单词 | Farmer |
例句 | 1. When the calf is stolen, the farmer mends the stall. 2. The farmer grows a lot of wheat. 3. The farmer herded the cows into the cowshed. 4. The farmer taught her how to shear sheep. 5. The farmer grows potatoes in this field. 6. Every farmer knows how to yoke the oxen together. 7. The farmer poisoned the rats. 8. The farmer cut at the snake with a stick. 9. The farmer said we were trespassing. 10. The farmer harnessed the horse to the cart. 11. She bought a bushel of apples from the farmer. 12. He started his career as a humble peanut farmer. 13. The farmer took his grain to the mill. 14. The farmer fenced his land with wire. 15. The farmer kept many geese on his pond. 16. The farmer milks the cows twice a day. 17. The farmer is cultivating his land. 18. The farmer churned the cream to butter. 19. The farmer has roped off the field where the new crop is growing to keep the animals out. 20. There once was a poor farmer who had four sons. 21. He is a farmer. 22. The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow. 23. As a farmer(), you should learn how to yoke the oxen together. 24. The farmer shot two crows and strung them on the fence./farmer.html 25. The bull gored the farmer to death. 26. The farmer yoked the oxen. 27. The farmer haggled over the price of the cattle. 28. The farmer had put down some rat poison. 29. The farmer bemoaned his loss. 30. The farmer has grown the seed a big tree. 1. The farmer herded the cows into the cowshed. 2. The farmer taught her how to shear sheep. 3. The farmer grows potatoes in this field. 4. The farmer poisoned the rats. 5. The farmer said we were trespassing. 6. The farmer harnessed the horse to the cart. 7. He started his career as a humble peanut farmer. 8. There once was a poor farmer who had four sons. 9. He is a farmer. 10. The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow. 11. The farmer shot two crows and strung them on the fence. 12. The cagey fox could not be easily trapped by the farmer. 13. 're going to steal some apples from farmer Jones's orchard. Why won't you come with us? Lost your bottle? 31. The angry farmer was bearing down on us. 32. The diseased plants are quite worthless to the farmer. 33. The farmer lassoed the cow. 34. The farmer piles a cart with straw. 35. The farmer bedded the seedlings in. 36. The farmer laid the big field up for pasture. 37. The farmer was driving his cattle along the road. 38. A farmer must plow the land before planting crops. 39. The farmer adds a supplement to the horse's feed. 40. The farmer hasn't finished milking. 41. Joe was just a simple farmer. 42. He is a beef cattle farmer. 43. A farmer is working in his seed bed. 44. The land was leased out to a rich farmer. 45. They lease the land from a local farmer. 46. The farmer is irrigating in his field. 47. She dickered with the farmer for the best fruit. 48. The farmer threatened to set his dogs on us. 49. The farmer is shearing his sheep. 50. The farmer herded the cows into his cowshed. 51. I have subleased a plot from the farmer. 52. The farmer limed his land. 53. The farmer was accused of cruelty to animals. 54. The animals were thin and ill because the farmer had neglected them. 55. A succession of bad harvest had reduced the small farmer to penury. 56. The farmer claimed that he shot the men because they were poaching on his land. 57. This new legislation is unfairly weighted against the small farmer. 58. The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens. 59. One enterprising farmer opened up his field as a car park and charged people £10 to park there. 60. It took the farmer weeks to grub the stumps on his land. 61. The cagey fox could not be easily trapped by the farmer. 62. A farmer works outdoors. 63. The price the meat is sold for bears no relation to the price the farmer receives. 64. At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer. 65. A farmer was burning straw, the yellow billows of smoke spiralling lazily upward. 66. The farmer warned us off his land when we tried to camp there. 67. The farmer grazes cattle on this land in the summer months. 68. The farmer folded the seeds in a piece of paper. 69. The idea of being a farmer had lost its charm for me by this time. 70. 're going to steal some apples from farmer Jones's orchard. Why won't you come with us? Lost your bottle? 71. We're going to steal some apples from farmer Jones's orchard. Why won't you come with us? Lost your bottle? 72. The barn of the used-to-be-poor farmer is now heaped with grain. 73. How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year? 74. A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment. 75. Under the agreement, the farmer is not allowed to use this field. 