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单词 Fewer
1 Women commit fewer crimes than men.
2 There seem to be fewer tourists around this year.
3 Fewer students are opting for science courses nowadays.
4 The detective discovered no fewer than 35 fingerprints.
5 No fewer than 10 students were absent through illness.
6 Most people have speech, but significantly fewer have writing.
7 The government says fewer Americans are carpooling to work.
8 He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer warships.
9 Fewer than 7% of asylum seekers are accepted as political refugees.
10 The firm has less money and fewer staff than last year.
11 Mr Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.
12 Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another "home" waiting to be found. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay "home".
13 Successful people don't have fewer problems. They have determined that nothing will stop them from going forward.
14 Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right.
15 Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer stillbirths.
16 The Islamic calendar has fewer days than the Gregorian calendar.
17 I was given less cake and fewer biscuits than she had.
18 He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.
19 While fewer people are attending football matches, armchair viewers are growing in number.
20 No fewer than five hundred delegates attended the conference.
21 Her admirers were fewer, and fatter, and less ardent.
22 Fewer herring than usual have been landed this year.
23 No fewer than 2,000 delegates attended the conference.
24 Arts students have fewer timetabled hours than science students.
25 The company is publishing fewer titles than last year.
26 Fewer people smoke these days than used to.
27 They will make economies by hiring fewer part-time workers.
28 Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up. If love isa mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while womenwill see fewer men.
29 If love is a mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while women will see fewer men.
30 We like to travel in the autumn when there are fewer tourists.
1 Women commit fewer crimes than men.
2 There seem to be fewer tourists around this year.
3 The detective discovered no fewer than 35 fingerprints.
4 No fewer than 10 students were absent through illness.
5 Most people have speech, but significantly fewer have writing.
6 The government says fewer Americans are carpooling to work.
7 He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer warships.
8 Fewer than 7% of asylum seekers are accepted as political refugees.
9 Mr Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.
10 We like to travel in the autumn when there are fewer tourists.
11 Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right.
12 Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer stillbirths.
13 The Islamic calendar has fewer days than the Gregorian calendar.
14 I was given less cake and fewer biscuits than she had.
15 He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.
16 While fewer people are attending football matches, armchair viewers are growing in number.
17 Her admirers were fewer, and fatter, and less ardent.
18 In former times there were far fewer people dwelling on earth than there are now.
19 I used to have many men friends but there are fewer now that I'm past my bloom.
20 Joking apart, you ought to smoke fewer cigarettes, you know.
21 Honest politicians cannot be bought, but they are becoming fewer.
31 Fewer workers are needed to solder circuit boards.
32 There are fewer cars parked outside than yesterday.
33 Fewer and fewer people are in work.
34 We need fewer organizers and more doers.
35 There were fewer than twenty people there.
36 Yesterday no fewer than thirty climbers reached the summit.
37 Fewer than 20 students passed all the exams.
38 We need more doers and fewer organizers.
39 The boat has no fewer than five hydraulic pumps.
40 There are fewer opportunities for new graduates this year.
41 The report shows that fewer couples are getting hitched.
42 We are operating with fewer layers of management.
43 No fewer than thirteen foreign ministers attended the session.
44 Nowadays there are fewer extrinsic pressures to get married.
45 The end result of these changes will be more bureaucracy and fewer resources.
46 In 1790 the new nation had fewer than four million people.
47 Fewer houses are available, but there is no corresponding decrease in demand.
48 I tried to contact him no fewer than ten times.
49 The study showed that women with the disease have had fewer children than normal controls.
50 There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance.
51 Working fewer hours will make life just that little bit easier for me.
52 The decline in numbers of young people means that fewer teachers will be needed.
53 Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men.
54 It was an enormous ship; there were no fewer than a thousand cars on it.
55 Current demographic trends suggest that there will be fewer school leavers coming into the workforce in ten years' time.
56 Fewer people desire to live in the north of the country.
57 Statistics show that people now drink less beer than they used to(), and smoke fewer cigarettes.
58 It is also expected to consider a resolution which would allow food to go through immediately with fewer restrictions.
