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单词 Labelled
(1) The steel can was labelled "flammable".
(2) The tabloid papers labelled him "an evil sex monster".
(3) She was wrongly labelled a liar.
(4) This phrase is labelled as an Americanism in this dictionary.
(5) Bottles are labelled by country of origin.
(6) The file was labelled 'Private'.
(7) They labelled him as a communist.
(8) She had automatically labelled the boys as troublemakers.
(9) Too often the press are labelled as bad boys.
(10) The pharmaceutist labelled the bottles.
(11) The regime was inevitably labelled as 'communist'.
(12) Everything may be labelled, but everybody is not.
(13) Make sure your luggage is properly labelled.
(14) The stuff has never been properly logged and labelled.
(15) All the products are labelled with comprehensive instructions.
(16) The worker was labelled as a revolutionary.
(17) Certain estates are labelled as undesirable.
(18) The newspapers had unjustly labelled him as a coward.
(19) The newspapers had unjustly labelled him a troublemaker.
(20) He was labelled a traitor by his former colleagues.
(21) Some of the plants were wrongly labelled.
(22) The phrase is labelled as slang in the dictionary.
(23) They labelled him as dishonest.
(24) All the exhibits are labelled in Braille.
(25) She is usually labelled an Impressionist.
(26) His enemies labelled the boy a thief.
(27) She labelled all the boxes of the books carefully.
(28) Meat labelled "Scotch Beef" sells for a premium in supermarkets.
(29) The samples were all labelled with a date and place of origin.
(30) If you spend any time in prison, you're labelled as a criminal for the rest of your life.
(1) The steel can was labelled "flammable".
(2) The tabloid papers labelled him "an evil sex monster".
(3) She was wrongly labelled a liar.
(4) This phrase is labelled as an Americanism in this dictionary.
(5) She had automatically labelled the boys as troublemakers.
(6) The pharmaceutist labelled the bottles.
(7) Everything may be labelled, but everybody is not.
(8) Make sure your luggage is properly labelled.
(9) The newspapers had unjustly labelled him as a coward.
(10) The phrase is labelled as slang in the dictionary.
(11) They labelled him as dishonest.
(12) His enemies labelled the boy a thief.
(13) She labelled all the boxes of the books carefully.
(31) They are afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family.
(32) We carefully labelled each item with the contents and the date.
(33) If you venture from "feminine" standards, you are labelled aggressive and hostile.
(34) Each bag of seeds is labelled with the grower's name.
(35) Make sure the contents are clearly labelled on the outside.
(36) He had maybe a thousand tapes, all neatly labelled and catalogued.
(37) There should be a law ensuring products tested on animals have to be labelled as such.
(38) All meat should be clearly labelled with its country of origin.
(39) All goods must be clearly labelled with their country of origin.
(40) Aboriginal art has finally gained recognition and broken away from being labelled as "primitive" or "exotic".
(41) All the goods are labelled with the address of the manufacturer.
(42) His son and daughter are clever that everyone labelled them as the genius.
(43) The first is labelled: Ojibway music scroll.
(44) Critics have unfairly labelled Young a racist.
(45) Therefore it is best labelled democratic feminist socialism.
(46) Campbell has labelled the commission's recommendations as sheer nonsense.
(47) A search space is a labelled directed graph.
(48) The key was in the top drawer, neatly labelled.
(49) It should be neatly stacked and clearly labelled.
(50) The unemployed are often labelled as lazy or unreliable.
(51) Theodora had found the spare vestry key, neatly labelled, in the top right-hand drawer of Charles Julian's desk.
(52) Oligonucleotides were radioactively labelled, complexed with F9 nuclear proteins and separated by agarose gel electrophoresis.
(53) Anyone with a foreign accent, including refugee children, were labelled as potential saboteurs.
(54) They drank tea out of mugs labelled Captain and Bosun brought by his wife, who was small, bright-eyed and determinedly busy.
(55) Beer was bottled each day, then labelled and put into crates.
(56) The report suggests that individual products could be labelled to inform the public about how much electricity the appliances consume.
(57) We labelled the pictures with the wrong names, but the boob was spotted by one of our readers.
(58) Cupboards and drawers used for storage should also be labelled and can be colour coded according to contents.
(58) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(59) He was labelled a degenerate youth by his teachers, and left the town before he was 16.
(60) They are not a packet of sweets to be labelled with certain addresses and delivered by the errand boy.
(61) The proposal has therefore been labelled as just as propagandistic as Mussolini's act.
(62) The reason for this emphasis on the way in which people are labelled is that laws are essentially political products.
