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单词 excuse
释义 Word family  noun excuse adjective excusable ≠ inexcusable verb excuse adverb inexcusably  ex·cuse1 /ɪkˈskjuːz/ ●●● S1 verb [transitive]  1  excuse me spoken a) REPEATused when you want to get someone’s attention politely, especially when you want to ask a question 劳驾〔用于礼貌地引起他人注意,尤其是发问时〕 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum please? 劳驾,请问去博物馆怎么走? b) SORRY/APOLOGIZEused to say that you are sorry for doing something rude or embarrassing 对不起 Oh, excuse me. I didn’t know anyone was here. 噢,对不起,我不知道这里有人。 c) LET/ALLOWused to ask someone politely to move so that you can walk past 借光,借过〔用于礼貌地请求别人让路〕 Excuse me, could I just squeeze past? 借光,请让我过去一下好吗? d) LEAVE A PLACEused to politely tell someone that you are leaving a place 抱歉〔用于礼貌地表示要离开〕 Excuse me a moment. I’ll be right back. 抱歉,我失陪一会儿,马上就回来。 e) DISAGREEused when you disagree with someone but want to be polite about it 请原谅〔用于礼貌地表示反对〕 SYN I’m sorry Excuse me, but I don’t think that’s what he meant at all. 请原谅,不过我认为他绝对不是这个意思。 f) American EnglishSORRY/APOLOGIZE used to show that you disagree with someone or are very surprised or upset by what they have just said 请原谅,很抱歉〔用于表示不同意某人的意见或对其所说的话感到意外或不快〕 ‘You’re going to pay, right?’ ‘Excuse me?’ “你来付钱,对吗?”“你说什么?” g) especially American EnglishREPEAT used to ask someone to repeat something that they have just said 请再说一遍 SYN pardon me ‘What time is it?’ ‘Excuse me?’ ‘I asked you what time it is.’ “现在几点了?”“对不起,你说什么?”“我问你现在几点了。2  forgive 原谅FORGIVE to forgive someone for doing something that is not seriously wrong, such as being rude or careless 原谅〔某人的小错〕 I’ll excuse you this time, but don’t be late again. 这次我原谅你,但别再迟到了。 Please excuse my bad handwriting. 请原谅,我的字写得不好。excuse somebody for (doing) something Please excuse me for being so late today. 请原谅,我今天来得太晚了。 Smith can be excused for his lack of interest in the course (=his lack of interest is reasonable). 史密斯对这门课不感兴趣是情有可原的。 RegisterIn informal situations, people often say sorry about …, sorry for doing ... or sorry I … rather than asking someone to excuse something: 在非正式的场合中,人们常说 sorry about ...,sorry for doing ... 或sorry I...,而不说请某人excuse somethingSorry about my handwriting. 对不起,我的字写得不好。Sorry for being so late, or Sorry I’m so late. 对不起,我来得太晚了。3  from a duty 免除责任LET/ALLOW to allow someone not to do something that they are supposed to do 免除〔某人〕的责任be excused from (doing) something Can I be excused from swimming today? I have a cold. 我今天能不游泳吗?我感冒了。n Grammar Excuse is usually passive in this meaning.4  explain 解释REASON to be or give a good reason for someone’s careless or offensive behaviour 为…开脱;给…找理由 Nothing can excuse that kind of rudeness. 什么也无法为那种粗鲁行为开脱。5  from a place 离开某处LET/ALLOW to give someone permission to leave a place 准许…离开 May I please be excused from the table? 我可以离开饭桌了吗?nGrammar Excuse is usually passive in this meaning.6  excuse yourself to say politely that you need to leave a place 礼貌地告辞 Richard excused himself and went to his room. 理查德礼貌地告辞,到自己的房间去了。7. excuse me (for living)! spokenOFFEND used to show that you are annoyed when someone has told you that you have done something wrong 实在对不住了!→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusexcuse• Penalties are negotiable, so always try to get penalty charges excused.• But it is worse it's also a history of mechanical idealism excusing criminal stupidity.• Kinney asked to be excused from his duties on the board.• Can I be excused from swimming today? I've got a cold.• She excuses herself a moment to prepare a tray of little snacks they urge her not to trouble herself to prepare.• Constance detected a change in the atmosphere as Giancarlo excused himself and walked down the steps to greet his last guest.• He does nothing to hide or excuse Jacob's cruelty.• I'll try to get them to excuse me from the meeting.• My accident and stunned expression seemed to excuse me, however.• I got the hiccups, excuse me.• He doesn't excuse mistakes, he simply won't allow them.• I didn't realize this was a formal party, so I hope you can excuse my appearance.• Excuse my brother if he talks too much, he's rather excitable.• I'm sorry, but that explanation doesn't excuse what he did.excuse somebody for (doing) something• No excuses were offered for a lacklustre performance on Saturday.• Then he excused himself for a meeting.• Kring excused himself for a moment.• Would you excuse me for a moment?• He himself had drunk one quick light beer before excusing himself for an early night.• You'll have to excuse me for being late - my car broke down.• The defense excused him for just cause.• People came and went and were excused, sometimes for obvious reasons, sometimes excused from (doing) something• Please excuse Sherry from gym class today. She has had the flu.• He glanced over at me and then he excused himself from his conversation.• He has excused himself from a dinner meeting to return her call.• I excused myself from Mr Cardinal and moved towards the doors.• I learned that not knowing how to do a job would not excuse me from that job.• Such a model attempts to encourage the unbeliever to excuse the believer from the task of justifying theism.• We excuse you aides from most of your housekeeping duties to enable you to see to the patients.• She was sitting at the mirror in her room, having excused herself from her cousins' chatter minutes before.• Answering machine winks cheerfully, but it is only Mrs Body excusing herself from work tomorrow because of the funeral.ex·cuse2 /ɪkˈskjuːs/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  REASONa reason that you give to explain careless or offensive behaviour 〔 辩解的〕理由excuse for (doing) something What’s your excuse for being late this time? 