76. Halfway across the field, the farmer ploughed out some very large stones which nearly broke his machine. 77. The farmer dug several trenches to irrigate the rice fields. 78. You need to get permission from the farmer who owns the land. 79. The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field. 80. There once lived a poor farmer who had four sons. 81. The farmer came after the intruders with a big stick. 82. Ritter was a very complex man but Marius was the opposite, a simple farmer. 83. The farmer is now pleaching the hawthorn and wild plum. 84. The farmer came after them, threatening to call the police. 84. Wish you will love and make progress everyday! 85. Food production, processing and marketing are different links in the chain from farmer to consumer. 86. At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer. 87. We watched as the farmer hitched up a team of oxen. 88. He gave up his occupation as a farmer and became a teacher. 89. The farmer saw the boys off with a heavy stick. 90. The farmer has just bought a new piece of land. 91. He has been a farmer for 40 years , man and boy. 92. The local farmer lets holiday caravans park on his land. 93. The farmer tugged all his life to make a living. 94. The cows circled round the farmer who was bringing their food. 95. She is the last wife in the world for a farmer. 96. The farmer felt the cow, went away, returned, sorely perplexed, always afraid of being cheated. 97. Letter bomb: Revenge attack on farmer jailed for cruelty. 98. The farmer bought a doe. 99. No, she thought, definitely not a farmer. 100. Once Abdi was a cattle farmer. 101. The farmer chased the children across the field. 102. Critics routinely dubbed him a dairy farmer from Kansas. 103. For example: The farmer kills a duckling. 104. Farmer on trial for breaking animal cruelty ban. 105. A neighbouring farmer had a lucky escape. 106. The farmer stood back and scratched under his turban, assessing the damage to my vehicle. 107. The discovery was made by a farmer out spraying his crops. 108. The farmer who lives at nearby Eastbach Farm has applied for permission to dump rubbish despite widespread opposition from the village. 109. Read in studio Police say they're baffled by the mysterious disappearance of a twenty nine year old farmer. 110. Can the large firm in agriculture compete with the proverbial flexibility, in work and income, of the family farmer? 111. It was the difference between a vast public enterprise, and a local farmer making a living as economically as he could. 112. And in an ironic twist, the Author is played by the same actor as the old farmer. 113. In the same area, a farmer was trampled to death by his cattle, a vicar ran amok in his church. 114. As the gaunt farmer Spoke, Sparkes noticed dried blood on his shirt front where it met his breeches. 115. It was quite a distance for a bok choy farmer to have covered in less than ten years. 116. The farmer gave him a pair of shoes and sent him out alone on the road. 117. What the farmer gets is what the urban dweller pays minus transportation and distribution costs. 118. The Ocean-Warming Piglet Long ago, on the far side of our planet, there lived a farmer named Li-pin. 119. Her predecessor, Karl-Heinz Funke, was himself a farmer and an enthusiastic supporter of intensive agricultural methods. 120. A farmer in those days might earn five thousand pounds in a top year. 121. Ashton demonstrated Harlequin's technical expertise when he was transformed into Colas, a farmer, dancing with his shepherd's crook. 122. He also came under attack in his capacity as a revenue farmer and would-be monopolist. 123. A typical farmer in the preservation program receives about $ 7,000 an acre for preservation, Harvey said. 124. It was into this lawless milieu that Devi was born, the second daughter of a low-caste illiterate farmer. 125. The farmer had grown used to billeting troops and drove a hard bargain. 126. In fact, the farmer was so mean to this young man he determined to exact revenge. 127. The farmer forked hay. 128. He took me to the farmer, who soon realized that I was not an animal, but an intelligent being. 129. Below: Before independence, Valeriy Gordienko was a farmer on a local collective farm. 130. There is no compulsion on the farmer to provide education at all. 131. Tipperary, owned by Merck,() Sharp and Dohme is accused by a local farmer of causing his cattle to die. 132. The house had belonged to a farmer whose family had been hit by tragedy. 133. They say they've enjoyed the transition from farmer to fashion designer. 