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单词 perturbed
释义  per·turbed /pəˈtɜːbd $ pərˈtɜːrbd/ adjective formal  WORRIEDworried about something that has happened or will happen 忧虑的,不安的,烦恼的 William looked a little perturbed. 威廉看上去有些不安。perturbed by/at/about He didn’t seem perturbed by the noises outside. 看上去他并未受到外面吵闹声的干扰。perturbed that He was perturbed that she didn’t look happy. 她看上去不高兴,他很担心。 —perturb verb [transitive] My unexpected arrival didn’t perturb him in the least. 我的意外到来一点都没令他感到不安。Examples from the Corpusperturbed• When Fabio did not come home on the Friday night, Rosa was surprised but not perturbed.• She sat looking bored and didn't seem perturbed about the noises around them.• She seemed a little perturbed by these rumors.perturbed by/at/about• Manuel, however, isn't perturbed at all by Wells' tardiness.• Hepatocyte function in disease may be perturbed by degradation of the normal matrix and its replacement with interstitial collagens by activated lipocytes.• They can therefore be perturbed by gravitational interactions with Mars into orbits that directly threaten Earth.• Upper states can also be perturbed by Jahn-Teller distortions.• Sister Marcus had looked perturbed by my night report.• She sat looking bored and didn't seem perturbed about the noises around them.• He was slightly perturbed by this but eventually found it very funny because rehearsals became very convivial.Origin perturbed (1300-1400) Old French perturber, from Latin perturbareper·turbed adjectiveChineseSyllable  about has worried something or happened that Corpus




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