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单词 Bourgeois
1. He had a petit bourgeois mentality.
2. It's a bit bourgeois, isn't it, joining a golf club?
3. They've become very bourgeois since they got married.
4. The princess was ostracised for marrying a rich bourgeois.
5. He described the film as 'middle-class, bourgeois horseshit'.
6. The princess was ostracized for marrying a rich bourgeois.
7. She came from a respectable bourgeois family.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. That was the way bourgeois society valued a man.
9. Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.
10. He's accusing them of having a bourgeois and limited vision.
11. He thought they might infect others with their bourgeois ideas.
12. She rejected her parents' conventional bourgeois lifestyle.
13. She despised the bourgeois mentality of the professional class.
14. These lackeys of bourgeois criticism can yap in vain.
15. Bourgeois tragedy properly belongs to an age of science.
16. It failed to foster an independent, bourgeois culture.
17. Many of the politburo members had married good bourgeois ladies or fashionable actresses.
18. She enjoyed so many bourgeois pleasures, and yet she loathed the thought of settling for them.
19. In bourgeois society, the professions hover on the margin between tradesmen and gentlemen.
20. It was a gala performance of Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme in the presence of the king.
21. He went on and on about the iniquities of bourgeois oppression.
22. The result was either docile acquiescence to the hegemony of bourgeois culture or schizophrenia.
23. In their view, Spengler diagnosed the main historical trends of human society and accurately predicted the fate of decaying bourgeois society.
24. These unhealthy trends needed to be corrected, he warned, and students firmly guided away from the false ideals of bourgeois liberalism.
25. It is obvious, argues Cutler, how suitable these characteristics are for the needs of bourgeois society.
26. These would no longer be parasitic, completely dependent on bourgeois society and playing no productive role.
27. Zhao was also accused of encouraging the spread of bourgeois liberalization and personal corruption.
28. Was it not his father who had implicitly argued a case for the moral uprightness of bourgeois culture and bourgeois education?
29. Thirdly in the eyes of the regime, victory demonstrates the superiority of Marxist ethics over the bourgeois variety.
30. Between the two, liberalism continued its life, formed its many governments, and practised its bourgeois wisdom and egotism.
1. He had a petit bourgeois mentality.
2. He went on and on about the iniquities of bourgeois oppression.
3. It's a bit bourgeois, isn't it, joining a golf club?
4. The princess was ostracised for marrying a rich bourgeois.
5. Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.
31. Their use many centuries later in sentimental comedy or bourgeois tragedy was purely artificial.
32. Both the bourgeois ideology and the proletarian false consciousness are products of particular social relations present in capitalism.
33. Embourgeoisement was irreversible; and the new bourgeois Britain could be governed successfully only through a bourgeois state.
34. I also found it hard to deal with the petty bourgeois outlook of all but a few of the girls at that private school.
35. The bourgeois family model with its breadwinning husband and dependent wife and children was thus believed to secure male work incentives.
36. The task, in short, was to use bourgeois culture against the bourgeoisie.
37. Unconsciously perhaps Jeanne was seeking to free herself from her narrow and oppressively respectable bourgeois family.
38. This, I said, would prove his commitment to overcoming his inbred bourgeois morality.
39. Could it be that the bourgeois educational system was flawed?
40. Self-improvement and upward mobility became suspect in the general Sixties backlash against bourgeois materialism.
41. The inhabitants are known for being bourgeois, inward- looking, and conservative.
42. But the age of bourgeois triumph was precisely not one of revolutions nor even popular mass political movements.
43. Gramsci also acknowledged the dynamism of bourgeois individualism, but advocated a redirection of that energy to mass culture.
44. From 1927 onwards, the objective was no longer solely not to be a loser by achieving bourgeois academic success.
45. It is clearly a bourgeois drama and takes place in an upper middle-class home in the environs of London.
46. The second source of error is the preoccupation with repression as the task of the agencies of the bourgeois class.
47. Still, the existence and even reinforcement of the ideal-type bourgeois family in this period is significant.
48. We consider bingo in Plaistow. Fringe theatre in Islington is too bourgeois.
49. You have failed in your attempt to convince me of the coincidence between the bourgeois and the human.
50. Pius remained implacably opposed to the assumptions of liberal bourgeois civilization.
51. The rich peasant was not a bourgeois, and neither was the white-collar employee.
52. The Tories' overwhelming victory in 1987 appeared to set the seal upon the triumph of bourgeois capitalism.
53. The crucial point is that the structure of the bourgeois family flatly contradicted that of bourgeois society.
54. It is also appropriate therefore, to theorise lawyers as organic intellectuals of the bourgeois class.
55. They all tried to get into his good graces, even writers who wrote for the bourgeois papers, even the Hebraists.
56. The mid-Victorian bourgeois was swathed in garments, leaving little publicly visible except the face, even in the tropics.