59 There were fewer temporary engineers to plug in in that city because of low pay.
60 With fewer tourists in town, the taxi trade is going through its leanest patch for 30 years.
61 In former times there were far fewer people dwelling on earth than there are now.
62 Cuts in public spending mean that fewer people can go on to higher education.
63 Insistence on better working conditions by the union has resulted in fewer employee absences.
64 There will be more documentaries and fewer quiz shows in the autumn season on TV.
65 I eat less chocolate and fewer biscuits than I used to.
66 I used to have many men friends but there are fewer now that I'm past my bloom.
67 If we served more soft drinks, there would be fewer hangovers and, more importantly, fewer drink-driving incidents.
68 Joking apart, you ought to smoke fewer cigarettes, you know.
69 Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild.
70 The wedding was a low-key affair, with fewer than thirty people attending.
71 Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.
72 These days he plays to audiences of a hundred or fewer which is a bit of a comedown after Wembley Stadium.
73 This year's budget simply reflects the fact that we have fewer people out of work.
74 We found that television and radio gave rise to far fewer complaints than did the printed media.
75 As his illness progressed, he made fewer entries in his diary.
76 Retail sales dipped 6/10ths of a percent last month, largely because Americans were buying fewer cars.
77 We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road.
78 As autumn advances the days close in and the hours of light become fewer and fewer.
79 Countries cannot have it both ways: the cost of a cleaner environment may sometimes be fewer jobs in dirty industries.
80 You ought to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.
81 It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff.
82 The mobile library services have been reorganised — in other words, they visit fewer places.
83 When you're walking 30 miles a day, the fewer encumbrances the better.
84 Honest politicians cannot be bought, but they are becoming fewer.
85 Fewer than forty per cent voted— the threshold for results to be valid.
86 Women once again are having fewer children and spacing them further apart.
87 It's generally true to say that fewer people are needed nowadays.
88 There are no fewer than 100 different species in the area.
89 Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.
90 Fewer than five percent of women have their babies on their due date.
91 Secular remains of Gothic architecture in Czechoslovakia are fewer.
92 Women commit far fewer crimes than men.
93 Are we better off with fewer medical products?
94 There were thirteen percent fewer serious assaults.
95 Fewer than 50 bird species are polyandrous.
96 A lower temperature brings deeper sleep with fewer awakenings.
97 Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet. Colette 
98 Far fewer houses for example lack basic amenities.
99 Chickens bred for meat lay fewer eggs.
100 The housing assistance plan was prepared with fewer disruptions.
101 Feeling satisfied, they stopped eating after fewer calories.
102 His television curriculum vitae lists no fewer than 81 titles.
103 Besides being paid less per hour the majority of women employees in both sectors work fewer hours than their male counterparts.
104 When fish stocks are severely depleted, their output is also reduced - because there are fewer fish remaining to reproduce.
105 Whipped margarine, like whipped butter, has fewer calories per equal volume than regular margarine.
106 The Reds dropped a few small bombs, killed far fewer people than calculation suggests and ignored militarily-attractive targets.
107 This was fewer than the number of people looking at a daily newspaper.
108 There are few trees, and fewer houses, to block its path.
109 Now, however, no fewer than 23 countries have cellular networks up and running.
110 Without computer modelling, the engineer is forced to take short cuts by evaluating fewer design options.
111 In the period 1831-65 no fewer than forty-one Anglican clergymen had presided over its various sections.
112 Indeed, there were fewer patients than expected taking NSAIDs, perhaps since intake had been reduced because of chronic duodenal ulcer disease.
113 It does not necessarily follow that decent wages and working conditions with fewer hours mean a higher cost to the consumer.
114 If drivers paid the true costs of road use, they might switch to less congested times, or make fewer journeys.
115 No doubt, as they are established, the pressures for dispersal are fewer.
116 In fact, they had fewer reasons to bite their nails over the course of the century.
117 Robert Eccleshall has fewer pretensions than Ted Honderich but his book is much more coherent.
118 The compensation of greater freedom may hold fewer attractions when energy is diminished.
119 The neural network approach requires fewer resources than conventional statistical methods, and further, can process data in real time.
120 In pastoral Suffolk fewer than half this class were dependent on wages, presumably younger men who were not yet cottagers.
121 Fewer than one-fifth of respondents had experienced upward mobility and slightly fewer than one-tenth had experienced downward mobility.
122 If you burn fewer calories, you have to eat less.
123 Some of these issues set off fewer alarm bells today and perhaps for most of us they are of less social concern.
124 But Woosnam has fewer mechanical breakdowns than Peter because his brain is better able to instruct his body what to do.
125 But as shopping habits changed many traders shut up shop and moved out blaming recession, traffic restrictions and fewer bus routes.
126 Did those figures improve because of creative bean-counting techniques in which fewer calls are deemed worthy of investigation?
