单词 | Originally |
例句 | 1. The sedimentary rocks were originally reposited in the water. 2. The island was originally circular in shape. 3. Maupin's novels have all appeared originally as serials. 4. The idea originally emanated from his brother. 5. The family originally came from France. 6. Greyhounds were originally bred as hunting dogs. 7. We alone is the best penalty we originally fault how difficult. 8. The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built. 9. Originally paper money could, upon demand, as of right be changed into gold. 10. Zoff was originally dismissed as a crank, but his theories later became very influential. 11. It was Bob who originally put up the idea of the exhibition. 12. Canals in the area were originally built for the carriage of coal. 13. I had a notion that she originally came from Poland. 14. It was originally envisaged that the talks would take place in the spring. 15. After much discussion they settled on the plan originally proposed. 16. They originally asked for $5 million, but finally settled for a lesser sum. 17. Originally released in 1957, the film was remade as "The Magnificent Seven". 18. Originally the builders gave me a price of £2000, but now they say they underestimated and it's going to be at least £3000. 19. His family originally came from Ireland, but resettled in the US in the 19th century. 20. The company was originally an offshoot of Bell Telephones. 21. The novel originally came from a true love affair. 22. The album was originally released in 1974. 23. The company was originally styled 'Imperial Designs'. 24. We started out originally as a taxi firm. 25. Originally(), Hatfield had been intended as a leisure complex. 26. It originally retailed at £23.50. 27. The plan originally proposed was ruled completely unrealistic. 28. The scheme cost a lot more than we had originally envisaged. 29. The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended. 30. I live here now, but I wonder who lived here originally? 1. The island was originally circular in shape. 2. Maupin's novels have all appeared originally as serials. 3. The family originally came from France. 4. Greyhounds were originally bred as hunting dogs. 5. The scheme cost a lot more than we had originally envisaged. 6. The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built. 7. Zoff was originally dismissed as a crank, but his theories later became very influential. 8. It was Bob who originally put up the idea of the exhibition. 9. Canals in the area were originally built for the carriage of coal. 10. It was originally envisaged that the talks would take place in the spring. 11. After much discussion they settled on the plan originally proposed. 12. They originally asked for $5 million, but finally settled for a lesser sum. 13. Originally released in 1957, the film was remade as "The Magnificent Seven". 14. The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended. 15. Originally the builders gave me a price of £2000, but now they say they underestimated and it's going to be at least £3000. 16. His family originally came from Ireland, but resettled in the US in the 19th century. 17. I live here now, but I wonder who lived here originally? 18. We started out originally as a taxi firm. 19. The Franks were originally a loose confederation of Germanic tribes. 20. Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work. 21. It was originally published in the pages of a magazine. 31. She comes originally from York. 32. Atoms were originally thought to be indivisible. 33. New York was originally a Dutch trading post. 34. I come from London originally. 35. The song was originally written by Leonard Cohen. 36. David was originally destined to the bar. 37. The proposal originally emanated from the UN. 38. The valley was originally bridged by the Romans. 39. The school was originally quite small. 40. The novel was originally published in hardcover. 41. France originally refused to sign the treaty. 42. Joe originally hails from Toronto. 43. Her people come from Scotland originally. 44. The building was originally Victorian in design. 45. The building was originally used as a prison. 46. The meeting was originally scheduled for March 12th. 47. The firm originally quoted £6,000 for the whole job. 48. My family come from Scotland originally. 49. The dam project was originally conceived in 1977. 50. The school was originally very small. 51. Originally we were going to buy John's old car, but we thought better of it. 52. It is not known whether the bomb was originally intended for the capital itself. 53. He had originally intended to stay in the country for only a year or two. 54. Originally it was a bedroom, but we turned it into a study. 55. Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece. 56. Central to the operation is a mile-deep well, dug originally to explore for oil. 57. The Franks were originally a loose confederation of Germanic tribes. 58. Originally, we had planned a tour of Scotland but we didn't go in the end. 59. Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work. 60. Greasers were originally so-called because of the grease that they used on their hair and on their bikes. 61. The song was originally a filler on their first album. 62. The government had originally planned to launch the review in June. 63. 75 per cent of the amount originally borrowed is still outstanding. 64. Originally called Lili, she eventually shortened her name to Lee. 65. While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself. 66. Originally the charity was set up to help orphans in urban areas. 67. Japan had originally demanded the return of two seamen held on spying charges. 