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单词 Planet
(1) Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system.
(2) They launched a rocket to the planet Venus.
(3) He looked like something from another planet!
(4) The name Vulcan was given to the undiscovered planet.
(5) The planet Venus is enshrouded in thick clouds.
(6) Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe.
(7) How long does it take for the planet Jupiter to make a complete revolution around the sun?
(8) The planet Jupiter radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.
(9) Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.
(10) The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.
(11) We live on a complex planet.
(12) These weapons are capable of destroying the entire planet.
(13) They claimed to have discovered a new planet.
(14) Pluto is the furthest planet from the sun.
(15) Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun.
(16) Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life.
(17) Perturbations in the orbit of the planet Uranus led to the discovery of Neptune in 1846.
(18) He posited that each planet moved in a perfect circle.
(19) The total number of species on the planet appears to be growing by leaps and bounds.
(20) This planet on which we all live should be cherished and not exploited.
(21) The planet Pluto is comparable in size to the moon.
(22) It's our duty to preserve the planet for future generations.
(23) My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet[Sentence dictionary](), all alone!
(24) How do you distinguish between a star and a planet?
(25) Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
(26) The blue whale is the largest living thing on the planet.
(27) And although she was probably just an ordinary-looking kid, in my eyes she was the most beautiful child on the face of the planet.
(28) Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.
(29) They have got to be the worst band on the planet.
(30) It strained credulity to believe that a nuclear war would not lead to the destruction of the planet.
(1) Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system.
(2) They launched a rocket to the planet Venus.
(3) He looked like something from another planet!
(4) The name Vulcan was given to the undiscovered planet.
(5) The planet Venus is enshrouded in thick clouds.
(6) Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe.
(7) The planet Jupiter radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.
(8) Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.
(9) The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.
(10) Long long ago, we knew the periodic motion of a planet.
(31) The planet should be visible to the naked eye .
(32) It should be possible to be warm and well-fed, and to enjoy all the good things of life, while respecting the needs of the planet.
(33) The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim.
(34) Environmentalists have no political axe to grind - they just want to save the planet.
(35) Some days that girl seems as if she's on another planet.
(36) Humans would not be able to survive in the thin atmosphere of the planet.
(37) Long long ago, we knew the periodic motion of a planet.
(38) The greatest damage being done to our planet today is that being done by humans.
(39) He thinks motherhood is glamorous - what planet is he on?
(40) The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.
(41) Mankind is destroying the planet, all in the name of progress .
(42) The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.
(43) The future of our planet is in danger if we continue to plunder it as we do.
(44) The new planet is about ten times the size of the earth.
(45) The writer evokes a nightmare vision of a future on a polluted planet.
(46) Is it too late to repair the damage we have done to our planet?
(47) The planet is probably in orbit around a small star.
(48) No place on the planet can remain an island of affluence in a sea of suffering.
(49) In 1664 Hooke observed a reddish spot on the surface of the planet.
(50) These chemicals could indicate the presence of water on the planet.
(50) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(51) The planet should be visible with / to the naked eye.WHICH WORD?
(52) Nuclear weapons have the capability to destroy the physical integrity of the planet.
(53) It's just about possible to see the planet with the naked eye on a clear night.
(54) Americans drive one third of the 400 million cars on the planet.
(55) The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence.
(56) We are reproducing ourselves at such a rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet.
(57) The URL for the Lonely Planet travel centre is
(58) He thinks being a father is easy. What planet is he on?
(59) Data from Voyager II has presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists.
(60) An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have catastrophic results for the planet.
(61) Bernice's escape from the planet was looking less likely.
(62) The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930.
(63) She's so pretty, and so concerned about the planet!
(64) The saucer was from the planet Tralfamadore, he said.
(65) They are on the doomed planet below.
(66) The planet had faded into a deep gloom.
(67) They form the bedrock of our economic planet.
(68) Many false assumptions were made about the planet Jupiter.
(69) The entire planet is fluid, like a star.
(70) Much wackiness ensues en route to the red planet.
(71) Here indeed is a manifesto for the planet.
(72) Saturn is the planet with rings around it.
(73) The astronauts had mind-blowing views of planet Earth.