127 Fewer than two dozen large, politically powerful companies control delivery of most of the news and information we receive.
128 At the same time the surviving companies will grow larger and capital will be concentrated into fewer hands.
129 The very essence of such continuity is children-now fewer than before, but retained far longer within the family bounds.
130 The agricultural labour force continued its long term decline to just under 27,000, nearly two percent fewer than in 1991.
131 The irony we often fail to appreciate is that the more justice people enjoy, the fewer crimes they commit.
132 Suppose that our customer had decided to hold more building society deposits and fewer National Savings instruments.
133 Indianapolis mayor Stephen Goldsmith found that government must focus on fewer things and do them better.
134 Due to spending cuts, however, the new Office is likely to have fewer staff and less budget than its predecessor.
135 One answer lies in the technological advances that make it possible to operate with fewer people.
136 The disadvantages include the possible unreliability of outside contractors and fewer opportunities to integrate all aspects of provision into a corporate whole.
137 In that case you will have fewer rather than more difficulties with which to cope.
138 When you start talking about large conglomerates publishing fewer books, it makes people nervous, because it smacks of censorship.
139 All things considered(), women belong to somewhat fewer voluntary associations than men do.
140 Pairs breeding along acidic streams laid their eggs slightly later, laid fewer, lighter eggs and fed their chicks less often.
141 It contains fewer chemical pollutants, which asthmatics are often allergic to, and so helps to prevent asthma attacks.
142 Over a three-month period, opera attracted 1 percent of the population but ballet and contemporary dance fewer than 1 percent.
143 Nevertheless, fewer than half the health districts in the United Kingdom have established cardiac rehabilitation programmes.
144 This combined number of fewer than 300 audit firms represents less than 3% of the total number registered.
145 It could be that fewer of those bright ideas will go astray.
145 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
146 One immediate benefit for patients may be fewer restrictions on which specialists can be consulted.
147 Fewer than one in five of the schools answering the survey said they have no academic admissions criteria for new students.
148 Secondly, fewer players will actually get involved in the rucks and mauls.
149 Their catalogues contain fewer items, but the range of publications is wider than at the turn of the century.
150 Interestingly non-smoking and non-drinking were cited by many fewer respondents as contributing to being healthy.
151 There are fewer contexts where only the bare infinitive seems appropriate.
152 The need for continuity in industries like this is daunting: fewer people must manage more workers.
153 The fact that, though they had been pared, no fewer than 13 charges still awaited Mr Nadir is discouraging.
154 But improved communications, technological change, and increased demand led to concentration of food production in fewer and greater units.
155 The Senate alone has no fewer than 60 special bills related to the energy crisis.
156 But if I can manage with fewer trips to the store, so much the better.
157 There are fewer beautiful people out there who want to get up close and impersonal with us.
158 The present coalition government elections include no fewer than five political parties.
159 Even fewer succeed and the average level of compensation in those cases is just a few hundred pounds.
160 Those taking beta-carotene had 13 percent fewer cancer deaths and 9 percent fewer deaths overall.
161 The result was that the babies with analgesia had much reduced postoperative endocrine changes, fewer complications and earlier recovery.
162 Advocates of control theory press for increased prices, fewer outlets for drink and restrictions or bans on advertising.
163 Customers of other banks will have more securities, fewer bank deposits and their banks will have fewer operational balances.
164 Seventeen years after his election, the country accepts his main argument: for lower taxes and smaller, fewer Washington-controlled programs.
165 There will be fewer big action pictures and more romantic comedies.
166 Another survivor, who had no fewer than three sisters already in the trade, did not automatically follow them either.
167 They are lighter in colour and lower in density than basalts or andesites, and contain fewer dark minerals.
168 But too many are from unqualified applicants competing for fewer job openings.
169 They keep fewer beef cattle and many of these are stall-fed rather than grazing in the fields.
170 However, it quickly emerged that this declaration was backed by fewer than a quarter of the Platform delegates at the congress.
171 Gradually, as people arrive home from work, the lights become fewer and night thickens across the whole landscape.
172 Living as it does at high level, it produces fewer lambs than other breeds.
173 The classless society has fewer class players than at any time in the game's history.
174 The more bandwidth such signals occupy, the more data they can carry; but the fewer signals can be sent.
175 Fewer still, just under 20 percent,(http:///fewer.html) say that they observe kosher dietary laws.
176 More tarmac and concrete has left fewer green fields for water to drain into underground reserves, as Sheila Brocklebank reports.
