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单词 Tap
1. Tap your code number into the machine.
2. Tap water is usually heavily treated with chemicals.
3. The water was barely dribbling out of the tap.
4. Hang your jacket up by the tap.
5. The water was dripping from the tap.
6. When you want a bath,you turn on the tap.
7. A drip of water fell from the tap.
8. This tap is stiff; it won't turn on.
9. Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap.
10. She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.
11. A sharp tap on the knee usually causes an involuntary movement of the lower leg.
12. The tap won't turn off and there is water all over the floor.
13. Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals, why can't he develop and harness other energy resources?
14. She forgot to turn off the tap, so there was water all over the floor.
15. Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the water.
16. Turn the tap clockwise.
17. Water is running from the tap.
18. She felt a tap on her left shoulder.
19. A dripping tap wastes water.
20. Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.
21. He tried to tap me for a loan.
22. Here the tap water is of doubtful quality.
23. The theatre visits schools to tap young talent.
24. Turn the tap on / off.
25. Brown water gushed out of the rusty old tap.
26. Did you leave the tap running?
27. Tap in your password before you log on.
28. The water dribbled out of the tap.
29. They worried about the purity of tap water.
30. We've got all the information on tap.
1. Tap your code number into the machine.
2. Tap water is usually heavily treated with chemicals.
3. The water was barely dribbling out of the tap.
4. Hang your jacket up by the tap.
5. When you want a bath,you turn on the tap.
6. A drip of water fell from the tap.
7. Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap.
8. She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.
9. A sharp tap on the knee usually causes an involuntary movement of the lower leg.
10. Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals, why can't he develop and harness other energy resources?
11. Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the water.
12. Turn the tap clockwise.
13. Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.
14. He has money on tap.
15. He gave a tap at the microphone before speaking.
16. The detectives put a tap on the suspect's telephone.
17. The tap was dripping.
18. She was always on the tap , borrowing sugar and milk.
19. I have my own word processor and printer at home, so that everything I need is on tap.
20. Tap with the heel of your shoe on the window, and he will let us in.
21. We've got all the information permanently on tap on a computer.
22. Tap the lid down carefully so as not to break the contents.
31. Who left the tap running?
32. I did tap classes as well as ballet.
33. He felt a tap on his shoulder.
34. The top of the tap has come loose.
35. There was a tap at the door.
36. A tap in the kitchen was dripping.
37. He has money on tap.
38. 'I'm thirsty,' she said, turning on the tap .
39. Some bright spark left the tap running all night.
40. Is the tap water safe to drink?
41. She felt a light tap on her shoulder.
42. He gave her a tap on the shoulder.
43. Rinse the vegetables under a cold tap.
44. Don't leave the tap running.
45. I rinsed the mud out under the tap.
46. He gave a tap at the microphone before speaking.
46. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
47. I washed my hands under the kitchen tap.
48. The tap is dribbling water.
49. Tap in your PIN number.
50. There was a little tap at the door.
51. The detectives put a tap on the suspect's telephone.
52. He felt a light tap on his shoulder.
53. They heard a tap at the door.
54. Brown water spewed from the tap.
55. We have this sort of information on tap.
56. The water came out of the tap in spurts.
57. Turn the tap on and check for leaks.
58. We should tap natural resources.
59. There was a light tap at the door.
60. The hot water was springing out of the tap.
61. Someone has left the tap running.
62. Tap water is never chemically pure.
63. This tap turns easily/It's easy to turn this tap.
64. I still haven't got round to fixing that tap.
65. The tap was dripping.
66. The government hopes to tap new sources of employment in the area of health.
67. The water ran cold when I turned the tap on.
68. He thought that being an actor only involved tap dancing and playing the fool .
69. The police had put a tap on his phone line.
70. Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and there's water everywhere.
71. He rinsed the teapot out under the tap, to get rid of the tea-leaves.
72. The pub has two sorts of beer on tap .
73. You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water.
74. You should connect the hose to the tap and then turn on the water.
75. The advantage of group holidays is company on tap but time alone if you want it.
76. He rigged a rubber hose to the tap in the kitchen.
77. Tap water also contains varying amounts of rust and grit.
78. I turned the tap on and ran some cold water on the burn.
79. The song's so catchy it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet.
80. She was always on the tap , borrowing sugar and milk.
81. The tap is running.
82. Tap your cheeks all over with the pads of your fingers.
83. Avoid drinking the tap water when you first arrive in the country.
84. He ran the tap until the water was really hot.
85. The water came out of the tap in short spurts .
86. The movie seems to tap into a general sentimentality about animals.
87. You have to run the tap a long time before the hot water comes.
88. The Campbell Soup Company says it will try to tap into Japan's rice market.
89. You must have left a tap running in the bathroom.
90. I put my head under the tap and let the cool water run over me.
91. I have my own word processor and printer at home, so that everything I need is on tap.
92. Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use.
