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单词 Deliberate
1) Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 
2) Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour. 
3) Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. 
4) Deliberate slowly, execute promptly.
5) She has a slow, deliberate way of talking.
6) Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.
7) The attack on him was quite deliberate.
8) He told us a deliberate lie.
9) He is deliberate in speaking.
10) The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government.
11) We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.
12) The omission of her name was not a deliberate act.
13) Can you pick out the three deliberate mistakes in this paragraph?
14) Deliberate slowly,(http:///deliberate.html) promptly.
15) He refused to bow to the Queen, in deliberate breach of etiquette.
16) This was a deliberate piece of misinformation.
17) He was deliberate in his speech and action.
18) We should deliberate what to do tomorrow.
19) I think there was deliberate concealment of relevant documents.
20) His actions were clearly the result of deliberate calculation.
21) He did it in a deliberate manner.
22) That was a deliberate misquotation of what I said.
23) Government sources denied there had been a deliberate cover-up.
24) He approached her with slow, deliberate steps.
25) This was a deliberate attempt to sabotage the ceasefire.
26) Eisenhower saw the action as a deliberate snub.
27) We had no time to deliberate .
28) His movements were gentle and deliberate.
29) He was accused of deliberate provocation .
30) His cancellation of the concert was seen as a deliberate snub to the organizers.
1) Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.
2) The attack on him was quite deliberate.
3) He is deliberate in speaking.
4) The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government.
5) His cancellation of the concert was seen as a deliberate snub to the organizers.
6) We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.
7) The omission of her name was not a deliberate act.
8) Can you pick out the three deliberate mistakes in this paragraph?
9) He refused to bow to the Queen, in deliberate breach of etiquette.
10) His actions were clearly the result of deliberate calculation.
11) He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt.
31) an act of deliberate self-destruction.
32) She spoke in a slow and deliberate way.
33) The German move was widely seen as a deliberate snub to Mr Cook.
34) His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate.
35) He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt.
36) It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident.
37) He was sure that the casualness of the gesture was deliberate.
38) The old man stood up in a very deliberate way and left the room.
39) The deliberate cruelty of his words cut her like a knife.
40) The jury took five days to deliberate on the case.
41) It's not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.
42) It is a deliberate,(http:///deliberate.html) nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.
43) It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than of an accident.
44) Some women make a deliberate choice to rear a child alone.
45) He got sent off for deliberate handball in the 32nd minute.
46) The company engaged in a deliberate effort to cheat them out of their pensions.
47) There seems to have been a deliberate silence from the newspapers.
48) Her refusal to attend the dinner is being seen as a deliberate snub to the President.
49) You should deliberate over the question before you respond to it.
50) Every magician has a trick that goes wrong, but you can turn this to your advantage by pretending it was deliberate and making the audience laugh.
51) From her slow, deliberate speech I guessed she must be drunk.
52) We took a deliberate decision to indulge in a little nostalgia.
53) It is not necessary to deliberate on each one.
54) The company's been accused of deliberate provocation.
55) This structure often requires a deliberate effort to maintain.
56) Gregory might have made a deliberate choice.
57) Not at all, it was a deliberate decision.
58) This was a deliberate attempt to deceive the public.
59) Even the deliberate discords were music to her ears.
60) There is a deliberate flatness in his expression.
61) This was a very deliberate decision on her part.
62) These developmental changes in perspective and technique were deliberate.
63) It was a deliberate attempt to mislead the voters.
64) It was a sober and deliberate decision.
65) The crooked smile was fixed and deliberate.
66) Instead of sighs and accidents there was pointed and deliberate abuse.
67) The arrival of man-made instruments represented the supplanting and indeed deliberate transcending of nature by human values.
67) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
68) Henry Fitzhugh aims for a deliberate mix of obscure or up-and-coming artists with the glitterati of the art world.
69) She employed a relentless, deliberate, upward emotionalism that would have left Norman Vincent Peale feeling mild depression.
70) As he neared me his steps became more deliberate until he was in slow motion.
71) And since acquisition depends on communication, your deliberate delivery will impede your progress in learning the language as well.
72) There was a grotesque inventiveness, a deliberate eccentricity in the idea of the cuckoo clock that Melanie had never encountered.