(74) The sad fate of the St Lawrence belugas epitomises the problems faced by small cetaceans on an increasingly polluted planet.
(75) She knows that the guest has come from another, distant planet, one with an important status in the universe.
(76) It's a role with its antecedents in Mork - except this planet is not Ork but Manhattan's skid row.
(77) Down there, it encountered the large fraction of the planet that is still molten, and began to crowd it.
(78) In the Jupiter fly-by, the ship had used the gravitational field of the planet to increase her velocity.
(79) He first took into account the fact that a sun as well as a planet moves under the influence of their mutual attraction.
(80) If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event,[http:///planet.html] then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system. William James 
(81) After a while we are aware of a deviation, the gravitational pull of an unseen planet.
(82) Mind has waited for 3 billion years on this planet before composing its first string quartet.
(83) The attraction between the conjectured planet and Uranus was to account for the latter's departure from its initially predicted orbit.
(84) The story does, however, abound in felicities; the physical descriptions of the planet, for example, are superb.
(85) Their tremors pass through the planet like X rays through flesh and bone, bringing us clues about the rock they penetrate.
(86) It finds her in a maximum security prison on a far-off planet.
(87) In order for a planet to possess a magnetosphere it need not have an internal magnetic dipole moment.
(88) We are meant to find sustenance and joy from this planet.
(89) A science-fiction thriller about a planet that is mired in civil war and whose computerized defense system runs amok, threatening everyone.
(90) The massive volcanic eruption could affect the climate of the whole planet.
(91) This affords Brown a chance to explore the planet which he believes not to be as dead as it first appears.
(92) When the time came for civilization on the planet of the Perks, they built war-trains, undermining engines, mole bombs.
(93) The best way to get that carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is to warm the entire planet.
(94) Driving through the mine is like visiting some futuristic industrial complex on another planet.
(95) If a planet remains very cold, the radiogenic argon remains trapped inside the potassium-bearing minerals in which it is formed.
(96) Nothing can prepare the initiate for this first breathtaking vision of the planet for which he has been designated steward.
(97) With what-all they're doing to this planet down at the equator, there's some weird stuff happening up here.
(98) It's the most convincing evidence we have of an alien invasion of this planet, and a matter of public record.
(99) Several theories of planetary formation include the possibility of disturbance to axial spins during the late stages of formation of a planet.
(100) Even the rulers of this planet of Stalinvast, luxuriating high up in their hives, must take a very partial view.
(101) This is the most culturally diverse country on the planet, and all kinds of people interact.
(102) The Ocean-Warming Piglet Long ago, on the far side of our planet, there lived a farmer named Li-pin.
(103) We spent most of the time on the planet acid: the best place for us to be.
(104) Does this sound like the rational act of the most intelligent species on the planet?
(105) Suddenly, a whole new planet was accessible; and not only accessible but available, unoccupied, deserted.
(106) As for getting in ... There is only one entry point for spaceships into the world within the planet.
(107) It was as if they had landed on an alien planet, his fear that of awakening the denizens, giant and menacing.
(108) Guided by the churning within the planet, the crust of the earth has been in a constant state of flux.
(109) Raw and powerful, black smokers look like cautionary totems of an inhospitable planet.
(110) Then it headed straight for the nearest suitable planet and effected a landing.sentencedict .com
(111) With his usual presence of mind he nipped back and picked up Sheldukher's hard copy map of the planet.
(112) Satellites in low-earth orbit glimpse only fragments of the planet.
(113) For weeks now the planet Mars has been seen, a hand's breadth above the low horizon.
(114) Okay, a scientist reports the measurement of the temperature of a new discovered planet to be minus point eight degrees.
(115) Deep-sea vents may have been the site where life originated on this planet.
(116) Acid rain and marine pollution hurt neighbouring countries; ozone depletion and global warming threaten the entire planet.
(117) Over the last 1.5 million years, our planet has been in the grip of an ice age.
(118) Terminus is not a planet, but a scientific foundation preparing a great encyclopedia.
(119) People who otherwise consider individual responsibility the pinnacle of virtue seem unable to perceive an individual responsibility to protect an endangered planet.
