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单词 faltering
释义  fal·ter·ing /ˈfɔːltərɪŋ $ ˈfɒːl-/ adjective  1  NERVOUSnervous and uncertain or unsteady 踌躇的,犹豫的;摇晃的 a baby’s first faltering steps 宝宝学步时的蹒跚脚步2  becoming less effective or successful 不太有效的;不太成功的 the faltering Mideast peace talks 无甚成效的中东和平谈判 —falteringly adverbExamples from the Corpusfaltering• His faltering authority was demonstrated in December when an extensive Cabinet reshuffle was forced upon him by factional leaders.• Jack drove the car as near as he could towards the station building and switched off the faltering engine.• A sound company in a faltering market may not be worth the price.• This, and faltering output, has meant a rise in unit costs.• The third section looks at the faltering progress towards integrated services.• With faltering steps, the old lady left the office.• These soldiers dogged our faltering steps.• Blood being thicker than water, he repeated, word for faltering word, everything his brother Henry had stated.fal·ter·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  and unsteady nervous Corpus or uncertain




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