range from mild influenza-like illness to fatal respiratory or neurological disease.
58 Eosinophilia -myalgia syndrome (EMS) is an incurable and sometimes fatal flu-like neurological condition that is believed to have been caused by ingestion of L-tryptophan supplements.
59 Neurological complications mainly presented as brainstem encephalitis (85.4%), and the most common symptoms included fatigue (100%), myoclonic jerks(85.4%), Vomiting(51.6%), irritation (50%).
60 Dsygraphia is a neurological disorder that generally appears when children are first learning to write.
61 Mental disease is a kind of gives priority to mussily neurological disease that goes up in order to behave in activity of behavior, psychology.
62 Conclusion Subtemporal decompression cannot reduce the areas of infarcts and mortality, nor improve neurological function and promote quality of survivor.
63 Price therefore concludes that O'Neill's drinking did not contribute to his neurological condition nor his tremors.
64 This study was funded by the Leicestershire Neurological Trust, a Registered Charitable Organization in the United Kingdom.
65 Objective:To observe the long term stability or progress of neurological soft signs (NSS) in deficit type and non deficit type schizophrenia.
66 Aim : To measure quantitatively limbs tremor with neurological disease.
67 Recent neurological studies brain have demonstrated the plasticity of the human brain.
68 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a life-threatening, neurological disorder most often caused by an adverse reaction to neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs.
69 When used off label, oral tablets of glycopyrrolate had to be crushed to treat drooling in children with neurological disorders.
70 Gules: Stimulation and excitement are neurological, increase to adrenalin is secreted and enhance haemal circulation.
71 Ciguatera produces serious gastrointestinal and neurological pathologies with no known cure.
72 The neurological defect scores in patients with acute cerebral thrombosis were positively correlated with plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations oft-PA and PAI-1 antigen.
73 Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of 26 cases paraneoplastic neurological syndrome.
74 Researchers at IBM have created the most complex neurological map ever seen, detailing the comprehensive long-distance network that makes up the macaque monkey brain in unprecedented detail.
75 Rusults All 8 cases of mutism syndrome possessed a giant tumor in the cerebellar vermis, of 6 tumors invaded the fourth ventricle. All were complicated by other neurological deficits.
76 They found several animal viruses previously unseen in humans, including new varieties of viruses that already affect millions of people worldwide and contribute to cancer and neurological disease.
77 The results came from a study with a neurological patient, "Roger, " who has been studied in the lab for 15 years, after suffering brain damage from herpes simplex encephalitis.
78 To explore the mechanisms and neurological basis of aphasic agraphia, 20 patients with aphasic agraphia after cerebral infarction were selected for observation.
79 Dysgraphia is a neural logical neurological disorder that generally appears when children are first learning to write.
80 West Nile virus can cause a fatal neurological disease in humans.
81 The constructed model is a relational network which has the neurological plausibility and the operational plausibility.
82 Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder(/neurological.html), affecting the part of the brain that regulates when to be asleep and when to be awake.
83 Death from diseases of the musculoskeletal system was common in larger breeds, but the big dogs suffered less from neurological and endocrine ailments.
84 The rest was recovery. Conclusion:Early diagnosis, effective haemostasis and reconstruction of carotid artery are the keys to reduce the mortality and decrease the morbidity of neurological deficit.
85 This kind of fatigue condition must undertake adjust and resumptive , can make physiology function disorder otherwise, neurological adjustment malfunction, reduce disease resistance capacity.
86 Recent achievements in neurological psychology proved the viewpoint of the social intuitionist mode.
87 Revised "Standards for Neurological and Functional Classification of Spinal Cord Injury" have been published in 1992.
88 Parkinson s disease ( PD ) has now become one of the commonly encountered neurological diseases.
89 Lionfish, like grouper, can carry ciguatoxin, which causes vomiting and neurological symptoms, so they cannot be taken from water where the microbe that produces the toxin is found.
90 As of 29 November 2007, 468 confirmed cases of bromide poisoning have been identified in the ongoing outbreak of a neurological disease in the Cacuaco municipality, Luanda Province, Angola.
91 Objective To investigate the effect of the ultrasonic therapy on the neurological function after cerebral infarction.
92 The administration of Asiaticoside possesses neuroprotective effect on ASCI, which can improve neurological function recovery and attenuate secondary spinal cord injury.
93 This diagnosis stems from the uncertainties in many cases about the mechanistic causation of neurological symptoms.
94 Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder that generally appears when children are first learning to write .
95 PGD has been offered by the NHS for more than a decade for serious diseases that come early in childhood, like cystic fibrosis or Tay Sachs, a neurological disease.
96 Self-discipline is neurological functional symptom: Because hemal easy shrinks, appear the hectic fever with not steady movement, perspire, dazed, swimmy reach palpitation.
97 Nifurtimox is also contraindicated for people with a background of neurological or psychiatric disorders.
98 Parkinson's, a neurological disorder in which some of the brain cells that control movement die, had made him unable to walk.