(120) From this, Lovelock concluded that any planet that has life would reveal a chemistry that held odd imbalances.
(121) I was somebody from another planet intruding on another way of life....
(122) Jupiter is a very massive planet, and its escape velocity is correspondingly high.
(123) By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian will make a difference in the health of our planet. Thich Nhat Hanh 
(124) It's hardly likely that the people in charge would want to share the fate of this unfortunate planet.
(125) The dying planet has a metaphysical relationship to my own mortality and to that extent my inquiry into landscape is inherently ironic.
(126) Daryl Johnston, the most celebrated blocking back on the planet, is serenaded with moose calls anytime he touches the football.
(127) Economically, militarily and culturally, Washington rules the planet, and it seeks to enhance that position in the new century.
(128) If things get nasty on Planet Terra it can at least beam itself up on to the Starship Astra.
(129) We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. Stephen Hawking 
(130) Although much of this heat was radiated back into space, a significant fraction was retained by the growing planet.
(131) She was much more fun after a few drinks, gently mocking her dedication to saving this planet.
(132) They did a full survey to begin with, launching several satellites to encircle the planet, collecting atmospheric and geographic data.
(133) A stranger from another planet might well ask of whom they were speaking; and where his wisdom lay.
(134) The team confirmed the discovery of a planet orbiting the star 51 Pegasi.
(135) The Earth would then have evolved as a cratered, dead planet similar to the Moon.
(136) For the sake of a handful of people making huge profits the entire planet has been put in jeopardy.
(137) Hasn't he any conception of the devastation caused to this planet by burning fossil fuels?
(138) The planet Mercury orbits the Sun more closely than do any of the others.
(139) I am sure this must be the steepest natural gradient of temperature on the surface of our planet.
(140) The moons will look like pinpoints of light lined up on either side of the planet.
(141) They were serious shoes[/planet.html], meant to come in direct contact with the surface of the planet.
(142) Cairns-Smith believes that the original life on this planet was based on self-replicating inorganic crystals such as silicates.
(143) But if you mean to stick around on the planet for a bit, you need to keep your eyes skinned.
(144) Here are more varieties of living creatures crammed into a square meter than anywhere else on the planet.
(145) The software that allows consumers to tap into the Net from their phones comes from Unwired Planet.
(146) Preliminary evidence suggested that a second planet was also orbiting the star further out.
(147) Instead, each planet had its own peculiar machinery which was related to but not integrally connected to a universal system.
(148) Why was she on this distant planet, trying to discover how the Althosian civilization was destroyed?
(149) As soon as they were out of my house, I intended for them to disappear from the face of the planet.
(150) The Green Party is campaigning on the simplest of tickets in this election ... the need to save our planet.
(151) Protecting our planet. securing our future: linkages among global environmental issues and human needs.
(152) Nearly half of these species appear nowhere else on the planet and would become extinct unless the Andes hot spot was saved.
(153) He merely watched the obscure corners of the busy planet and poked his stubby nose into dusty crannies.
(154) Elton John is probably the best bloke on the whole planet.
(155) More accurate measurements showed that a single epicycle per planet was not enough.
(156) Through technology we have advanced to a point where we can destroy this planet and everything on it.
(157) Were the unknown planet p' to be discovered, it would be hailed as a new victory of Newtonian science.
(158) In other words, Washington must remain urgently concerned about every square inch of the planet.
(159) And Earth is not just another planet whirling around the sun on its endless journey through infinite space.
(160) The funny man who had found her on a distant planet and had treated her as a human being.
(161) Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them is making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge. Jerry Seinfeld 
(162) Murdock's sun and planet gear to obtain rotary motion from Watt's beam engines.
(163) It is entirely possible that our backwater of a planet is literally the only one that has ever borne life.
(164) The rivers of eastern Sierra Leone contain some of the most easily mined and plentiful supplies of diamonds on the planet.
(165) Earthquakes line the borders of the tectonic plates and are symptoms of the perpetual motion inside our planet.
(166) That our lovely, blue planet is not a popular tourist attraction for extraterrestrials.
(167) There's enough on this planet for everyone's needs but not for everyone's greed. Mahatma Gandhi 
(168) The greenhouse effect is something else that is supposedly happening on our planet.