57. The degree of capitalist development implied the momentum of a bourgeois revolution.
58. Bourgeois ideology takes over the legitimizing functions of traditional society and thereby keeps power relations inaccessible to analysis and public consciousness.
59. At the pleasure of a couple of bourgeois we get a world war, in which twenty million people die.
60. Check any narrow-minded seriousness at the door with your urban trench coat and get ready for an absolute annihilation of bourgeois civility.
61. And yet here was his father on the brink of suicide destroyed by a bourgeois system that he so admired.
62. The problem was the aristocratic aestheticism that the court nobility had bequeathed to Viennese bourgeois culture.
63. Three hundred years later his house was remodelled by another successful bourgeois - this time a wealthy Oxford brewer.
64. Increasingly, the socialists declared that they saw the republic as a Bourgeois stepping stone in a transition to a socialist regime.
65. Harold Steptoe, for all his bourgeois dreams, was fated to live in a rag and bone shop.
66. The process favors, is even indispensable for, the development of a national bourgeois state.
67. And the gap which separated them from the bourgeois world was wide - and unbridgeable.
68. In her view(http://), it was bourgeois women who were most oppressed by social definitions of female purity.
69. They never married because they believed that marriage was a bourgeois institution.
70. The Bourgeois Gentilhomme was one of many enterprises in Chelsea which survived entirely by selling antiques to each other.
71. All avant-garde movements were anti-bourgeois and yet all were assimilated by the structures of bourgeois society.
72. Marx distinguished two classes, bourgeois and proletarian, based on the ownership of the means of production.
73. The Giral government, consisting entirely as it did of bourgeois Republicans, was increasingly irrelevant to the new situation.
74. Was it not his father who had resolutely argued a case for the necessary acquisition of bourgeois culture in order to succeed?
75. One of the clearest indications of the trend of modern capitalism has been the erosion of bourgeois democracy on a world scale.
76. Thus his social psychology assumes the traditional bourgeois family structure as a norm.
77. For the man-about-town of the 1890s betraying concern at owing money to tradesmen was bourgeois, boring and absurd.
78. They contain elements of both worker and bourgeois class positions.
79. The gap between the knowledge of. the skilled worker and bourgeois technician has virtually disappeared or been greatly reduced.
80. This statement is often regarded as a curious relic of the values of bourgeois culture.
81. Other identifications - whether with feminism, the gay community, independent activist organisations - are derided as bourgeois and self-limiting.
82. But later on she did not seem to have any contact with feminist organisations, which the labour movement dismissed as bourgeois.
83. Tensions in the relationship between trade unions and the Labour Party arise from their different locations within bourgeois society.
84. But like the protagonists in a Bunuel film, the Ballards are very bourgeois thrill-seekers.
85. Britain had at last experienced the long-awaited, long-delayed bourgeois revolution.
86. Non-classical literature is an unpleasant, disquieting literature which refuses to allow the sophisms of bourgeois complacency to go unchallenged.
87. Amateurism provided a bridge between the old world of aristocratic values and the new one of bourgeois exertion and competitiveness.
88. Financial crisis made many petty bourgeois become grass roots.
89. Petty - bourgeois fanaticism can be good for you.
90. His privileged bourgeois family insisted on a good education.
91. The French Revolution was inspired by the bourgeois.
92. Petty - bourgeois sentiment should be done away with.
93. He had a petty bourgeois streak in him.
94. But the struggle against bourgeois liberalization has not ended.
95. Ambition for personal gain egged the bourgeois careerist on.
96. The Apple Tree; dual personality; pity; chivalry; romantic; bourgeois.
97. Or do you mean modern bourgeois private property?
98. Revisionism is one form of bourgeois ideology.
99. Even take the word burgher or bourgeois.
100. But in essence the struggle against bourgeois liberalization is a long - term task.
101. China's middle class( ), China is a collection of petty bourgeois intellectuals.
102. The images of the petty bourgeois intellectuals in DING Ling's early novels are analyzed and described.
103. The two-folded characteristics of Faustus, his spirit of constant pursuit and exploration represent the image of the enlightened intellectuals when the bourgeois was on its raise.
104. Oscar Wilde's kitsch typically reflects the distortion of aesthetic modernity which is confronted with the repellence and the assimilation of bourgeois modernity.
105. It gets all the time the assail of bourgeois scholar.
106. Centered around city of Shanghai, the exhibition meanders through a series of experiences: from Nongtang culture, Shanghai style, materialism and petit bourgeois sentiment.
