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单词 falter
释义  fal·ter /ˈfɔːltə $ ˈfɒːltər/ verb  1  EFFECTIVE[intransitive] to become weaker and unable to continue in an effective way 变弱,衰退 The economy is showing signs of faltering. 经济出现衰退迹象。 My mother’s grip upon the household never faltered. 我母亲对全家人的管束从没放松过。2  WEAK[intransitive, transitive] to speak in a voice that sounds weak and uncertain, and keeps stopping 结巴地说,支支吾吾地说 Laurie’s voice faltered as she tried to thank him. 劳丽想谢谢他,却说得结结巴巴的。 ‘I can’t, ’ she faltered. “我做不到。”她支支吾吾地说道。3  NOT SURE[intransitive] to become less certain and determined that you want to do something 犹豫,踌躇 We must not falter in our resolve. 我们决不能动摇决心。4  PAUSE[intransitive] to stop walking or to walk in an unsteady way because you suddenly feel weak or afraid 〔因突然感觉虚弱或害怕而〕蹒跚,踉跄,摇晃 She faltered for a moment. 她一时踉跄了几步。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfalter• The peace talks seem to be faltering.• If we could cut off these lines of communication, their attack would usually falter.• Langetta faltered as he made his way up the steps.• Laurie's voice faltered as she tried to thank him.• We must not falter in our resolve to end the conflict.• Or consider that some of the nations long heralded as family planning success stories have faltered on the road to re-placement fertility.• Then she faltered on the threshold.• Sad to learn that those self-evident truths, necessary truths, faltered so badly when subjected to rigorous examination.• If that bargain now falters, so may efforts to tighten up the inspection regime that backs up the treaty.• His salacious grin faltered then disappeared and he glared at her, furious with himself for being tricked so easily.• But I couldn't give in; one monster is much like another - once you falter, you're done.Origin falter (1300-1400) Perhaps from a Scandinavian languagefal·ter verbChineseSyllable   Corpus in to become continue unable weaker to an and




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