177 The big automobile companies, for example, are moving to work very closely with fewer suppliers.
178 They contain fewer households with cars, more mentally and physically disabled and more of those with limited educational qualifications.
179 This largely reflects the different composition of the case load, with fewer householder proposals, which almost always lack policies.
180 Fewer interactions, therefore, indicate more sustained conversations between teachers and their pupils.
181 Civil libertarians would be up in arms but it would mean fewer animals whose final romp is into a killing-room.
182 These adjustments carry through to the resource market as expanding industries demand more resources and contracting industries demand fewer.
183 To lose weight really effectively, you need to eat fewer calories than you expend each day and increase your activity level.
184 Customers' satisfaction - fewer customer complaints and loss of business. 3.
185 I can think of fewer couples more deserving of homage.
186 Others have found fewer differences between heterosexuals and homosexuals in alcohol consumption and abuse.
187 Schools of choice have lower dropout rates, fewer discipline problems, better student attitudes, and higher teacher satisfaction.
188 In the decline the church had experienced in the intervening years, fewer catholic school children had opted out.
189 But in Johnson's inner circle of advisers, there were fewer defections.
190 However arable farmers have fewer restraints on when they can inject.
191 In this issue Sibbald and colleagues show that fewer than half of counsellors have received specialist training in counselling.
192 Inevitably, though, with 14 fewer rooms to spread out in, the Pages had to part with several cherished possessions.
193 In 1995 fewer than 200 cyclists and pedestrians under 15 were killed.
194 On Sundays no fewer than 15 church services were available.
195 There were far fewer flags, a distinct lack of appetite for celebration.
196 Since far fewer females than males commit crimes, this preoccupation has been one main source of sexism.
197 The average age in the new chamber will be 15 years younger than in the outgoing body, with many fewer clerics.
198 Students in these programs have fewer required courses and receive more career guidance to help them design a course sequence.
199 It was estimated that no fewer than 30,000 people could congregate at Grand Central without serious crowding.
200 It also has other economic advantages in that it requires fewer facing bricks than solid walls!
201 And fewer than 10 % of shoe salespeople have had even basic training in foot anatomy or shoe sizing.
202 The Metropolitan Grill is relatively immense; no fewer than three dining areas divide the space.
203 The young concert pianist had spent fewer hours reaching concert standard than he had spent achieving a mediocre amateur level.
204 The Tories have also put on their blinkers, choosing fewer candidates from working-class origin and fewer Etonians.
205 People over age 65 who work get fewer benefits and, to add insult to injury ,(Sentencedict) they have to pay more in taxes.
206 No fewer than one in five homes in the United Kingdom now boasts an Activity Bear.
207 Fewer assumptions are made in such dictionaries about the linguistic competence of the user.
208 Cuts in the education budget have led to fewer teachers and larger classes.
209 If fewer than ten students sign up, the course will be discontinued.
210 The banks would have fewer bad debt provisions to declare.
211 Stepping towards the opponent's closed side provides fewer targets, though it does succeed in preventing an immediate, effective counter.
212 It also has fewer subsidiaries to shunt bad debt into.
213 New government reports released Thursday showed fewer claims for unemployment benefits and strong demand for new homes.
214 While there were fewer portrayals of contemporary life than in Soviet art, not all western artists looked inwards.
215 There were only a few dozen synagogues and fewer rabbis, yet the synod took two decades to convene.
216 No fewer than 364 economists signed a statement calling for a change of policy and traditional reflation.
217 Families headed by lone parents have fewer children than two parent families, with an average 1.6 dependent children compared with 1.8.
218 It means that it has fewer aural clues from which to decipher the sense.
219 These reports of significantly fewer drinking days in the disulfiram-treated patients were corroborated by the relatives or friends of the patients.
220 A learner's dictionary will define far fewer words and concentrate on examples of usage for those words.
221 The Sun Princess carries 1, 950 passengers, far fewer than ships far smaller.
222 Far fewer women with convictions then will have a dominant deviant identity.
223 No fewer than twenty-two countries were without any printed daily paper whatsoever.
224 The volunteers who drank alcohol contracted fewer colds during the study period than did the volunteers who drank no alcohol.
