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单词 Abortion
(1) Abortion is a highly controversial issue.
(2) Her strong Catholic beliefs made abortion unthinkable.
(3) The abortion issue is political dynamite.
(4) Is abortion legal in your country?
(5) What is your attitude to abortion?
(6) The abortion arose from an accidental fall.
(7) They are totally opposed to abortion.
(8) The doctor's stance on the issue of abortion is well known.
(9) Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances.
(10) Abortion is still one of the hot button issues of US life.
(11) We are organizing a mass picket of the abortion clinic.
(12) This project is a complete abortion.
(13) He's waffled on abortion and gay rights.
(14) She's in favour of abortion on demand.
(15) The pro-abortion camp are fighting to decriminalize abortion.
(16) He carried out an abortion on a fifteen-year-old girl.
(17) The president has adopted a hardline stance against abortion.
(18) Abortion was legalized in the 1960s.
(19) Abortion is a highly politicized issue.
(20) His plan proved an abortion.
(21) Abortion is a very sensitive issue.
(22) We're campaigning for a/the repeal of the abortion laws.
(23) Jones is urging Christians to stand firm against abortion.
(24) Abortion is restricted in some American states.
(25) She has strong feelings on the issue of abortion.
(26) The group has taken a militant position on the abortion issue and is refusing to compromise.
(27) The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on abortion.
(28) When she got pregnant at 16 she decided to have an abortion.
(29) There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion.
(30) We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.
(1) Abortion is a highly controversial issue.
(2) Her strong Catholic beliefs made abortion unthinkable.
(3) Is abortion legal in your country?
(4) The abortion arose from an accidental fall.
(5) They are totally opposed to abortion.
(6) The doctor's stance on the issue of abortion is well known.
(7) The group has taken a militant position on the abortion issue and is refusing to compromise.
(8) The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on abortion.
(9) Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances.
(10) Abortion is still one of the hot button issues of US life.
(11) We are organizing a mass picket of the abortion clinic.
(12) When she got pregnant at 16 she decided to have an abortion.
(13) We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.
(14) The president has adopted a hardline stance against abortion.
(15) Abortion is a highly contentious issue.
(16) She had an abortion at the women's health clinic.
(31) Abortion has always been a divisive issue.
(32) She decided to have/get an abortion.
(33) They want to restrict the availability of abortion.
(34) She decided to have an abortion.
(35) She's opposed to abortion on principle.
(36) Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand.
(37) Abortion is a highly charged issue.
(38) Abortion is a very emotional issue .
(39) The latter part of the debate concentrated on abortion.
(40) Abortion is a highly contentious issue.
(41) We'd like to know what you feel about abortion.
(42) He gave a long sermon against abortion.
(43) His girlfriend had an abortion.
(44) Abortion is illegal in many countries.
(45) I don't go along with her views on abortion.
(46) Abortion has become a hot button issue.
(47) His attempt proved an abortion.
(48) Abortion is an issue which produces little reasoned argument.
(49) She had an abortion at the women's health clinic.
(50) He is stridently opposed to abortion.
(51) She had an abortion.
(52) She was shouted down when she tried to speak on the issue of abortion.
(53) For many politicians,( ) abortion is an issue that's too hot to handle.
(54) Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist.
(55) He again urged passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.
(56) Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed.
(57) Abortion rates are high because the availability of contraceptives is limited.
(58) They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion.
(59) The King's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion.
(60) When he got his girlfriend into trouble, they had to choose between marriage and an abortion.
(61) Last year Dr Travis publicly attacked the idea that abortion should be available on demand.
(62) There were the usual protests from the anti - abortion contingent.
(63) The proposed change in the law would make abortion illegal except for strictly defined medical reasons.
(64) The Vatican's teaching on abortion is clear: it is a sin.
(65) He is a vociferous critic of the president's stance on abortion.
(66) The President's policy on abortion is regarded as a litmus test of his views on women's rights.
(67) The abortion issue is a political hot potato in the United States.
(68) Women's groups are calling for free contraception and abortion on demand.