93. The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones.
94. There's a tray under each tap to catch the beer slops.
95. Tap with the heel of your shoe on the window, and he will let us in.
96. Tap each one firmly on your work surface to settle the mixture.
97. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round.
98. It's not easy to tap a nail into the wall.
99. We've got all the information permanently on tap on a computer.
100. Tap the lid down carefully so as not to break the contents.
101. Working in a library as I do, I have all this information on tap.
102. I might be able to tap my father for a loan.
103. A tap on the door interrupted him and Sally Pierce came in.
104. We need to tap the expertise and skill of the people we already have.
105. I'll just rinse the lettuce under the tap.
106. I wash it every Saturday,[] under the hot tap.
107. B Two litres of tap water and herbal teas.
108. I could hear my heart tap against my ribs.
109. Does the tap water meet government health standards?
110. Tap water splashed into a basin.
111. Drill and tap to suit your sender unit.
112. Turned on a tap: hot water!
113. You like a nice wash under the hot tap.
114. But how to tap this priceless resource?
115. They develop mainly in fresh tap water, especially if it contains a high percentage of calcium salts.
116. Sink mixers have divided flow so that the hot and cold water do not mix until they have left the tap.
117. It was supposed to be bottled water, but Converse knew for a fact that the porter filled it from the tap.
118. The bread should sound hollow when you tap the bottom.
119. He did, first of all, tap on the flat door but then, receiving no response, opened it.
120. Building a brick oven is one way to tap into that worldview.
121. For forty minutes Diana, dressed in a black leotard, went through a routine that combined ballet with tap dancing.
122. You know Franco has a little tap hanging down under his tummy?
123. God, our Creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential strength and ability. Prayer helps us tap and develop these powers. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
124. The flow from the tap stops - and there may be hissing or bubbling noises as well.
125. He knew how to change the washer on a tap, and make pastry, and mend a bicycle puncture.
126. I felt a slight tap on my right foot, it was the Commando lying next to me.
127. Waiters offer a selection of waters to drink, served on a silver tray, but only the tap is free.
128. Tap dance classes were not an enjoyable experience for a shy and introverted child.
129. It can be undone. Memory jogger Keyboard: tap the Del for Delete key smartly but with caution.
130. He had barely registered this fact when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
131. Add cold tap water to cover the ingredients by 1 inch.
132. We don't wish to alarm people unnecessarily, but it would be wise to avoid drinking the tap water here.
133. All of them with a tap root deep in history and branches lost in mysterious mist.
134. Always move the deleted column at once, otherwise you may lose it from the Scrap. 8 Tap Ins for Insert.
135. Melissa heard the sounds of a dustbin lid being replaced and the running of a tap as Eleanor washed her hands.
136. Pour hottest tap water into the larger baking pan to a depth of 1 inch.
137. He thought it was a phone pest until police collared the culprit with a phone tap.
138. But many business groups and some unions would welcome the ability to tap a large pool of legal workers.
139. A whole succession of prairie branches was built to develop settlement and to tap the furthest reaches of the grain-growing areas.
140. Cops in twos and threes huddle[Sentencedict], lightly tap their thighs with night sticks and smile at me with benevolence.
141. The choreography is fairly basic but lively, with bits of tap, soft shoe, swing and rock.
142. Suppose a warrant is granted to tap the telephones of an organization which is planning a march or demonstration.
143. Patients drank a bottle of magnesium citrate each night and also received tap water enemas until the return was clear.
