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单词 Symbolism
1. The scene is so rich in symbolism that any explanation risks spoiling the effect.
2. Sound symbolism means that we can often guess the meaning of a word from its sound.
3. Christian churches are still full of pagan symbolism.
4. Were you able to penetrate the author's symbolism?
5. Religious symbolism is very characteristic of the paintings of this period.
6. The symbolism of every gesture will be of vital importance during the short state visit.
7. I expect strangulation is full of old-fashioned symbolism.
8. Religious symbolism is preferred for each day.
9. The symbolism of weeping eczema seems obvious.
10. His action may prove a masterstroke of symbolism.
11. This hymn is full of symbolism.
12. Their headquarters is rich in symbolism.
13. Irving's new novel contains too much heavy-handed symbolism.
14. To introduce ideas of symbolism. 4.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. Serban's work is strewn with symbolism.
16. At this point the story abounds in Freudian symbolism.
17. The symbolism was obvious, as the rebel leader removed bullets from his gun in front of hundreds of cameras.
18. There's less phallic symbolism in architecture than people might like to imagine.
19. Burne-Jones was obsessed with the symbolism of love, and hearts are a recurring theme ni his work.
20. The symbolism is complicated and relies on a great deal of background information.
21. The second level, that of poetic or dream symbolism, is inherent in all folk-tales, traditions and motifs of regeneration.
22. His work on dreams and symbolism has proved valuable in clinical work.
23. The women sometimes seem dedicated to beauty and art(), both for personal adornment and spiritual symbolism.
24. At least I got to know some of the background to the paintings; the symbolism and the profundity of meaning.
25. Intoxicated by his success and the enthusiasm of his adoring crowds, he cranked up his rhetoric and piled on the symbolism.
26. But human ingenuity and intelligence, plus what may amount to an instinct for symbolism, comes to the rescue.
27. Those who regard marriage as a religious sacrament may be concerned to convey the seriousness of the undertaking through symbolism and ritual.
28. Trade-union development did, however, impart a literary dimension for all its continued employment of ritual and symbolism.
29. A very obvious example can be found in colour symbolism itself.
30. Mysterious indigo with its connotations of protection was a substance and colour full of symbolism in the distant places of Arabia.
1. The scene is so rich in symbolism that any explanation risks spoiling the effect.
2. Sound symbolism means that we can often guess the meaning of a word from its sound.
31. It is quite probable that religious symbolism was once exclusive to each particular faith.
32. Praise, symbolism, and token rewards will be used to reinforce results and behavior of value to the company.
33. The phonetic sequences involved in either onomatopoeia or sound symbolism are clearly not to be considered semantic constituents.
34. Fortunately, the Ndembu are generously prepared to share the secrets of this symbolism with us.
35. But when Christians use imagery like this they betray their misunderstanding of apocalyptic symbolism.
36. The symbolism of the room was instrumental in setting the tone.
37. Spenser's stories, if superficially trifling, are yet justified by the symbolism.
38. Jung is less interested in reason, more in the emotional symbolism in religions.
39. The symbolism which these involved, and which was indeed their essence, was frequently manipulated for political purposes.
40. Aside from all the technical differences, the symbolism is also different.
41. But how are we to interpret the symbolism of other cultures; how can we crack their symbolic codes?
42. The trenchant symbolism of his pictures is essentially alien to the Dada conception of randomness and fortuitous juxtaposition.
43. Four years ago, Clinton produced an act of symbolism that greatly improved his chances of defeating George Bush.
44. But then one moves outwards from the internal mysteries of sporting symbolism.
45. Walker's symbolism runs along Swedenborgian lines to a certain extent.
46. The somewhat heavy-handed symbolism of the watch not withstanding,[] the work is a fine contemplation on death.
47. This phenomenon is distinct from onomatopoeia - it is sometimes called sound symbolism: there is no question of auditory resemblance.
48. Symbolism is a primitive but effective way of communicating ideas.
49. The press, in its callous, cynical way, was suspicious of the pro-gram at first and called it pure symbolism.
50. The symbolism was extended to the gorge itself Blondin had literally caught it in his net.
51. She was wearing a short lilac dress and a pale cashmere jacket, beneath which the jet pendant glimmered in inky symbolism.
52. But it is also worth underscoring both the intended and unintended symbolism of a Churchill bust.
53. David Pountney s production melds lyrical symbolism with unflinching realism to unforgettable effect.
54. It will be useful in conclusion to look at some incidents which illuminate the way in which symbolism operates in the religion.