(69) He refused for reasons of conscience to sign a new law legalising abortion.
(70) Many people have very strong opinions about the rightness or wrongness of abortion.
(71) Abortion was legalized nationally in the United States following the Roe versus Wade case.
(72) There has been much dispute over the question of legalised abortion in the Western world.
(73) I could never, ever have an abortion. Brooke Shields 
(74) He would outlaw abortion and end gun control.
(75) Violence and harassment against abortion providers continued to escalate.
(76) The struggle over abortion is a struggle over decision-making.
(77) Only 5 percent named the abortion issue.
(78) Many voters believed abortion rights were threatened.
(79) The abortion debate provided an unexpected twist Thursday.
(80) Buchanan opposes abortion, affirmative action, immigration and imports.
(81) Future fertility was not related to induced abortion.
(82) Clinton: Favors legal abortion, with few restrictions.
(83) Keeping abortion clinics open was one such issue.
(84) I knew his rigidly hostile views on abortion.
(85) I, too, had had an illegal abortion.
(86) A pro-choice president now stands guard over abortion rights.
(87) Controversy, too, continues to surround the abortion issue.
(88) I am opposed to abortion on demand.
(89) Wade legalized abortion around the nation.
(90) His statement on abortion was greeted by moderate applause.
(91) Y., referring to the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.
(92) Before the convention, Republicans squabbled over the perennially hot-button abortion issue.
(93) Alan Keyes, an eloquent black talk-show host who fervently opposes abortion, has never officially abandoned the race.
(94) Henry Hyde, R-Ill., a longtime abortion opponent tapped by Dole to chair the committee crafting the official party platform.
(95) The bill would have banned an abortion procedure known to health professionals as intact dilation and extraction.
(96) Thousands turn to illegal abortion services, thousands more give birth to children they neither wanted nor can afford.
(97) The jury did not believe Evans's story about his wife's abortion, as there was no evidence of it.
(98) Unable to scrape together the money for a safe, legal abortion, she turned to an illegal abortionist.
(99) But the abortion issue was not a big factor in either Virginia or New Jersey.
(100) Congressional representatives and religious leaders fired off faxes condemning violence at abortion clinics.
(101) The other said that Courtney carried out an illegal abortion at her home.
(102) It is an important protection against behaving in unprofessional ways like procuring an illegal abortion or killing a handicapped baby.
(103) But how often is the mule's gestation cut short by spontaneous abortion?
(104) Yet all over the world the campaign against abortion continues.
(105) The highly publicized abortion debate overshadowed the rest of the platform that calls for a smorgasbord of constitutional amendments.
(106) Back then Republicans did not wear polyester or worry about gays and abortion.
(107) These figures are heroes to conservatives for their espousal of policies that are meat and drink to the right, especially abortion.
(108) The draft retains the abortion rights position of the 1992 platform, but adds language suggested by abortion opponent Rep.
(109) This is why access to safe, reliable, legal abortion is what most women want.
(110) Short of legalizing abortion, lives could be saved if doctors were better trained to deal with septic or incomplete abortions.
(111) He is vehemently opposed to abortion, gay rights and many aspirations of the Third World.
(112) Mack, a solid conservative who opposes abortion, could help Dole in electoral vote-rich Florida.
(113) But most feminists do not believe that abortion is merely the moral equivalent of a tonsillectomy.
(114) He held his own with other voters in spite of his views on abortion.
(115) That is why the debate over abortion is more often a slanging match than a dialogue.
(116) Some delegates have indicated they will oppose a vice presidential nominee who is not solidly against abortion.
(117) They also demanded that President Reagan announce an end to legal abortion in the United States.
(118) Janet Hadley looks at both sides of the abortion debate.
(119) So furious had he been that he had wanted to perform an abortion himself,() immediately.
(120) Buchanan made a special appeal to abortion opponents, a group of voters whose support he generally shares with Gramm and Keyes.
(121) It was not widely known that there was a abortion clinic in the neighborhood.