107. Contemporary stereotypes of the bourgeois a grasping philistine ought to therefore be nuanced.
108. The element axiology of bourgeois economics, effectiveness axiology is wrong.
109. Therefore, during the procedure of criticism, they pointed out the inconsequence of traditional bourgeois democracy.
110. Essentially, the bourgeois view of justice showed the relationship among wills and contracts in the field of commodity exchanges, which separated principle from practice, form from content.
111. The Sublation of traditional people-based thoughts is realized by this kind of new people-based thoughts and It is a logic inheritance and innovation of the west bourgeois democratic theory.
112. So we've brought him along today to see how even these emigre Russian aristocrats and bourgeois can still scrape a living!
113. The absence of "master" in the Chinese contemporary literature and short of "classics" result from the peasants consciousness, and the petty bourgeois sense and short of "noble spirit".
114. Research on this issue will provide references for our investigation to the spiritual history of these bourgeois liberalist intellectuals.
115. Bourgeois individual emerged on the historic stage in a brand-new appearance in the 18th century. Rameau's Nephew was one of them.
116. The petty bourgeois crushes the intellectual and becomes the urban status spokesman.
117. C. even though many of those wines carry the quality of a Medoc Cru Bourgeois or a Saint-Emilion Grand Cru.
118. I'm a petty bourgeois.
119. Therefore we should always remain sober-minded and vigilant, resolutely resist the corrosive influence of the life style of capitalism and the tendency of bourgeois liberalization.
120. Bourgeois believes the war on terrorism has taken a toll on King's nonviolent vision.
121. Yang Yu lin was a famous bourgeois democratic revolutionist and propagator.
122. They belong, says the Communist Manifesto, to a group "of bourgeois ideologists who have raised themselves to the level of comprehending theoretically the historical movements as a whole."
123. Xiucai : Please. what period is it now, there isn't such a petit bourgeois book.
124. But Chi Li who considers herself to be"petty bourgeois"displays certain sympathy in Wuhan writing.
125. The struggle against bourgeois liberalization will last for at least 20 years.
126. The bourgeois and comfortable Watteau dress had a straight cut and fell loosely over the hoop skirt.
127. Eventually evolved into the concept of equality, "equality before the law" has been established as the bourgeois rule of law an important principle, and the Constitution of the form.
128. a traditional bourgeois family.
129. The refined love in the cavalier literature indicates the immorality of the privileged stratum and demonstrates the bourgeois ideological sprout which embodies the progressive aspect of history.
130. Unfortunately, petty bourgeois intellectuals in China, the inherent weakness of the doomed fate of their frustrations. 100 years later, what do we see?
131. Belief in bourgeois values, such as high rates of house or long-term lease ownership and jobs which are perceived to be " secure."
132. The abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeois independence, and bourgeois freedom is undoubtedly aimed at.
133. Post - war British Labor Party is mainly composed of workers to pursue left - wing parties bourgeois reformism.
134. After lunch, a rather mortifying family tradition. They do things differently in bourgeois bohemia.
135. Listing 1 shows a set of guitars that luthier Dana Bourgeois makes; notice that each type element contains an ID attribute, which specifies the guitar type.
136. If it does not mean bourgeois despotism,[] then there is no sense to it at all.
137. Bourgeois, whether Conservative or ultra - democratic , vied with one another in heaping slanders upon him.
138. The French Revolution, for example, abolished feudal property in favour of bourgeois property.
139. Strictly speaking, China's bourgeois democratic revolution was begun by Dr. Sun Yat - sen .
140. After the suave political irony of Before the Revolution, Bertolucci's triumphant return to his hometown of Parma brings us subtle and snide satire on human nature and the bourgeois family.
141. He looks at the world through the eyes of both an urban petty bourgeois and a modern intellectual who has received western education.
142. Ever more petit bourgeois, consumerist and fascistic, the tele-stupefied country has lost all awareness of culture and language.
143. A retrospect of its history involves first of all three external critic views: materialist dialectics, theory of historical process and theory of petty bourgeois thoughts.
144. On what foundation is the present family , the bourgeois family, based?
145. The rampant spread of bourgeois liberalization may have grave consequences.
146. The bourgeois sees in his wife a mere instrument of production.
147. The bourgeois papers cried up the book for reasons of their own.
148. Even though he was a petty - bourgeois writer, ghastly, uninspired, who only wrote for a petty - bourgeois readership.
149. The whole history of primitive accumulation can be seen as the production of the working class by the bourgeois class - in a class struggle which produces capitalist conditions of exploitation.
150. But many petty - bourgeois elements had joined them under compulsion or had been duped into joining.
151. The child was dressed as a National Guardsman, owing to the insurrection, and the father had remained clad as a bourgeois out of prudence.