(169) You have already met an example of this in the heat generated when the iron core of a planet separates downwards.
(170) Global warming is not just the greatest environmental challenge facing our planet — it is one of our greatest challenges of any kind. Barack Obama 
(170) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(171) In this way the differentiation of a planet may act to slow down the operation of the heat engine.
(172) He could sense an immense power enveloping the planet, and knew his death was only hours away.
(173) I think you're like some disgusting little animal, some creature from another planet.
(174) It squatted incongruously among the trees, looking like a visitor from another planet.
(175) If volatiles are acquired during accretion then most of the volatiles are initially buried deep in the planet.
(176) We need clean rivers even more than the rest of the population of our planet!
(177) He could not tell if there was any connection between the events on this minor planet and those on the outer worlds.
(178) Energy conservation is vital for the future of the planet.
(179) They establish a colony on Ragol but this perfect planet soon unleashes a few surprises and all hell breaks loose.
(180) The planet they call the evening star, the morning star.
(181) Or, on that minuscule patch of the planet covered by artificial turf.
(182) Ventilator chimneys sprouting on the roofs of his Barcelona apartments resemble a collection of mounted life forms from an alien planet.
(183) Drift-netting is another example of our inability as humans to establish a sustainable relationship with the planet.
(184) The evolutionary course followed by a planet is set by its initial state.
(185) Thus the immediate result of a K / impact anywhere on Earth would be wildfire ignition over the entire planet.
(186) This when nifty postcards of the planet are available at every convenience store, tourism agency and souvenir shop.
(187) Perhaps 10 percent of the surface area of the planet is dark, clear, and populated at any given time.
(188) Unwired Planet Chairman Alain Rossmann said the phones will cost between $ 400 and $ 500.
(189) Then, of course, she turned to the task of getting from Posi all available data about the planet Ardakke.
(190) It is a miracle indeed that in a hostile Universe this planet should provide conditions where such fragility can persist.
(191) As a replacement for the Bluebird, the Primera is on another planet.
(192) Ozone shields the planet from the effects of the sun's ultraviolet radiation.
(193) The shapechanger's body had been enveloped by the force suffocating the planet.
(194) The game that was being played out in the shadows around the planet Earth was old beyond even its understanding.
(195) Farming is leading to the desertification of large areas of the planet.
(196) There we are in one of the most picturesque beauty spots on the planet.
(197) We know little of its holy days and less about its teachings, which embrace sharing this planet in peace with others.
(198) It is almost certain that, during the Earth's early history, the planet was a frequent victim of cometary impacts.
(199) How can this happen on a planet that has an estimated 1400 million cubic kilometres of water?
(200) Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. 6.
(200) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(201) I was just a young girl from a small planet and I felt very unimportant here.
(202) So you travel to various planet locations to seek out people you learn may have key information.
(203) But this time round, they're pathetic, pale imitations of the planet destroyers that went before.
(204) Public concern about the fate of the planet suffers from overkill.
(205) Probability of life on a randomly selected planet if life arose only once in the universe.
(206) After Galileo s stargazing it became increasingly clear that the Earth was just another planet, part of some one else s heavens.
(207) In terms of both absolute numbers and numbers of species, beetles are the most successful group of animals on the planet.
(208) Since the dawn of time, roughly a hundred billion human beings have walked the planet Earth.
(209) It orbits closer to the fires of the Sun than any other planet, well inside the orbit of Venus.
(210) Discovery would enter a parking orbit around Saturn, be-coming a new moon of the giant planet.
(211) But scientists increasingly believe that it is one of the chief pollutants responsible for the greenhouse effect warming the planet.
(212) The ring of fire contains a very large fraction of the earthquake activity of the entire planet.
(213) Mourning also helps us to see the dangers facing our planet.
(214) That much we can take away from this latest close encounter with planet Nirvana without fear of contradiction.
(215) To the Hawaiian eye, waves are light rays bending round the planet from distant lands.
(216) This could make lonely Shemya themost controversial military base on the planet.
(217) But no beverage on the planet so perfectly complements dinner as a well-matched, dry table wine.
(218) The planet had a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, both metallic.