(122) He contends that economic prosperity has given the voters the opportunity to choose on issues like abortion and the environment.
(123) The judge will quiz jurors individually about their views on abortion and the insanity defense beginning Tuesday.
(124) He introduced a bill to legalize abortion two years before Roe v. Wade.
(125) Whatever you may think about the morality of abortion, these are the most deplorable scare tactics.
(126) The growth of non-profit-making abortion clinics since the act has meant that abortion is widely available.
(127) Under the terms of the legislation an abortion clinic was also required to inform a patient about the possible alternatives to abortion.
(128) The ruling was not a total defeat for the abortion clinics.
(129) If I'd been able to find out about Moira's abortion, the chances were that Neil could have too.
(130) A woman who is granted an abortion does not get to choose between abortions.
(131) No government has ever made abortion a capital crime or executed either a pregnant woman or an abortionist for murder.
(132) Her case ended up in the Supreme Court which overturned restrictive abortion laws in 46 states.
(133) By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who pledged to outlaw abortion altogether had been elected.
(134) By the turn of the century virtually every State had a law prohibiting or restricting abortion on its books.
(135) It surfaced over the issues of abortion and birth control.
(136) The court in 1994 upheld some limits on how close protesters can get to women entering abortion clinics to terminate pregnancies.
(137) None of the women who were subsequently interviewed mentioned illegal abortion and the final report ignores the topic.
(138) Last month the senator complicated their task by reiterating his support for some exceptions to a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
(139) A statement said there was a spontaneous abortion and the life support machine had now been turned off.
(140) Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.
(141) In the coming abortion clinic battles, these would prove invaluable to her and to me.
(142) The abortion issue also seems to have been canceled for lack of burning interest.
(143) Prior to 1980 Bush had supported the right of women to choose to have an abortion.
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(144) Conservatives insist that the new platform retain the 1992 abortion plank calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.
(145) Clinton consistently supported women's right to abortion at a time when Bush adopted an anti-abortion stance.
(146) Patrick Buchanan has criticized Dole for not taking a stronger stance against abortion.
(147) These developments took place against a background of growing activism on the abortion issue in the country at large.
(148) He supports parental notification and opposes government funding, but does not advocate a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
(149) Another alleged he carried out an illegal abortion at her home.
(150) He has stated that, as Governor of New Jersey, he would not push for legislation to restrict abortion drastically.
(151) Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.
(152) In 116 stories, Republicans who supported legal abortion were described as moderates.
(153) He voted against abortion consistently all through his congressional career.
(154) I am convinced it is this freedom that is at the heart of the abortion debate.
(155) Voters' views on abortion ran even stronger against the Buchanan position.
(156) The convention could include a battle over whether to retain the platform plank calling for a constitutional ban on abortion.
(157) How come when it's us, it's an abortion, and when it's a chicken, it's an omelette? George Carlin 
(158) The ballot gives further notice to conservative Republicans how dangerous the abortion issue has become for them.
(159) All calls for accommodation masked the gulf that divides abortion opponents and supporters.
(160) The Supreme Court is expected to weaken further the nationwide constitutional protection for abortion early next year.
(161) She also knows that other religious denominations do not always take a rigid stand against abortion.
(162) Christians have hauled the Republican Party towards their views on abortion and school prayer.
(163) But religious right leaders had adamantly opposed him because of his views on abortion and affirmative action.
(164) Still, Buchanan appeals to abortion opponents(), gun rights advocates and religious conservatives.
(165) Clinton would support language banning the abortion technique as an elective procedure, another White House aide said.
(166) Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born. Ronald Reagan 
(167) It called for a free vote on marijuana, and also for possible referendums on abortion and the restoration of capital punishment.
(168) Theresa Marino thought she understood parishioners' reservations about engaging the abortion issue.
(169) In the United States a most dramatic contemporary example of this process is the abortion issue.
(170) Legal abortion Legal abortion in Britain since 1967 came too late to explain the beginning of fertility decline.
(171) Abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare. Bill Clinton 
(172) Laws against abortion only succeed in making it painful and dangerous.
