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单词 forbidding
释义  for·bid·ding /fəˈbɪdɪŋ $ fər-/ adjective  UNFRIENDLYhaving a frightening or unfriendly appearance 〔外表〕可怕的,令人生畏的forbidding place/land/landscape etc We sailed past the island’s rather dark and forbidding cliffs. 我们驾船驶过,岛上黑森森的峭壁令人望而生畏。 His face was forbidding, even hostile. 他面容冷峻,甚至可以说是带有敌意。► see thesaurus at unfriendly —forbiddingly adverbExamples from the Corpusforbidding• The wood-panelled den looked dark and forbidding.• The main tower of the fortress is nine storeys high and even today looks forbidding.• The trees seemed taller and closer together; the spaces between them darker and more forbidding.• Uncle Fred was an austere and impressive figure, whom some people found forbidding.• At first when you enter, the church seems forbidding and rather a muddle.• The mountains looked more forbidding as we got closer.• The school was a large, rather forbidding building.• To their left was the long forbidding wood with its tangle of trees and stubborn defenders.forbidding place/land/landscape etc• After the meadows they had left, this was a strange, forbidding land.• No animals moved on this forbidding land.• For me a town was a mysterious, rather forbidding place and I was afraid that I would feel very much alone.• She certainly wasn't in this forbidding place by choice.• We are keenly aware that a University can seem a large and forbidding place to those on the outside.for·bid·ding adjectiveChineseSyllable  a frightening or Corpus having unfriendly appearance




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