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单词 fame
释义 Word family  noun fame adjective famed famous infamous adverb famously infamously  fame /feɪm/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  FAMOUSthe state of being known about by a lot of people because of your achievements 名声,名誉,名气 He claims he is not really interested in fame. 他称自己对出名真的没有兴趣。of ... fame (=used to show what someone is famous for) 因…出名 Muhammad Ali, of boxing fame 穆罕默德•阿里,著名拳击手 COLLOCATIONSverbswin/gain fame 赢得名气He won fame when he appeared in the film ‘The Graduate’. 他因出演《毕业生》而成名。achieve/find fame 获得名气Amy Johnson found fame as a pilot. 埃米•约翰逊作为一个飞行员而出名。bring/win somebody/something fame 给某人/某物带来/赢得名声Chomsky’s theories about language brought him fame. 乔姆斯基因其语言学理论而闻名。rise to fame (=become famous) 出名She rose to fame during the early Sixties. 她成名于六十年代早期。shoot to fame (=become famous very suddenly) 声名鹊起nShe shot to fame as a result of her victory in the fame (=try to become famous) 追求名声nHe sought fame in the jazz clubs of New York.nenjoy fame (=be famous)The town briefly enjoyed fame as the location of a popular television series.adjectivesinternational/worldwide fame 蜚声国际/全球闻名Edinburgh achieved international fame as a centre of medical education. 爱丁堡作为医学教育中心蜚声国际。nnational fameHer oil paintings won her national fame.lasting fame (=being famous for a long time) 长久的名声nDiderot gained lasting fame as the editor of the French Encyclopaedia.brief fame (=being famous for a short time) 短暂的名声nEd achieved brief fame as a pop singer in the late 1980s.instant fame 迅速获得的名声nThe success of her first novel brought her instant fame.great fame 盛名nHis acting ability brought him great fame.nnew-found fameAnna was finding it difficult to get used to her new-found fame.phrasessomebody’s/something’s rise to fame 某人/某物的成名Her rise to fame has been astonishingly rapid. 她的成名速度快得惊人。at the height of somebody’s/something’s fame (=when someone was most famous) 在某人/某物最出名的时候At the height of his fame, he could earn $5,000 a day. 名声最盛时,他一天能挣5,000美元。somebody’s/something’s claim to fame (=reason for being famous) 某人/某物成名的原因One of his main claims to fame is having invented the electric light bulb. 他成名的主要原因之一是发明了电灯泡。fame and fortune (=being rich and famous) 名和利nHe came to London to seek fame and fortune.Examples from the Corpusfame• The novel's main character has a choice between fame and love.• Be ambitious not for money, not for selfish aggrandizement, not for the evanescent thing which men call fame.• The book is about Bonnie Parker of Bonnie and Clyde fame.• In the 1980s, Stevens found fame and the album was re-released and eventually sold more than 100,000 copies.• Great fame is spread of the matter.• At the height of his fame, it is estimated that 500 million people watched his show.• The prizes in fame and funding are substantial and attractive.• Only a few won any lasting fame.• She came to Hollywood in search of fame.• I take all that fame with a pinch of salt.• He never really achieved the fame and fortune he dreamed of.• So this was what fame is like!of ... fame• Now, at 18, Crowell is a teen-ager poised on the brink of adult-sized fame.• Even here, she can not escape the call of fame.• And the consequences of this fame follow him to the end of the novel.• It was almost a theological hall of fame.• Hall of Fame catcher Roy Campanella, who passed away in 1993.• The Mathers, of coal fame, put theirs into hospitals.• It would hinder persons of ill fame acting in the business from whose ill conduct the public odium had arisen.Origin fame (1100-1200) Old French Latin fama “report, fame”fame noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  a by known of of lot about being the state Corpus




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