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单词 Witness
1, A guilty conscience is a self-accuser [a thousand witness]. 
2, Work bears witness who does well. 
3, Life without a friend is death without a witness
4, The reporters buttonholed the witness outside the courtroom.
5, She bore witness to his patience and diligence.
6, We have a witness to the killing.
7, The witness completely vindicated him.
8, The witness was cross-examined by the prosecuting counsel.
9, He asked the witness to stand down.
10, Can you witness my signature on my will, please?
11, She was a witness of the incident.
12, He tried to tamper with the witness.
13, I was an unwilling witness of their quarrel.
14, I was a witness to their quarrel.
15, It is the time to witness the miracle.
16, Only one witness could make a positive identification.
17, The next witness was sworn in.
18, His tears were pathetic to witness.
19, The witness box was encased in fences.
20, The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness.
21, Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal.
22, The witness in the bribery investigation refused to name names.
23, She stared directly at the witness but he did not show a flicker of recognition .
24, I can witness that he wasn't at the scene of the crime.
25, She brought several persons of good credit to witness to her reputation.
26, Once I have the chance to witness his worst moment,[http:///witness.html] but u still can accept his defects and keep this as secret. Then ur love will last longer.
27, Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box.
28, A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
29, Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would step down as trial judge.
30, He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.
1, She bore witness to his patience and diligence.
2, We have a witness to the killing.
3, The witness completely vindicated him.
4, Can you witness my signature on my will, please?
5, I was an unwilling witness of their quarrel.
6, Only one witness could make a positive identification.
7, The next witness was sworn in.
8, Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box.
9, A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
10, Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would step down as trial judge.
11, He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.
12, The judge appeared to nod off yesterday while a witness was being cross-examined.
13, Under cross-examination, the witness admitted her evidence had been mostly lies.
14, The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial.
15, The numerous awards on the walls bear witness to his great success.
16, The witness was remarkably collected under cross - examination.
17, He gave witness on behalf of an accused person.
18, A witness picked him out of an identification parade as the robber.
19, He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.
20, I shall prove to you that the witness is quite unreliable.
21, The court clerk will notify the witness when and where to appear.
22, The lawyer cross - examined the witness of the opposing side.
23, The chief witness was allowed to leave the town only after lodging a sworn statement with the police.
24, The judge reminded the witness that he was still under oath.
31, The statement of the last witness controverted the evidence of the first two.
32, The judge appeared to nod off yesterday while a witness was being cross-examined.
33, Under cross-examination, the witness admitted her evidence had been mostly lies.
34, The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial.
35, I comfort myself like this: although I am in the lowest place, seeing now flowers blossoming, I can always witness the romance when the petals fall down and fly in the wind.
36, The numerous awards on the walls bear witness to his great success.
37, Witness statements presented a confused picture of the incident.
38, The empty workshops bear witness to the industrial past.
39, Let the witness be sworn in.
40, Her actions witness to her trustworthiness.
41, Ask a friend to witness your signature.
42, He has been witness to a terrible murder.
43, He was a witness for the prosecution.
44, The gangster's friends bought off the police witness.
45, The witness showed unquestionable proof.
46, He took the stand as the first witness.
47, A witness gave a detailed description of the man.
48, He will be the lawyer to witness for you.
49, The witness withheld the details from the judge.
50, The witness made a positive identification.
51, The witness affirmed to the facts.
52, He appeared as a witness in the trial.
53, This afternoon the prosecution will call its star witness.
54, The witness deviated from the truth.
55, The main witness had mysteriously disappeared.
56, The witness was cross-examined for over two hours.
57, No one could witness that he was present.
58, Then the prosecution wheeled in a surprise witness.
59, I think she will witness against him.
60, The judge browbeat the witness.
61, The attorney demonstrated that the witness was lying.
62, The witness was remarkably collected under cross - examination.
63, He/His evidence bore witness to my testimony.
64, The judge warned the witness not to perjure herself.
65, The witness responded flatly to the judge's questions.
66, The testimony of the chief witness doesn't bear scrutiny.
67, James Spencer, prosecuting, claimed that the witness was lying.
68, I couldn't bear to witness their suffering.
69, The witness tripped up rather badly under close cross-examination.
70, The lawyer tripped the witness up.
71, The witness lied to the court.
72, The lawyer put several questions to the witness.
73, The lawyer excepted against the witness.
74, Will the next witness please take the stand?
75, Defence counsel looks for inconsistency between witness statements.
76, He sailed into the witness[], accusing him of lying.
77, The court subpoenaed her as a witness.
78, The witness had been primed by a lawyer.
79, The clever lawyer tripped the witness.
80, The next witness took the stand.
81, The witness was cross-examined by the defending counsel.
82, The judge ruled that the witness be heard.
83, He gave witness on behalf of an accused person.
84, I was called as an expert witness.
85, The judge called the remaining witness for the Crown.
86, The defense called only one witness.
87, His ragged clothes were witness to his poverty.
88, She acted in collusion with the other witness.
89, His incompetence was painful to witness.
90, The witness was clearly lying through his teeth.
91, The lawyer entrapped the witness into contradicting himself.
92, The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.
93, He swore it on the witness stand.
94, The undermentioned is witness to this contract.
95, Seldom do we witness such catastrophes.
96, The defence called their first witness.
97, He is trying to improperly influence a witness.
98, Are you willing to be summoned as a witness?
99, James was subpoenaed as a witness.