55. One is driven to the conclusion that here, too, the charge has most to do with symbolism.
56. Through metaphor and symbolism, Thoreau discusses the importance of nature.
57. Beijing has offered more than necked symbolism.
58. Langer is built on philosophy base of new symbolism.
59. There I was inundated with a mass of symbolism.
60. Throughout her history she is accompanies by serpent symbolism.
61. Besides, the artistic devices such as symbol and musicality advocated by Symbolism are also accepted by Modernists.
62. When he criticized American dream, he was utilizing plenty of symbolism.
63. Connectionism and symbolism are the two main schools of cognitive science. Connectionism is mainly based on the study of the structure and working mechanism of the brain.
64. Art Movements - Realism - Suprematism - Surrealism - Symbolism.
65. Find the meaning in numerology; learn all about numerological blueprints and mystical numerology in this free video on numerical divination and new age symbolism.
66. After Diocletian, ambitious Christian leaders ruled through the powerful fusion of Roman political, social, and military precedents with symbolism and Christianity.
67. A special comment on certain writers and their works influenced by imagism and symbolism is made from a new view in this paper.
68. Symbolism in wide rang is also a distinctive feature of his poetry.
69. The symbolism of the gesture is everything one could wish.
70. As formulated by the critic and poet Larry Neal, the black aesthetic "proposes a separate symbolism, mythology, critique, and iconology."
71. By means of modernistic techniques, her novel A Dill Pickle focuses on the theme of the sense of loneliness and disillusion by using the flower symbolism.
72. After that, the thesis sets out to expound Poe's emphasis on musicality in poetry and its influence on French Symbolism.
73. Surrealism, with its dreamlike associations, easily lent itself to the wordplay and psychological symbolism of advertising, cartoons, and theme parks.
74. Viewing from the aspects of graphic form, color, or even pronunciation, symbolism is adopted throughout the process, for people regard the logo itself as a symbol.http://
75. On august 9,2005 a figure appeared in Wayland Smithy with Mayan symbolism they clearly gave us a date, May 20, the day when Earth, the Pleiades and the sun align.
76. Being influenced by studies of Occultism, metaphysics and Indian religion, Yeats explored symbolism and investigated origin and nature of the world in his last period of poetic creation.
77. Jung was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism , Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism.
78. Such as"Constructionism", "Deconstructionism", "Symbolism Phenomena", "Acceptance Aesthetics" and "Acceptance Theory". All take it as their theoretical basis.
79. The differing levels provide a "simple symbolism of linking together past, present and future, as inter-reliant and simultaneously merging elements, lends the design cogency."
80. As a means of literary creation, symbolism is used in O"Neill"s plays not only to universalize the theme, but also to enrich and deepen the meaning of his plays.
81. But the strong Freudian view about symbolism and wish fulfillment has not been supported by the study of dreams.
82. This paper attempts to illustrate the important role of costume in the whole opera performance from three aspects—symbolism, prescriptivism, and the nature of dance.
83. Royal diplomacy in parliamentary monarchy countries, with the characteristics of indirectness, subordinacy, symbolism and dependence, plays a supporting role in their external relations.
84. The sound form of poetry is often manifested in onomatopoeia, sound symbolism and some other musical devices such as alliteration, assonance, repetition, internal rhyme and so on.
85. His symbolism in The Little Prince is omnibearing, eg, the whole symbolism, the single symbolism and the correlation between the symbolisms.
86. Symbolism fits in well with the form of Pure Poetry because Romantism is devoid of form, and the form of Estheticism is vague.
87. The ten assembly halls divinity - place of Hong River have characteristics of region, mundaneness, symbolism, and compatibility.
88. Using the power of the network, the cottage has a huge upgrade to become cultural events of social influence and it endowed with rich symbolism and is given unique symbol.
89. Steinbeck's fiction as a whole, we can find Biblical symbolism and allusions common. "
90. Even the smallest change - Obama's penholder, for example - is closely watched for symbolism.
91. The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison is a masterpiece of symbolism.
92. This brass book is attached to a ball and chain. Nnow there's a symbolism: knowledge imprisoned.
93. The wall has long been incorporated into Chinese mythology popular symbolism.
94. This present thesis analyzes Pasternak s Doctor Zhivago from the perspective of symbolism, exploring symbolism and its meaning in this novel.