你迟到了,这次又是什么理由? I’m tired of listening to his excuses. 我听厌了他的种种理由。► see thesaurus at reason2  REASONa reason that you invent to explain an action and to hide your real intentions 虚假的理由;托词;借口excuse to do something I need an excuse to call her. 我给她打电话需要有个借口。excuse for The conference is just an excuse for a holiday in New York. 这个会议不过是个去纽约度假的借口。3  there is no excuse for something used to say that someone’s behaviour is too bad to be explained or accepted 某事怎么说都不对 There is no excuse for such rudeness. 这种无礼行为实在说不过去。4  make your excuses EXPLAINto explain why you are not able to do something 解释为何不能做某事 Please make my excuses at the meeting tomorrow. 请在明天的会上替我解释一下不能到会的原因。5  a poor/rotten etc excuse for something BAD ATused when you think someone or something is very bad 极差的…;极不称职的… He’s a rotten excuse for a lawyer. Why on earth did you hire him? 他是个极糟糕的律师,你到底为什么雇用他?6. American EnglishREASON a note written by your doctor or one of your parents saying that you were ill on a particular day 病假条 SYN British English sick note COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbsmake up/think up/invent an excuse 编造借口I made up some excuse about my car breaking down. 我编了个借口,说我的车抛锚了。nWe’d better think up an excuse, fast.make excuses for somebody/something (=give reasons which try to explain why someone has made a mistake or behaved badly) 为某人/某事找借口His mother was always making excuses for her son's behaviour. 他妈妈总是为儿子的行为找借口。use something as an excuse 拿某事物当借口She never complained or used her illness as an excuse. 她从不抱怨,也不拿自己的病当借口。look for an excuse 找借口I began to look for excuses to avoid seeing him. 我开始寻找种种借口,避免和他见面。give an excuse 给出理由I'll have to give my boss some kind of excuse. 我总得给我老板一个理由。believe/accept an excuse 相信/接受理由She didn’t believe his excuse for one minute. 她压根儿不相信他的借口。have an excuse 有理由Companies have no excuse for breaking the law. 公司没有任何理由违反法律。adjectivesa good excuse 好借口A sunny day is a good excuse to go to the beach. 天气晴朗就应该到海滩去。na wonderful excuse (=a very good excuse)A wedding is a wonderful excuse to buy a new outfit.a reasonable/plausible excuse (=one that other people will believe) 可以接受的/说得过去的理由If your train was cancelled, that is a perfectly reasonable excuse. 要是你那班火车被取消了,那可就是个再好不过的理由。a legitimate/valid excuse (=one that is true and that other people cannot criticize) 正当/合理的理由He didn’t have a legitimate excuse for being late. 他迟到了,没有正当的理由。the perfect excuse 极好的借口The phone call gave me the perfect excuse to leave. 这个电话正好让我有借口离开。a feeble/flimsy/weak excuse (=one that is difficult to believe) 无力/不可信的借口Joe muttered some feeble excuse about having a headache. 乔嘟嘟哝哝地搪塞说他头痛。a pathetic/lame excuse (=very weak) 牵强的/站不住脚的借口nThat’s the most pathetic excuse I’ve ever heard.the usual excuse/the same old excuse 惯常的借口/老一套借口nHe made the usual excuses for not coming.nWhenever the trains are late, it's always the same old excuse.a convenient excuse 现成的借口nThe rioting provided the government with a convenient excuse not to hold an election.phrasesuse every excuse in the book (=use every possible excuse) 千方百计找借口He used every excuse in the book to avoid seeing the doctor. 他千方百计找借口不去看病。at the slightest excuse (=for any reason, however unimportant) 以很小的事为借口She comes to our house at the slightest excuse. 她动不动就借故到我们家来。Examples from the Corpusexcuse• We shall use his perceived activities as an excuse for not growing up.• But Symington and his allies used it as an excuse to further postpone what is inevitable and right.• There were complaints by black youths of police harassment, the sus laws merely being used as an excuse for this.• He said his car had broken down, but it was just an excuse for coming home late.• Yet, after three years, it also sounded like an excuse.• I had to rush the decorators through, but I knew exactly what I wanted and I wouldn't take any excuse.• That is the most feeble excuse for failing a test that I have ever heard.• He doesn't make excuses when he gets something wrong.• D'Arquebus Senior's pedantic excuses made no sense.• Oh shut up Bill, I'm tired of listening to your excuses.excuse for (doing) something• My patients often use that as an excuse for chocolate binges, shopping binges, alcohol, and affairs.• Deprivation must not be an excuse for everything.• Looking for an excuse for a vacation, I picked the keys.• John Major seems to sympathise, but the voters can be excused for not yet noticing.• There were to be no excuses for him returning.• There are so many, many deferred projects here that I have no excuse for now.• The only excuse for the House of Lords is that it exists.• Mr Strine also gives readers excuses for his losses, such as injuries to key players or even the weather.excuse to do something• But Symington and his allies used it as an excuse to further postpone what is inevitable and right.• Neil Fraser looked tired and on edge, his wife was subdued and made an excuse to leave them early.• His ouster furnished Nixon with an excuse to send troops into Cambodiawhich now turned into a new battlefield.• I think it a good excuse to get away from his family.• How could she make excuses to Uncle Willi?• You imagine this war gives you the excuse to disobey me and do exactly as you wish.Origin excuse1 (1400-1500) Old French excuser, from Latin excusare, from causa “cause, explanation”ex·cuse1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →REGISTER1ex·cuse2 noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  you when get Corpus want someone’s to used




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