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单词 Interim
1. He received an interim payment of £10,000.
2. He only holds the post on an interim basis.
3. Little seems to have happened in the interim.
4. An interim government was set up for the period before the country's first free election.
5. The vice-president took power in the interim period before the election.
6. She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.
7. During the interim period[Sentencedict], air quality has deteriorated.
8. They submitted an interim report.
9. They got an interim injunction against the union.
10. But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order.
11. There will be an interim government to oversee the transition to democracy.
12. Despite everything that had happened in the interim, they had remained good friends.
13. He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take.
14. The interim dividend is maintained at 2.5 cents per share.
15. They are trying to get an interim interdict to stop construction of the road.
16. The government is taking interim measures to help those in immediate need.
17. The injured passenger received an interim award of £50 000 damages.
18. The interim government is a mere cipher for military rule.
19. There was an interim before her successor actually came because she had to work out her notice.
20. They shouted him down when he tried to explain why Zaire needed an interim government.
21. The value of the property almost doubled during the interim period.
22. The negotiators hoped to effect a smooth transition to an interim administration.
23. The company uses the agency when a vacancy needs to be filled on an interim basis.
24. A room has been booked from September onwards, in the interim, meetings will be held at my house.
25. It is possible that the present Governor General will be made interim President, if the proposals go through.
26. The president dissolved the assembly and swore in an interim government.
27. The child will be adopted but a relative is looking after him in the interim.
28. The new secretary starts in June, but in the interim we're having to type our own letters.
29. Her new job does not start until May and she will continue in the old job in the interim.
30. Her job was done by her deputy in the interim before she returned to work.
1. He received an interim payment of £10,000.
2. He only holds the post on an interim basis.
3. Little seems to have happened in the interim.
4. They shouted him down when he tried to explain why Zaire needed an interim government.
5. The value of the property almost doubled during the interim period.
6. An interim government was set up for the period before the country's first free election.
7. The vice-president took power in the interim period before the election.
8. The negotiators hoped to effect a smooth transition to an interim administration.
9. She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.
10. They submitted an interim report.
11. A room has been booked from September onwards, in the interim, meetings will be held at my house.
12. The government is taking interim measures to help those in immediate need.
31. He was appointed president until an interim government was established.
32. The court will not lightly interfere while an interim order is in place.
33. Clearly, he will be entitled to an interim payment.
34. Eventually an interim agreement on arms control was reached.
35. Shareholders are left with just the 1p interim dividend.
36. In the interim, the Stock Exchange implemented piecemeal reform.
37. Both task forces are to present interim reports Thursday.
38. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., as an interim speaker.
39. The interim government was going to hold the first free elections in thirty years.
40. Shareholders got a special interim dividend of 3p in November to cover these results.
41. Companies' interim and preliminary statements should be reviewed and reported on by the auditor before publication.
42. Interim figures due Thursday are on course for a 7% rise to £195.3m with analysts likely to be upgrading full year predictions.
43. The early Church saw, in the parable, a warning to be faithful in the interim period prior to the Second Coming.
44. In the interim, authority members will take resolutions to their respective cities for approval of the dissolution agreement.
45. Norweb is paying a higher interim dividend, up from 5.3p to 5.9p and the final should be just as healthy.
46. On May 8 Martin Shikuku, interim secretary-general of the party, declared his intention to stand for the presidency.
47. Moreover, contrary to some earlier decisions by masters, an interim award does not depend on need.
48. In late 1989, he agreed to an interim arrangement that was extended to two years.
49. The actual sales figures were 20% higher than those estimated in the interim report in July.
50. This made the granting of an interim injunction much easier to obtain.
51. In the interim period the business will still be managed by the vendor.
52. The interim dividend is being boosted by nearly half although the final payment is weightier.
53. On March 6 Anand appointed an interim Cabinet composed mainly of businessmen and technocrats.
54. The City was not too deterred by the rights issue which was offset by strong interim figures and an improved dividend payout.
55. The board expects a similar percentage increase in next year's interim dividend from 6.75p to 7p.
56. For those reasons I allow the appeal and I substitute an interim care order.
57. Under the legal framework employers would also be prevented from winning interim injunctions to stop disruption backed by lawful ballots.
