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单词 gambol
释义  gam·bol /ˈɡæmbəl/ verb (gambolled, gambolling British English, gamboled, gamboling American English) [intransitive] literary  JUMPto jump or run around in a lively active way 〔活泼地〕跳跃,蹦蹦跳跳 SYN frolic lambs gambolling in a field 在田野里蹦蹦跳跳的小羊 —gambol noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusgambol• lambs gamboling in the fields• Now, at seventeen, I could gambol in the forbidden delights of Elysium with no one tugging at my hand.Origin gambol (1500-1600) French gambade “horse's jump”, probably from Old Provençal camba “leg”gam·bol verbChineseSyllable   Corpus in or jump lively run a around to




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