73) Poirot, always deliberate and methodical, made a list of all the possible suspects.
74) Deliberate learning situations have to be constructed if we want to pin causes down and further our grasp on the world.
75) He concealed his identity with such success that his desire to remain hidden was probably deliberate.
76) Make a deliberate effort to develop enjoyable leisure activities and hobbies.
77) We ask students to write essays under examination conditions, with the deliberate aim of familiarizing them with these conditions.
78) Harvard thought a more deliberate program guided by a new black-music department would be more effective.
79) The enterprise of science consists in the proposal of highly falsifiable hypotheses, followed by deliberate and tenacious attempts to falsify them.
80) J.B. Yes, but yes it was a deliberate act on my part to be respectable.
81) Bats too criss-crossed the liquid air with a more deliberate motion, like water-beetles.
82) Over and over again he would read out my favourite stories, sometimes with deliberate mistakes for me to correct.
83) Therefore it is easy to assume that this must be a deliberate, callous attempt to inflict hurt.
84) He told the Guardian that he believed senior management took deliberate steps to hush up the dangers.
85) I knew it was a deliberate attempt from the word go to bring the band down.
86) What began as a misunderstanding quickly became a deliberate deception on the part of the network.
87) I had never done him any harm, yet I seemed to be the object of a deliberate campaign.
88) They also denote deliberate obfuscations deriving from Dada and Surrealism.
89) Towards the end she watched him peel an apple with deliberate care.
90) We should have a law which prevents deliberate cruelty to animals even if those animals are wild. 3.
91) The rapid fire of questions was deliberate, she knew, designed to scare her into blurting out the truth.
92) From the economy's viewpoint, resources devoted to lobbying the government or maintaining deliberate over-capacity may also be largely wasted.
93) The place did have a very deliberate clean, didn't it?
94) It was intended as a mark of possession - passionless, deliberate.
95) He had carried out a deliberate act causing unnecessary suffering and cruelty.
96) Its very imperfection is powerful testimony of its ancient history, a history of step-by-step change rather than of deliberate design.
97) This should have been a deliberate policy on your part.
97) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
98) Was the incident the result of some deliberate action on your part?
99) The Beginnings of Agriculture Writers on early human culture offer different times and places for the beginnings of deliberate planting and harvesting.
100) This deliberate emphasis on the young people's unreliable and hurtful past relationships poses a dilemma for residential workers.
101) It was a deliberate attempt to prevent the truth from being known.
102) He or she may have emotional problems that result in occasional deliberate binges but that is not necessarily alcoholism.
103) His abrupt style seems to represent a deliberate technique for saving time and avoiding confusion.
104) The legislation also provides a deterrent against deliberate neglect of historic buildings.
105) There seem to be three main reasons why employers take a deliberate decision not to consult.
106) The extraordinary thing is that reviewing isn't done more often as a systematic deliberate process.
107) It should be pointed out that a deliberate knock-on can still be penalised by a penalty kick.
108) The obvious talking point after the game was the deliberate knock-down by David Campese, which prevented the ball reaching Rory Underwood.
109) Private pension scheme tax concessions grew as part of deliberate policy.
110) You can also use the spelling checker to identify and correct deliberate spelling mistakes made to speed text entry.
111) The Hashemite regime neglected the West Bank as a matter of deliberate policy.
112) What effect would a deliberate attempt to change this image have?
113) Substantial sums have been spent in the deliberate search for medicinal plants, and they have seldom been rewarded.
114) This must be a deliberate decision on the part of Benetton, in order to complement their slogan.
115) A deliberate shift of focus for health promotion could encourage people in their 20s to give up smoking.
116) For the record Twentieth-century Old Masters Joni, deliberate counterfeiter or creative artist?
117) But the difference really shows in the deliberate attempt to abandon traditional forms of school discipline.
118) He slid his cheek against hers and, moving with delicious deliberate slowness, he kissed her on the lips.
119) As Rostov watched, he seemed to make a deliberate effort to compose himself.
120) He hadn't made a deliberate decision to keep her out of his private and professional life.
121) Judge Mallet wisely decided to postpone his ruling until September 13 in order to give himself time to deliberate on the matter.