58. An interim release, 7.1, is due to bow in October.
59. Thus, it stands in an interim, compromise position along the road to social transformation.
60. Meanwhile an interim award of £1 was made to full-time workers; part-time workers got nothing.
61. The interim dividend is raised to 1.2p from 1.03p while earnings per share climbed to 7.24p from 5.93p.
62. In preparation for his job at Commerce, Huang received an interim security clearance while he was still working at Lippo.
63. Occasionally, in the interim period while he was still unattached on the side, he talked of consolidating his marriage.
64. That job may well be a valuable interim vehicle that you use to take you to your new work destination.
65. They obtained an interim injunction directed against the union[http:///interim.html], which then agreed to comply.
66. The company has already obtained an interim interdict at the Court of Session banning the inciting or organising of mass picketing.
67. Unita has been proposing a ceasefire followed by an interim coalition government and winner-take-all free elections.
68. Review the use by employers of interim injunctions to stop disputes.
69. There is no duty on the Prime Minister to publish any interim reports highlighting specific abuses.
70. The Congress debated a transitional structure for an interim government before the adoption of a new Constitution.
71. A Senate committee approved legislation last week to require storage of the spent fuel in an interim facility in Nevada.
72. Under the prewar system of interim development control there were no such effective means.
73. The direct downward view is dull unless it contains another subject at an interim level, such as a kite.
74. An interim inched up by 5 p.c. to 1.45p, payable on June 1, takes the yield to 2.9 p.c.
75. An interim ground water removal system has been in operation for several years, removing 7 millions gallons of contaminated water.
76. In the absence of any verification, interim profits will not be included in the capital base.
77. Lantz resigned effective immediately after nine years as head coach. Offensive coordinator Rob Green was named interim coach.
78. They signed a protocol on interim measures to establish peacekeeping forces and military observers.
79. Interim reporting Interim reports should include balance sheet information and be reviewed by auditors. 1.
80. Shareholders will receive an interim dividend increased from 5.03p per share to 5.2p.
81. In a shockingly brief time, they managed to produce a working computer that ran Smalltalk, sort of an interim Dynabook.
82. During that interim, the infected person would not yet have enough antibodies for the test to register.
83. The interim dividend goes up a fraction to 3.1p, from 2.9p.
84. It is they who have appointed a new caretaker president and a Government which they claim are interim measures.
85. Thanks to the interim school-financing plan, North Forest is not burdened by a large deficit.
86. A judge at Leeds has already granted an interim order so that she can stay with her foster parents.
87. In 1987, when an interim report was issued, scientists and environmentalists bitterly attacked its conclusions as misrepresenting the facts.
88. Parties will be able to email the judge with interim applications.
89. What prompted the court to transform what was an appeal against an interim relief order into a final settlement?
90. Earnings per share rose from 5p to 6.87p and the trust's interim dividend is held at 3.4p.
91. Conglomerate Williams Holdings disappointed the City with the interim dividend unchanged.
92. But then Garrett fired Parker and named Bibby as the interim head coach on Feb. 7.
93. Before last year, Khan showed no interest in politics and turned down Cabinet posts in two interim governments.
94. There will be an interim secure accommodation order for three weeks from today.
95. Pringle sweater giant Dawson International climbed 8p to 228p ahead of Tuesday's interim figures.
96. The government will announce interim measures to tackle fuel shortages.
97. Even Wellcome's healthy interim figures and an improved dividend payout left the stock 8p weaker at 883p.
98. Three years ago, Steve Fisher was fired and Ellerbe promoted to interim coach just days before preseason practice began.
99. The interim government is not governing that country and does not exercise administrative or any control over its territory and population.
100. The Vice-Chairman was unable to fill the vacant position so an interim administration was formed to take us to the next assembly.
101. Interim payments 1.51 Interim payments are one of the most important procedural developments in personal injury cases in recent years.