68. Cosby had originally selected her to co-star in his movie "Leonard Part 6". 69. Israel had originally wanted $1 billion in aid, but compromised on the $650 million. 70. The new claim is directly contrary to what was originally stated. 71. Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones. 72. The company originally intended to reopen the factory with non-union workers. 73. The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans. 74. The city grew up originally as a crossing point on the river. 75. These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep. 76. We originally intended to stay for just a few days. 77. It was originally published in the pages of a magazine. 78. Originally, the coalition planned its own march in Sacramento. 79. The road was originally built by the Romans. 80. The number originally printed is Bertram's free fax number. 81. My ancestors originally came form Ireland. 82. This article originally appeared in the Syracuse New Times. 83. His bail was originally set at $ 100, 000. 84. The Soviet Union was originally founded on Socialism. 85. A melanoma originally diagnosed four years ago had spread./originally.html 86. Genesis was originally fronted by Peter Gabriel. 87. The territory was originally colonized by the French. 88. The estancia originally was called Down East. 89. Using union figures, allowances being paid at the start of this year exceeded the number originally intended by more than 3,000. 90. As noted in chapter 4, its action program originally was based on pamphleteering and letter-writing to persuade anti-Semites of their error. 91. Most health information systems were originally designed to support decision-making at national level. 92. Originally designed as freight ships, these may not be the most glamorous vessels afloat, but are pleasantly spacious. 93. It would take until 2007 to deploy 50 interceptors-about half the number the Clinton administration originally planned for that date. 94. The Finance Ministry originally came up with a plan in 1990 to reduce bond dependency to 5 percent. 95. Here's what the show left out: The rebels originally planned to invade Ulster but bottled out. 96. The Rucksack Club was founded in 1902, originally Manchester based but expanding into branches throughout the country. 97. This word, which was originally borrowed from a Celtic language, has been lost in the modern language. 98. Although originally intended for the trade, most of these now sell quite happily to the home handyman. 99. They were originally concerned that she appeared too aggressive, shrill, and unsympathetic. 100. During the given period of time, exposure to the decisions of others communicates some of the information these decision-makers originally lacked. 101. Prosecutors originally were seeking a 10-month term, with five months to be served in a community center. 102. Ministers lost status and irritated each other as diverse populations tore apart the unity of originally close-knit old towns. 103. Originally I'd hoped to apply for Scale 2 posts ... but there are very few jobs, now. 104. The incubation period almost certainly varies with the number of bacteria originally passed on. 105. The client originally attended the appointment to seek a divorce and sort out her problems with maintenance. 106. This was Goat Island, created of silts and clays that had originally lain on the bottom of the vanished Lake Tonawanda. 107. It was originally a public well, but fell into disuse in the late sixteenth-century. 108. In addition, the name of the girl, originally identified by authorities as Cindy Garcia, is in dispute. 109. Originally, a long, long time ago(), they used a completely different melodic scale to ours. 110. He suspected that was what his father originally had in mind for his golden years. 111. It was a route she chose originally because she did not have enough capital to expand at the rate business demanded. 112. Originally it met in the hall of the local Anglican Church. 113. This representation is decoded into a representation of the same message that the speaker originally chose to convey. 114. That is not the way Alma Cogan originally conceived her lyric. 115. Initial indications are that the basic rocks responsible for the gravity anomaly are more extensive than originally mapped. 115. try its best to gather and make good sentences. 116. Lime was originally shipped as quick-lime and was a particularly dangerous cargo. 117. Such mountain belts develop when the oceanic lithosphere originally lying between two continents is eventually consumed. 118. The squatter settlements originally came into being through illegal land invasions. 119. The donkey is the beast of burden, and windmills, originally used for grinding maize, abound. 120. Noriko's a Japanese citizen, but her parents are originally from South Korea. 121. A further 60 can be used but not sold, while 70 formulations are banned as originally planned. 122. Originally my colleagues and I used to give demonstrations whilst the teacher observed and then tried to copy. 123. Originally, a football team was organised to help alleviate the drug problem by using sports as a cure. 124. Built around the turn of the century, it had been designed originally as a soldiers' barracks. 125. A discovery of Anglo-Catholicism and its devotional power, originally through its fanatical critics, and then fostered by wise friends. 126. Duquette finally completed a deal that was originally suggested by the Philadelphia Phillies during the recent winter meetings. 127. St. Francis of Assisi originally founded the cloister which now encloses a garden and well. 128. This office dated from the twelfth century and had originally been mainly concerned with the administration of the rulers' demesne lands. 