122) He knew that Sharpe's insults were more than mere anger, but a deliberate provocation to a duel.
123) The motion to continue proceedings on the bill was passed by 319 votes to 316 with seven deliberate Conservative abstentions.
124) She used her childhood name and indulged herself in deliberate misspellings.
125) Rape as an act of war-a conscious, deliberate act of war.
126) Here again he is adopting a course of confrontation, a course of deliberate challenge to established authority.
127) The child was very deliberate in her approach to relationships.
128) Accidental failure of electricity or gas supply not caused by the deliberate act of the supply authority.
129) The State Department has cited these findings as evidence of deliberate attack.
130) Deliberate assistance to economic growth went hand in hand with administrative reform aimed at channelling its profits firmly into princely treasuries.
131) But law enforcement officers are deliberate -- and frequent -- targets.
132) He saw it as a deliberate insult to the Church(Sentence dictionary), a kind of Satanic Cross on the hill.
133) It is not a deliberate, self-conscious activity, but a natural process that takes place unconsciously.
134) His Cabinet's threat to resign was a deliberate move to bring matters to a head.
135) Worse was to come when no less a person than Khomeini called for their execution should the deed prove to be deliberate.
136) His deliberate act was in fact obstructing the police who were making a lawful arrest, and that was sufficient mens rea.
137) I believe this was a deliberate attempt to mislead the court.
138) There have also been cases of deliberate neglect of property in order to force tenants out of the building.
139) Which of these are deliberate displays is sometimes debatable, but horses certainly act on them.
140) The least they did was to adopt a laissez-faire attitude or one of deliberate non-interference so that the women felt free of pressure.
141) Are the workers' losses of income and economic security natural or unnatural, planned or unplanned, deliberate or unavoidable?
142) The second has caused much confusion, some of it deliberate, which has plainly rubbed off on Mr Dalyell.
143) Planned towns were deliberate attempts to exploit the economic possibilities of a site; and like any other investment could go wrong.
144) Hughes kept moving at a deliberate pace, turning right and left to give his benediction.
145) It is a deliberate artifact of culture, and is socially constructed in myriad ways.
146) We are virtually certain that this incident was a deliberate provocation.
147) The role of general practitioners in the assessment of deliberate self-poisoning has so far received very little attention.
148) Although inaccurate statements sometimes are found, Love said no one has yet been convicted of deliberate falsification.
149) Some developing countries have a deliberate policy to keep their poor people uneducated.
150) I suspect that the unattended team is deliberate: a calculated suppression of Myrtilos.
151) This is so unexpected when it is encountered for the first time that it feels like a deliberate deception.
152) We got about half-way across the reservoir before neatly capsizing, in a slow and deliberate way into the ice-cold water.
153) There is a danger of leakages and the deliberate dumping of radioactive material, with potentially catastrophic results for the environment.
154) In some situations this can lead to deliberate fudging of issues soas to avoid controversy.
155) This deliberate gathering of detailed information for teaching is termed diagnostic assessment.
156) A few panes of glass were broken during that time, but by accident rather than deliberate action.
157) Cirasola's style was very different from Perry's slow, deliberate manner of speaking.
157) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
158) The senior departmental heads were familiar with their systems and experienced in detecting and preventing errors, both deliberate and accidental.
159) There was nothing conscious or deliberate about my decision, if indeed it can be called a decision at all.
160) This is no accident; it seems likely that it results from a deliberate policy decision taken somewhere on high.
161) There is no doubt whatsoever that this expansionism was a deliberate and carefully controlled policy.
162) And there is no doubt that some large companies do have a deliberate policy of delaying payments well beyond the agreed credit terms.
163) They have, in effect, invested in excess capacity, though whether this was deliberate or accidental is harder to judge.
164) Firstly, there is a deliberate effort made to provide courses that are vocationally relevant.
165) Then they are supposed to return to closed session to deliberate over punishment.
166) In the beginning, the linguistic plight of the Negro slave was deliberate policy.
167) My deliberate actions are means to ends, and are defended in debate by proving them adequate to the ends.
168) Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in. Napoleon Bonaparte 
169) His deliberate action caused her to wonder nervously what his intentions were.
