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单词 design
释义 Word family  noun design designer verb design  Related topics: Designde·sign1 /dɪˈzaɪn/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun  1  process of planning 计划的过程DRAWING PLANS [uncountable]AVD the art or process of making a drawing of something to show how you will make it or what it will look like 〔草图等的〕设计 The new plane is in its final design stage. 这种新型飞机正处于最后的设计阶段。 the design process 设计过程 the design team 设计团队 a course in graphic design 平面设计课程 computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计2  arrangement of parts 各部分的安排ARRANGEMENT OF PARTS [countable, uncountable]DESIGN the way that something has been planned and made, including its appearance, how it works etc 〔外观、运转方式等的〕设计 The car’s design has been greatly improved. 这种汽车的设计已有很大的改进。design of the design of the new building 新大楼的设计 Some changes have been made to the computer’s basic design. 这款计算机的基本设计作了一些修改。 a design fault 设计缺陷 The electric windows are an important design feature of this model. 电动窗是这种型号一个重要的设计特点。3  pattern 图案PATTERN [countable]PATTERN a pattern for decorating something 装饰图案 a floral design 花卉图案 Vinyl flooring is available in a wide range of designs. 乙烯基塑胶地板有很多种图案可供选择。4  drawing 图样DRAWN PLAN [countable]AVD a drawing that shows how something will be made or what it will look like 设计图,图样,图纸design for the design for the new sports centre 新体育中心的设计图5  INTENTIONintention 意图 [countable, uncountable]INTEND a plan that someone has in their mind 〔头脑中的〕计划by design (=intentionally) 故意地 We shall never know whether this happened by accident or by design. 我们永远也不会知道这件事是个意外还是事先安排的。 He has some grand designs for the company. 他对公司发展有一些宏图大计。6  have designs on something WANTto want something for yourself, especially because it will bring you money 企图拥有某物〔尤指可以带来钱财的东西〕 Several developers have designs on the property. 好几个开发商都在觊觎这块地产。7  have designs on somebody formalSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to want a sexual relationship with someone 对某人居心不良〔指想和某人发生性关系〕 He had designs on her. 他在打她的主意。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: the way that something has been planned and made, including its appearance, how it works etcadjectivesgoodGood design is very important in a house.simpleThe latest model of the car has a much simpler design.modernMany people were against such a modern design in the old city centre.traditional Our new range of furniture has a traditional design.classical (=relating to the style of Ancient Greece or Rome)a large building of classical designthe basic design (=not including all the small details)The basic design of the two churches is very similar.verbscreate/produce a designUse your imagination to create an interesting design in the garden.come up with a design (=think of or suggest one)We asked the architect to come up with another + NOUNa design feature (=something interesting or attractive that is part of the design)The aircraft has some novel design features.a design fault/flaw (=a part of something that does not work well or look good)If a washing-machine makes too much noise, it’s a design fault.Examples from the Corpusdesign• Tom has several tattoos, and they're all Native American designs.• The basic design of the vehicle has been improved.• With soft leather upholstery and the careful design that typifies Toyotas, the interior is a comfortable place to be.• brightly coloured curtains with an attractive floral design• The arched ceiling is bordered with a hand-painted, floral design.• Designers' Saturday has traditionally been used as a launching pad for designs and this year is no exception.• The success of the product was largely due to good design.• graphic design• A range of books has been launched which reflects his design philosophy and style.• The new hockey rink is similar in design to the one in San Jose.• Conran's furniture was based on simple, modern designs.• Dorn has done a great deal of design work on the new city hall.• Such similarities are more likely to reflect prevailing ideas of design - the sentiments of the client perhaps.• Organization designs should concentrate on work.• the design of consumer products• This design is very common on Turkish carpets.graphic design• On the opposite wall, a print was mounted; an austere graphic design, white and grey to match.• Create impressive graphic designs on your walls; all it takes is courage and a little sleight of hand.• Richie, the youngest at 15, was in the throes of GCSEs and hopeful of a career in graphic design.• A Bay Area native, he started out in graphic design, but soon branched out.• Thirdly, the new style guides have clearly been influenced by some interesting graphic design work.• Professional advice on graphic design is fault• With three gearboxes making the same noise it seems to me a design fault, but is there a cure?• It was a design fault: you couldn't fit a coffin.• Reliance on Newt as a unifying bogeyman points to a fundamental design fault in the new Democratic for• The President will unveil the design for a new World War II memorial on the National design• The law firm is all-female, though not by design.design2 ●●● S3 W1 AWL verb [transitive]  1  AVDto make a drawing or plan of something that will be made or built 设计 The tower was designed by Gilbert Scott. 这座塔楼是吉尔伯特·斯科特设计的。design something for something She designed a new logo for the company. 她为公司设计了一个新的标志。well/badly etc designed a badly designed office 设计得很糟的办公室 specially designed software 专门设计的软件2  to plan or develop something for a specific purpose 〔为特定目的〕计划,设计be designed to do something These exercises are designed to strengthen muscles. 这些运动是为了增强肌肉力量而设计的。be designed for somebody/something The course is designed for beginners. 这门课程是为初学者设计的。be designed as something The book is designed as a reference manual. 这本书是作为参考手册设计的。n Grammar Design is usually passive in this meaning.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdesign• The car was designed and built in Korea.• Sally designs and makes all her own clothes.• The Ego was designed as a mere postal service which delivers messages to our conscious mind.• The office complex was designed by Mitchell Benjamin.• Combined with virtual reality capabilities, the team can design its own ideal collaborative work space without the constraints of physical reality.• Now, as they design new technology products, Hewlett-Packard engineers can morph within minutes into five or six nimble teams.• Leyland designed the microcomputer which controls the ratios.• Hong Kong architects designed the restaurants.• The offices weren't very well designed - the rooms are too small and it's much too hot in summer.• The plates are designed to foil police speed traps.• The sparkling white pullover and newly pressed black corduroys were designed to project an image of calm sophistication.• Airbags are currently designed to protect average-sized adult males.well/badly etc designed• Much more modern than anything else in the street, they were well designed and built in glossy red brick.• Of 32 planned gas-fired power stations, three-quarters are badly designed and likely to waste more than half the gas they use.• In general this is a well designed and well made sweater with a stud fastened neck closure and medium height collar.• Promotional literature Brochures and tariffs should be well designed, colourful and descriptive.• The screens are well designed, colourful and easy to understand.• The whole layout is well designed, spacious and suitable for the climate.• Yet the whole history of evolution seems superbly well designed to lead to the existence of consciousness.• The Merlin sleeping bag is rated as one to two season and comes with a well designed designed to do something• These exercises are designed to develop and strengthen muscles.From Longman Business Dictionarydesignde‧sign1 /dɪˈzaɪn/ noun1[countable, uncountable] the way in which something has been planned and made, including its appearance, how it works etcOne or two changes have been made to the computer’s basic design.a company that believes in the importance of good design → job design2[uncountable] the process of making a drawing of something to show how it will be made or what it will look like → computer-aided design → graphic design → industrial design → registered design → web designdesigndesign2 verb [intransitive, transitive]1MANUFACTURINGto make a drawing or plan of something that will be made or builtThe theatre was designed by a local architect.a well-designed officeThere were too many badly built, badly designed vehicles.2to plan or develop something for a specific purposebe designed to do somethingsoftware that is designed to work in Microsoft Windowsbe designed forThe course is designed for people who are learning business designed asThe program is designed as an incentive for Iowa companies to create new jobs.→ See Verb tableOrigin design2 (1300-1400) French désigner, from Latin designare, from signare “to mark”de·sign1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1design2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus the a art process Business or of making




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