99 Blighted by a fatal neurological disorder, four-year-old Morgan Mawson is unlikely to make it to his tenth birthday and is unable to walk or talk.
100 Conclusion: SEPs monitoring of the function of the nerve roots during the anterior cervical foraminotomy is demonstrated to be a satisfied way to avoid the neurological damage.
101 Its by inspiratory human body hind, exciting plant is neurological, cause hemal spasm, make hydrochloric acid in gastric juice increases, control the nerve activity of pallium .
102 Dementia pugilistica is a neurological disorder caused repeated blows to the head, resulting in brain trauma.
103 The gene has previously been linked to neurological disease, but these specific mutations have not.
104 Nicholson even speculates that the organisms could play a role in neurological disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Tourette's syndrome and autism.
105 Pellagra: Nutritional disorder caused largely by a deficiency of niacin, marked by skin lesions and digestive and neurological disturbances.
106 Objective To look for the neurological evidence of the referred pain of the chronic prostatitis and the relationship between the pain of the chronic prostatitis, bladder, and pelvic floor.
107 However, it has also been associated with fewer early deaths from cancer, neurological disease, infections and other causes.
108 Parkinson's Disease : Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disease that affects movement and muscle control.
109 Medical researchers have made a significant advance in understanding multiple sclerosis, a neurological disease that causes symptoms ranging from muscle weakness to paralysis.
110 Neurological history taking: including symptomatology of neurological disorders, rationale and method of taking neurological history, and formulation of two-step neurological diagnosis.
111 The rapid, controlled cooling of a patient's body temperature is intended to reduce long-term neurological damage.
112 This unique capability opens up a door to the study of cytoarchitectural changes of cerebral white matter in neurological or psychiatric diseases.
113 The pathology confirmed the diagnosis of neurilemoma. Results: This patient recovered uneventfully without any neurological sequelae.
114 Medical researchers have made a significant advance in understanding multiple sclerosis, a common neurological disease that causes symptoms ranging from muscle weakness to paralysis.
115 Domoic acid can also cause neurological disorders and death in animals that eat fish poisoned with the neurotoxin.
116 Potentially, it also could target known biomarkers for a wide variety of diseases, including HIV, cancer and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a degenerative neurological disorder.
117 Objective To study the long-term effects of deep brain stimulation(DBS)of bilateral subthalamic nuclei(STN)on depressive disorder in Parkinson's disease(PD)and to discuss its neurological mechanism.
118 Keratosis clinically with mats, nasal hyperkeratosis of cases caused by multiple neurological symptoms.
119 It may be because it makes them feel better. Nicotine is known to transiently improve several neurological and cognitive impairments in patients with schizophrenia.
120 aims at mapping the intrinsic functional topography of the brain, evaluating neuroanatomical models, and investigating neurological and psychiatric disease.
121 The neurological effects of alcohol use are constantly a element in mortal locomote vehicle occurrences and fights.
122 Cerebellar abiotrophy (CA), also referred to as the cerebellar cortical abiotrophy (CCA), which is a genetic neurological disease in animals best known to affect certain breeds of horses and dogs.
123 Research out of the Neurological Institute at University Hospitals Case Medical Center finds that Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) helps patients who suffer from Tourette Syndrome (TS).
124 Results: Pain were relieved in all cases postoperatively and the neurological defects were improved 77.3 % of.
125 What this study does do, however, is add to the increasing evidence that there are some detectable neurological differences in the brains of transgendered people.
126 Results: Pain were relieved in all cases postoperatively the neurological defects were improved all cases.
127 Afterwards, he had neurological deterioration with a generalized convulsion and became comatose the following day. Computed tomogram of the brain was normal.
128 We report a 78-year-old female patient on continuous peritoneal dialysis for 12 years who developed a severe hemoperitoneum during her hospitalization for a neurological disorder.
129 They can also help surgeons to protect the organs in the pelvic cavity and neurological function.
130 "This is the first study of the neurological reactions to human touch in a threatening situation." said Dr. Coan.
131 Neurological expression is quiver, all round neuritis, tendon reflexes hyperfunction, electropositive cone bundle pathology ask for ring.
132 From them I heard about transplants, neurological impediments, cancer, and post - surgery complications.
133 None of them had a history of audiological or neurological disease .
134 Results Total resection was achieved in all of 9 cases. Neurological function gradually improved after surgery, 7 cases had returned work in original jobs. There were no complication.
135 The United States health authorities are maintaining vigilance for any possible association between neurological disease and influenza vaccine.
136 Parkinsons disease is a neurological disorder characterized by rest tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity and postural instability.
137 Cucumber juice still can make neurological mix undisturbedly able-bodied, can enhance memory.
138 Other associated neurological symptoms, such as numbness and weakness, are variably present.
139 Extend gymnastics is OK also and soft tendon, ligament, articulatory, activity is neurological.
139 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
140 West Nile Virus (WNV) can cause neurological disease and death in people. WNV is commonly found in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and West Asia.