170) FBI agents believe Thursday's power failure was a deliberate act of sabotage.
171) The rule is probably inapplicable to a deliberate release of the thing, the cause of action in that situation being trespass.
172) There were deliberate attempts to develop elements of both high and popular culture in music, poetry, dance, and games.
173) The word unbelief is usually used of a wilful refusal to believe or of a deliberate decision to disobey.
174) It would be shameful and alarming if the United Kingdom professed a deliberate intention to contract out of recognising that difference.
175) Unlike the lost sheep and the lost coin, the son is lost through his own deliberate choice.
176) The story of that day unfolds in a way that is delicate, deliberate and emotionally telling.
177) It was all very deliberate, keeping the interrogators' faces dark against the bright window, and it made Maxim grin.
178) David Tindle observed him suddenly turn on his young men in a deliberate attempt to wind them up.
179) Here, as in other areas, we see ecology emerging from a deliberate revolt against the evolutionary morphology of earlier decades.
180) This was not a musical, and there were no deliberate dangers or daredevil stunts.
181) Despite her tiredness her movements were deliberate, unhurried, and self-absorbed; like a cat.
182) Apprised of this, the Friendship crew discounted it as a deliberate attempt to mislead them.
183) A deliberate attempt was made in 1966 to make assistance known and acceptable, when it became known as supplementary benefits.
184) Deliberate and unhurried, he tried them one after another in the lock under the white, nineteenth-century china handle.
185) And a man to whom she had just thrown down a deliberate challenge.
186) On short putts crouch a little more and be quite deliberate about the stroke itself.
187) In at least one case there was a deliberate policy decision not to involve the University.
188) Her hair was too short to fall far across her face, so Edward could see her expression,(http:///deliberate.html) tender and deliberate.
189) Since then I have refused to subscribe to the view that there is something malevolent or subconsciously deliberate about forgetfulness.
190) This is not to belittle deliberate training, for without wood there can be no flame.
191) All this is commonly done without any demonstration of verbal consciousness or deliberate reflection.
192) The irregularities of this kind in Braque's work of 1908 are much more conscious and deliberate.
193) It's got to the point now where everyone thinks everything we do is just deliberate shit, us causing a disturbance.
194) I was day-dreaming when the phone rang, looking at an old woman sweeping the courtyard with deliberate rhythmic strokes.
195) Throughout its range of 2 octaves it is capable of infinitely varied coloration and texture, from silky velvet to deliberate ugliness.
196) We fired again, taking deliberate aim, and were rather surprised that it was unnoticed.
197) He definitely meant to be rude -- it was quite deliberate.
198) The danger is tne new system could encourage the deliberate fishing for small fish.
199) Confronted by this direct and deliberate challenge, the United States has apologized.
200) Demanding that opposition victories in Nov. 17 municipal elections be respected, the protesters created deliberate gridlock.
201) This kind extrapolation is worth deliberate.
202) This is a deliberate attempt to circumvent my authority.
203) An instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing.
204) Her words carried the ring of deliberate provocation, challenging the Islamists to put a fatwa on her and raise a sword to behead her.
205) I must say, I am trying to live my life with a sharpie marker approach. You can't erase the strokes you've made, but each step is much bolder and more deliberate.
206) The majority opinion acknowledged the violation, but held that there was no proof of "deliberate indifference" to civil rights.
207) " In life courtesy and self-possession, and in the arts style, are the sensible impressions of the free mind, for both arise out of a deliberate shaping of all things" (William Butler Yeats).
208) Rather, his subtlety shows itself in his deliberate concealment of it, in the ways in which he masks himself in obviousness.
209) The research object in the present study is the deliberate use of evasive answer in interview conversations.
210) The US Navy did not consider the event a case of deliberate harassment, CNN reported.
211) Things are different in the case of the cool and deliberate serial killer, who knows the criminality of his deeds yet continues to commit them.
212) Note that using this non-discriminatory silence truncation method removes any screenplay beats (deliberate silences) you have inserted, so such beats are best inserted after this process.
213) If said misrepresentation can be shown to be deliberate, the marriage contract is also immoral.