(219) A Community working for peace - and the planet Pollution crosses frontiers.
(220) Planet Mars is most unhelpful this week, but do try to allow partners more freedom.
(221) His whole life was lived at the mercy of the second favourite planet.
(222) The coral reefs of Walindi bay are probably the most diverse reef systems on our planet.
(223) The planet and the country are in deep s-- -.
(224) On the planet, unaware of being watched, Ace was laying explosive charges.
(225) In the eyes of geophysicists, hydrothermal circulation is inextricably intertwined with the pulsing bank of heat inside the planet.
(226) At this distance the force of gravity provided by the planet is equal to the centripetal force required.
(227) And in the rocks, somewhere on Mars, is probably written the history of the cold, freeze-dried planet.
(228) Now its underside was illuminated by the lights of the space station, and by the reflected light of the planet.
(229) It is available from your Book, but so often the planet does not take it on board.
(230) One of my boyfriends said that it's as if I was from another planet.
(230) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(231) They are erratically distributed around the planet, and the gases they emit vary in outgassed particular matter.
(232) The moons all move around the planet in the same direction.
(233) In comparing craters on different bodies the distinction must be made between the exposure of a planet and the resultant cratering.
(234) The impact had caused a massive explosion which had ravaged the planet.
(235) And by the time we had butted our way into orbit around the planet, I was feeling fairly relaxed.
(236) The layer contains enough dust to shut off sunlight from the surface of the planet for several months to a year.
(237) With mounting evidence of global warming the last thing this planet needs is cheaper petrol.
(238) Le Gum's is set on another planet and Piercy's is far in the future in Massachusetts.
(239) Neither planet could be seen optically, the star being 30,000 light years distant from the Earth.
(240) Stainless steel made good medium of exchange on a planet where all metal had to be imported.
(241) People in the Antelope Valley worry that most people south of the mountains think that their valley is on another planet.
(242) This season we are on a planet and we have a new suit this season.
(243) The inner parts of the planet were squeezed under the growing weight of the accumulating outer parts.
(244) I have a boss who is an alien from another planet.
(245) The depletion of the ozone layer has been one of the most dramatic discoveries about our planet in recent years.
(246) New Agers claim that Christians have abdicated from ruling the planet in a life-sustaining way.
(247) One day, this planet could become an agricultural export world.
(248) Lev Arris has no memory after his spaceship crashes on the planet Hermes.
(249) Vernadsky tallied up the billions of organisms on Earth and considered their collective impact upon the material resources of the planet.
(250) Indecision is the most unsexy thing on the planet. I dont know if I'm sexy but I think decisiveness is sexy. I also lose trust and faith in them when I realise I'm a bit on my own and thats a very disheartening feeling. Drew Barrymore 
(251) Why, for goodness sake, should it have been our planet?
(252) A few minutes later the spaceship was falling towards a planet covered with tall buildings.
(253) Transported to this bleak planet only to be confronted by a marauding gang of giant tortoises.
(254) The planet Pluto is comparable in size to our Moon.
(255) In 1926, the year of his birth, 2 billion people inhabited this planet.
(256) If this life-blind model continues to prevail, it will impose a slow-motion catastrophe on humanity and the planet.
(257) To any visitors from another planet, it would be the most obvious and most dominant feature of this one.
(258) The entire system of evolving life and planet was coevolution, the dance of the chameleon on the mirror.
(259) There is no real boundary to the part of the planet I think of as the deep sea.
(260) The comet was formed when a planet broke up at some time in the distant past.
(261) For the most part people move around the planet completely ignorant of the way they move.
(262) They are essential atmospheric cladding which prevents the earth from becoming a frozen planet.
(263) The traditional stabilization platform bases on secondary planet television incepting system fixed on car,[http:///planet.html] uses mechatronics or photoelectronical inertial sensor component.
(264) On the other hand, any planet in unfavorable zodiacal state, in whatever house, acts as a malefic.
(265) The Ultraman television series first appeared on TV in 1966. Ultraman, a silver-suited masked hero, comes from outer planet to save the Earth from gigantic monsters.