141 Katharine Hepburn suffered from a neurological ailment, possibly Parkinson's disease. She died at her home in Connecticut Sunday, surrounded by friends and family.
142 Neonatal behavioral neurological assessment(NBNA)and blood viscosity were detected by capillary tube method before and after treatment of Shengmai injection.
143 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a very rare, progressive neurological disorder.
144 Determine client's neurological status, including level of consciousness ( LOC ).
145 The neural pathway of visual word form processing was implicated in the neurological model of reading, which was based on early studies in patients with acquired reading disorders.
146 If you still experience no improvement, consult your doctor for some tests to rule out neurological disease.
147 Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism or other metabolic disorders is recognized as a cause of neurological disturbances, including dementia and parkinsonism .
148 The results were analyzed with basal clinical conditions and neurological function outcomes.
149 Children with underlying neurological problems should be quickly seen by a doctor if they run a fever.
150 Conclusion TCS ~ , s diagnosis includes lumbar - sacral malformations, spinal neurological impairment, typical MIR findings.
151 Doctors should consider vitamin B1 deficiency and Wernicke encephalopathy when they see patients with these types of neurological complications after weight loss surgery.
152 This is a neurological condition in which a sufferer sleeps uncontrollably.
153 Results: The scores and the positive incidence rate of the soft neurological signs in the parents in the experimental group were much higher than that in the control group.
154 Clinical neurological function wad assessed with combined behavioral score ( CBS ).
155 Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder that generally appears when children are frist learning to write.
156 Running not only appeared to slow the rate of heart and artery related deaths, but was also associated with fewer early deaths from cancer, neurological disease, infections and other causes.
157 Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects people of all ages.
158 Epilepsy: Neurological disorder caused by paroxysmal malfunction of neurons in the Brain ( seizures ).
159 Craniotomy and evacuation of hematoma was done when the neurological signs were worsening.
160 Many puppies die of Distemper and others are left with neurological problems.
161 Perinatal asphyxia and secondary hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) are common disease of neonatal period and often cause death and neurological impairment.
162 EV71 is a frequent cause of HFMD epidemics associated with neurological disease in a small proportion of cases.
163 And " beriberi " it is however as a result of the disease that lack vitamin B1 and causes, main drag in is neurological with cardiovascular system, can have oedema and size oozy .
164 Methods The serum neopterin levels were determined in 52 patients with GBS (GBS group), 72 healthy adults (normal group) and 46 patients with other neurological diseases (OND group) by ELISA.
165 Studies suggest that 2 percent of infants with dads age 50 or older will develop the neurological disorder schizophrenia—that's three times the incidence among kids fathered by men in their early 20s.
166 Autism is a confounding neurological disorder that affects an estimated one in 110 U.S. children.
167 Dementing illnesses comprise Alzheimer's disease(AD), Pick's disease, Multi infarct dementia(MID) and other neurological disorders. These diseases have different clinical characters respectively.
168 Samuel is an 18 year old boy who suffers a strange neurological disease since childhood.
169 Sc ? NTFs could improve neurological outcome after traumatic spinal cord injury in rats.
170 Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first and longest-serving prime minister, is fighting a neurological disease that makes it difficult for him to walk, his daughter wrote in a newspaper column on Sunday.
171 Neurological examination and neurophysiological testing confirmed the presence of thoracic myelopathy, which may have been due to the wire tethering the thoracic spinal cord to the dorsal dura.
172 It can be found in the context of schizophrenia and delusional disorder but is also associated with alcoholism and sexual dysfunction and has been reported after neurological illness.
173 Conclusion SWI is a kind of MRI examination technique, which is sensitive to paramagnets, such as deoxygenated blood, iron and calcium, and used in neurological disorders widely.
174 It unconsciously presents as psychiatrical and neurological symptoms and globus sensation with patients'condition waving, lingering and difficult to cure.
175 Restless legs syndrome is a common neurological disorder, affecting as many as 3 percent of American adults, according to Winkelman. Those with RLS experience a compelling need to move their legs.
176 This meeting is designed for the practicing neurologist and provides a review of clinical neurology, with emphasis on areas of recent neurological advances and progress in patient management.
177 Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that can cause involuntary tics such as coughing, yelling, head jerking and blinking.
178 These ill caustic but root of the feeling of drag in whole body, motorial , nerve, spinal cord and own neurological.
179 Honey is medium dextrose, vitamin, magnesian , phosphor, calcic OK adjustment neurological function, alleviate nervous, promoteMorpheus.
180 Focal neurological features including hemiparesis, sensory loss, visual field deficits.
181 Results:After Longstand treatment, the vascular endotheliocyte and platelet functions were markedly improved in addition to improvement in neurological function.




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