(173) Dole and Kemp both oppose abortion(/abortion.html), and the new Republican platform retains a strong anti-abortion plank.
(174) Throughout the 1992 election campaign, it became quite clear just how vehemently abortion opponents feared the coming of a pro-choice president.
(175) The spousal notification requirement is thus likely to prevent a significant number of women from obtaining an abortion.
(176) I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born. Ronald Reagan 
(177) Buchanan, however, said she was pleased by the selection of abortion opponent Rep.
(178) Mr Coleman promised he would not push for legislation which would severely restrict abortion in Virginia.
(179) The first major demonstration of this was in 1983, in the controversy over the abortion amendment.
(180) However, on the eve of the referendum, the majority of priests preached against abortion.
(181) Is abortion morally defensible?
(182) I've got very strange ideals, and one of the things I've got a very definite mind on is abortion.
(183) When she was thinking about having an abortion nobody told her to have it.
(184) When most criminal abortion laws were first enacted, the procedure was a hazardous one for the woman.
(185) Thirty-six percent ended in legal abortion - less than in 1977.
(186) Conclusion: Salpingemphraxis was the key sterile cause of the secondary infertility after drug induced abortion.
(187) Methods: The expression of PCNA and fibronectin in placenta of 30 patients with early abortion were detected by immunohistochemistry.
(188) Objective To analyze of the role of peripheral blood T-cell subsets in unexplained habitual abortion(UHA).
(189) Conclusion For drug abortion, early diagnosis and medication may improve the rate of complete abortion and reduce the days of colporrhagia.
(190) A history of cesarean section was significantly higher than the failure rate of abortion history of natural childbirth.
(191) Among nulliparous women, those with histories of abuse or difficult miscarriage or abortion had the highest risk for PTSD.
(192) Mostly because abortion, labor, surgical operation or not clean sexual behavior come cervix uteri's damnification, the pathogen penetration comes the infection.
(193) Objective:To explore the availability of oral misoprostol for cervical dilatation, reducing the complication of artificial abortion prior to vacuum aspiration.
(194) Conclusion: Chromosome abnormality is a major genetic factor that causes abortion, amenia and dysgenitalis, and should be highly emphasized by clinicians.
(195) Of all the chromosomal aberrations, the appearance of asynapitc univalent and resultant pollen abortion was the major cause of seedless fruits.
(196) If you try to proselytize someone, or battle them over a hot topic like abortion, you may reach a point of no return.
(197) Another three percent have either taken an abortion pill or had an abortion at an unlicensed clinic.
(198) This new edition includes an entire chapter that has been added to address the controversial issue of abortion within the authors' distinct framework.
(199) Tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists are set to take part in Monday's annual " March on Washington" to mark the 34th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
(200) She decided not to go through with ( ie not to have ) the abortion.
(201) Objective:To observe the curable effects of colporrhagia following medical(abortion) with modified(combination) of Duan Hong pill and Danggui Buxue decoction.
(202) Objective: To evaluate the effects of flurbiprofen axetil combined with propofol in induced abortion anaesthesia and postoperative analgesia.
(203) Brucella spp are the facultative intracellular pathogens with the ability to survive and multiply in phagocytes(Sentencedict)(), and they can cause abortion of pregnant domestic animals and undulant fever in humans.
(204) Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
(205) Results Cephalopelvic disproportion, abnormal position of fetus, history of premature birth and abortion, inflammation of reproductive organs were the most factors of PROM.
(206) The two sisters were usually in agreement on most issues, but they were at sword's points on the matter of abortion.
(207) Brucellosis is a sexually transmitted bacterial disease that can cause uveitis, abortion, and orchitis in dogs.
(208) The abortion type of these CMS lines is sporophyte abortion.
(209) Ovarian pregnancy was often related to intrauterine device, repeated artificial abortion and cesarean section. Conclusion The doubtful cases should be performed posterior fornix...
(210) January 22,1973: The Supreme Court of the United States delivers its decision in Roe v. Wade, legalizing elective abortion in all fifty states.




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