随便看 |
- the least of problems
- the least of sb concerns
- the least of sb problems
- the least of sb troubles
- the least of sb worries
- the least of somebody's concerns
- the least of somebody's problems
- the least of somebody's troubles
- the least of somebody's worries
- the least of somebody's worries/problems/troubles/concerns
- the least of troubles
- the least of worries
- the lebanon
- the-lebanon
- thelebanon
- the lecture circuit
- the lees
- the leeward islands
- the-leeward-islands
- the left
- the left bank
- the-left-bank
- the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing
- the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
- the left left
- Air conditioning
- Cushion
- Iconic
- Affably
- Bier
- Tattling
- Hearse
- Suffering
- Felt
- Common
- 百喻经全集《贫人烧粗褐衣喻》译文赏析
- 百喻经全集《贼偷锦绣用裹氀褐喻》译文赏析
- 百喻经全集《踏长者口喻》译文赏析
- 百喻经全集《送美水喻》译文赏析
- 百喻经全集《野干为折树枝所打喻》译文赏析
- 百喻经全集《雇倩瓦师喻》译文赏析
- 百喻经全集《饮木筒水喻》译文赏析
- 百喻经全集《驼瓮俱失喻》译文赏析
- 百回杀人身合死,赦书尚有收城功
- 百围之木,始于勾萌;万里之途,起于跬步
- 百姓不可一日有此色,士大夫不可一日不知此味
- 百姓冻馁谓之国穷,妻子困乏谓之家穷,气血虚弱谓之身穷,学问空疏谓之心穷。
- 百姓只干正经事,不怕衣食不丰足。君臣只干正经事,不怕天下不太平。试问百司庶府,所职者何官?终日所干者何事?有道者可以自省矣。
- 百姓多寒无可救,一身独暖亦何情。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 百姓宁贱售而与民为市,不贵值而与官为市。故物满于廛,货充于肆,官求之则不得,益价而求之亦不得。有一官府欲采缯,知市值,密使吏增直,得之。既行,而商知其官买也,追之,已入公门矣。是商也,明日逃去。人谓商曰:“此公物不亏值。”曰:“吾非为此公。今日得我一缯,他日责我无极。人人未必皆此公,后日未必犹此公也。减直何害?甚者经年不予直;迟直何害?甚者竟不予直;一物无直何害?甚者数取皆无直。吏卒因而附取亦无直
- Gulag句子
- Holy communion句子
- Whereof句子
- Antivenin句子
- Calming句子
- Rotor blade句子
- Long run句子
- Variable cost句子
- Fixed cost句子
- Perm句子
- Total cost句子
- Episodically句子
- Power supply句子
- Secured debt句子
- Damages句子