152. With China's rapid economic development, China's petty bourgeois intellectuals in the number of rapid expansion and that they must have the political and economic rights.
153. He says he is petty bourgeois but actually he is bourgeois.
154. Don't care the cigar bourgeois ( Sigmund Freud ) . Proletarians of all countries, unite!
155. That was mainly because of the impact of the old feudal tradition and additionally of superficial propaganda of democracy by the bourgeois clerisy. Rome was not built in a day.
156. They had seen neither the bourgeois nor the brioche .
157. After such an idealized process, dandy became the 19th century bourgeois ideology,( ) anti-intellectual image of the most representative.
158. They think of nothing but money, money, money. And so goddamned respectable, so bourgeois!
159. Orwell's revulsion against imperialism led not only to his personal rejection of the bourgeois life-style but to a political reorientation as well.
160. The serf, in the period of serfdom, raised himself to membership in the commune, just as the petty bourgeois, under the yoke of feudal absolutism, managed to develop into a bourgeois.
161. Only one factor contradicted the cultivated bourgeois image - Georgos'hands.
162. Bourgeois, whether conservative or ultrademocratic, vied with one another in heaping slanders upon him.
163. He is the Oxford-educated barrister with unabashedly bourgeois tastes who led the Labour Party to three victories over Conservative rivals of humbler upbringing.
164. Or if I can put the case for them slightly anachronistically, these are two sons of the upper bourgeois who feel degraded by the mendacity and hypocrisy of the world they see around them.
165. As the leader said, revisionism and the bourgeois way of life are cousins , so to speak.
166. That's the one, chickpea. I hope that (unintelligible) doesn't frighten him off. -Clean yourself up, you bourgeois pig.
167. There he stands, the snobbish, educated, petty bourgeois, an utter coward, soaked from head to foot with distrust and contempt for the masses.
168. Overriding all opposition, he followed a Right - opportunist petty - bourgeois policy.
169. It can only be socialist democracy, people's democracy, and not bourgeois democracy, individualist democracy.
170. The French Revolution of 1789 heralded other bourgeois revolutions in the 19 th century.
171. In its social origins putschism is a combination of lumpen proletarian and petty - bourgeois ideology.
172. Uprisings, while proving popular intrepidity, also educated the courage of the bourgeois.
173. Like the English political turmoil of the 17 th and 18 th centuries, the American revolution was bourgeois.
174. Russia did not join in the bourgeois revolution, and there appeared absolutely Tsarism, autarchy, terror, individual superstition and police country after its revolution.
175. The bourgeois. e is. sure to corrode people and aim its sugar-coated bullets at them.
176. Meanwhile, it ensured the private property clearly sacred and inviolably, reflected the essence of the bourgeois.
177. Nowadays there are two ways of concluding a bourgeois marriage.
178. Situated on the way to the ski resorts, the hotel is reminiscent of the typical architecture of Savoy bourgeois mansions.
179. It was probably just a wild idea of Chao Po - tao's, reinforced by American bourgeois megalomania.
180. But let us have done with the bourgeois objections to Communism.
181. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson rejected "bourgeois" ornamentation when they designed the Seagram Building in New York City.
182. I saw people satisfied with the stagnation which is unproductive, uncreative -the bourgeois type who never struggles to be above the surface or falls below it and so feels its weight.
183. Faust was a bourgeois intellectual influenced by the thought of the Enlightenment.
184. The government had to be on the watch for any ideological trend towards bourgeois liberalization.
185. Such petty - bourgeois individualists always look coldly from the side - lines at the people's cause.
186. Lo Lung - chi asked, how could little proletarian intellectuals lead big petty - bourgeois intellectuals?
187. In the Windy City, people can still live in a centre that runs from bourgeois to bohemian to brutal within a few blocks.
188. In China, bourgeois liberalization means taking the capitalist road and leads to disunity.
189. Those novels pandered to the low tastes of petty bourgeois readers.
190. Li Genyuan was a famous and influential bourgeois revolutionist of Yunnan Province.
191. The complainants are always from some citified bourgeois outsider with a plane ticket out who decries the destruction of village lifestyles.
192. Paine was an outstanding ideologist extreme bourgeois democratic revolutionarist and theorist of the 18 th century.
193. The worker approaches questions from the socialist standpoint; the peasant's viewpoint is petty bourgeois.
194. In essence it is the howl of the die - hards for bourgeois despotism.
195. One is the bourgeois revolution led by the emerging property-owning middle class that the new law will help.
196. Bourgeois Socialism attains adequate expression , when , and only when, it becomes a mere figure of speech.
197. It reveals the selfishness and hypocrisy of the upper bourgeois and praises Boule de Suif's sacrifice through various attitudes of different classes in France.




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