(63) The manufacturer makes products to match the retailer's specifications and these are labelled with the retailer's own distinctive label.
(64) She labelled them neatly, writing the addresses in ball point pen and capital letters.
(65) Downwardly sticky wages gives a J shape to the curve, labelled, with the curve beginning at the existing price level.
(66) The task took some considerable time as each bone was labelled according to a blueprint held by the archaeologist.
(67) A more ideal marker would be one which labelled an entire population within intact viable embryos without disrupting their integrity.
(68) In his speech the Bishop labelled these crimes as a symptom of society's moral decline.
(69) A condition to be rectified as quickly as possible if she didn't want to be labelled a freak, or worse.
(70) So it suggests a compromise which asks that meat from religious slaughter, where animals are not stunned, should be labelled.
(71) The total number of cells and of labelled cells within a randomly selected field of view were counted.
(72) Henry was not the miser which later historians have labelled him.
(73) Labelled oligonucleotides were incubated with F9 nuclear proteins in the presence or absence of cold competitors.
(74) Miller refused to testify and paid for it by being labelled a communist.
(75) The labelled Watson and unlabelled complementary strand were mixed in a concentration ratio of 1:2, respectively.
(76) It was labelled as being able to give shocks of up to 450 volts.
(77) The Fluid Foundation comes in a little opaque beige plastic container, and is labelled, in gold lettering, Teint Naturel.
(78) These moistened globules should be dried on blotting paper and then put in a sealed bottle, and labelled 0/1.
(79) Noisy environment Quite justifiably, hospitals have been labelled as noisy environments.
(80) They confuse popularity with wealth, and you are labelled as stingy.
(81) Wires are colour coded and have labelled fitted plugs which slide over libelled pins on the motherboard.
(82) Suggestions for cover illustrations, with captions and labelled with the manuscript number, are welcome.
(83) The extra keyboard facilities include both Delete and Edit keys and a numeric keypad but once again the Break function isn't labelled.
(84) Apple's altruism was also labelled as a smart ploy to introduce the nation's youngsters to its products.
(85) She wanted desperately to make him understand that she wasn't the kind of girl Giles had labelled her.
(86) Products would have to be clearly labelled to identify the type of plastic they are made from.
(87) Then she recalled his reactions to what he'd labelled her prejudices in St Lucia, and stayed silent.
(88) The back panel has two serial ports, a printer port,[http:///labelled.html] a games port and video socket - all clearly labelled.
(89) The first and traditional conception of the company might be labelled the fiction/concession theory.
(90) Labelled red blood cells and selective visceral angiography have been recommended to establish the diagnosis.
(91) Comparison with the peroxidase labelled antibody sandwich method using formalin fixed paraffin embedded material.
(92) For many patients with severe chronic constipation no cause can be found, hence the condition is labelled as idiopathic.
(93) She lashed out at her critics who had labelled her a bimbo.
(94) Not all collections of numbers or functions labelled with suffixes necessarily form tensors.
(95) Before, I'd felt little resentment and shrugged off being labelled daft or deaf, never needing to cry in front of them.
(96) There was strongly positive uptake by the entire graft on a labelled white cell scan.
(97) Article 10 of the directive requires all food to be clearly labelled.
(98) Each one is labelled clearly with the title in large letters in the bottom right-hand corner.
(99) Ironically, the visionary leader who, through similar inconsistency, is labelled a good actor, risks losing credibility.
(100) Scores of meticulously labelled tins containing sub-assembly fixings were stacked at the rear of the workshop.
(101) We have already stressed the need for you to keep your notes and assignments in properly labelled and categorised loose-leaf folders.
(102) A opportunity arose from a primary study of proliferation in gastric malignancy to investigate BrdUrd labelled gastric mucosa.
(103) One important issue we have not considered is what happens to the individual once he or she is labelled as criminal.
(104) The importance of Kittay's formulation lies in her wide definition of the type of linguistic unit that can be labelled metaphoric.
(105) In it, there are three wooden blocks labelled A, B and C, and a table.
(106) The officers' quarters in the guardroom contained a large board labelled with the names of different areas.
(107) Several other blooms lay bright and brittle between the back pages of the diary, each one neatly labelled.
(108) The kind to use for preference is any variety which is labelled as polyunsaturated or as high in polyunsaturates.
(109) He could afford, he reckoned, to be relaxed about certain sorts of problem; namely those he privately labelled intractable.
(110) The key is single variety wines, labelled by grape name, and the judicious use of oak.