214) A similar lift-off happens on "10 Mile Stereo", when the song shifts from its deliberate opening bars to its rushing and noisy main section that's as close as Beach House have come to true shoegaze.
215) This hop - by - hop definition of Upgrade was a deliberate choice.
216) Apple's claims about RIM products appear to be deliberate attempts to distort the public's understanding of an antenna design issue and to deflect attention from Apple's difficult situation.
217) Comrade Chen Zufen speaks the raw material montage below the collection extemporarily into mayor of a book, can serve as art of leader cadre speech to undertake deliberate for the reader.
217) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
218) To curse God here means to abandon God, take leave of God, as a deliberate sin.
219) Heavyset, deliberate in her movements , she took something from a table and moved from sight.
220) Is this another case of deliberate semantic ambiguity that may serve special financial interests?
221) Mr. Tan and Xiao Lang, the other fired strike leader, suggested that the trainee system is a deliberate way to allow factories to pay workers less than the minimum wage.
222) His highly trust on language, his deliberate ambiguity and contradiction of his works and his meticulously created image of actor reflected the uncertainty of modern lives.
223) You can, therefore, nail any talk about sending armies to Europe as deliberate untruth.
224) Diagnosis and therapy experience of serious drug deliberate self-poisoning patient with acute renal insufficiency are reviewed in the article.
225) Secretary - General Kofi Annan said was a deliberate assault on a clearly marked ( UNIFIL ) observation post .
226) Behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald , with deliberate knife - slashes marking their bodies.
227) We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press.
228) But because there is very little research on deliberate childlessness, I thought I would poll childless-by-choice women online from all over the country to find out their reasons for the decision.
229) She was apparently doing so in a deliberate and unimpassioned manner, with a view of making the best of it.
230) It involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other deliberate injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural or non- therapeutic reasons.
231) Among the six, two will stand trial for illegal trade in guns and ammunition as well as the destruction of police evidence, and three will be tried for deliberate destruction of property.
232) About government sector and enterprise, should strengthen deliberate and over.
233) Facing west on the skywalk, one can enjoy a deliberate framed view of having conversation with the local community.
234) The fringes of the pundIt'set have already been intimating that these tainted - food incidents are deliberate.
235) She was apparently doing so a deliberate and unimpassioned manner, a view of making of it.
236) The floweriness returns floweriness, also unmanned cherish from fall to, throw a house alongside road, deliberate but BE, heartless have already think.
237) It is best to establish second - generation orchards on a deliberate step - wise time scale.
238) This was not a mere empty vaunt , but a deliberate avowal of his real sentiments.
239) Turkey has said the numbers are exaggerated and the deaths not deliberate genocide.
240) The third line usually brought in new material and a new musical tone to create a deliberate contrast and effect, thereby giving the music a new momentum.
241) Therefore, we in translation time should deliberate carefully, discrete processing.
242) I believe that you sober up, you will forget everything. To deliberate or is forgotten.
243) The professor took a long, deliberate drag on his fivecent cigar.
244) That's a deliberate snub right back at Palm, especially since Apple qualified it by saying an IM app running push only reduced the iPhone's stand-by time by 23%.
245) It was a deliberate act of stealing. He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts.
245) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
246) When they entered the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, the Vietnamese described the desolation of that city, and spoke of the deliberate mass murders, the forced evacuations.
247) Under deliberate oxygen potentials the thermodynamical equilibria in the system iron silicate slag-white metal-copper are investigated.
248) Below this major premise, a lot of people arrange ward in house place most inside more devious perhaps room, this is worth deliberate really.
249) A 2009 report issued by the Royal Society of London defines geoengineering as "the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change.
250) Worrying mentality is a kind of mental state that people treat society and lives with rational, wide views and deliberate temper under the prod of the sense of mission and obligation.
251) The sentiment behind the utterance is undoubtedly a sincere and genuine one, free of any deliberate intent to patronise, but it was patronising nonetheless.
252) 40 years later scientists proved that the Piltdown man was a deliberate attempt at paleontological fraud.
253) According to the show's site "200 Adult Men Who Were Molested Come Forward" would air on Friday, November 5 but Harpo insists it was not deliberate.




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