100, She brazened through the accusation from the witness stand.
101, She thumped her hand on the witness box.
102, There was good reason to discredit the witness.
103, She appeared as a character witness.
104, She was witness to the tragic event.
104, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
105, The judge claimed that the witness perjured himself.
106, He is expected to be the key witness at the trial.
107, This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.
108, Detectives believe that a hitman was sent to silence the witness before he could name names.
109, The judge told him not to ask the witness leading questions.
110, She was the only witness to identify Peters as the attacker.
111, The defence lawyer attempted a character assassination of the witness .
112, He was charged with contempt of court after shouting at a witness.
113, If you haven't got a witness, you haven't got a leg to stand on.
114, I shall prove to you that the witness is not speaking the truth.
115, Two people must witness your signature or your will will not be valid.
116, A witness picked him out of an identification parade as the robber.
117, The witness deposed to having seen the thief steal the golden ring.
118, Will you act as witness to the agreement between us?
119, Witness x stated that she had seen Cooper on repeated occasions.
120, He could not get a single witness to establish independent corroboration of his version of the accident.
121, The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath.
122, The statement of the last witness controvert the evidence of the first two.
123, They bribed the witness to forget about what he had seen.
124, A claimed witness of the accident corroborated the driver's statement.
125, An elderly man dressed in faded overalls took the witness stand.
126, The defendant seemed nervous as he left the dock and stepped up to the witness box.
127, The witness was admonished for failing to answer the question.
128, Before giving evidence the witness had to take an oath.
129, The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats.
130, The prosecution did its best to undermine the credibility of the witness.
131, The case against her collapsed when a key witness was proved to have lied.
132, The witness stared at the accused but she showed not a flicker of recognition.
133, A witness can legally refuse to give evidence to avoid self-incrimination.
134, The absence of this witness has weakened the case against the accused.
135, The accused claimed that the witness had been got at.
136, The new housing bears witness to the energy of the Council.
137, Two of the robbers threatened to duff the witness up if he went to the police.
138, The witness deposed that she had seen the accused on the day of the murder.
139, Bad economic times can result in political dictatorships. Witness Germany in the 1930s.
140, The job of the jury is to assess the credibility of the witness.
141, The lawyer took a long time to interrogate the witness fully.
142, He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.
143, What the witness said in court was not consistent with the statement he made to the police.
144, When the ship finally reached land, only a few of the crew were left to witness the event.
145, I shall prove to you that the witness is quite unreliable.
146, We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law.
147, The hospital where the wounded witness was staked out by the police.
148, Would you be willing to act as a witness to my signature when I sign my will?
149, The witness statements contradict each other and the facts remain unclear.
150, The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case.
151, The crowd of mourners at his funeral bore witness to the great affection in which he was held.
152, The trial collapsed after a key prosecution witness admitted lying.
153, The prosecution tried to cast doubt on her character as a witness.
154, The court clerk will notify the witness when and where to appear.
155, The witness could shed no light on the mystery of the deceased's identity.
156, After further examination by the prosecutionthe witness was allowed to leave the court.
157, One witness to the accident said the driver appeared to be drunk.
158, His muddled evidence casts doubt on his reliability as a witness.
159, The lawyer's apparently innocent question was designed to catch the witness off guard.
160, He appeared as an expert witness before several government inquiries.
161, The lawyer confuted the testimony of the witness by showing actual photographs of the accident.
162, The lawyer's seemingly innocent question caught the witness off his guard.
163, Without a witness, the charges will never stand up in court .
164, A vital witness came forward to say that she saw Tanner wearing the boots.
165, The prosecution's main witness was close to tears as she described the events of that night.
166, Her account of the incident approximates to that of the other witness.
167, There is a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity.
168, According to one eye witness, the man 'went postal, and started hitting his computer'.
169, The lawyer cross - examined the witness of the opposing side.
170, The witness was examined on her relationship with the accused.
171, A psychiatrist was called as an expert witness for the defence.
172, The witness said that he 'went berserk' when she rejected his sexual advances .
173, He proved overconfident on the witness stand, misremembering a key piece of evidence.
174, A witness was examined by him in a court of law.
175, The chief witness was allowed to leave the town only after lodging a sworn statement with the police.
176, He has been asked to appear as a witness for the defence.
177, The judge reminded the witness that she was still under oath.
178, His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.
179, My teacher agreed to be a character witness for me in court.
180, Your judgment of the case is based on the presupposition that the witness is telling the truth.
181, The programme aroused strong feelings - witness the number of letters received.
182, The judge reminded the witness that he was still under oath.
183, The convictions rest solely on disputed witness and confessional statements.
184, She was asked to take the witness stand and was then cross-examined by the state attorney.
185, The witness was called to give oral testimony about the incident outside the theatre.
186, As last week's riots bear witness, the political situation is very unstable.
187, The case hinged on the evidence of the only witness to the killing.
188, The police need a witness to make a positive ID.
189, As the last person to see her alive, he was a material witness in the case.
190, An important witness was absent when the case came up.
191, The witness stated that he had not seen the woman before.
192, The prosecution's case collapsed when a material witness failed to appear in court.
193, He did not witness her execution, yet he and the others are complicit in her death.
194, Later, the witness who had testified against Muawad withdrew his allegation.
195, He was not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused.
196, We were witness to the worst excesses of the military.
197, The witness at the trial had been carefully primed by defence lawyers.




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