(111) The labelled fragments were eluted from acrylamide gels and purified by ethanol precipitation.
(112) Each one was labelled with a box number and contained a large brown envelope.
(113) Such techniques no longer even need radioactively labelled probes,() which will facilitate their routine use in laboratories.
(114) The labelled tyr T DNA fragments of interest were separated from the remainder of the plasmids on 6% polyacrylamide gels.
(115) Serving officers who attempt constructive criticism of the police, risk being labelled traitors and put their promotion prospects in jeopardy.
(116) Thousands of children in similar Quebec facilities were falsely labelled mentally retarded in the 1950s.
(117) Make sure that each tape is clearly labelled for every text on it, and give each text a number.
(118) The Society now wishes to produce another companion volume in the form of illustrations of labelled and name-stamped London furniture./labelled.html
(119) As shown in Fig. 2A, two footprints were observed either with the lower or the upper strand labelled.
(120) Females are less likely than males to be labelled as delinquent and to be processed accordingly.
(121) One particular point of the line is labelled 0 and another is labelled 1.
(122) The study of labelled crypt cells is helped by computerised data analysis, as described for colorectal crypts.
(123) Women who point out cases of harassment risk being labelled troublemakers.
(124) We never observed any labelled protein when wild type oligonucleotides were used for competition.
(125) But consumer groups, which have insisted that genetically modified foods should be labelled as such, rejected the plan.
(126) Children who are labelled "slow" usually get less attention from teachers.
(127) A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
(128) Poisonous substances, such as garden chemicals, should be clearly labelled.
(129) Cicourel suggests that certain groups are selected, processed and labelled as criminal.
(130) Such unemployment is labelled classical in the sense that its sole root cause is an excessively high real wage.
(131) Some labelled this competitive devaluation.
(132) She is usually labelled ( as ) an Impressionist.
(133) Draw a labelled stock time curve graph.
(134) Click on the button labelled " Add Port "
(135) He labelled the parcel before posting it.
(136) They labelled him as a demagogue.
(137) Labelled shikimic acid is reality converted to phenylalanine.
(138) Method:HSS labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) was used for staining the hepatocytes.
(139) Objective To improve the quality of long - term stored labelled ferritin antigen with HPLC.
(140) METHODS: Automatic sequencing with labelled fluorescence was used to screen the SNPs of GSTT1 and GSTM1 in 20 healthy Han people.
(141) After all, no one wants to be labelled a has-been.
(142) Originally labelled a structuralist , the French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault came to be seen as the most important representative of the post- structuralist movement.
(143) You may get fired for your stance, but you are more likely to be labelled a moaner or ignored.
(144) Opium was labelled wu xiang or 'black fragrance' by the editors of Da Ming Huidian, as Yu Zhengxie, a Qing court historiographer, decoded.
(145) Two primer pairs and 24 digoxigenin labelled SSOs were used to identify 17 A · 02 alleles.
(146) For nearly 20 years, Mr Yin was labelled a counter - revolutionary and assigned menial tasks in a factory.
(147) HRP labelled cells in the lumbar sympathetic ganglions were to be observed.
(148) The labelled fibers were found in the tracheosyringealis hypoglossal nerve.
(149) If the equipment passes the QC check it should be wrapped and ready for shipping and then labelled with a bar code which relates to the stock list.
(150) She is afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family.
(151) Horseradish peroxidase labelled cells distributed in the parenchyma of the pineal gland.
(152) To investigate levels of skin exposure, the researchers took radioactively labelled BPA and observed the movement of radioactivity through pig ear skin — a widely used model for human skin.
(153) Studies with labelled aspartate demonstrate its ready conversion into asparagine.
(154) The last show of the 25th season will mark the end of an era, as Oprah leaves the talk show circuit to concentrate on the founding of her own cable network suitable labelled 'OWN'.
(155) I'm definitely labelled in the pin-up category and I haven't given people a reason to take my work seriously yet.
(156) An in situ hybridization study was carried out with a digoxin - labelled RNA probe.
(157) When the PBL was injected the labelled neurons were observed in the DCN and bilateral IM.
(158) Both the Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster and the Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster are sometimes labelled as Djungarian Hamsters.
(159) It is ridiculous to argue that teachers will be replaced by computers one day, because such a dehumanised schooling can hardly be labelled "education".
(160) At both sites, teeth labelled variously as Australopithecus, H. erectus and Meganthropus are most likely to be the mystery ape instead.
(161) The labelled antibody showed good immunoreactivity , when it was measured by IRMA - bi - antibody sandwich method.