95. The pantheistic symbolism of the time was urging one to mirror the Universal in the Particular.
96. Vienna Secession is a symbolism junta of Vienna in the 19 th century.
97. The symbolism of blue-green and faience for creation and rebirth is evident here.
98. This symbolism affects the way people think and dream about the future.
99. Pomp, pageantry and symbolism mark the first day of this visit.
100. In Moby - Dick , Melville employs stylized language, symbolism, and metaphor to explore numerous complex themes.
101. Later, some of the "heavy metal" groups began adopting much of the trappings, symbolism and rhetoric of Satanism.
102. Maddie: No, It'shows the role symbolism had in jade carving.
103. The author also analyses the similarities of expressionism and symbolism from the two works.
104. I flung away the cigar with a certain wasteful symbolism.
104. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
105. In this interdisciplinary collection of new studies, twenty-four leading scholars discuss the role of sound symbolism in a theory of language, drawing on a wide range of linguistic data.
106. The unique poetics field of vision and distinct characteristics of Russian symbolism have made a new rejuvenate and prosperity of Russian poetry and become a treasure-house in Russian culture.
107. But Mahayana Buddhism takes this symbolism a step further: "This flower doesn't grow in the highlands, but rather it blooms in the vile swamps."
108. Many people like the symbolism of likening it to the durability of love.
109. It's true that students in boomtown Shanghai aren't representative of those in all of China, but when it comes to metrics like test scores, symbolism matters.
110. The original feminine meaning is correct, but the symbolism of the pentacle has been distorted over the millennia. In this case, through bloodshed.
111. Shi Qing's works attempt to create a "stage" ambiance, with the help of the combined possibilities of artistic media, to ritualize everyday life through symbolism.
112. As an important cultural icon of Silver Age in Russia, D. Merezhkovsky is an influential religious philosophy thinker and founder of poetic symbolism.
113. It was Wieland who took over the directorship and, by dispensing with much of the traditional symbolism of Wagnerian production, not only restored Bayreuth's reputation but enhanced it.
114. What is more, they also make secret technologies for programming human behavior. that are based on mathematical simulation of the Kabbala symbolism.
115. The film was much praised at the time for its visual symbolism.
116. The birth of the west symbolist poetics had some link with the subjective pursuit of metaphysics, and came to integrate symbolism, the speech strategy with wholeness.
117. Anton Chekhov is accepted by us as a critical realism writer, but his works also reveals modern consciousness obviously, such as symbolism, impressionism, absurdness and so on.
118. Poetry is more subtle - it uses metaphors and symbolism to express ideas.
119. I. Symbolism in Joseph Conrad's worksSymbolism is a way of using a concrete thing related to presenting another thing, concept or feelings.
120. I need to learn more about the symbolism of the pentagram .
121. We shall encounter some of his symbolism in our survey of the calculus.
122. These sounds have even acquired fixed meaning. Words based on sound symbolism, whether direct or synaesthetic, are onomatopoeically motivated to a certain extent in literary works.
123. The arts of Faust is symbolic, without symbolism, one could not get into it.
124. Huang Jinkai ed. Symbolism and Imagism. Beijing: China Renmin UP 1989.
125. Tehran's move comes at a moment full of symbolism for Iran.
126. Prior to French Symbolism movement, "Pure Poetry" is similar to the thought of Romantism and Estheticism.
127. Edgar Cayce unlocked the symbolism of the Book of Revelation while under hypnosis.
128. Previous researches on this poem are mostly concentrated on imagism and symbolism, but few researchers have studied this poem from the theory of defamiliarization, not to mention the tragic color.
129. Paul Verlaine, regarded as the forerunner of French symbolism and master-hand in poetry, exerts great influence on the works of Dai Wangshu, who is the representative poet of Chinese symbolism.
130. Although it is based on reality, the school of art has a broad choice of subjects, a great freedom in composition, and a combined use of symbolism, euphonium and humor in the expression of ideas.
131. We can see that Pound's poetry had been influenced by Henri Bergson's Intuitionism, the late Symbolism in France, the ancient Greek culture and Oriental culture.
132. There is no doubting the political symbolism of this crushing defeat.
133. Translation Studies; Polysystem; Literary System; Modern Chinese Literture; Symbolist Movement; French Symbolism.
134. It takes music, symbolism, sex, hypnosis, wine and strange drugs, firelight and chanting,[] ritual and magic.
135. The famous Irish poet William Butler Yeats became the forerunner and representative poet of Modernism poetry as a great master of the late symbolism.
136. Both use communist symbolism, but in practice support the mixed economy and rule of law.
137. Ancient people had two opposite views on the clarity of the Yellow River: symbolism of auspice or malignancy.




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