129. It is a far more important trip, and important in different ways, than it was when originally planned. 130. Can we go back to using Facebook for what it was originally for - looking up exes to see how fat they got? Bill Maher 131. It was built originally by one of the old wool merchants, who wanted to establish his family as landed gentry. 132. The class had originally chosen a site directly across the highway from the school. 133. Furthermore it can permit coal use in boilers originally designed to burn oil without substantial derating. 134. Obviously, if it ensues from the two variables originally considered, it does not need to be controlled. 135. It was originally the main town gate, built by Matej Rejsek in 1475-:83, and decorated in a marvellously intricate style. 136. Indeed George Stephenson originally envisaged the railway system as an extension of the colliery system. 137. All these spikes evolved originally as a way of preventing predation by larger fish. 138. Initially, Shearman provided lectures and courses within the originally planned twenty-mile radius of Bedford. 139. The fish that originally sold for a penny eventually brought 5000 rupees. 140. Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. Dave Barry 141. Originally I conceived of this book as a series of journeys to sacred places. 142. The Inland Revenue originally wanted the machinery ring to be responsible for tax deductions for such workers. 143. Bankers, applying traditional, time-honored management models, originally saw only automation in the ATM network, however. 144. A weatherboarded flour mill, it was originally supported on open timberwork, but this has been enclosed within a brick roundhouse. 145. Originally decorating the crowns were 150 feathers made of beaten gold, found nearby. 145. try its best to collect and build good sentences. 146. There was a large barn behind the gallery and originally a door at each end, one leading to the house. 147. Turquoise, originally considered a mere by-product of copper mining, was vigorously promoted by Waddell's father, B.C. 148. Originally presented in terms of partial equilibrium analysis, it has been extended in two principal directions. 149. The circle of stones at Stonehenge is thought to have originally been a temple. 150. The payment had originally been due on April 1 but the Toronto-based company had a grace period which expired on Thursday. 151. Originally described: 1775 Colour: The body is predominantly yellow and white with black markings reminiscent of an off-centre chevron. 152. It seemed ironic that at long last I was here, albeit by a very much more circuitous route than originally planned. 153. If the blocks were truly large, as Corb originally envisaged them, then they could become honeycombed hills. 154. Originally, chamber music meant secular music, or that of the court as distinct from that of the Church. 155. The period of language acquisition may therefore be much longer than Chomsky originally thought. 156. The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected. 157. Amato, 54, was a professor of constitutional law, originally from Turin. 158. Originally this means of disposal was performed as an experiment to assess what happened to the radioactive material. 159. There had been twelve of the chairs originally, made in 1750 for an ancestor of ours in Jamestown. 160. Since both CHANike and Christmas were originally winter solstice celebrations, they often coincide and compete. 161. The end result is that both start coasting along in the same direction in which the box was originally moving. 162. Still, there are those who originally chose the law as an opportunity to expedite social change. 163. It will not reach Jupiter until December 1995seven years later than originally planned. 164. Originally(), the AViiON was built exclusively around a microprocessor from Motorola. 165. I originally studied classical cello from age seven until I was fourteen, then moved to the upright bass. 166. Originally a pate was a meat mixture baked in a pastry crust. 167. Originally they remained priestesses for only five years: that is, until they reached marriageable age. 168. Many like Kumar originally went abroad because there was no dynamic economic base in their own country. 169. This originally had two large diameter undershot wheels, both of iron construction with timber floats. 170. Being published, originally, in 1655-73 it is of the greatest importance in connection with ecclesiastical buildings up to that time. 171. These would originally have been topped with a fence of dead wood or a live hedge to keep the animals out. 172. Traffic showed that it can, with its ingestion of a multiple-storyline epic originally shown over several episodes on television. 173. Around 1,000 Leeds supporters were originally expected in Istanbul, but charter flights were cancelled and fans urged not to travel. 174. Built around a courtyard, it originally housed craftsmen, but later became the main market and customs house for Bohemia. 175. The floorboards hadn't snapped( ), as I'd originally thought: they'd gone down into the dock with Harry. 176. Scholes originally developed the theory working with Fischer Black, who died in 1995. 177. Drove roads have wide verges originally to accommodate large numbers of animals on the move. 178. Originally estimated to cost £30 million, the ship was budgeted at £40.8 million and wound up costing £42.7 million. 179. He is originally from the Manchester area but has no current fixed address. 180. He has some electronic equipment originally intended for the language laboratory, which enhances the sound quality. 