225 They took larger boats, had fewer engineering problems and provided good links to the northern seaports.
226 This stretch of coastline contains the outlets of no fewer than seven rivers.
227 This could result in fewer prosecutions and convictions for indecent assault.
228 Yet far from seeking to defend free speech, the Government is proposing to subject the media to even fewer controls.
229 There were almost 90 fewer people on the dole in Stockton this month.
230 Fewer passengers, less income, you don't need to be an accountant to see the outcome.
231 Between the New Delhi and Uppsala Assemblies no fewer than twenty-two unions were consummated.
232 Last February, fewer than 50 families were in bed and breakfast accommodation in the town.
233 As we saw in Chapter 1, women commit fewer crimes, less serious crimes and do less often.
234 People consumed fewer calories without even trying to do so.
235 Because the good old seeds aren't around any more(/fewer.html), plant breeders have fewer and fewer breeding options.
236 Its main advantage is that it contains fewer calories than margarIne.
237 But the first thing that's different is that Navigator has fewer buttons at the top of the window.
238 Other researchers can always find a correlation weight and early death because fewer heavy people than slender people exercise, he says.
239 Yet in the name of downsizing government Congress wants fewer rather than more central supervisors.
240 Ten years ago, fewer than 100 Harvard students took entrepreneur classes, he said.
241 Although statistics are hard to come by, anecdotal evidence suggests that there were fewer accidents ten years ago.
242 She noted that although fewer teenagers were licensed, vehicle accidents remained a leading cause of death for teenagers.
243 I was told of one particular youngster in Stockton-on-Tees who has been arrested and charged no fewer than 17 times this year.
244 During this period she published no fewer than ten books and articles in her field-the relationship between chemical structure and carcinogenicity.
245 The evidence is that when free concessionary travel was withdrawn fewer trips were made and there were fewer elderly bus passenger casualties.
246 Furthermore, Safe Streets would hardly be applicable in Tortolita, where there are few streets and fewer gangsters.
247 With careful pinpointing, manufacturers can have as big an impact with fewer coupons, he says.
248 A second shutdown that began in December furloughed fewer workers, 280, 000, but lasted 21 days.
249 Every year fewer Christmas cards arrived, and fewer still were sent.
250 In colonic neuropathies contractions were present, but their gastrocolonic response was absent and there were fewer HAPCs.
251 The division into a 13-year race and a I 7-year race has been arrived at independently, no fewer than three times.
252 As a result, there are fewer circuits open for regular voice calls.
253 Fewer consumers will be reflected by a decrease in demand.
254 He turns down a small side alley where the scene is quieter, with fewer glaring neon signs and nude photo displays.
255 Modern armies consist of fewer soldiers and more advanced weapons systems.
256 Merger mania With fewer companies chasing bigger chunks of business[], merger mania has broken out.
257 In studying their alumni fund-raising campaigns, administrators found female graduates had fewer ties to their alma maters.
258 It is technical advance which makes it possible to create the world's goods with the labour of fewer and fewer people.
259 The subset containing fabliaux with lavatory humour, tales concerning basic bodily functions of excretion or flatulence, are fewer in number.
260 In other words, the circuit may be physical two - wire (or even physical one - wire) and logical four - wire , performing as a four-wire circuit but employing fewer than four wires.
261 Fewer children are being born the birthrate among the lowest in the world.
262 People who eat vegetable rich diets also tend to have fewer incidences of constipation, hemorrhoids and spastic colon.
263 If it is non-firm offer, it may be contain fewer items, but also terms must be reserved such as "subject to our final confirmation".
264 But in the past few years, a brave group of scientists, fewer in number than male nurses, has been trying to uncover the physiology of laughter and its provable medical benefits.
265 Conclusion: "Qingfei Quzhi Decoction" can improve acne and reduce seborrhea secretion(sentence dictionary), with fewer side reactions and lower cost.
266 Sousa denied the cuts, however, would mean fewer dresses or less plastic surgery for girls competing.
267 But that is based on today's agriculture. Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed.
268 Isolable carbocyclic compounds contain seven or fewer carbons in the cycle.
269 Oddment : A book section with fewer pages than the others and which has to be printed separately.
270 They were 26% less likely to have a stroke over 13 years than those who ate fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily.
271 Unless the pieces are large or are very expensive to use fewer parts, we can guarantee in the general section to within 24 hours of delivery.
272 Using larger format cells means far fewer interconnects are required and the complexity of building packs from the cells is greatly reduced.
273 Dun and Bradstreet predict that businesses with fewer than 20 employees have only a 37 percent chance of surviving for four years.




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