134. For maximum effectiveness, weed killers and fertilizers should be applied now, says Glenn Hester, a Hidalgo County cotton farmer. 135. He's a tenant farmer. 136. Before independence Valeriy was a farmer on a local collective farm. 137. Evidence seemed to harden somewhat when a Glamorgan farmer went to the aid of a ditched van one dark night. 138. Time allowed 07:47 Read in studio A farmer has turned the clock back fifty years to harvest his crop of wheat. 139. The farmer was a big, burly man with a red face. 140. When they were first introduced they were an enormous boon to the farmer and the initial response was almost euphoric. 141. An urbanized, unflamboyant son of a cattle farmer, he oozes Midwesternness. 142. Rarely, it seems, is a park committee and farmer unable to reach agreement. 143. Farmer Chris Slatter was spraying a crop of flax when he made the grim discovery. 144. The farmer in Upper and Central Bucks, where land values are lower,[ ] might see an economic benefit from the program. 145. They will have to choose between pretending to be friends of the farmer and lackeys of the environmentalist. 146. He didn't look like a farmer, yet he looked a countryman. 147. The farmer took a cigarette for his pains and refused food. 148. This immediately puts the farmer on the defensive and reinforces the public's perception of them as a complaining, dissatisfied group. 149. If no firm offer has been made within three months the farmer is free to go ahead with his original plans. 150. She owes her life to an alert farmer, who spotted her car in a ditch and called the emergency services. 151. An exact match will be sufficient to convict the farmer of a pollution infringement. 152. He'd enjoyed every minute of it, felt like a real farmer, but now he was tired. 153. The farmer may castrate the excess bulls, creating steers, or slaughter them. 154. They're being bred by farmer, Christopher Marler and this year, there's been something of a baby boom. 155. Roberts was born in 1918, the son of a dairy farmer in Puente, California. 156. He told the coroner how he and a local farmer struggled to pull two people from the burning Metro. 157. He used to niggle at me for being a capitalist farmer and I got at him for being an unemployed commie. 158. A tactful environmental lobby, a sympathetic farmer and a smattering of goodwill on both sides may continue to produce encouraging results. 159. At harvest feasts the distinctions between the farmer and the labourers whom he hired were relaxed. 160. He had emigrated from Hampshire, with 26-year-old girlfriend Tracey Farmer to escape the recession and start a new life. 161. How delicious smelling, were the baskets of fresh garlic when the farmer brought them up from the valley. 162. We were monitoring everybody, from the opium farmer in the Bekaa to the end-customer in Detroit or Los Angeles. 163. "Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime. 164. The first farmer was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land. Ralph Waldo Emerson 165. The boys were at school and the farmer cordially invited him in. 166. I stumbled across one shack, but was lucky this farmer was easy going. 167. The farmer, who is not being identified for his own protection, escaped with minor facial injuries and severe shock. 168. He was no longer a farmer, just an ordinary man who owned the clothes he was wearing and nothing more. 169. The initiative was taken by Bafuor Osei Akoto, a prosperous, go-ahead cocoa farmer of Kumasi. 170. Roxie Farmer was still sitting in the police car, looking out at them with an expressionless face. 171. My father was a farmer and I think that probably helped because I worked on the farm quite a lot. 172. Livestock too present many dangers with one farmer being killed when his Simmental bull attacked him. 173. His curator says that despite his prodigious and inspired output he still thinks of himself as a farmer. 174. The only part-time farmer travelled long distances to his work but was self-employed and could therefore choose his days away. 175. Some force deep within truly wants to believe aliens cured that Montana farmer of his pesky hernia problem. 176. He was a skilled and artistic weaver ... A highly competent woodworker ... A good herdsman ... A fine farmer .... 177. In Hatfield Chase today, you can see a sign put up by a local farmer with a sense of humour. 178. An individual farmer can produce good farm-saved seed only by incurring costs very close to the price of certified seed. 179. As the farmer poured the fluid into the wounds they would bellow loudly and kick out at him. 180. Only 25% of the price a consumer pays for vegetables goes to the farmer. 