144. Tap in place with the club hammer handle and check with a spirit level as work progresses.
145. I used to tap dance, high kick, do splits, pull my legs up at the back of my head.
146. I suspect all doctors must learn how to turn charm on and off like a tap.
147. She turned on the tap and gave a whoop of delight as water cascaded forth, hot and plentiful.
148. They also enable you to tap into otherwise pretty inaccessible international markets.
149. He thought that being an actor was tap dancing and playing the fool.
150. The cold tap dripped into the stone sink at long, regular intervals.
151. After giving massage, hold your hands under a running tap.
152. I let two more minutes pass then tap Des on the shoulder.
153. But there is a third hand on tap helping to protect their dream - that brilliant puppeteer Ray Harford.
154. Flexible copper pipes are supplied with plain ends(), with solder ring fittings or with tap connectors.
155. If we can tap it successfully - our future is in safe hands.
156. If you tap something made of good glass, it should keep ringing for quite a long time.
157. But as she washed her breakfast cup and saucer and rinsed them meticulously under the cold tap, she was anxious.
158. Nevertheless, I do admit relishing its other benefits, particularly water on tap.
159. Do you know what's in your tap water? By law, your water company must tell you if you ask.
160. They're members of Wendy Jeffery's tap dancing class, and they just can't kick the habit.
161. Memory jogger To cancel a command before completing it, tap Esc for Escape.
162. Also, if you become totally and permanently disabled, you can tap your retirement savings at any age without penalty.
163. Hasn't anyone told Mrs Thatcher that bottled water can cost a thousand times as much as water from the tap?
164. I look up at the ceiling and tap my foot when my father and I argue, and this makes him furious.
165. If your tap water is of doubtful quality then you must be prepared to remedy the situation or use rain water instead.
166. Replace the taps To fit the new mixer tap follow step 2 in reverse.
167. And how pleasant it was to have some one to spoil, thought Agnes, running the tap.
168. An alternative method is to attach an electric drill water pump attachment to the tap.
169. In a test last year, tasters preferred London tap water to bottled mineral waters.
170. Now you could don solid-sequined tap shoes to hoof with Rosie and her tap team on an electronically amplified stop sign.
171. He immediately ordered a spinal tap that confirmed polio, and she was moved to the floor for contagious diseases.
172. If necessary use a metal bar to increase the leverage, then repeat for the further tap.
173. Off the room was a bathroom with a bucket, a shower tap and a cement floor.
174. The software that allows consumers to tap into the Net from their phones comes from Unwired Planet.
175. The door opened after a brief tap and the wench with the cardboard box came in.
176. Mrs Lowyer turned to look at him and saw him lean forward to tap out the pipe in the ashtray.
177. The bedroom lock is insecure and only one hot tap on a swivel trickles into both bath and basin.
178. She stretched to manipulate the hot tap with her toe.
179. Dole is now expected to tap a new source of campaign financing: the Republican National Committee.
180. There was a tap at the window, through the curly apertures in the lace.
181. Meanwhile, though rumours of a Spinal Tap sequel are exaggerated, the band do plan a London concert this summer.
182. Clean the surface Remove any old sealing compound which may be present on the bath close to the tap fixing.
183. When I turned on the tap a brownish liquid came out.
184. They pick through trash, poke through mail and tap into sophisticated computer databases in search of the elusive money trail.
185. I am stopped mid-anecdote by an imperious tap on my shoulder.
186. Every night I come in and tap dance in costumes.
187. Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient.
188. If a tap is dripping from the top when turned on the cause is probably failed packing or a failed O-ring seal.
189. There were several plates of tap as on the table between them and Dale had a large glass of red wine.
190. If developing countries tap existing sources for money to improve communications, then there may be less cash for other projects.
191. In taps, replacing the tap washer and tightening the gland nut will both contribute to stopping water hammer occurring.
192. Lawmakers and independent experts have expressed differing views on whether Gingrich can tap his well-stocked campaign fund to pay the recommended sanction.
193. Given the quality of much tap water in recent years this point should be borne in mind when considering keeping this fish.
194. The idea is to reach outside the Beltway to tap business and political leaders for ideas and insights.
195. They had, like, no shit, forty different kinds of beer on tap.
196. The most likely reason that waste pipes have frozen is because you have a dripping tap.
197. He could hear three clocks ticking and a tap in an upstairs room dripping.
198. Fit the solenoid valve to the water tap - note the arrow on the body which indicates the direction of water flow.
199. Dip a quarter-of-an-inch of the rooting end into hormone rooting powder and tap off the excess.
200. He screwed up his face as the hot water from the kitchen tap scalded his hand.
201. To the crowd in the tap bar he had seemed no different from any other young contender down for the Sports.
202. His lips were only inches from hers when Rosa's tap at the door made him lift his dark head.
203. Both tap the opinions of fashion and interior designers and make predictions several years before the colors hit the market.