102. In the interim period, we moved to Kent to work at Hildenborough Hall.
103. Even though the matter involved an interim injunction, the judgment of Lord Ross was a full one.
104. In the meantime, the following interim support arrangements will apply: 1.
105. An interim dividend of 3.35p was paid on 2 November 1992.
106. In the interim, they agreed to carry out further research into land-based disposal.
107. Since then the city had been run by an interim commissioner.
108. An interim director was appointed until the end of the year.
109. The board has recommended that the interim dividend be maintained at 2.5 pence per share.
110. Scand. will continue in this capacity on behalf of Dalton for an interim period.
111. An interim dividend of 6p per ordinary share was paid on 1 April 1993 in respect of the year ending 31 December 1993.
112. Unusually, the merged banks' first interim dividend will be paid without deduction of tax.
113. In the divorce petition he claimed, interalia, interim and permanent joint custody of, and access to, the child.
114. Interim findings indicate severe marketing weaknesses within the small engineering firm.
115. In the interim we will be faced with a bewildering array of options.
116. Acting or done ad interim; temporary.
117. Please give me an interim receipt.
118. No interim dividend declared or paid during the year.
119. We congratulate on the successful conclusion of the Kyrgyz referendum and Madam Otunbayeva's taking office as President of the Kyrgyz Interim Government.
120. Is a burst of interim management what your business needs to energise the workforce?
121. However we should establish rules of law, amend Interim Procedures for the management of Internet Banking, perfect commercial law system , and civil procedure.
122. In that long interim, President Hoover invited his successor to the White House to discuss the troubling economic conditions.
123. A city of northeast Pakistan north-northwest of Lahore. Settled by Sikhs in 7'5, it was interim capital of Pakistan from 959 to 970. Population, 452,000.
124. The annual report and interim report will be published once available.
124. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
125. Project quarterly report, annual report, interim report and final report both in Chinese and in English.
126. In the incremental construct algorithm of fuzzy concept lattice, two interim parameters are introduced to carry out the incremental computation of the two fuzzy parameters.
127. Acourt in Fiji ruled that the interim government led by FrankBainimarama was illegal.
128. Byzantine Chant is an indispensable part in the history of western music. It has been regarded as the interim of the ancient heritage and western church music.
129. The balance is reported on interim balance sheets as a deferred item.
130. Secondary end points included the response rate, response duration, and safety. A final analysis was planned after 196 deaths and an interim analysis after 98 deaths.
131. The construction progress payment shall be paid in accordance with 75% of the stated account in the interim payment certificate .
132. According to the theory of management, interim cost variance being expense and closing cost variance being capital shall be a more adequate method.
133. This, then, is the story of Britain's shift from disarmament to rearmament and the interim policy of deterrence which came in between.
134. Amount to be deducted for retention shall be 5% of progress payment stated in the Interim Payment certificate.
135. This is an interim recommendation pending the finalisation of the continuing review of the benefits and risks of buflomedil solution for injection.
136. Bolsheviks in Lenin returned to Petrograd Menshevik support even before the adoption of the interim government's policy.
137. The call to Vim's built-in mkdir() then takes this directory path and creates all the interim directories along it (as requested by the second argument, "p").
138. No interim dividend was paid during the year ( 2008 : Nil ).
139. Pfizer and the FDA have also issued interim prescribing guidelines for Viracept.
140. In the interim, Sager thinks Vice President Hadi will be able to provide some short-term stability.
141. Most oil field in China has gone into interim period or late period of development, the lifting costs increase, saving energy problem in beam pumping unit was regarded in improving oil production.
142. In order to prevent unnecessary interim data conversions when using CLOB you can specify CCSID UNICODE for MIXED DATA on the stored procedure parameter declaration.
143. The fund is an interim measure to provide concessional (low-interest) financing to scale up low carbon technologies pending negotiations on a new global climate change agreement.
144. Interim analysis must be aforethought and consideration should be given to avoid its possible biased impact on the running trial.
145. But today's Paris show, presented by Dior's interim designer (and longtime Galliano apprentice) Bill Gaytten, offered attendees another topic of discussion.
146. Meanwhile Somalia's interim President has appointed a mayor and several other administrative officials in Mogadishu.
147. It is clear showed that it is a inevitable trend for the change form hidden subsidies to clear-sighted subsidies, and hidden subsidies with quantity limit is preferred during the interim.
