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单词 Murky
1, The light was too murky to continue playing.
2, She threw it into the river's murky depths.
3, The large lamplit room was murky with woodsmoke.
4, She had a decidedly murky past.
5, He had a somewhat murky past.
6, The law here is a little bit murky.
7, The laws on intellectual property are murky.
8, Rain poured down from the murky skies.
9, She gazed into the murky depths of the water.
10, London's streets, murky with November fog.
11, The river was brown and murky after the storm.
12, The truth about your murky past is safe with me — my lips are sealed.
13, He became involved in the murky world of international drug-dealing.
14, I don't want to get into the murky waters of family arguments.
15, At the end of the movie his murky past catches up with him.
16, There has been a murky conspiracy to keep them out of power.
17, The conversation got into the murky waters of jealousy and relationships.
18, Clinton trod on to murky terrain.
19, Multi-dimensional scaling can help to clear the murky waters.
20, But the final result always remains murky.
21, They whizzed and flew and darted into murky comers.
22, The future of digital music is a bit murky.
23, He found himself walking slowly through narrow and murky slum streets flanked by tall tenement houses.
24, As we flew into the airport,[http:///murky.html] we could see a murky yellow smog hovering over the city.
25, In the last two chapters of the book, she enters the murky waters of male sexuality.
26, People still exhibit articles for sale on the quayside for visiting cruise ships, but boys no longer dive into the murky waters.
27, Catfish of several species do so and appear to be calling to one another as they move in murky water.
28, Written just a few summers ago, on one of those murky, briny twilights on the island.
29, Water that was clear and alive with wildlife as recently as the late 1940s is now murky and almost lifeless.
30, Without these guideposts, the view deep into the year has grown very murky.
1, She threw it into the river's murky depths.
2, The large lamplit room was murky with woodsmoke.
3, She had a decidedly murky past.
4, The truth about your murky past is safe with me — my lips are sealed.
31, Other regulators seemed likely to applaud the proposal for making more transparent the often murky world of derivatives.
32, He also found five fish swimming in murky water in an old bathtub.
33, Lakes and tree-lined streets dominate the rest of Hanoi, built along the murky Red River.
34, Generally it grows well in subdued light, as its habitats are murky, clay-saturated rice-fields and rivers.
35, Pollutions which are high in suspended solids make water appear murky and leave deposits on the beds and banks of watercourses.
36, Prune was pregnant again and wore a murky green long woollen smock.
37, To his left wing he could see the great blackness of the Park, lit only occasionally by murky yellow lights.
38, Crumbling bollards sprouted from the broken pavement that surrounded several hundred square yards of murky water; warehouses hemmed in the dock.
39, My torch showed small bubbles in the murky water on the base of the pan.
40, A fish that comes from slow-moving often murky waters is unlikely to appreciate bright lighting or turbulent filtration.
41, By afternoon the atmosphere seems translucent blue, like some murky view must have looked through a Silurian sea.
42, Determining motivation in any human endeavor is a murky matter, but two motives stand out: making money and making law.
43, The committee is struggling to sort out the facts on a number of murky issues.
44, The Aceh deal should also illuminate the murky political scene in the Indonesiancapital.
45, The train passed a fire station, a brewery, and over the wide murky river.
46, At this murky hour the luxurious hotel had a seedy, spiritless air, matching our mood.
47, He drained his cup and stared for a moment into its murky bottom for inspiration.
48, She simply sipped from her glass and stroked her scalp and watched the murky night.
49, To venture into such murky waters claiming scholarly privilege, the scholarship must be beyond reproach.
50, Moorhens, mallards, grebes and a heron work the murky water for their evening meals.
51, He walked from there, up barren gray streets, streetlamps painting the sidewalks a murky bronze.
52, Well stirred by seals, Amos Lake was too murky for direct productivity comparisons with the other lakes.
52, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
53, If you thought that science was invariably characterised by clarity of vision you may have found the quantum world unexpectedly murky.
54, A last desperate attempt to escape into the murky waters.
55, I would be chary of anything caught in these murky waters.
56, But then our conversations took a dive into the murky waters of sexuality and jealousy.
57, A man needed special experience and insight to work true meanings out of certain murky remarks.
58, His sins are still murky enough to prevent his enemies from full enjoyment of triumph.
59, The fact that the definitions of these terms are extremely murky can inpart be traced to the notion of pertinent effects.
60, Lights were on on the Kingston road bridge soaring over the murky river.
61, There is an eerie stamp of disaster about this wind-thrown entanglement in the murky half-light of night water.
62, A single sinuous shape, shedding milk light, moved in the cold, murky water overhead.
63, It stood out like a beacon in that rather murky period.
64, A murky mist of smog obscured the view of the city.
65, These same fishkeepers then wonder why their aquarium water is for ever murky and their fish losses high.
