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单词 Seeping
1. Pesticides are seeping out of farmland and into the water supply.
2. Oil is seeping from the engine.
3. Water was seeping out of the tank.
4. His tension was seeping away.
5. Water had been slowly seeping away from the pond.
6. Blood was seeping slowly from the wound.
7. The gas is seeping out of the rocks.
8. Oil is seeping out through a crack in the tank.
9. The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.
10. Death enveloped the world, seeping from boardrooms to battlefields.
11. He felt blood seeping into his shoe.
12. Slowly, though, word is seeping out.
13. We all imagine some invisible sub stance seeping away at death.
14. The rain poured down, soaking their hair, seeping into their collars, dripping off their chins as they kissed.
15. A draft of cool air seeping in around my feet and calves.
16. He staggered back, brushing at the black stains seeping from his wound, and fell off her car.
17. Their voices were feathers, falling leaves, water seeping into its table.
18. The water seeping around the abutment of the Saint Francis Dam was brown.
19. Smoke could be seen seeping in front of the television camera.
20. The techniques of the coffee table brigade were seeping through into academia, which was no bad thing.
21. We shivered; the rain was getting colder, seeping down our backs and numbing our hands and feet.
22. Slowly the offer of bail was seeping into his understanding.
23. Dark was seeping out of the rock and it was difficult to see the steps ahead.
24. Sticky pools and channels of drink were seeping out through the gaps in the floorboards on to the sand beneath the kiosk.
25. It was a telltale sign that water was seeping through the canyon walls, softening the mica shale and conglomerate abutment.
26. I was dying of jealousy for guys whose faces were just cratered with seeping yellow pus.
27. The main problems highlighted by the survey are toxic waste seeping into watercourses and inadequate controls on refuse dumps.
28. The stems were wet and she felt the dampness seeping through her woollen gloves.
29. A faint,[ ] stale aroma like the residue of sweat - the city's stench seeping in.
30. The pit should be covered with paving to avoid soil seeping into it.
1. Pesticides are seeping out of farmland and into the water supply.
31. One small hand, the nails surrounded by gnawed raw flesh, clutched a wad of tissue paper against her seeping eye.
32. It also had a smoking room, which was furnished with one electric light and pressurised to prevent hydrogen seeping in.
33. There has never been any question of nuclear radiation seeping out.
34. There is a sense of all rational control or deliberation seeping away or being under much less deliberative control.
35. The smoke began seeping through the now closed door so Ralph hurried towards the other exit.
36. It was as if his mind was a leaking vessel, his sanity seeping out like water.
37. Juggling work and household chores, I felt ennui seeping into all phases of my life.
38. And what form would the Evil take, as it came seeping through?
39. He felt like he could smell her stink again, seeping into the car.
40. That the turmoil was seeping into the villages disturbed Gandhi especially and he resolved to go to Noakhall.
41. In the meanwhile, restorer Saveli Yamshchikov thinks that some of this war booty is already seeping out of the country.
42. Then she stopped dead in her tracks, the blood seeping from her veins, leaving her stiff and white with shock.
43. As I soaked in the hot pool, I felt the weeks of accumulated tear-gas residue seeping out of my pores.
44. It seemed to be seeping in from all sides, but how?
45. The congealing blood from the severed arteries of the snow-soaked head drenching the carpet and seeping down between the floor boards.
46. Faith in the chairman is seeping away.
47. His power is seeping away.
48. The fumes began seeping through the trains and stations, and pandemonium ensued.
49. The process of leaching depends on the seeping and diffusing velocity of leaching agent and resultant.
50. Breathable shield allows evaporation, yet blocks moisture from seeping to clothing.
51. It was at this time that potters in Yixing in what is now Jiangsu Province in eastern China first created an unglazed teapot made of brown or red stoneware for seeping tea leaves.
52. They used waterproof cement to prevent water from seeping through the roof of the runnel.
53. The shampoo bottle head had been unscrewed and spilled on the floor, seeping into the mat.
54. The images show what appears to be brackish water seeping from beneath the Martian surface.
55. The roof needs mending again, the rain has been seeping in recently.
56. Fungi have a way of turning nasty -- seeping into the bloodstream and invading vital organs.
57. Water has been seeping in these days through cracks in the roof.
58. Maybe I have visitors to have noticed,[] before the tomb anti - seeping.
59. Seeping through the squalid air of the police station, the sour smell of dirt and disinfectant.
60. Engineers said that plutonium could begin seeping from the corroded sub.
61. Rules designed to prevent price-sensitive information seeping between the dealing, fund management and corporate finance operations within the same investment house.
62. The chemicals seeping out as temperatures rise include the pesticides DDT, lindane and chlordane as well as the industrial chemicals PCBs and the fungicide hexachlorobenzene (HCB).
63. Compared with dripping and seeping irrigation, evaporation loss of water from topsoil is the most in furrow irrigation.
64. The US government has ordered BP to submit a plan for reopening its capped well in the Gulf of Mexico amid concerns that oil may be seeping from the ocean floor near the well.
65. That part of stream discharge from ground water seeping into the stream.
66. Chueh - hui could feel the cold seeping into his bones.
67. The century is togs ap For centuries Turks have passed the time seeping that sipping their tea in and coffee with a cigarette.




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