181. This line had originally been due to open by the end of 1996, but was delayed by the shortage of funding. 182. If it is thin enough you will be able to trace the outlines of a plot originally drawn on graph paper. 183. Originally, they sold back-to-the-land products such as apparel in natural fabrics and wood-burning stoves. 184. The Church of S. Theodora originally belonged to a monastery; large cisterns found in the vicinity give credence to this theory. 185. The building blocks of matter are the atoms which were originally thought to be indivisible. 186. We identified the actions that you originally saw as negative for each person on the management committee. 187. Originally only four patients were classified as having definite Crohn's disease and 15 as indeterminate colitis leaving 62 with ulcerative colitis. 188. Gun Metal A copper based alloy including tin which was originally used for casting cannons. 189. I originally went out to the Far East with the aim of setting up my own import-export business. 190. Pewter A tin-based alloy mixed with copper and antimony, originally having a lead content. 191. Thus the 1893 Act remained largely in the form in which it was originally enacted. 192. They had originally been very clear about not giving land for peace. 193. Yet Rome had originally been no more than just another city state on the western fringe of Hellenism. 194. The 7-year sentence originally imposed was adjudged to be excessive and reduced to three and a half. 195. They come from the alternative left originally, a sector which at its extremes is tinged with violence. 196. Originally built in 1600, the first building on this site was a fortified lookout tower. 197. The Society of Gardeners originally planned to cover all aspects of horticulture in one large work. 198. Originally Word fit quite neatly on a single 400K floppy disk. 199. The owners originally wanted $1000 for the horse, but George managed to beat them down to $850. 200. Originally religion constituted an abiding relationship not only with deity, but even more with place. 201. Kubrick was also responsible for casting Jean Simmons in the film when it became apparent that the actress originally chosen was inadequate. 202. The cell was originally designed to held around twenty inmates. 203. They had met originally when Verrall was writing a biography of Cromwell for which William had done much of the research. 204. And that has worsened the overall ecological crisis that engine efficiency was originally meant to solve. 205. An important additional factor, of course,(http:///originally.html) is whether the items in question originally attracted tax relief. 206. The government originally promised to publish a consultation document on how it proposed to implement the directive by autumn 1992. 207. Originally covered in fresco, the Scenes from the Life of the Virgin in stucco were added in 1664. 208. The company was originally styled Information Workbench and Sippl provided the seed capital. 209. A claimant had a right of settlement in only one parish, originally in his or her father's place of birth. 210. He originally comes from Wexford town and enjoys gardening and reading. 211. The task originally used by Piaget to assess knowledge of seriation of length is a simple one. 212. In the process, the ideas that had originally been expounded by Monnet were substantially modified. 213. It originally extended over the full width of the Railway between the boundary walls. 214. The mill originally had two sets of fairly small stones of approximately 2' diameter, which have not survived. 215. Originally the yarn for the cloth was hand-spun from wool by the crofters of Lewis and was wholly produced in the Isle. 216. The Biblical Commission, originally established to foster biblical scholarship, had been used by Pius X to repress it. 217. Some concrete and clay plain tiles originally intended for roofing can also be used for cladding walls. 218. The company has its own tree nursery, stocked originally with plants grown from seed collected locally. 219. Regional networks evolved from networks that originally connected geographically proximate universities. 220. The initial deposit required by Porsche is 15 percent of the car's retail price, not 20 percent as originally stated. 221. Keeping the Sabbath was originally one of the Ten Commandments because it kept aside time to honour the Creator. 222. Originally charged with aggravated battery, he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of reckless homicide. 223. Originally torpedo bombers first then high level bombers and dive bombers. 224. The patina the bronzes had acquired during burial was much admired, and people assumed that they had originally been patinated. 225. Originally, ancestor-worship and its attendant family structure were confined to the patrician class. 226. Originally it had, perhaps, been moated, though now the remains of Edwardian gardening prevailed. 227. The development was originally envisaged as a private enterprise initiative. 228. The Coach House originally provided stabling for a wealthy rector who lived next door. 229. The doors, which are the finest ancient examples in Rome, were originally gold plated. 230. It was originally inspired by Old S. Peter's in Rome and is a cruciform church with double aisles and seven apses. 231. Originally, there was to be a space for a national emblem. 232. I realise this is higher than originally envisaged but I firmly believe our approach will lead to the best result. 233. Originally, heroes at Apple were the hackers and engineers who created the products. 