181. The farmer said it would cost three dollars, but the girl had only thirty cents. 182. Hours later, a farmer feeding cattle three miles south of the town had discovered two men hiding in his barn. 183. More like a dairy farmer, Wade thought, than an officer of the law. 184. No farmer can therefore afford to carry workers who are disgruntled or who have no identification with the aims of the enterprise. 185. Farmer Daimon : I'll kill him. 186. A day, farmer goes market bought a cockerel. 187. A sumptuous man was the Farmer - General. 188. And then, it studies on the farmer behavior emerging in the process of adjustment, especially on decision-making policy, investment policy, variety-choosing policy, technology-choosing policy, etc. 189. He sold that system to the betel nut farmer, raising his first cash. 190. Broad farmer created domestic couplet to produce in rural reform practice contract system of job responsibility. 191. In exchange for this, the owner would get a large share of the crop raised by the tenant farmer. This system, called share-cropping, spread through the South. 192. And that agro-animal combine of farmer household's cropland's nitrogen surplus ratio was 66.04%, being the obvious problem of high plough into but low yield. 193. Dairy farmer Alain Duchemain told French TV his cows are having a hard time finding enough grass for grazing. 194. A Texas farmer grumbled that he had to plow his field. 195. But under the farmer PhRMA deal[], the chances additional costs saving cost - saving measures are unclear. 196. The property that silkworm raiser collaboration organizes must attend completely of one's own accord by silkworm raiser, the farmer autonomy that builds according to certain way is organized. 197. Sophie Fuss with grandfather, Paul Fuss who is cattle farmer with son Jerry Fuss. 198. For centuries very hard conditions have determined the every day life of people from a day labourer or farmer to a senior official. 199. It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise. 200. And the systematism degree that the core that rural management system innovates depends on raising a farmer. 201. Now, our relocated households and farmer workers have only one choice: commercial house! 202. The operetta is about a girl named Bettina who is sent to take care of the turkeys of an unlucky farmer by the farmer's brother. 203. Businesses have considerable freedom to advertise and recommend pesticides to the farmer. 204. Or suppose a carpenter did, or a farmer, or, indeed,[http://] almost anyone but an academician. 205. This system was aimed at not only brining about transparency in the transactions, but also ensuring a fair price for the farmer. 206. In November 1582 he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of Richard Hathaway, a local farmer. 207. I had always been emphatic that I didn't know whom I would marry, but one thing was for sure --he would not be a farmer or dairyman! 208. Raise the level of grade of fit of farmer burden. 209. At daybreak the farmer rose and fed the horses and cows. 210. In the context of modernization, the purposefulness of developing professional farmer cooperatives lies in their indispensable value in farmer and social development. 211. When the crops flower, they will cross-pollinate, and the organic farmer may have a problem. 212. Based on the social stratification perspective, we emphasize on farmer workers' Social stratum, consciousness from. a subjective dimension. 213. The index case was identified as a 43 year-old male farmer who presented with clinical symptoms of fever, jaundice and haematuria (blood in urine). 214. Host has the guileless of the farmer likewise, enthusiasm is hospitable. 215. The farmer talked about putting this one out of its misery but decided to let some Swazi orphan children take care of it and feed it with a bottle instead. 216. In the period of nymph stage and ecdysis peak, the control effects was better but it need highly professional technique and not suitable for guiding farmer to control the midges . 217. Eighteenth-century prints caricature George III as a farmer, laugh at Hanoverian German accents – yet the same crowds who laughed at the printshop windows turned out loyally for coronations. 218. So it is necessitous to transfer the rural labor reasonably and orderly in order to ensure the full employment of the farmer by every possible means. 219. Esau was a farmer and hunter who knew every inch of the country. |
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