66, It is a murky field at best, and the practical difficulties in the Viet-namese environment were daunting.
67, Disjointed thoughts kept floating to the surface of his sick mind from somewhere deep within its murky depths.
68, It was a foggy, chilly day, without sunshine so the sea was murky and opaque.
69, The photo is a grainy collage of blacks and whites, with dots and lines scratched across the murky background.
70, This is useful if you fly by night or live in murky waters.
71, These lights danced across the surface of a murky body of water which the travelers named the Central Sea.
72, This proclamation was like the first peal of a surcharged thunder-cloud, clearing the murky air.
73, With that very murky background, what could he do?
74, the murky borderland between history and myth.
75, Second, good trades often look murky at entry time.
76, This murky sort of business would scandalise any country.
77, It happened at Stamford Bridge one murky November afternoon.
78, An outcast, the Gungan spent his time in the Naboo swampland, surviving on raw shellfish or just about anything else that the murky ecosystem had to offer.
79, Analysts estimate that those investments alone account for at least half of Yahoo's market value and most of its growth, and a sale would leave a U.S.-focused Internet has-been with murky prospects.
80, Aquarium assistant Mike Batt said: "I could see he was dead the moment he arrived because the water was murky."
81, What made you drag up that particular episode in my murky past?
82, Simon Mann, who goes on trial in Equatorial Guinea today[ ], is an Old Etonian adventurer who has spent most of his decidedly mixed career in the murky world of special forces and mercenaries.
83, What historiographical points have been particularly interesting, or contentious, or murky?
84, Play with a murky sky over a dark earth frenziedly , do self thing , go to bed then attentively first!
85, A water truck wet down the street to give life and sheen to those surfaces which otherwise would have been murky, featureless blacks.
86, Before this, because real estate transaction murky, Commercial bank's personal loan growth is slow.
87, But finding the best balance transfer credit card can sometimes be a murky affair.
88, Mexican marine biologist has discovered a new shark species in the murky depths of Mexico's Sea of Cortez , the first new shark find in the wildlife-rich inlet in 34 years.
89, He paints an otherworldly , murky scene of dread in the cemetery where lightening flashes and thunderroars.
90, Murky: More than deeply colored; lacking brightness, turbid and sometimes a bIt'swampy.
91, From a base colour of murky green-grey emerge what appear like flat knives or spears, layered on top of one another and streaking across the canvas from right to left like a dirty neon chevron.
92, The western half of the sky had by now grown murky.
93, Murky by nature, cybercrime losses are difficult to categorize. That helps keep them hidden from the public eye by companies leery of publicizing breaches in corporate security.
94, The water in the river became murky and dirty after the typhoon.
95, Second, with these policies growing with a vengeance, any Western victory on the renminbi would be pyrrhic as Western firms could be subject to greater murky protectionism by the Chinese authorities.
96, Chuck's vast cricket plans don't and he vanishes under murky and ultimately grisly circumstances.
97, In a few months Gome has gone from an example of extraordinary success, as it served China's pent-up consumer demand, to an example of the murky and fragile state of Chinese business.
98, Synopsis :The murky street, the faintly headlight, a pair of migration's canvas shoe,[http:///murky.html] all of them make the night unpeaceful and turbulent.
99, Whatever debt they hold (and detail here is murky) is with local banks, many of whom are under political and social pressure not to tighten the screws.
100, Spokesmen often justify the government's murky behaviour by reference to the awfulness of the Tigers.
101, The path was altogether indiscernible in the murky darkness which surrounded them(Sir Walter Scott.
102, Murky looking, the Dark River's appearance iscaused by dust obscuring background starlight, although the dark nebulacontains mostly hydrogen and molecular gas.
103, Imagine the air you are breathing OUT is a murky Grey, full of toxic waste.
104, The creature it belonged to ploughed against the current for a while, and then disappeared. It had presumably returned to its haunts in the murky, peaty depths of the lake.
105, Investors need to get to the bottom of the murky pools.
106, As in Nalchik, events proceed from a murky but combustible mix: separatism, grudges, vendettas, territorial disputes, a history of war and mass deportation, and growing Islamic extremism.
107, The private wealth - management business has always been rather murky.
108, On lucky Ruddy season performance murky, therefore absented this summer's European Cup.
109, That leaves a strip-mined quality to the shores, which stretch for hundreds of feet down to the lake's murky, chocolate-colored waters.
110, Before this year room rendezvous, the market quotation is in a murky time obviously.
111, After the market continued murky one year, everybody psychology was very frail.
112, He indicates has the confidence, the Vyse Fielder London Shop can undergo "this murkiness , next time murky and under next time murky".
113, Without clear-eyed, informed journalism about sexuality, the public runs the risk of seeing sex-related issues through a murky scrim of ignorance and biased attitudes.
114, In the domestic real estate market murky situation, comes in the US to throw the line to undersell in the Chinese property.




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