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单词 artless
释义  art·less /ˈɑːtləs $ ˈɑːrt-/ adjective  1  HONEST literary natural, honest, and sincere 天真自然的,纯朴的;不造作的 artless sincerity 天真烂漫2  formal made or done without any skill 拙劣的 an artless copy of European art 对欧洲艺术的拙劣模仿 —artlessly adverb —artlessness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusartless• They had all slept heavily, the sleep if not of the just, of the innocent and artless.• The page is a young man of color who raps in crushingly artless rhymes.• Am I being artless when I say that?• a naive, artless young womanart·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  natural, honest, Corpus and sincere




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