(266) First painted in October of 2002, the strange organic planet of then-nameless Felucia depicted sun-catching pod-like plants of enormous height, with an AT-TE walker lumbering in the underbrush.
(267) The new planet was discovered using what is called the "radial velocity method" which involves detecting small wobbles in a star caused by a planet as it tugs on its sun.
(268) and the Mars Science Laboratory, a car-sized rover that will explore the red planet.
(269) James Cameron's 'Avatar' takes place on a planet called Pandora, where American corporations and their military mercenaries have set up bases to mine a surpassingly precious mineral called unobtanium.
(270) The Amazon rain forest, the world's largest is thought to contain at least 30 percent of all plant and animal species on the planet, most of them uncatalogued.
(271) Those in power are hell-bent on destroying the planet, and most people don't care.
(272) She's also interested in determining what conditions other than a liquid ocean might help initiate life on a terrestrial planet.
(273) Tardos Mors met with the soldier and reported that every creature on the planet had but three days to live.
(274) Long distance telephony was also an option, but costs were very high and it often sounded as if the other party was speaking from inside some kind of echo chamber on a distant planet.
(275) One of the coolest animals (literally) on the planet, the wood frog has the ability to go into complete hibernation (including complete heart stoppage) during the winter season.
(276) But the nickel disappearance is one more clue about how the planet went from suffocating to a place where a terrestrial tetrapod could take a deep breath.
(277) Award-winning travel photographer Richard I'Anson helped establish Lonely Planet Images and wrote the Lonely Planet Guide to Travel Photography.
(278) Current thinking is that some 4 billion years ago, a Mars-sized object smashed into the proto-Earth, knocking off a chunk of planet that eventually formed into the moon.
(279) This planet, CoRoT-7b, was the first confirmed rocky world outside our solar system, but it doesn't look like a particularly pleasant place to live.
(280) Since plants suck up more of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide than anything else on the planet, understanding leaf veins is an important part of grappling with the global carbon budget puzzle.
(281) ADVANTAGE - The mechanism solves the problem of slipping friction between planet gears and planet gear shafts.
(282) The planet, called VB 10b, was discovered using astrometry, a method inwhich the wobble induced by a planet on its star is measured preciselyon the sky.
(283) Recent images returned from Phoenix are already revealing clues about subsurface ice on the red planet.
(284) Then a couple more to the left, and more to the right, before I finally realised that I was at the centre of a pod of Irrawaddy river dolphins, one of the rarest species on the planet.
(285) Entre Rios has been hailed as one of the finest electro-pop trios on the planet.
(286) Some types, such as marine stratocumulus clouds, can have a significant cooling effect thanks to their ability to reflect sunlight back out to space before it ever reaches the surface of the planet.
(287) Earth was made of embryos like Mars, but Mars is a stranded planetary embryo that never collided with other embryos to make an Earthlike planet.
(288) Although multiple star systems are quite common, this is the first known to have a planet.
(289) "For the time being, the world does not have data that's good enough to claim the planet," said astro-statistics expert Philip Gregory of the University of British Columbia, author of the new study.
(290) The higher intelligences, such as the Elohim creational forces, use this blueprint to project the elements of life into creations such as the planet Earth through a grid system or matrix.
(291) The civilization's political and social upheaval would be unimaginably severe because only a fraction of the global population of planet could be saved.
(292) Any planet in favorable zodiacal state is considered to be benefic, in whatever house it is.
(293) This will be a disorderly planet for a long time.
(294) Mercury is called an "inferior planet" because its orbit is nearer to the Sun than the Earth's.
(295) Lead author Debra Fischer says the planet may resemble Saturn in some ways.
(296) The Martian Chronicles. Ray Bradbury. A collection of short stories focusing on humanity's encounters with the Red Planet and its eerie inhabitants.
(297) If we all send in comments to articles where we name Planet X, will that put pressure on the editors to finally print some articles,() or are they waiting for commands from central powers that be?
(298) In the words of Buckminster Fuller, 'If the success or failure of this planet, and of human beings, depended on how I am and what I do, how would I be?
(299) Carbon dioxide, one of the telltale signs that a planet may be able to support life, has been spotted in the atmosphere of a gas giant orbiting a star 63 light years from Earth.




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