204. The soft[], perished feel of the old washer which rubbed black on your fingers as you took it out of the tap.
205. Where, in brief, was tap dance on the eve of millennium?
206. The Inca Atahualpa, as we have seen, kept virgins on tap throughout the kingdom.
207. On the one hand this provides an excellent opportunity for the group to tap into a wide diversity of views.
208. She apologizes because there seems to be no hot water coming out of the hot tap.
209. If teachers tap into this they plug into a powerhouse of emotional - and potentially intellectual - energy.
210. The center also offers tap and ballroom dance classes, yoga and Chairobics, which is a low-impact exercise program.
211. These last two organizations are alliances of many of the organizations previously mentioned though they also tap new members.
212. She ran the water out of the basin and held her wrists under the cold tap until they were numb.
213. Branch lines were arranged to tap either mineral resources or new areas of settlement.
214. She filled the kettle from the freshwater tap, then took a box of chilled orange juice from the well-stocked ice-box.
215. And black patent leather tap shoes covered her most famous toes, which nobody realized yet were famous.
216. Also, this technique requires the use of a contrast medium, in this case, tap water.
217. Hides and footpaths give close views and there are listening posts and a tap rail for handicapped visitors.
218. And there is no way of checking that bottled water is any cleaner than tap water.
219. Great idea: before grating orange or lemon peel, run the grater under the cold tap to prevent sticking.
220. He has this lovely pixie body and whips off complicated tap routines in the Astaire and Gene Kelly styles - amazing.
221. For under-sink installation it is essential to use the purpose-designed hot tap supplied by the heater manufacturer.
222. Water changes, with high nitrates in your tap water, are therefore less effective than they might be.
223. The parasites have transferred from cattle into reservoirs and thence through the tap.
224. Choose products with natural ingredients instead. the impurities frequently found in tap water.
225. Still, you never know when the moving finger might tap you on the shoulder.
226. After a short time had passed he began to tap his foot on the kerb impatiently.
227. From a tap penalty the forwards drove in short bursts,[] and then took the ball wide to Joe Roff.
228. However, it is recognized that other tasks may well tap other aspects of plural reference.
229. Once the pack is empty, another tap is turned on to send water to the rinsing nozzle inside the container.
230. On tap alone, for instance, there are eight brews, with plenty more available in the bottle.
231. And she said Tipper had quit the newspaper business finally but would be on tap, and he was.
232. Some plants have a prominent main or tap root, from which rows of fine lateral roots grow.
233. Tap dancers as entertainment falls somewhere between colonic irrigation and embalming.
234. I heard a tap, and Lila's face appeared at the window.
235. Steve was beside her, leaning across her to turn off the tap.
236. Do you get just a little sort of tap for a white lie but minced up for murder?
237. He turned his head at a slight tap on the door.
238. Place the rice in a colander and rinse well under the cold tap until the residue salt has been washed away.
239. Shearer beat the offside trap and squared the ball for Mitchell to tap in. 3-1 to Town.
240. Only two sounds disturbed the silence - a fly buzzing desultorily against the window, and a tap dripping into the sink.
241. There must be a whole shelf of books claiming to tell you how to tap the right brain.
242. The walls are veined with rose and polished beryl - An ichor that you don't know how to tap.
243. The new tap should be provided with a sealing washer or gasket.
244. And if our drinking water looked cloudy, we just let the tap run longer.
245. The lord began to tap his foot and beat time with his hand against his thigh.
246. He had scarcely had time to draw the curtains when there was a small, familiar tap at the door.
247. If you're filling the pond with tap water, allow seven days for any chlorine to disappear before planting.
248. The burette is placed in water and the air pressure equalised by opening and closing the tap.
249. I filled a kettle with water from the outside tap and put it on to boil.
250. So you let the words flow faster than beer on tap.
251. Cisterns were belching and gurgling near by and a tap on the wall dripped into a bucket with a deep musical note.
252. When the ravens tap, tap, tapped on the window at daybreak I was not happy.
253. Only tap Enter to start a new paragraph, after a heading, or to execute a command.
254. Sandra: I turned a tap on and damped it down.
255. Put a taP on that telePhone and a bunCh of Barq's Root Beer in the refrigerator.
256. Choose your moment, then tap the space bar to sneeze.
257. Nevertheless, many experts believe that real potential exists to tap into islands of savant intelligence.
258. But when the tap ran freely, water was squandered, and - inevitably - stopped.
259. Chestwood Park Service staff, not tap water signs to the Museum of History and park management.
260. So you think you can help their tap find our spam files?
261. The plumber screwed up the tap by means of a spanner.
262. Operation, control positions in order to tap the main varieties of stagflation.
263. Tap the album to display the shuffle, repeat, and scrubber controls.
264. How to retrofit a off - load - tap - changing transformer into a on - load - tap - changing one?




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