148. Venezuela has rejected a demand from the interim government of Honduras that it withdraw its remaining diplomats from the Honduran capital.
149. This was test-fired on 3 December 2010 at the Interim Test Range in Orissa.
150. In the interim of Yanshan-Himalayan stage, the transition from sinistral to dextrorotation of Tanlu fault zone resulted in the transition of faults from NW-trending to NE(NEE)-trending in Zhanhua Sag.
151. The new Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos has been sworn in as the head of an interim coalition government that'll try and push through the bailout package agreed with European leaders last month.
152. The basic earnings per share and the diluted earnings per share shall be separately presented in the interim profit statement.
153. During the procedure the arbitral tribunal is entitled to render interim award on its jurisdiction, as well as interlocutory or partial award according to the applied arbitration rules.
154. Despite ups and downs in the Afghan peace process[], the interim authority would do its best to ensure a fair environment for the success of the Loya Jirga.
155. One of the major advantages of the retail method is that it provides inventory figures for use in preparing interim statements.
156. The meeting considered and approvedthe 2007 interim report and the draft 2007 interim profit distribution plan.
157. In the interim, there was Napoleon, the royalist restoration and the Second Empire under Napoleon III, the "little one, " as Victor Hugo said derisively.
158. Gun battles broke out around Tunisia's capital late Sunday as politicians worked at cobbling together an interim coalition government.
159. Sixty-seven year old Mr. Koch served as interim chief financial officer of Kmart when it became the largest retailer to seek Chapter 11 protection in 2002.
160. Countries present have effectively unfrozen about $15 billion in Libyan assets to help the interim government finance emergency needs, Mr. Sarkozy said.
161. The Interim Report on Civil Justice Reform was published on 21 November 2001 for consultation.
162. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, CdC doubled its interim dividend per share (DPS) to HK$0.30, representing a payout ratio of 83%.
163. No further interim certificate may be issued following the initial six months referred to in paragraph 6 of this Standard.
164. As an interim measure, the existing bilateral swap arrangement network should play its full role and be strengthened in terms of size and participants as necessary.
165. The full report isn't ready yet, you can see the interim report.
166. The published interim financial data, 6.5 times its book value, the valuation is significantly higher.
167. Prior to that, he was the Assistant Director-General for Health Security and Environment ad interim.
168. In about one in 12 cases, the interim manager will stay , Mr Fishman estimates.
169. Recently, China Railway Construction Corporation held in 2009 interim results conference.
170. The board proposed an interim dividend of HK 20 cents per share.
171. Palestine National Authority The interim government of the Palestinian territories, headed by Yasser Arafat.
172. The "Interim Regulations on Unemployment Insurance for Staff and Workers of the State-owned Enterprises" issued by the State Council on July 12, 1986 shall, at the same time, become void.
173. The job may require an individual who understands the meaning of interim analyses, multiplicity, cross-over, non inferiority, covariate and subpopulations.
174. The representative of China stated that in order to promote China's government procurement regime, the Ministry of Finance promulgated the Interim Regulations on Government Procurement in April 1998.
175. The longer it is held in interim storage, the more material decays and the easier it is to deal with.
176. In the interim prior to licensure of these new small molecule inhibitors, established therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin can be tailored.
177. Such interim measures may be established in the form of an interim award. The arbitral tribunal shall be entitled to order the provision of appropriate security.
178. The arbitral tribunal shall have discretion to apportion the costs relating to a request for interim measures in the interim award or in the final award.
179. It's actually even worse than that. The DOJ memo mentioned that Dragon Skin did not pass NIJ 2005 Interim Standard.
180. The International Olympic Committee has already given an interim thumbs up, with most venues at an advanced stage of completion.
181. Upon completion of all capital contributions by a Party, any interim certificate(s) shall be returned to the Company for cancellation and a final Investment Certificate shall be issued.
182. Effect of oxidation of interim metal on aluminum shape mold during liquid nitrogenous had been investigated.
183. In the interim, they chose to issue a downgrade of the US credit rating, " Treasury statement said."
184. The five - member Winograd Commission will publish its interim report on Monday.




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