(162) Well-known, fly is with the life in foul environment, transmit tens of planting bacteria and suffer people disgustful , be labelled " the four pests " one of.
(163) Results The neurons labelled by HRP were found in bilateral locus coeruleuses, and there was no obvious difference between the groups of gracile and cuneate nucleus.
(164) Nearby was an empty Mason jar labelled "Human Sweat" and a bunch of yellow sponges in a plastic bag marked "Human Bait."
(165) Volunteers are given tiny traces of a radioactively labelled drug—too small to harm them, and typically just one-hundredth of the estimated full dose—in a drink.
(166) Where authentic Chinese medicines are sold, they shall be labelled to indicate the place of origin.
(167) A small number of small-sized and labelled cells were also seen in the dorsal nucleus of vagus, especially in the ventrolateral part oft...
(168) Human superoxide dismutase (SOD) was labelled with high specific radioactivity by conjugating to an 125I-iodinizated acylating agent.
(169) He labelled it a "dangerous" scoreline, and that is the voice of experience.
(170) And that enigmatically labelled dashboard switch that made such a satisfying Swedish click but seemed not to be connected to anything: what was that?
(171) If one does not reflect, can one be labelled a creative person?
(172) It was once labelled a cultural desert because of its dearth ofcultural and artistic activities.
(173) These dealers were labelled "bearskin jobbers " and later, "bears.
(174) Was labelled State Council 1988 open to the outside world littoral county.
(175) There is a growing international autism civil rights movement, with many people who have been labelled as autistic combining in self-defence against discrimination and stigmatisation.
(176) The promising attacker, who has been labelled 'the new Zlatan Ibrahimovic' in his native country, has developed into a key player at Goteborg since making his official league debut in July 2008.
(177) Objective: In order to build the method to apply Torpedo Acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) labelled second antibody in ELBA.
(178) Then, HRP was injected into the area where the phrenic motor neurons occupied, retrograde labelled neurons were found in medulla oblongata.
(178) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(179) Aim To synthesize deuterium labelled iptakalim hydrochloride and confirm the MS fragment pathways of iptakalim hydrochloride.
(180) A few blurred images of a weapon labelled KD-88 have been seen prior to this but the CFTE film shows two distinct versions being trialled by Xian JH-7A attack aircraft.
(181) Transfer Factor (TF) was added to the lymphocyte of human blood with labelled 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5- hexatriene (DPH) to determine its fluorescence polarization value at different times.
(182) The star, labelled HD10180, is 127 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Hydra, the water snake.
(183) Results The fluorochrome labelled new bone gradually replaced almost all the spongy bone and the partial cortical bone of the graft at the end of the experiment.
(184) Labelled "the fastest-growing company ever" by ardent fans, the firm has turned a simple concept into a money-spinner.
(185) Secondly, the basic theory, definition, and properties of the labelled transition system (LTS) are given. By using the theory LTS, the test suite, test case and test generation are defined.
(186) Use figures and graphs in place of — or at least to illustrate — words, but make sure they are clearly and consistently labelled, not too complex and easily interpretable.
(187) I was born in 1943, the year that the Austrian psychiatrist Leo Kanner first recorded a pattern of symptoms in some children that he labelled "early infantile autism".
(188) " It is arguable that Boys - like girls should be labelled as " problem students " . ".
(189) This third group that showed no clear pattern was labelled 'aschematic', i.e. having no schema about independence or otherwise — for one reason or another it was a hole in their self-knowledge.
(190) A second group, which included France and Switzerland and is labelled the "gold bloc" by the authors, held fast to gold to preserve their status as financial centres.
(191) Do you get bothered by being labelled a heart - throb?
(192) Button caps can be either pre-printed or have clear windows which allow features, lines, and Autodial numbers to be labelled on the button.
(193) The labelled fibers were found in the tracheosyringealis of hypoglossal nerve.
(194) Let's now see how to find a st ar which is labelled with a Greek letter.
(195) Analysis of labelled ethanol desorbed at different temperatures indicated that the adsorbed ethanol did not take part in the coke formation.
(196) Lisa has apparently grown weary of being labelled the thinking woman's crumpet.
(197) There was just a piece of loose-leaf on the stairs labelled "Deceased Female" and one on the kitchen floor labelled "Deceased Male."
(198) Cells of middle elongation zone and root hair zone were also labelled by many gold particles.
(199) Many architectural description languages(ADLS) rely on labelled transition systems(LTS) to model the SA dynamics, and LTS graph could be used as the reference model for deriving the test sequences.




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