234. Conventional wisdom did not favor retrofitting to coal use boilers originally designed for oil or natural gas. 235. It was originally thought the contract could be given last year with work starting in late autumn. 236. The machine, which comes in seven standard configurations,() was originally developed for in-house scientific research. 237. Originally expected to be out until August, he is now expected to miss the season. 238. If it had published the full document as originally written, we would know that there are some real nasties in it. 239. It was originally an acetylene light but was converted to propane gas operation in 1963. 240. Truelove and Witt's criteria were originally developed to classify acute disease attacks and therefore do not include a category for remission. 241. But both confess that they originally learned to play guitar and did so from an adolescent adoration of Western pop music. 242. Though originally encouraged to reduce their dependence on civil servants, the soldiers could not govern alone. 243. Inside the brick walls have niches, originally with mosaic covering. 244. Newsome was originally against the plan, but later changed his tune. 245. Originally the depot was to be known as Kirby Hall, in recognition of its dual role as an exhibition hall. 246. Cylinders of acetylene were believed to have gone up in what was originally reported as a simple barn fire. 247. Many of these were accepted during compromise negotiations, resulting in tighter regulations than originally proposed. 248. The Scheme originally began in 1982 when it was funded through City Planning as a training programme for young adults with disabilities. 249. He's a rare well preserved example of a person originally thought to be from the bronze age. 250. The ranch, which was originally bought for $20,000, is now valued at over $2 million. 251. The weatherboarded top was originally supported by the timber trestle, which has since been enclosed within a brick roundhouse. 252. There are towers at intervals for reinforcement and there are eight fortified city gates which were originally richly decorated with sculptural work. 253. Originally constructed with 348 rooms in its 12 stories, Checkers reopened with 188 rooms and a five-star restaurant in 1989. 254. You can do your job and fail to achieve the results that your job was Originally meant to serve. 255. The Arizona primary originally was expected to be a fight between Sen. 256. Sampson applies an evolutionary model due to Simon, originally devised for quite different domains than the present one. 257. Ivy Cottage had originally had much the same ground plan as Rose Cottage. 258. Once requisitioned, vessels originally built for commercial purposes had to be adapted for military ones. 259. A more plausible alternative was the renovation of existing buildings, some of which had originally been solid structures. 260. Wood is empowered to return Milken to prison for up to the maximum 10-year sentence that she originally imposed. 261. Originally North Dalton was a self-supporting agricultural village with farming being the only means of employment. 262. The government probably went further down this road than it had originally envisaged. 263. Attention originally focused on the way caffeine affects muscle contraction and reflexes. 264. Most signs were originally symbols, becoming signs as the original relationships began to fade. 265. Thus most of the sections of the Act originally applied only in the absence of contrary agreement by the parties. 266. But this turns out to be another heated issue,(http://) far more complicated than I originally suspected. 267. The pictograph a mountain was originally three peaks together. 268. Originally a whole book along with Shang Han Lun. 269. Was originally a fine pencil sharpener! 270. His magically dancing legs and sexy hip & waist originally came from the supranatural African instinctual rhythmicity. 271. A recording of a newscast, talk show or other oral presentation originally generated via the radio. 272. Several mind altering drugs were originally developed for non - psychoactive purposes. 273. Originally used for climbing protection by girth - hitching a runner around it and clipping the rope in. 274. The group fails to reexamine those alternatives originally disfavored by the majority. 275. Creating a sustainable deltaic system requires to reestablish the processes that originally created the landscape. 276. The pictograph for a mountain was originally three peaks together. 277. Originally it was the safety valve for a hydraulic plant. 278. A stable spatial soliton originally can be formed in a crystal at given temperature. 279. This caused already to believe originally China's solidifying after learning about went angrily. 280. Design is creation that mankind alteration originally thing, make it change, renovate(http://), and the development. 281. SGML originally came out of IBM, but has had a lot of input from different companies. 282. Scrap: action on a nonconforming product to preclude its originally intended use. EXAMPLE Recycling, destruction. 283. For experimental purposes , scientists originally assumed that photoperiodism worked through photosynthesis. 284. There foundation relatively is quite originally weak , resembles silver spoon to be the same. 285. Originally, this reincarnation is because the human factor to some late. 286. Therefore many inspiration many money wielded sprinkles this originally ordinary wall. 287. Odyssey is an adventure novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1922. 288. A printout giving instructions and narrative as originally prepared and the object code resulting from them. |
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